Weekday Services - March 3rd - 7th - 03/02/25

This week! Every day! See This Week's Schedule on the right. Take note of the Pre‑Sanctified Liturgies. This month they are every Wednesday morning and Friday evening. For the Friday evening liturgy, plan to fast from noon / lunchtime onward.

Mission Talk - March 9th - 03/02/25

The Stultzes are looking to lead a conversation / brainstorming session next Sunday afternoon (March 9th) at 3:00 p.m. in the Fellowship Hall. A key component to launching a mission is having families that are interested in doing so. Please consider being part of this meeting if a mission has been something you like the idea of helping with, or at least make your interest known to them.

This Week's Schedule - 03/02/25

Monday, March 3rd

Great Compline with the

Canon of St. Andrew of Crete

at 6:00 p.m.



Tuesday, March 4th

Great Compline with the 

Canon of St. Andrew of Crete

at 6:00 p.m.


Wednesday, March 5th

Ninth Hour

at 8:45 a.m.

Presanctified Liturgy

at 9:00 a.m.


Great Compline with the

Canon of St. Andrew of Crete

at 6:00 p.m.


Thursday, March 6th

Great Compline with the

Canon of St. Andrew of Crete

at 6:00 p.m.


Friday, March 7th

Ninth Hour

at 5:45 p.m.

Presanctified Liturgy

at 6:00 p.m.


Saturday, March 8th

St. Theodore


at 8:40 a.m.

Divine Liturgy

at 9:00 a.m.


Great Vespers


at 5:00 p.m.

followed by



Sunday, March 9th

Sunday of Orthodoxy


at 8:00 a.m.

Divine Liturgy with Icon Procession

at 9:00 a.m.


followed by



Mission Talk

at 3:00 p.m.

Baby Shower - March 1st - 02/23/25

On Saturday, March 1st, Xenia (Olivia) Scott will have her baby shower here in our Fellowship Hall from 11:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. For more details see Ruth (Emma) Long or Julianna Hill.

Cheesefare / Clean Week - 02/23/25

Next Sunday is Forgiveness Sunday and the beginning of the Great Fast (vegan). Plan ahead! See the front of this bulletin along with the March & April calendars. Beginning with Saturday, March 1st, we’ll have nine straight days of services.

Weekday Services and Baptisms - February 25th - 02/23/25

This week is a special service on Tuesday, February 25th. Angel, Juji, and Bryce will be baptized into Christ!  We will have a time of fellowship afterwards, so bring something to share.

Paula Daubert - February 26th and 27th - 02/23/25

Paula Daubert reposed in the Lord this past Thursday. The viewing and the funeral will be here at St. Michael’s.

On Wednesday, February 26th there will be Visitation at 6:00 p.m. followed by a Panikhida at 7:00 p.m.

On Thursday, February 27th there bill be Visitation again at 10:00 a.m. followed by the Funeral at 11:00 a.m. The burial will be at All Saints Cemetery immediately after the funeral.  We will then return to St. Michael's for a fellowship meal.

Summer Camp - Register ASAP! - 02/19/25

Register ASAP for summer camp. See below for the links.

Summer Camp Registration Announcement

Summer Camp Registration

Fasting Recipes - 02/19/25

Take note of the link in the weekly email - Elizabeth Clause has put together a list of fasting ideas for families. If you have a favorite you want to share, let her know.

Youth Group - February 22nd - 02/19/25

Next Saturday (February 22nd) is our shorter youth group in the Fellowship Hall at 4:00 p.m.

Soul Saturday - February 22nd - 02/19/25

Next Saturday is the eve of the Sunday of the Last Judgment. See the excerpt on the opposite side for more details about this day. There will be a Vespers which will include the commemoration of our February departed on Friday at 6:00 p.m. (watch for an email from Father this week.) On Saturday at 9:00 a.m. we will have a Divine Liturgy that will commemorate all of the parish departed that we have on record from 1973. 

Weekday Services - February 11th and 12th - 02/09/25

We will have our regular weekday Vespers & Divine Liturgy this week.

Weekday Vespers is on Tuesday, February 11th at 6:00 p.m. with fellowship following (please bring a snack to share.)

Wednesday morning (February 12th) we will celebrate Divine Liturgy at 9:00 a.m. (Hours at 8:40 a.m.).

All-American Council Delegate Needed - 02/09/25

Last call - if you are willing to be a delegate for our parish at the 21st All-American Council of the OCA in Phoenix, AZ from July 14-18th please speak with me.

Vacuums - 02/09/25

We need one or two volunteers to help with the maintenance and upkeep of our vacuum cleaners.  Duties include normal maintenance such as emptying the canisters and changing filters.  Please speak with Chris Carey for more information.

Weekday Services - February 4th and 5th - 02/02/25

We will have our regular weekday Vespers & Divine Liturgy this week.  Vespers is on Tuesday (February 4th) at 6:00 p.m. with fellowship following (please bring a snack to share.) On Wednesday morning (February 5th) we will celebrate Divine Liturgy at 9:00 a.m.  (Hours at 8:40 a.m.)

Youth Group - February 8th - 02/02/25

Next Saturday (February 8th) the first of two youth group meetings this month will take place. This one is at 3:00 p.m.  Parents, please bring some food & snacks to share.

Pre-Lenten Retreat - February 15th - 01/12/25

Archimandrite Sergius, Abbot of St. Tikhon’s Monastery will be with us next weekend (Saturday, February 15th) along with the miracle working icon of St. Anna - please make plans to be here for this special weekend! His first talk will be at 1:00 p.m. and the second one at 3:00 p.m. He’ll share a short reflection after Great Vespers and be with us for Liturgy on Sunday, too. Catechumens - this is the author of the required Lenten reading Acquiring the Mind of Christ.

Note: Volunteers are needed to help with the snack break in between the two sessions - charcuterie, desserts, and beverages. Please see Madrecita to sign up.

Note 2: I will not be hearing confessions after Great Vespers on Saturday since my family is hosting Abbot Sergius.  Please plan on seeing me for confession after Tuesday Vespers or make an appointment during the week.

Youth Group - January 18th - 01/12/25

This month’s youth group meeting is next Saturday (January 18th) at 3:00 p.m. (Only one meeting this month.) Volunteers to help provide a meal are appreciated - see Emmelia Peck.

Men's and Women's Groups - January 14th and 17th - 01/12/25

The men meet this Tuesday (January 14th) in the Fellowship Hall right after the 6:00 p.m. Daily Vespers. The women meet this Friday (January 17th) at 7:00 p.m. in Perpetua (Colleen) Shatley's home.  

House Blessings - 01/12/25

Please see Madrecita to schedule a house blessing. They can be done until Great Lent begins and then after Pascha as well.

Holy Water - 01/12/25

Holy Water that was blessed last week for Theophany is now available in the candle room. Feel free to help  yourself! Holy Water bottles are available at the bookstore for $1.00 each.

Important Dates - 01/01/25

Tuesday, March 25th

Annunciation of the Most Holy Theotokos

Parish Holy Supper - December 24th - 12/22/24

On the Eve of the Nativity (December 24th), we will have our traditional pre-Vigl meal (note that Vigil is at 6:30 p.m.). A link to sign-up was sent out via the parish email. If you missed the email, Madrecita has a print-out of what we still need for the meal.

Theophany - January 6th - 12/22/24

Looking ahead, Theophany falls on a Monday this year (January 6th). The Vigil for Theophany will be on Sunday evening (January 5th) at 5:00 p.m. Please plan to be there with your families - we will bless the waters during the Vigil and also process around blessing everyone present as well as the Church, Church School, and our fellowship hall (and everything in between). We will also bless waters at the end of Divine Liturgy on Theophany. Be sure and bring containers to take some home. Holy Water bottles are available at the bookstore for $1 each.

Diocesan Assembly - January 23rd & 24th - 12/22/24

Please help on January 23rd & 24th! Madrecita has a sign-up list for volunteers as well as food items needed.

New Year's Eve - December 31st - 12/22/24

Ring in the New Year here at St. Michael’s. The gathering will begin at 7:00 p.m. on December 31st in the fellowship hall. Please bring your favorite drink and snack to share. There is a sign-up list available - see Emmelia Peck. Feel free to bring a game to play or your favorite musical instrument.

Nativity Services - December 23rd, 24th and 25th - 12/22/24

Please note the various services we have for the Nativity this year:

  • Royal Hours of the Nativity will be on Monday evening at 6:00 p.m.
  • Newly added is the Vesperal Liturgy of St. Basil on Tuesday morning at 9:00 a.m. This liturgy is like that of Holy Saturday and includes 8 Old Testament readings.
  • The time of the Nativity Vigil on Tuesday evening at 6:30 p.m.  The time is a half hour earlier than it was in prior years.
  • On Christmas Day, Hours will be at 8:40 a.m. followed by Divine Liturgy at 9:00 a.m.

Parish Annual Meeting - January 12th - 12/15/24

The date for the annual parish meeting has been set for Sunday, January 12th. Watch for a meeting packet in the coming weeks. As a reminder, to be a voting member requires one to be in good standing.

Weekday Services - December 17, 18 and 20th - 12/15/24

Weekday Vespers is on Tuesday, December 17th at 6:00 p.m. We have a weekday Liturgy on Wednesday morning, December 18th at 9:00 a.m. (Hours at 8:40 a.m.), and this Friday, December 20th we will sing the Akathist Hymn for the Nativity of Christ at 6:00 p.m.

Diocesan Assembly - 12/15/24

There will be an initial planning meeting headed by Alice Morjana today in order to start preparing for the Diocesan Assembly (January 23rd & 24th) at which the bishop, priests from our diocese, and a parishioner from each parish (delegate) will attend. We need plenty of help - On Thursday the 23rd we provide a meal and host the "wine & cheese" social. On Friday morning after Divine Liturgy, there will be a vegan brunch provided. We will need volunteers to help host & provide set-up and clean-up for all of these phases.

All American Assembly - 12/15/24

This year, the All-American Assembly for the Orthodox Church in America is being held in Phoenix, Arizona from July 14-18. These assemblies are held once every three years and a representative from our parish will need to attend with me (and my family). The parish covers the travel, hotel, and meals (if you take your family, you'll need to cover their expenses.) There is an equivalent to a youth camp offered for the kids if someone does want to take their family. Please let me know ASAP if you are willing to be considered as our representative. We will need an alternate as well.

Giving Opportunities - 12/08/24

We have several Nativity Fast giving opportunities - Please help donate to Eastside HUB See the list near the containers in the hallway to the Fellowship Hall. Donations can be made online or in the basket for the Veteran’s grocery gift cards. Donations to the Good Samaritan Fund always are welcome and needed. On Sunday, December 15th, Church School children will be soliciting for donations to help provide livestock to families in poverty here in the US and around the globe.

Confession - 12/08/24

As always, fasting seasons are a good time to catch up on confession and get back in the habit if it has dropped off. (Per our bishop and guidelines confession should be on a regular basis, more or less monthly.) Father is available after all Vespers services and the Akathist services as well. He is also available by appointment before those services or at other times during the week.

Weekday Services - 12/08/24

Weekday Vespers is on Tuesday, December 10th at 6:00 p.m.  We have a weekday Divine Liturgy on Wednesday morning (December 11th) at 9:00 a.m. (Hours at 8:40 AM), and this Friday, December 13th we will sing the Akathist Hymn for the Nativity of Christ at 6:00 p.m.

Youth Group - December 14th - 12/08/24

The December Youth Group meeting is Saturday, December 14th at 2:30 p.m. in the Fellowship Hall. Please note that there is only one Youth Group meeting this month.

Men's Group - December 10th - 12/08/24

The December Men’s group meeting is Tuesday, December 10th after Weekday Vespers. Please bring something to share (potluck).

Reminder: Veterans - 11/24/24

Please consider a donation to our annual Veterans gift-card fundraiser. Gift cards to grocery stores can placed in the basket in the Narthex or a direct donation to the fund works as well (we’ll buy the gift cards with those funds.)

Reminder: Volunteers - 11/24/24

Please help and join one of our primary volunteer teams: Fellowship Hour, Cleaning, and Service Duty (Candle Room / Usher). Sign-up sheets are on the display case across from the restrooms, outside the fellowship hall. 

Note: It will be assumed everyone is staying on their current teams - new sign-ups will be added to the current teams or extra teams will be added if we have enough volunteers. See Juliana Peck or Madrecita Emilia if you desire to make changes.

Council Openings - 11/24/24

We have an opening for Treasurer and a general Council Member. Each position is for a 3-year term. Serving on the council requires one to be in good standing as defined by our by-laws as well as a blessing from Father. Please see Fr. Dn. James or Ruth Kendall to nominate yourself or another (best to ask Father before nominating another as well.)

Giving Opportunity - Eastside HUB - 11/24/24

Please help donate to Eastside HUB - toiletries, underthings, socks, hats, coast, sneakers, etc. See the list near the containers in the hallway to the Fellowship Hall.

Thanksgiving - November 28th - 11/24/24

Fr. Timothy Hojnicki will lead a prayer service of thanksgiving on Thanksgiving Day at 9 :00 a.m. Also, take note of the Thanksgiving prayer in this bulletin - use it before enjoying your Thanksgiving Day meal.

Adult Bible Study - November 21st - 11/10/24

Please join Sdn Thaddeus as he leads a weekly Bible Study on Thursday, November 21st at 7:00 p.m. in our Fellowship Hall.   We will continue with Luke 24:13.

Zoom Information: 

Topic: St Michael's Adult Bible Study
Time: Nov 21, 2024 07:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 826 1153 8516
Passcode: 784354


Parking - 10/27/24

Please be mindful of how you park in the neighborhood. Parking on both sides of the street makes it difficult for the residents to get through or pull in & out of their driveways. We had a neighbor voice their concern this last weekend because they were stuck.

Volunteers - 10/27/24

It is time to start our volunteer drives for 2025. All who are physically able are encouraged to volunteer their time in some way. Three of those ways are:

  • Hospitality team for Fellowship Hour - Help host Fellowship Hour (every 10 weeks)
  • Cleaning team - Help clean the Church, bathrooms, and hallway (every ~7 weeks)
  • Service duty team - Help with the candle room, communion line, usher during Divine Liturgy on Sundays every (every 4 weeks)

Sign-up sheets are now on the display case in the hall of the Narthex.


November Calendars are Available - 10/27/24

The November Calendar is out! Copies are in the Narthex as well as online. Take note that the time changes next weekend and our Parish Feast Day is Friday, November 8th.

Weekday Services - October 29th and 30th - 10/27/24

On Tuesday, October 29th we will have Weekday Vespers at 6:00 p.m. followed by fellowship - bring a snack to share. Divine Liturgy will be on Wednesday, October 30th at 9:00 a.m. (Hours at 8:40).

Men's Group - October 15th - 10/13/24

The monthly men’s group meeting will be in the fellowship hall on Tuesday , October 15th after Vespers. Please join the GroupMe if you have not yet, and see Jeff Kendall for details.

Youth Outing - October 26th - 10/13/24

The youth group meeting for Saturday, October 26th will instead be an outing! The youth will meet at 10:00 a.m. at the Cherry Crest Adventure Farm. If you missed his email, see Dan Peck for the details.

October Panihkida - October 19th - 10/13/24

We will commemorate the October departed on Saturday, October 19th at 4:15 p.m. Please reply to Father’s email that will be sent out later this week if you wish to add a name to the commemoration list.

Parish Council - October 17th - 10/13/24

The October Parish Council meeting is on Thursday, October 17th at 6:30 p.m.

Weekday Services - October 15th & 16th - 10/13/24

On Tuesday, October 15th we will have Vespers at 6:00 p.m. (no fellowship in the hall due to men’s group). Wednesday, October 16th we will have Divine Liturgy at 9:00 a.m. (Hours at 8:40 a.m.). 

Reminder: Veteran's Fundraiser - 10/13/24

Please help us by donating gift cards to grocery stores or donating for the purchase of them. Place a donation in the veteran’s offering basket or make a donation online (choose Veteran’s Fundraiser in the dropdown box.) Please see Sam Sylvest if you have any questions.

Pumpkin Fundraiser - Now through October 27th - 10/13/24

It is time to prepare for this year’s pumpkin decorating fundraiser! Please take a pumpkin to decorate and bring it back for the fundraiser voting on October 27th. The funds this year will go to the IOCC. International Orthodox Christian Charities is an organization that offers emergency relief and development program worldwide. They are currently active in the areas hit by the recent  hurricanes and in war-torn areas such as Ukraine.

Weekday Services - October 8th and 9th - 10/06/24

On Tuesday we will have Great Vespers and Fellowship at 6:00 p.m. Wednesday will be Divine Liturgy at 9:00 a.m. (Hours at 8:40 a.m.). 

Youth Group - October 12th - 10/06/24

Next Saturday, October 12th at 4:00 p.m. is the Youth Devotional.  Please see Dan Peck with any questions.

Reminder: No snack or meal at this meeting since it is the shorter one. Vespers is at 5:00 p.m., so please dress appropriately for the service - not casually.

October Calendars Are Available - 10/06/24

Take note that the printed copy of the October calendar is now available in the narthex (entrance hall to the Church temple.)

Reminder: Classes - 09/29/24

We will have Church School and Foundations Class (Catechism) at 11:30 a.m.  Please allow teachers and children to go first in the fellowship meal line.

All are welcome to Foundations Class. Catechumens should be striving to attend every class. Our high-school aged students are strongly encouraged to attend as well.  Download The Orthodox Way of Life class text book if you have not already.

Feast Day - October 1st - 09/29/24

October 1st (Tuesday) is the feast of the Protection of the Theotokos. We will celebrate with Great Vespers and fellowship on Monday, September 30th at 6:00 p.m. Tuesday morning will be Divine Liturgy at 9:00 a.m. (Hours at 8:40) At the end of liturgy there will be a blessing of head coverings for those who are interested.

Weekday Services - September 24th and 25th - 09/22/24

This week we have Vespers on Tuesday, September 24th at 6:00 p.m. and Divine Liturgy on Wednesday, September 25th at 9:00 a.m. (Hours at 8:40 a.m.).

Youth Group - September 28th - 09/22/24

The “big” youth group meeting is coming up on Saturday the 28th at 2:30 p.m. Please bring food to share and have a change of clothing for Vespers.

Women's Fellowship - September 27th - 09/22/24

The women of the parish will be meeting at Bisrat Gabriel’s home On Friday, September 27th at 7:00 p.m. Please see Bisrat or Mat. Anna for more details. All the women of the parish are invited, including catechumens. Please bring a vegan snack to share.

Weekday Services - September 17th and 18th - 09/15/24

This week we have Vespers on Tuesday, September 17th and Liturgy on Wednesday, September 18th. We will have fellowship and a celebratory meal after Vespers for the baptism.  

Girls Group - September 17th - 09/15/24

The Faith, Hope, & Love girls group will be meeting on Tuesday for the Vespers service and a brief sharing of the lives of these saints (Martyrs Sophia and her daughters Faith, Hope, & Love.)

Sacraments - September 15th and 17th - 09/15/24

The wedding of Jacob Neal and Kristin Roberts is at 3:00 p.m. Sunday, September 15th.  On Tuesday, Septamber 17th at 5:00 p.m., Liliya Anastasia Minnich will be baptized. All are welcome to the ceremonies!

Reminder: Communion - 09/15/24

Those who partake in communion should line up on the sides, next to the windows. Those in line on the choir side will commune from either chalice (Dn. James or Fr. Silouan). Those on the confession side will go strictly to that side’s chalice (Dn. Nicholas). There are a few who will come up the middle aisle due to age or health related reasons. No one else should. We are aiming to keep the middle aisle free as the “exit.”

Church School and Foundations Class - September 22nd - 09/15/24

Sunday, September 15th was “meet the teacher” day for Church School. Classes will formally begin next Sunday, September 22nd.

Our Foundations catechism class will also begin on Sunday, September 22nd. Our high-schoolers are encouraged to attend Foundations and all adults are welcome.

Parish Council - September 12th - 09/08/24

Our September Parish Council meeting will be Thursday, September 12th at 6:30 p.m.

Youth Group - 09/08/24

Youth Group will be meeting twice a month now - next week will be a shorter meeting, a devotional time at 4:00 p.m. (No meal with this meeting.)

Fall Teen Retreat - October 18th - 20th - 09/08/24

The Diocesan Fall Teen retreat will be held during the weekend of October 18th-20th. Registration for participants is closed, but counselors are still needed. https://accounts.doepa.org

Church School and Foundations Class Begin - September 15th and 22nd - 09/01/24

Sunday, September 15th marks our first day of Church School. Foundations class begins the following weekend on the 22nd.

Men's Group Begins - September 10th - 09/01/24

Note that our men’s group launch is after weekday Vespers on Tuesday, September 10th. Contact Jeff Kendall for details.  (Also see  Father's email.)

Since the Men's Group will be meeting in the Fellowship Hall, there will be no fellowship after Vespers. 

Monthly Panikhida - September 7th - 09/01/24

We will commemorate our September departed next Saturday, September 7th at 4:15 p.m. Watch for the usual email from Father.

Great Feast - September 13th and 14th - 09/01/24

At the end of this week we celebrate the Exaltation of the Cross. We will have a full Vigil (Vespers & Matins) on Friday evening (September 13th) at 6:00 p.m. The vigil includes a litya and anointing as well. A festal liturgy will be on Saturday morning (September 14th) at 9:00 a.m. with Hours at 8:40 a.m.

Baptism - September 3rd - 09/01/24

Rather than weekday vespers on Tuesday, Jacob Neal will be baptized. Stick around for food and fellowship afterwards!

Preparation for Communion - 08/25/24

Please remember that we prepare for communion by fasting, prayer, and confession.

Fasting - We should be striving to keep all the fasting days, but in this case, fasting is specifically in reference to preparation for Divine Liturgy - unless blessed for health reasons, we should be abstaining from all food and drink from midnight until after communion. An exception is made for young children as well, but they should be having a simple breakfast, such as cereal, or a snack.

Prayer - We should be keeping a normal prayer rule, but there are also appointed prayers for when we are going to commune. These “Prayers Before Holy Communion” are found in most prayer books and also in our service books. Try to pray, at a minimum, three of these special preparatory prayers.

Confession - We should be confessing our sins regularly. When was the last time you took part in the sacrament of confession? Let the Holy Spirit be poured out upon you and renew your baptism.

No Weekday Services This Week - 08/25/24

Due to the iconography work, there will be no weekday services this week.

September - 08/25/24

September starts off with a bang! We have not only a lot of liturgical activity, but all the parish ministries begin again. Take note of all the key dates on the September calendar.

Worship Changes for August 17th and 18th - 08/11/24

This Saturday, August 17th we will have a Reader's Vespers led by our deacons. On Sunday, August 18th instead of Matins at 8:00 a.m., we will have Hours at 8:40 a.m.  Divine Liturgy will be served by Fr. Immanuel Pratsinakis.

Weekday Services for the Rest of August - 08/11/24

This week we only have the festal services. During the week of August 19th there will be no weekday services. The following week shows a Tuesday Vespers (August 27th) but this has been cancelled because the iconography for the front wall will be installed!

Fellowship Hour Fund - 08/11/24

Please remember we have an offering basket on the buffet section of the Fellowship Hall. We have a Fellowship Hour fund that those offerings are put into. Those offerings are used to supplement families or individuals who are less able to provide meals when it is their team’s turn.

Mealtrains - 08/11/24

We have 2 mealtrains going - please help out our families with newborns - see the emails sent by Father.

Weekday Services - August 5th, 6th and 9th - 08/04/24

No Tuesday Vespers this week since we will be having Great Vespers on Monday and Divine Liturgy on Tuesday due to the feast. As part of the Dormition Fast, we will pray the Paraklesis to the Theotokos on Friday at 6:00 p.m.

Great Feast: Dormition - August 14th & 15th - 08/04/24

We now have a shroud for the Theotokos. A case is currently be prepared for it and will hang opposite of the one of Christ. We will use it this year - a tomb will be setup for the Theotokos,  amentations will be sung, and a procession around the Church will be done as part of the full Vigil service on Wednesday evening, August 14th - don’t miss this! It is like Holy Friday but for the Mother of God.

Communion - 08/04/24

Please remember with the addition of Dn. Nicholas, we now will have three chalices too commune from.  Come up the sides as usual, and individuals and families can filter off to me in the center. The central analogion (stand with the icon) will be moved aside during communion to allow ample space.

Great Feast: Transfiguration - August 5th & 6th - 08/04/24

We celebrate the great feast of the Transfiguration of our Lord this week - Monday, August 5th is Great Vespers with Litya and Anointing at 6:00 p.m. and Tuesday, August 6th is Divine Liturgy at 9:00 a.m. (prayers of the 3rd & 6th hours at 8:40 a.m.) As is tradition, bring a basket of fruit to be blessed at the end of Liturgy on Tuesday.

Great Feast: The Transfiguration of Our Lord - August 6th - 07/28/24

Take note that the great feast of the Transfiguration of our Lord is around the corner. It falls on Tuesday, August 6th. Plan ahead to be at Divine Liturgy and also bring a basket of fruit to be blessed.

Dormition Fast - August 1st - 14th - 07/28/24

This Dormition Fast begins this Thursday, August 1st and lasts until the Great Feast of the Dormition of the Mother of God on Thursday, August 15th. In addition to fasting from meat and dairy, let us be mindful of increasing the other ascetic endeavors as well - prayer and almsgiving.

Weekday Services - July 23rd & 24th - 07/21/24

This week we have Tuesday Vespers at the usual time of 6:00 p.m. with fellowship and snackluck afterwards (please bring something to share if you stay).

We also will have a weekday liturgy on Wednesday at 9:00 a.m. (hours at 8:40 a.m.).

Wedding - July 28th - 07/21/24

Next weekend is also the wedding of our own Xenia (Olivia) Long. She and Alexander Scott will be betrothed and crowned by Archbishop MARK at St. Michael's at 3:00 p.m. All are welcome to the ceremony; the reception is only for those who submitted an RSVP.

Ordination - July 28th - 07/21/24

Archbishop MARK will be with us next weekend. We will have a hierarchical liturgy in which Sbdn. Nicholas DiDonato will be ordained a deacon. Be watchful next week as we might begin that day to have three chalices during communion. We’ll be working out the logistics of how that will look and flow over the next several weeks.

Tuesday Vespers - July 16th - 07/14/24

This week we have Tuesday Vespers at the usual time of 6:00 p.m. with fellowship and snackluck afterwards (please bring something to share if you stay).

Women's Fellowship - July 19th - 07/14/24

The next women’s get together is at the Whalen’s house this Friday, July 19th at 7:00 p.m.

Weekday Services - July 9th and 10th - 07/07/24

This week we have Tuesday Vespers at the usual time of 6:00 p.m. with fellowship and snackluck afterwards (please bring something to share if you stay). We will also have a weekday Liturgy on Wednesday morning, July 10th, at 9:00 a.m.

Parish Council - July 11th - 07/07/24

The next council meeting is Thursday, July 11th at 6:30 p.m.

Panikhida - July 13th - 07/07/24

Next Saturday (July 13th) is our prayer service for the July departed. Watch for Father’s usual email to submit requests.

Church Camp - Thank You! - 07/07/24

Thank you to all who participated at camp and especially to the volunteers. We easily had the most involved parish both staff and camper wise. Glory to God, and again, thank you!

Camp Week! - 06/30/24

Many in our parish, families and individuals alike, are part of the St. Tikhon’s Summer Camp this week - a number have already gone ahead to prepare. Please keep all the camp participants in your prayers.

Dress Code - 06/30/24

Please remember to dress appropriately for worship services, no matter how hot. With the exception of the very young (babies / toddlers) shorts or other types of revealing clothing are not proper. It is ok to bring a change of clothing for fellowship time afterwards.

No Weekday Services this Week - 06/30/24

Note that we have no services this week due to church camp. We will resume next week with a weekday Vespers and Liturgy on Tuesday the 9th & 10th respectively.

Fast Free Week - June 23rd - 29th - 06/23/24

In celebration of Pentecost, this is a fast free week! Enjoy the fast free Wednesday & Friday.

Feast of Ss Peter & Paul - June 28th & 29th - 06/23/24

Saturday, June 29th is the feast of the Apostles Peter & Paul. We will celebrate with Great Vespers on Friday, June 28th at 6:00 p.m. and Divine Liturgy on Saturday morning at 9:00 a.m.  (Hours at 8:40 a.m.)

Weekday Services This Week - 06/16/24

There will be no weekday services this week.  They will resume on Tuesday, June 26th with Weekday Vespers and Fellowship.

Great Feast of Pentecost - June 22nd and 23rd - 06/16/24

Next weekend we celebrate the “birthday” of the Church, Pentecost! Next Saturday’s Great Vespers will be festal with a Litya and anointing. On Sunday, we'll have Festal Matins and Divine Liturgy followed by a celebratory Fellowship Hour.  Then we'll come back to the Church for Kneeling Vespers. As a reminder, during the entire time from Pascha until Pentecost there is no kneeling or prostrations. With Kneeling Vespers, we begin again and also reintroduce the “O Heavenly King” prayer back into our prayer rules. 

Decorating for Pentecost - June 21st - 06/16/24

On Friday, June 21st at 2:00 p.m., Madrecita will have the Church open. If you have time, come and help us decorate for Pentecost.

Parish Council - June 16th - 06/09/24

The June parish council meeting is scheduled for Sunday the 16th following Fellowship Hour.

Father's Day Potluck - June 16th - 06/09/24

Sunday the 16th is the Father’s Day potluck. The women will host the men.

Commemoration of the June Departed - June 15th - 06/09/24

We will commemorate our June departed at the end of Great Vespers on Saturday the 15th. Father will send out an email midweek, please reply if you wish to add a name to the list.

Youth Events - June 15th - 06/09/24

On Saturday, the 15th, the Youth Choir will meet at 2:30 p.m. in the Fellowship Hall. The Youth Group will meet afterwards at 3:00 p.m.

Women's Fellowship - June 14th - 06/09/24

The next women’s fellowship will be held on Friday, the 14th, at the Najemy’s at 7:00 p.m Check with Anna DiDonato, Bisrat Gabriel, or Laura Najemy for details.

Weekday Services - June 12th and 13th - 06/09/24

This week we celebrate the Great Feast of the Ascension of our Lord! Great Vespers with Litya & Anointing will be Wednesday the 12th at 6:00 p.m., and the Divine Liturgy on Thursday the 13th is at 9:00 a.m. (Hours at 8:40 a.m.).  Note that there is a potluck after liturgy.

Tice Baptism - June 15th, RSVP by June 10th - 06/02/24

The Tice family is inviting the parish to Sophia’s baptism on Saturday, June 15th at 10:00 a.m. A celebratory meal will follow, but please RSVP by June 10th for the meal (see the emails Father sent.)

Last Park Play Date - August 9th - 06/02/24

There is one final play date remaining for this summer.  It will be on Friday, August 9th at Nichols Park in Landenberg, PA from 9:00 am to approximately 1:00 p.m.

Elizabeth Clause and family are hosting.

Calendar Typo and Changes - 06/02/24

If you took a paper copy of the June calendar already, please correct the following: Liturgy for the Ascension is 9:00 a.m., not 9:00 p.m., and there will be a Great Vespers for the feast of the Holy Apostles on Friday, June 28th at 6:00 p.m.

Great Feast of the Ascension - June 12th and 13th - 06/02/24

The Great Feast for the Ascension of our Lord is around the corner. Note that we have Great Vespers with Litya & Anointing on Wednesday, June 12th at 6:00 p.m. and the Divine Liturgy on Thursday, June 13th at 9:00 a.m. (Hours at 8:40 a.m.).

Visiting Priest - June 9th - 06/02/24

Please give a warm welcome to Fr. Emmanuel Pratsinakis next weekend. He’ll be substituting for Fr. Silouan serving both Matins and Divine Liturgy on Sunday morning.

Mother's Day - Thank You! - 05/19/24

Thank you to all our men who made our Mother’s Day potluck a success and for serving and cleaning-up well.

Weekday Vespers - May 14th - 05/12/24

We have a weekday Vespers service & “Snackluck” fellowship onTuesday at 6:00 p.m. Father is available for confession before and after the service.

Youth Group - May 25th - 05/12/24

Note that our next youth group meeting is two weeks away on Saturday the 25th at 3:00 p.m. For those that are part of the youth choir, there will be a rehearsal beforehand at 2:30 p.m.

Pascha Egg Hunt - May 19th - 05/12/24

Our annual Pascha Egg hunt is planned for next Sunday, May 19th. Also note that there will be no Church School classes that day.

Women's Fellowship - May 17th - 05/12/24

All women of the parish are invited to the monthly fellowship at the Koehler’s home on Friday, May 17th at 7:00 p.m.  Please ask or see the weekly email for their address.

Panikhidas - May 12th and 13th - 05/12/24

We have two Panikhidas for the 40th day of repose.

The first was held today (May 12th) for the Mitered Archpriest Emil Minkovich. His wife, Matushka Natalie recently joined our parish. We should continue to pray for Matushka Natalie and the departed Fr. Emil.

The second will be held tomorrow (May 13th) for Edward Hojnicki Jr. at 5:00 p.m. here at St. Michael’s. Everyone is invited.

This Week - 04/28/24

Holy Week begins!  See the full schedule on the bulletin or on this web page. Separate printouts are also available in the Narthex. Don’t forget about Agape Vespers and the festal potluck on Pascha Sunday afternoon at 3:00 p.m.

Sign Up! - 04/28/24

There are several sign-up sheets in the Narthex.  Please add your name!

Archpastoral Visit - April 29th & 30th - 04/28/24

Note that Archbishop MARK will be with us Monday evening and Tuesday morning. Let us gather around our bishop and worship!

Services - April 22nd - 28th - 04/21/24

Lazarus Saturday and Palm Sunday are next weekend! We have several services this week (see This Week's Schedule on this page) but especially note the baptism service on Saturday morning with a potluck following. Catechumens John Plumley and Patrick Finlaw will be baptized. Also note that we have a litya and anointing during Great Vespers next Saturday evening.

Make Your Confessions by April 30th - 04/21/24

Holy Week will be a busy time, please see me for confession no later than Holy Tuesday (April 30th).

Holy Week Begins - April 28th - 04/21/24

This is our final week of Great Lent! Holy Week begins with Bridegroom Matins on Sunday, April 28th. Please check the Holy Week schedule and try to be here for all the services that you can. Note the visit by Archbishop MARK on Monday, April 29th and Tuesday, April 30th.

We Are Now Live Streaming on YouTube - 04/21/24

If you haven’t yet, please subscribe to our YouTube channel! We’ll be using this platform to broadcast Divine Liturgies onto the television now in the  Fellowship Hall.

Schedule Changes This Week - 04/14/24

Father and family are headed up to St. Tikhon’s for confession on Thursday. There will be no services on Thursday the 18th or Friday the 19th this week. Also note that the Wednesday services have
changed: Presanctified Liturgy on Wednesday will now be at 9:00 a.m. (9th Hour & Typica at 8:45 a.m.). Matins with the Great Canon of St. Andrew of Crete and the life of St. Mary of Egypt will be
on Wednesday evening at 6:00 p.m. instead of on Thursday.

Thank You - 04/14/24

Thank you to all who helped in one way or another last week with Ed Hojnicki's funeral. Those two days were “nonstop” and showed the impact of Ed’s life on our parish and the community. Despite the worldly recognition that he earned, he reposed well in the Lord - in humility, his eyes on the Lord, and with the hope of the resurrection to come.

Parish Council - April 11 - 04/08/24

Our April parish council meeting is scheduled for this Thursday at 6:30 p.m.

Tuesday Compline Cancelled - April 9th - 04/08/24

The compline service scheduled for Tuesday, April 9th at 6:00 p.m. is cancelled.

Funeral Arrangements for Ed Hojnicki - April 8th & 9th - 04/08/24

Here are the latest arrangements for Ed Hojnicki's funeral:

Monday, April 8th: Viewings and Panakhida

  • 1st Viewing: 1:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m.
  • Break
  • 2nd Viewing: 5:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m
  • Panikhida: 7:00 p.m

We will have snacks and drinks available in the fellowship hall throughout the afternoon. A "mealtrain" is setup - please signup if you can help bring snacks, drinks, or volunteer time to setup / cleanup. https://www.mealtrain.com/potlucks/zn30kr

Tuesday, April 9th: Viewing and Funeral

  • 3rd Viewing: 10:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m.
  • Funeral Service: 11:00 a.m.
  • Burial at All Saints Cemetery

A mercy meal will follow at Minquadale Fire Hall. All are welcome! The main meal is provided, but deserts are welcome.  

Minquadale Fire Hall, 129 E Hazeldell Ave, New Castle, DE 19720

Upcoming Ministries - 04/07/24

This coming Saturday, April 20th, our Women’s Group is meeting at 3:00 pm. in the Fellowship Hall.

That same weekend, the girl’s group, Faith, Hope, & Love will have their retreat to St. Nina’s.

Reminder: St. Basil's Liturgy - 04/07/24

This Sunday is the Liturgy of St. Basil. If you are using one of the service books to follow along, note the transition at the litany for the catechumens - turn to pg. 81.

Great Lent Services This Week - 03/17/24

Take note of all the services this week. It is a lot, but let us all push ourselves to attend all we can, even if it is for part of the service. Yes, it is hard, but this ascetic labor aids in our salvation.

Take note that the Lenten Prayer of St. Ephraim of Syria is available on the website.  Keep a copy if you don’t have the prayer memorized, and add it to your daily prayers throughout Lent.

Lenten Retreat - March 30th - 03/17/24

This Saturday. Fr. John Parker of St. Tikhon's Seminary will be sharing on "The Slavery of Liberty."  There will be two sessions - 1:30 to 2:45 and 3:15 to 4:30.  St. Tikhon's Seminary Choir will sing Great Vespers at our usual time of 5:00 p.m.  A reception potluck will be held in the Fellowship Hall afterwards.

Sunday of Orthodoxy - March 24th - 03/17/24

Bring your icons! Remember that we do a procession to cap off Divine Liturgy next Sunday, but this time Archbishop MARK will lead us!

Summer Camp - Counselors Needed! - 03/03/24

We still need Counselors & Staff for the upcoming summer camp. Please register ASAP!

Archpastoral Visit - March 23rd and 24th - 03/03/24

Archbishop MARK will be with us March 23rd and 24th for the Sunday of Orthodoxy. Let us gather around our bishop in worship! He is Christ in our midst, we should all make every effort to be here!

Youth Events - March 16th and 17th - 03/03/24

Plan ahead: Saturday, March 16th the entire youth group meets in the Fellowship Hall at 3:00 p.m. and Sunday, March 17th Faith, Hope, and Love (girls) meets at the Clause home.

Parish Council - March 7th - 03/03/24

The Parish Council meeting for March is on Thursday, March 7th at 6:30 p.m.

Soul Saturday - March 8th and 9th - 03/03/24

Soul Saturdays are a common feature in Great Lent, with the first one occurring on Meatfare Saturday (Saturday, March 9th). We’ll celebrate one of them this year, commemorating our departed for March with Soul Saturday Vespers on Friday, March 8th at 6:00 p.m. and Divine Liturgy on Saturday, March 9th at 9:00 a.m.

In two weeks, we’ll celebrate St. Theodore’s Saturday on March 23rd and commemorate all of the parish departed and loved ones (annual commemoration of the departed). Father will email midweek for requests. 

Diaconal Program - 02/25/24

This fall there will be a diaconal vocations program hosted at the cathedral in Philadelphia. If you have an interest in pursing the diaconate, please see Father.

Fast Free Week This Week! - 02/25/24

This week is a fast free week - a respite as we head towards Great Lent. Enjoy some meat and dairy on Wednesday and Friday.

Women's Group Begins - March 1st - 02/25/24

A new women’s group is forming up! Anna (Susanne) DiDonato and Bisrat Gabriel will be leading it; it begins this Friday, March 1st at 7:30 p.m. The first meeting will be at Anna DiDonato’s home, please bring a snack to share. Contact Anna for more information: susanne.didonato@gmail.com.

Orthodox Tours - 02/18/24

Please see the flyer at the entrance of the Fellowship Hall. You can also check out the Orthodox Tours website. The tours are lead by Fr. Ilya Gotlinsky, an OCA priest up in Binghamton, NY. 

Weekday Vespers - February 27th - 02/18/24

Tuesday at 6:00 p.m. we have Weekday Vespers and fellowship - please bring a snack to share if you will be staying to fellowship.

Church Camp - June 30th - July 6th - 02/18/24

Registration for the diocesan Summer Camp is now full!  However, registration will open up again tomorrow (Monday, February 26th) at 6:00 p.m.  Go to the registration link  at that time if you are still interested in registering.  The camp is at St. Tikhon’s Monastery & Seminary from June 30th - July 6th. Once again, there is no charge for all the children of our diocese.

Note: We still need kitchen help and camp counselors.  If you can't volunteer for the entire week, please consider volunteering for one or two days.

Girls Group - February 24th - 02/18/24

Note that the next Faith, Hope, & Love get together is at the Kendall’s next Saturday, February 24th at 1:30 p.m.

Weekday Vespers - February 6th - 02/04/24

Tuesday at 6:00 p.m. we have Weekday Vespers and fellowship - please bring a snack to share if you will be staying for fellowship.

Panikhida - February 10th - 02/04/24

Our February prayers for the departed are scheduled for Saturday (2/10) at 4:15 p.m. If you would like to add someone to the departed list, please reply to the email that will be sent later this week.

Weekday Vespers - January 30th - 01/28/24

Join us on Tuesday at 6:00 p.m. for Weekday Vespers and fellowship with a “snackluck” following. 

Great Feast: The Meeting of the Lord in the Temple - February 1st and 2nd - 01/28/24

This week we celebrate the Great Feast commemorating the Meeting of our Lord in the Temple. Let us worship together on Thursday, February 1st at 6:00 p.m. (Great Vespers with Litya and Anointing) and Friday, February 2nd at 9:00 a.m. (Divine Liturgy with Hours at 8:40 a.m.). There will be no Bible Study this week due to the Great Feast.

Women's Retreat - March 2nd - 01/21/24

Our diocese is having a single-day women’s retreat on March 2nd. A link to the flyer was provided in the weekly email and a printed one can be found at the fellowship hall entrance. Speak with Madrecita Emilia for more details, she’ll be going!

Weekday Vespers - January 23rd - 01/21/24

Join us on Tuesday at 6:00 p.m. for Weekday Vespers and fellowship with a “snackluck” following.

Youth Group - January 27th - 01/14/24

The January youth group meeting will be held on Saturday, January 27th at 3:00 p.m.

Teen Retreat - Counselors Needed! - 01/07/24

One man and at least two women are needed to be counselors at the upcoming Teen Retreat.  The retreat will be held on the weekend of February 9th - 11th. Please consider volunteering!

Weekday Vespers - January 9th - 01/07/24

Join us on Tuesday for Weekday Vespers and Fellowship. A “snackluck” will follow the half-hour service.

Monthly Panikhida - January 13th - 01/07/24

Or memorial service for the January departed is on Saturday the 13th at 4:15 p.m. Watch for the email and reply if you have a request.

Koehler Baptism - January 13th - 01/07/24

Phoebe Koehler, daughter of John & Grace Elizabeth will be baptized next Saturday the 13th at 10:30 a.m.

Vladimirov Panikhida - January 3rd - 12/31/23

A grave-side panikhida will be held at All Saints Cemetery for Nikolay Vladimirov on Wednesday, January 3rd at 11:00 a.m. 

Minnich Funeral - January 2nd - 12/31/23

The funeral for Christine Minnich will be on Tuesday, January 2nd, at Noon. The viewing will take start at 10:30 a.m. Both the viewing and funeral will be at St. Michael's.

Matins - 12/31/23

Note that we will begin celebrating Matins as a permanent addition to our Sunday services starting Sunday, January 7th.

Weekday Vespers - January 2nd - 12/31/23

Join us on Tuesday, January 2nd for Weekday Vespers and Fellowship. A “snackluck” will follow the half-hour service.

Parish Council - January 4th - 12/31/23

The parish council meeting is this Thursday, January 4th at 6:30 p.m.

Great Feast: Theophany - January 5th & 6th - 12/31/23

Note the various services at the end of this week: Royal Hours, Theophany Vigil and Theophany Divine Liturgy with the Great Blessing of the Waters.

Reminder - bring your containers to collect Holy Water!

2024 Parish Council - 12/31/23

Our nomination committee for this year is Fr. Dn. James and Elizabeth Clause. We have three positions open for election, each with a 3-year term: Vice President, Financial Secretary, and a general Council Member position. All three of the current council members in these positions - John Hill (VP), Susan Skomorucha (FS), and Chris Carey (CM) have said they are willing to be re-elected. If you would like to run for one of the positions, please speak with Fr. Dn. James or Elizabeth.

Anyone desiring to run for a position need to be in good standing as defined by our bylaws and have Father’s blessing.

Parish Holy Supper - December 24th - 12/24/23

Please arrive early to bring your dish and help setup. Everything should be in place to begin by 5:00 p.m. (so by 4:45 at the latest).

Veterans' Offering - Please Give! - 12/24/23

Please consider an offering to help needy Veterans. Offerings can be designated online, on your check, or placed in the specially designated basket.

Annual Meeting - February 4th - 12/24/23

Due to the frigid weather and safety concerns, the parish council voted to postpone the annual parish meeting until Sunday, February 4th during Fellowship Hour. Use this link to the meeting packet, to download the agenda and other reports. Please take this extended opportunity to review these materials prior to the meeting. 

The packet also includes a blank Statement of Intent form.  If you have not turned in your signed form yet, you can print it, sign it, and bring your signed copy to church.  There is a collection box for them in the Fellowship Hall.  This will help save time getting the meeting started. 

Teen Retreat - Register Now! - 12/24/23

7th- 12th grade - see the link in the weekly email. February 9 - 11. Counselors needed as well. See the weekly email update for links.

Nativity - December 24th and 25th - 12/24/23

We will celebrate the Nativity Vigil after Holy Supper, at approximately 7:00 p.m. Divine Liturgy for the Nativity is Monday morning at 9:00 a.m. No potluck is planned for Fellowship Hour, but coffee will be available and if anyone wants to share some Nativity goodies, they are welcome to.

Iconography - 11/27/23

Pardon the temporary ugliness of our back wall, which has been prepped for the iconography install. Next Sunday it will look very different, glory to God!

Monthly Panikhida - December 2nd - 11/27/23

We will pray for our December departed next Saturday (December 2nd) at 4:15 p.m. Father will send out his usual email mid-week allowing for requests to be added.

St Nicholas - December 5th & 6th - 11/27/23

Plan ahead! We’ll be celebrating the feast day of St. Nicholas soon. Great Vespers will be Tuesday evening, December 5th, at 6:00 p.m. Divine Liturgy will be at 9:00 a.m. on Wednesday morning, December 6th, followed by a potluck (fish day).

Thanksgiving Week - 11/20/23

Fr. Timothy Hojnicki will be presiding over the services this week beginning with the Moleben on Thanksgiving day through the Divine Liturgy on Sunday.

Please note that there will be no confessions on Saturday, November 25th and no Church School or  Foundations Class on Sunday, November 26th.

Nativity Decorations - November 28th - 11/20/23

We’ll be decorating this week on Tuesday, November 28th - Daria (Dana) Diehl is coordinating. See her in person or text her at (412) 445-7556. Helpers are needed to put up all of our Nativity décor!

Moleben of Thanksgiving - November 23rd - 11/19/23

A Moleben of Thanksgiving will be offered at 9:30 a.m. on Thanksgiving morning. Fr. Timothy Hojnicki will preside.

Great Feast - November 20th - 21st - 11/19/23

This week is one of our Great feasts, the Entrance of the Mother of God into the Holy Temple. We have Great Vespers with litya and an anointing at 6:00 p.m. on Monday evening (November 20th). Tuesday morning (November 21st) we have Divine Liturgy at 9:30 a.m. with a potluck to follow (Fish Day).

Check Out the Lost & Found! - 11/12/23

We have quite a collection of items again in the Lost & Found basket - see the table in the bookstore area.

"Heavenly Host" Program - November 19th - 11/12/23

Next week, Mark Linnehan will be joining us on behalf of the diocese. A new program has been launched called “Heavenly Host” which encourages our youth to grow in their Orthodox faith.

Weekday Vespers and Liturgy - November 14th & 15th - 11/12/23

The Nativity Fast begins this week! We will enter the fast with a “Lenten” Vespers on Tuesday evening (November 14th) at 6:00 p.m. and Divine Liturgy on Wednesday morning (November 15th) at 9:00 a.m.  Fellowship time will only be after Vespers on Tuesday.

St. Olga of Alaska Glorified - 11/12/23

This week the Holy Synod unanimously proclaimed the glorification of the Righteous Olga of Alaska.

St. Olga of Alaska, pray to God for us!

Veterans Day - Thank You! - 11/12/23

Veteran’s Day was yesterday (November 11th) - Thank you to all who have served our country in the armed forces!

Youth Meetings - November 10th and 11th - 11/05/23

Note that next Friday, November 10th is our Faith, Hope and Love girls group outing. The outing will be from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. See Anna Wales for details.

Next Saturday, November 11th at 2:00 p.m. is our full youth group meeting in the Fellowship Hall.

Parish Council - November 9th - 11/05/23

Our November Parish Council meeting is Thursday the 9th at 6:30 p.m.

Pumpkin Decorating Contest - Thank You! - 11/05/23

Thank you to all who participated. We raised over $1200 for Paws & Affection!

Patronal Feast - November 7th and 8th - 10/29/23

Our patronal feast is this week!  Make plans to join us for Great Vespers with Litya and Anointing on Tuesday evening (Novmber 7th) at 6:00 p.m. and for Divine Liturgy on Wednesday morning (November 8th) at 9:30 a.m.  Father will share a children’s homily and following the service we’ll have a potluck with festivities for our children.

REMINDER: Father can provide school excuse letters; email him to receive one.

Adult Bible Study - November 16th - 10/29/23

Join Sbdn. Thaddeus as he leads a weekly Bible Study this Thursday, November 16th at 7:00 p.m. in our Fellowship Hall.  This week we will be start at Luke 5:27.

Videos of earlier classes have been posted to the Facebook group that the we use to livestream services

Zoom Information for Tonight's Class:

Topic: St Michael's Adult Bible Study
Time: Nov 16, 2023 07:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 870 8943 5049
Passcode: 533721

Weekday Services - October 30th and 31st - 10/29/23

We’ll have a Weekday Vespers on Monday evening (October 30th) at 6:00 p.m. and a weekday liturgy commemorating St. John of Chicago on Tuesday morning (October 31st) at 9:00 a.m. There will be no official fellowship time after Vespers, but we will have a small potluck after Liturgy.

November Calendar Available - 10/22/23

The November calendar is now available. It is a busy month! Note our patronal feast, youth events, and other services throughout the month.

Seating in the Loft - 10/22/23

There is now seating upstairs in the loft.  Please be advised that no children should be upstairs without adult supervision.

Seminarian Appeal - Last Day and Thank You! - 10/22/23

Thank you to all who have donated thus far. Today (November 12th) will be our final day to receive donations to help our seminarian.

Adult Bible Study - October 26th - 10/22/23

Join Sbdn. Thaddeus as he leads a weekly Bible Study this Thursday, October 26th at 7:00 p.m. in our fellowship hall.  This week we will be start at Luke 2:36.

Videos of earlier classes have been posted to the Facebook group that the we use to livestream services


Pumpkin Decorating Contest! - 10/08/23

We’ll have the pumpkins set out next weekend and do another fundraising contest.  More details to come next weekend!

Weekday Vespers and Fellowship - October 0th - 10/08/23

Join us on Tuesday, October 10th at 6:00 p.m. for Weekday Vespers and fellowship. A “snackluck” will follow the half-hour service.

Parish Council - October 12th - 10/08/23

The October parish council meeting is this Thursday, October 12th at 6:30 p.m.

Adult Bible Study - October 12th - 10/01/23

Join Sbdn. Thaddeus as he leads a weekly Bible Study this Thursday, October 12th at 7:00 p.m. in our fellowship hall

Videos of the classes will be posted to the Facebook group that the we use to livestream services

Monthly Panikhida - October 7th - 10/01/23

We’ll prayer for our October departed next Saturday (October 7th) at 4:15 p.m.

First Meeting of the Youth Group - October 14th - 09/24/23

The first meeting of the youth group will be October 14th at 2:00 p.m. in the fellowship hall. Parents, please check your email to fill out the forms. See Dan Peck for any questions.

Girl's Fellowship - October 7th - 09/24/23

The Ss. Faith, Hope, & Love girl’s fellowship meets on October 7th, 6:30 p.m. at the Clause residence.

Adult Bible Study - September 28th - 09/17/23

Join Subdeacon Thaddeus for Adult Bible Study starting Thursday, September 28th. We will meet every Thursday evening at 7:00 p.m. in the Fellowship Hall. We will be studying The Gospel According to Luke and the Acts of the Apostles.

These books were both written by the same man, Luke the Physician. Luke, a Gentile Christian, wrote the books for another Gentile Christian named Theophilus so that he would “know the certainty of the things you have been taught.” In the Gospel, Luke gives a carefully compiled history of our Lord Jesus Christ, his birth, ministry, death, and resurrection. In Acts, he continues with the history of the early Church from its humble beginnings in Jerusalem to its spread to the very heart of the empire, Rome itself.

We will study the books in order, from beginning to end, one section at a time just as they flowed from Luke's pen. As we read, we will pause frequently to reflect on the meaning of what we are reading and what implications it has for our lives. This is where we will have an opportunity to share our knowledge, experiences, and insight with each other. We will also consider the commentaries of the Church Fathers. This way of working together makes each meeting fairly self-contained, so if you need to miss a few meetings, you can easily rejoin the group later.

Everyone should bring a Bible to class. The Orthodox Study Bible is highly recommended, but not necessary.

Minnich Family Baptism and Chrismations - September 23rd - 09/17/23

Matthew Minnich’s family (his wife Catherine and his children - Matthew Jr., Maddison, and Jeffery) will be initiated into the Orthodox faith next Saturday the 23rd. All are invited and a meal will be provided afterwards.

Foundations Class Now Starting September 24th - 09/17/23

Foundations will begin next week - Sunday, September 24th - rather than this weekend.

Great Feasts - 09/17/23

Don’t miss out on the Great Feasts due to school - Father can provide school excuses for children who miss class due to attending Liturgy. Next up, our patronal feast day on November 8th - this should be near Pascha level importance for us all!

Reminder: Michael James Riley Baptism - September 16th - RSVP by September 12th - 09/10/23

Michael will be baptized this coming Saturday at 11:00 a.m. If you plan to stay for the fellowship meal afterwards, please RSVP by Tuesday, September 12th.

Bookstore - 09/10/23

Just a reminder that if you have any outstanding IOUs, Please make them good.

Additionally, please consider rounding up anytime you purchase a book. That helps us keep our library stocked with new books.

Monthly Panikhida - September 9th - 09/03/23

We will pray for our September departed on Saturday, the 9th at 4:15  p.m. Watch for the email this week to submit requests.

Great Feast - September 14th - 09/03/23

This week we celebrate the Exaltation of the Life-giving and Precious Cross of our Lord. Great Vespers is on Wednesday at 6:00 p.m., and Divine Liturgy with a children’s homily is on Thursday at 9:30 a.m. (Hours at 9:10 a.m.). The feast day is a strict fast, so no fellowship after Vepsers and no potluck after Divine Liturgy.

Family Promise - Thank You! - 09/03/23

From Maria Sue: Thank you to all who volunteered and contributed their time, treasure, and talent to this past week’s Family Promise meals program for homeless families in transition. Your work is a blessing to many.

St Tikhon's Seminary - 09/03/23

Help support our future clergy! Can you be a St. Tikhon’s Sustainer? The Seminary is looking to have consistent donors, donating on a monthly basis. Any amount is welcome.


Church School and Foundations Class - September 17th - 09/03/23

Note that our educational classes begin on September 17th. The Foundations Class will be covering the OCA’s new digital book, Essential Orthodox Christian Beliefs. All adults are welcome!

Church School - 08/27/23

In preparation for Church School this fall, Anna Wales sent out an email last week asking for all parents to reply. If you received it, and have not yet replied, please do so ASAP. If you did not receive it, and have a child who is 4 or older, please let her know you did not receive the email or email her at wales.anna@gmail.com.

Weekday Liturgies - 08/27/23

Note that we have several weekday liturgies and their corresponding Vespers services - 3 weeks in a row! See the front of the bulletin and our September calendar.  This week it is the Beheading of St. John the Baptist (August 29th). Next week it is a great feast - the Birthday (Nativity) of the Theotokos (September 8th). The week after is yet another great feast - the Exaltation of the Lifegiving and Precious Cross of our Lord (September 14th).

New Books - 08/27/23

Take note of a number of new books in our bookstore from a recent Ancient Faith order. We pass along our cost, which is cheaper than buying from them directly. Please consider rounding up your purchase to help us stock the library.

Floor Waxing - September 3rd - 08/27/23

On Labor Day weekend, after Fellowship Hour on September 3rd, we’ll be getting the floors cleaned and waxed, We will need to put away all the chairs, tables, and children’s items that are in the hall - the entire floor area needs to be clear. Likewise, we’ll need help getting everything out and setup again on Thursday, September 7th before and/or after Great Vespers so all is in place for the potluck on Friday the 8th.

Michael James Riley - 08/20/23

Stephanie and Jeremy Riley are happy to announce the birth of their son, Michael James Riley. A mealtrain is setup, please see the weekly email for the link or ask one of our hospitality team members. May God grant Michael and his family many years!

Gardeners Needed! - 08/13/23

Our parish grounds need some “T.L.C.” - lots of weeds are popping up and even some poison-ivy (south altar exit).  Please see John Hill if you would like to volunteer.

Family Promise - August 29th - 08/13/23

We still need a couple of volunteers - one for the main meal and one for desert. Please see the poster board in the Fellowship Hall.

Great Feast: Dormition - August 15th - 08/13/23

On Monday evening (August 14th) at 6 p.m. we will begin our commemoration of the Dormition of the Mother of God with Great Vespers, including litya and anointing.  A celebratory Divine Liturgy will be served on Tuesday morning (August 15th) at 9:30 a.m. (Hours at 9:10 a.m.). Last week we brought fruits to be blessed in celebration of our Lord's Transfiguration; this time please bring flowers and/or herbs to Tuesday's Divine Liturgy in celebration of Dormition - a table will be at the front.

August Panikhida - August 12th - 08/06/23

We will pray for those departed in August next Saturday, August 12th at 4:15 p.m. Watch for an email this week of those names on record and to make a request.

Weekday Services - August 8th and 11th - 08/06/23

This week we have Weekday Vespers and fellowship with a vegan “snackluck” this Tuesday, August 8th at 6:00 p.m. On Friday, August 11th,  the small Paraklesis to the Theotokos will be served, also at 6:00 p.m.

Cædmon Stultz Baptism - August 26th - 08/06/23

Cædmon Stultz will be baptized on Saturday, August 26th at 10:00 a.m.  All are invited!  (Baptism service only.) A small, celebratory potluck will follow.

Parish Council - August 10th - 08/06/23

The August parish council meeting is next Thursday (August 10th) at 6:30 p.m.

Transfiguration Potluck - August 6th - 07/30/23

Next weekend we celebrate the Great Feast of the Transfiguration of our Lord (It falls on Sunday this year.) We will have a “Lenten” potluck (fish day) - please bring something to share in celebration.

Back to School Blessing - August 27th - 07/30/23

Calendar addition! At the end of Liturgy on Sunday, August 27th, we will have our back to school prayers as well as a blessing of backpacks.

Elizabeth Melnik - 07/23/23

Elizabeth now resides at the memory care unit of Kutz Senior Living, 1221 Lodge Lane, Apt.108, Wilmington, DE 19809. Visitors are welcome, mornings are best.

Weekday Vespers and Liturgy - July 26th and 27th - 07/23/23

Please note our weekday Vespers will be held on Wednesday this week at 6:00 p.m.  We will have a liturgy & potluck on Thursday morning at 9:00 a.m. (Hours at 8:40).  We will be commemorating the Great Martyr and Unmercenary Healer Panteleimon.

August Calendar Is Now Available - 07/23/23

The August calendar is now available. Note the Dormition Fast services as well as the Great Feasts.

Mealtrain for the Stultz Family - 07/16/23

Last Sunday Cædmon Earendel Stultz was born. Many years!  A mealtrain has been setup for Enoch & Lily. See the weekly email for the signup link or check with Laura Whalen.

Reminder: Bookstore - 07/16/23

Take note of our new books and prayer ropes along with other prayer corner items.

Reminder: Blowing Out Candles - 07/16/23

Please gently blow out the candles. Wax tends to get sprayed on the stands and even the floor if they are blown out too hard.

Monthly Panikhida - July 15th - 07/09/23

Next Saturday (July 15th) we will pray for our July departed. Watch for an email in a few days to submit requests.

Baby Shower - August 5th - 07/09/23

Photine (Celeste) Davis is having her baby shower in the fellowship hall on Saturday, August 5th from Noon to 4:30 p.m.  Please see the weekly email update to RSVP and access the registry.

Church Camp - Thank You! - 07/09/23

Phew! What a week, glory to God! Thank you to all who devoted their week to the camp this year. We literally could not have had camp if not for the time and talents invested by you all.

Blessing of Vehicles - Moved to July 23rd - 07/02/23

Due to the inclement weather this week (July 16th), the vehicle blessing procession in commemoration of the Holy Prophet Elijah will be moved to July 23rd.  The vehicle blessing procession will be at the end of Divine Liturgy. We’ll go around the parking lot blessing all vehicles of all kinds (includes bikes, skate boards, etc.).

Good Samaritan Sunday - July 2nd - 06/25/23

Thank you to all who continually donate towards our Good Samaritan Fund. As next Sunday (July 2nd)  is the first Sunday of the month, please consider an extra offering to this fund.

Feast of Ss. Peter and Paul - June 28th and 29th - 06/25/23

Note that we celebrate the feast of Saints Peter & Paul this week. Great Vespers will be on Wednesday, June 28th at 6:00 p.m., and Divine Liturgy will be at 9:00 a.m. on Thursday, June 29th.
(hours at 8:40). A potluck fellowship will follow - please bring
something to share if you plan to stay.

Reminder: Opt-in Email - 06/25/23

Father Silouan uses an opt-in email service to send out his communications (such as the Weekend Update) to the parish.  This is a different service than the parish Listserv.

To sign up, click on “The Latest” in the menu above.  Then click on "Email Signup" which is the first item in the drop-down menu.

Reminder: Online Tithes & Offerings - 06/25/23

Don’t forget you can give tithes and offerings online, including designated funds. There are two ways to do this.  First, you can use the green "Give" button on Father Silouan's "Weekend Update" emails.  Second, you can use the menu on this page.  Click on "The Latest," then click on "Church Connect."  Finally click on the blue "Give Online" button.

Altar Cleanup - June 22nd - 06/18/23

In anticipation of Archbishop MARK's visit, the adult altar servers will be doing a cleanup of the altar on Thursday, June 22nd at 7:00 p.m.

Anyone else who would care to help out will be more than welcome to join us!

Archpastoral Visit - June 24th & 25th - 06/18/23

Please note that Archbishop MARK will be with us for Vespers and Liturgy next weekend. Let us give our usual warm welcome to him and gather round him in worship. If you would like to confess next Saturday, please schedule a confession before Vespers.

Tuesday Vespers - June 20th - 06/18/23

We will have Tuesday Vespers and fellowship with a “snackluck” this week at 6:00 p.m.

New Cleaning Checklist - 06/18/23

Attention all cleaning volunteers - we now have a new checklist to use. A copy is under the glass in the Candle Room and some extra printed copies are in there as well.

Camp Transportation Needed - Friday, July 7th - 06/11/23

Rafael and Roel Gabriel will need transportation back from Church Camp a day early (Friday, July 7th). If anyone can accommodate them, please let Father know.

Vespers and Liturgy - June 14th and 15th - 06/11/23

This week we will have vespers on Wednesday, June 14th instead of Tuesday, and we will celebrate a weekday liturgy on Thursday morning (June 15th). 

Family Promise - Thank You! - 06/11/23

Thank you to all the Saint Michael’s volunteers who contributed to this past week’s Family Promise meals program for homeless families in transition. Your efforts have brought comfort, sustenance and hope to needy families in our community.

- Sue D’Orazio

Panera Pickups in June and July - 06/11/23

Due to our usual volunteers traveling, we need some others to volunteer to pick up the leftover baked goods for these dates:

  • June 24th
  • July 1st
  • July 15th - Just one more date needing a volunteer.
  • July 22nd

All pickups are at 8:45 p.m.

Panera is located at 2311 Concorde Pike, Wilmington, DE 19803. Please let Father know if you can help with one or more of the dates.

Sisterhood - 06/11/23

We are looking to get the St. Michael’s Sisterhood re-established. Anne Riley has offered to co-chair. We need an energetic younger woman willing to co-chair with her. Contact Father if you are interested in helping lead.

Parish Council - June 8th - 06/04/23

June’s parish council meeting is this Thursday at 6:30 p.m.

Tuesday Vespers - June 6th - 06/04/23

Tuesday Vespers resumes this week at 6:00 p.m. - As usual, fellowship with a “snackluck” will follow and Father will be available for confession before and after Vespers.

Fast Free Week - June 5th - 9th - 06/04/23

Take note that this week is a Fast Free week in celebration of Pentecost. Next Monday (June 12th) the Apostle’s Fast begins.

Fathers Day Potluck - June 18th - 06/04/23

Attention all women: Sue D’Orazio is coordinating the Father’s Day potluck, which is next Sunday. Please contact her with details on what you can bring or how you can serve.

Camp Paperwork!!! - 05/28/23

All those who still have not submitted their summer camp paperwork, please do so by the end of this week!!!

Baby Margarita Is Born! - 05/28/23

Troy (Constantine) & Ekaterina Bergwall are proud to announce the birth of their daughter, Margarita. She was born on Tuesday, weighing in at 6 pounds, 10 ounces. Please continue to keep the family in prayer as they recover. A mealtrain has also been organized for them.

Great Feast - June 4th - 05/28/23

Next Sunday, June 4th, we celebrate the Great Feast of Pentecost during which John Koehler will be Chrismated! Make plans to join us on Saturday evening, June 3rd,  for a festal Great Vespers that will include a litya service - an anointing and blessed bread.

Thank you from Father and Madrecita - 05/28/23

Thank you to all who expressed their sympathy at the passing of my mom. The outpouring of love is appreciated. We look forward to being back home and celebrating Pentecost with you all.

     -Father & Madrecita

No Tuesday Vespers - May 30th - 05/28/23

No Tuesday Vespers this week as Father will not be available.  Tuesday Vespers will resume on June 6th.

Tuesday Vespers - May 16th - 05/14/23

Join us on Tuesday, May 16th for vespers & fellowship at 6:00 p.m.

Family Promise - June 5th, 6th & 8th - 05/14/23

Volunteers are needed to cook or provide take-out for approximately two homeless families. You will deliver meals to 2501 Milltown Rd (across from St. Michael’s) on Monday, June 5th, Tuesday, June 6th, and Thursday, June 8th at 6:00 p.m.

Please sign-up on the poster board in the Fellowship Hall. Details will follow. See Maria (Sue) D’Orazio for questions - 512-781-5435 suemariedorazio@gmail.com with questions.

Baby Shower - May 13th - 04/30/23

The baby shower for Ekaterina (Kate) Bergwall will be held on Saturday, May 13th, at 11:00 a.m. in the church Fellowship Hall. Please see Father’s weekly email for links to RSVP.

Transportation Help Needed - 04/30/23

Volunteers are needed to help in a regular rotation for transporting Eric (Moses) Jennings to and from services, particularly Sunday morning. He lives off Maryland Avenue in Wilmington. Please let Christopher Carey know if you can help.

Check Out the Bookstore! - 04/30/23

We have some new stock from St. Tikhon’s! Not only are there some new books now on display, but also two hand carved wall crosses (in the display tower), some beeswax votive candles, and incense for your prayer corner.

No Tuesday Vespers - May 2nd - 04/30/23

No Tuesday Vespers on May 2nd due to Madrecita’s surgery. We will tentatively resume on May 9th.

Welcome Baby Baskets - Thank You! - 04/30/23

Perpetua (Colleen) Shatley sends her thanks as we were able to collect enough items during Great Lent to make six full “Welcome Baby” baskets for expecting mothers.

Outdoor Work Day - May 6th - 04/30/23

John Hill has organized an outdoor work day. Please take note of the sheet that John has printed out with a list of work to do and items (e.g., tools) to bring. The workday is scheduled for next Saturday, May 6th at 9:00 a.m. Please come and help!

Note: If you have a needed tool, please bring it, even if you won't be doing the work that requires it.

John Hill has organized an outdoor work day. 

Funeral for Demetrios (Jim) Petrides - May 1st - 04/30/23

Demetrios (Jim) Petrides reposed in the Lord late Thursday evening. His funeral will be Monday, May 1st.  The viewing will begin at 11:00 a.m., and the funeral will begin at 12:00 noon.

Tuesday Vespers - April 25th - 04/23/23

Tuesday Vespers resumes! Join us at 6:00 p.m for Vespers and and a snack based fellowship afterwards.

(Note: There will no Tuesday Vespers on May 2nd due to Madrecita’s surgery.)

Baby Showers - April 29th and May 13th - 04/23/23

Magdelina (Lily) Stulz’s baby shower is this coming Saturday (April 29th) at 11:00 a.m. in our fellowship hall. Ekaterina (Kate) Bergwall has hers on Saturday, May 13th, at 11 :00 a.m. also in our hall. Please see Father’s weekly email for more information.

Mother's Day - May 14th - 04/23/23

Rdr. John (Ed) Ross is helping coordinate the men for the potluck on Mother's Day (May 14). Please see him about what you can bring or do to help make it a special day for all of our mothers and God mothers.

Confession Prior to Holy Unction - Now through April 12th - 04/09/23

Prepare for Holy Unction as well as Pascha by washing yourself clean through the sacrament of repentance - Father is available immediately before or after services on Monday & Tuesday and by appointment Monday - Wednesday.

Agape Vespers - April 16th - 04/09/23

Please plan to be at Agape Vespers on Pascha Sunday at 3:00 p.m. We will continue our celebration of our Lord’s Resurrection with a potluck feast.

Services This Week - 04/02/23

Note the various services this week - Lenten Vespers on Tuesday evening, Presanctified Liturgy on Wednesday morning, and then the Liturgical rocket launches with ten days in a row of services. The launch begins with Vespers on Friday to prepare for Lazarus Saturday. On Saturday morning we will celebrate a Baptismal Liturgy to welcome three of our catechumens fully into the Faith. We then launch our celebration of Palm Sunday. Holy Week begins next Sunday evening with Archbishop MARK leading Bridegroom Matins of Holy Monday (Sunday evening at 6:00 p.m.).

Litya for the April Departed - April 7th - 04/02/23

At the end of Vespers on Friday, April 7th we will commemorate our April departed. As usual, watch for an email and reply to add names.

Opportunity to Purchase Organic, Grass-Fed Beef - 04/02/23

Bridget (Tess) Plummer has a friend who will be butchering a certified organic, grass-fed cow mid-April. Thus far, about half the cow is spoken for by those in our parish. Please speak with her if you are interested in purchasing a portion.

Seminarian Appeal - Last Call - 04/02/23

The diocese has launched the spring fundraiser for the seminarians. Please help! Designate your offering (online or physically) for the Seminarians.

Holy Week Calendar Is Now Available - 03/26/23

Please check out the April calendar and note all the Holy Week services.

The sign-up sheets are now available in the Narthex for:

  • The Holy Friday Tomb Watch
  • The 15 Old Testament readings read during the Holy Saturday Vesperal Liturgy
  • The reading of the Book of Acts on Holy Saturday evening

Services This Week - 03/26/23

Note the various services this week - Lenten Vespers on Tuesday evening, Presanctified Liturgy on Wednesday morning, Canon of St. Andrew & Life of St. Mary of Egypt on Wednesday evening, and the Akathist to the Theotokos on Friday evening. 

Appointments - March 30th - 03/26/23

Father is available by appointment this Thursday, March 30th for confession or to chat from 10:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.

Mission Vespers - April 2nd - 03/26/23

We will be hosting Mission Vespers next Sunday, April 2 at 4:00 p.m.

A lot of help is needed. Please see the emails that have been sent thus far or speak with Alice Morjana or Madrecita Emilia.

Annunciation - March 24th & 25th - 03/19/23

Take note! We celebrate this Great Feast beginning with Great Vespers this Friday, March 24th at 6:00 p.m. We will have Divine Liturgy (St. John Chrysostom) at 9:30 a.m. on Saturday, March 25th.

Mission Vespers at St Herman of Alaska Parish - March 19th - 03/12/23

Next weekend, on Sunday, March 19th at 4:00 p.m., our sister parish of Saint Herman of Alaska in Glen Mills, PA will be hosting mission vespers. Their rector, Fr. John Perich, is the curator of the St. Tikhon’s Museum and the reliquary for the OCA, so they have an impressive collection of relics. They also will be having a special speaker, seminarian Fr. Herman Belt. (Note: We will be hosting Mission Vespers on Sunday, April 2 at 4:00 p.m.)

Lenten Retreat March 11th - 03/05/23

On Saturday, March 11th, the dean of St. Tikhon's seminary, Fr. John Parker, will be joining us to host our 2023 Lenten Retreat.  He will speak towards offering ourselves in the service of Christ.  Additionally, eight seminarians that compose the St. Tikhon's Mission Choir will be traveling down with him.  They'll be our speakers for the second session! Each of them will speak about "hearing the call," and sharing a little about themselves.  

This year the retreat will begin at Noon, with a potluck lunch to welcome all of them.  The schedule is as follows:


Noon - 1:00:  Lenten Potluck Lunch 
1:00 - 2:30: Fr. John Parker 
2:30 - 3:00: Break
3:00 - 4:30: Seminarians share 
4:30 - 5:00: Break
5:00 - 6:00: Great Vespers sung by the St. Tikhon's Mission Choir
6:00 : Lenten Potluck Dinner and fellowship with Fr. John and the seminarians


Homily by Fr. John Parker and Divine Liturgy sung by St. Tikhon's Mission Choir.  

Door of Hope - 03/05/23

Thank you to all who have donated!  There are some items that we still need:

  • Boys outfits
  • Girls onesies
  • Hooded towels
  • Baby wash and lotion

St Basil's Liturgy - 03/05/23

Please be reminded that we are celebrating St. Basil the Great’s liturgy today. If you follow along with one of the new service books, begin with the St. John Chrysostom liturgy section, but turn to page 81 when we begin the “Litany of the Catechumens” (when the catechumens go forward).

Appointments - March 23rd - 02/26/23

Father will be available at the Church this Thursday, March 23rd for confession or to chat from 11:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.  Please make an appointment.

Bookstore - 02/26/23

A variety of Lenten reading is available. We have Meditations for Great Lent by Archimandrite Vassilios for $10 (several excerpts in past bulletins are snippets from this book). Fr. Thomas Hopko’s Lenten Spring is on clearance for $7.

Church Cleaner - 02/26/23

It was agreed at the parish meeting to add a $500/month line-item to our budget to hire someone to clean the Fellowship Hall and Church School (contract labor). Anyone interested should email Father at frsilouan@stmichaelsdelaware.org. Please include your qualifications. The Parish Council will make a decision at the next meeting on March 9th. NOTE: This cleaning is in addition to the hard work done by our volunteers.

Sunday of Orthodoxy - March 5th - 02/26/23

Next Sunday, bring your favorite icon for the procession in remembrance of the Triumph of Orthodoxy.

Great Lent Begins - 02/26/23

We have services everyday this week! On Monday, February 27th we begin the beautiful Canon of St. Andrew of Crete which continues on Tuesday, February 28th and Thursday, March 2nd.  We have two Presanctified liturgies this week, both at 6:00 p.m. on Wednesday, March 1st and Friday, March 3rd.  Both presanctified liturgies are followed by Lenten potlucks. If you plan to commune at the Presanctified Liturgies, please remember to fast from midday on.

Appointments - February 23rd - 02/19/23

Father will be available at the Church this Thursday, February 23rd for confession or to chat from 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Please make an appointment.

Lost and Found - 02/19/23

The Lost & Found basket in the Fellowship Hall next to the Food Pantry shelf is still quite full, mostly with children’s clothing.  It is now sitting on the counter at the bookstore.  Please see if you recognize anything in it.

Clean Up! - 02/19/23

Please remember to clean-up after yourself and your children. Dispose of your trash or recycle waste in the appropriate containers and wipe up any messes.

Tuesday Vespers - February 21st - 02/19/23

Join us for Cheesefare Vespers and fellowship (with a light potluck) this Tuesday at 6:00 p.m. Vespers this Tuesday marks the beginning of the use of the Lenten prayer of St. Ephraim.

Tuesday Vespers - February 14th - 02/12/23

Join us for Vespers and fellowship (with a light potluck) this Tuesday at 6:00 p.m.

Family Promise - Thank You! - 02/12/23

Thank you to all the Saint Michael’s volunteers who contributed to this past week’s Family Promise meals program for homeless families in transition. Your efforts have made such a difference to needy families in our community.

Good Samaritan Fund - 02/12/23

Please consider a monthly donation to the Good Samaritan Fund. As mentioned in the annual meeting, over $20,000 passed through this fund last year helping many that were in need in our parish.

Food Pantry - 02/12/23

Any in need are welcome to help themselves to the Food Pantry in our Fellowship Hall. It is well stocked at the moment.  Also, feel free to take food from the food pantry to give to someone you know who is in need.

Roommate / Affordable Accommodations Needed - 02/05/23

Tabby Wojciechowski and her dog are looking to be a roommate, or to find affordable accommodations. She is looking to make the move ASAP.  Please contact her at tabbywoj@udel.edu if you can help.

Fast Free Week This Week - 02/05/23

Every year just before Great Lent there is a fast free week, it is now upon us!

Panera Bread - 02/05/23

The Panera Bread on Concord Pike in the Fairfax Shopping Center will now be donating their leftover breads and sweets to us on Saturday evenings. Thank you to Emmelia Peck for setting this up! Emmelia would appreciate help in fetching the leftovers, especially when she is unable to. For example, she and Sbdn. Basil will be out of town next weekend, on February 11th. Please let her know if you can help.

Classes Resume - February 12th - 02/05/23

Church School and Foundations class were cancelled on February 5th due to the All Parish Meeting.  They will both resume on February 12th at their normal times.

Summer Camp Registrations - 02/05/23

Please submit all of your forms, and adults please perform your background checks and referrals.  We need these ASAP - Father can accept them.

Great Feast: The Presentation of the Lord - February 2nd - 01/29/23

There will be no Tuesday Vespers this week as we will have Great Vespers on Wednesday, February 1st at 6:00 p.m.  Divine Liturgy will be on Thursday, February 2nd at 9:30 a.m. followed by a potluck. 

Ladies' Outing - February 3rd - 01/22/23

Out church women will be going country line dancing at The Grand on Friday, February 3rd, from 7:00 p.m. - 10:00 p.m. There is a $7 entrance fee.  See the email updates for the link to sign-up.  Please contact Elizabeth Clause for more details.

Reminder: Appointments - 01/15/23

If you can’t make it to confession after Tuesday or Saturday Vespers, please note that Father is available by appointment during other times of the week, including before both Vesper services.

Church Open time will resume during Great Lent.

Talent Show and Potluck - February 18th - 01/15/23

We will have a talent show and dinner next Saturday, February 18th. Vespers will be moved up to 4:00 p.m. The Talent show and Potluck will follow afterwards. Please sign-up if you will be there. See Dan Peck with any questions. Please consider scheduling your confession before Vespers or during the week.

Weekday Vespers and Liturgy - January 17th and 18th - 01/15/23

We have Tuesday Vespers with snacks and fellowship this week at 6:00 p.m. Note that we also have a “Daily” Divine Liturgy this week at 9:00 a.m. followed by fellowship and a potluck.

Panikhida - January 21st - 01/15/23

The January Panikhida is next Saturday, January 21st. As usual, an email will be sent containing all the names.  Please reply if you would like to add one.

House Blessings - 01/08/23

Please see Madrecita Emilia to schedule a house blessing. Father and family are available this Sunday evening and Monday evening.

"Wish Book" Liturgical Items - 01/08/23

I have updated our “Wish Book” of liturgical items. New to the book is a Litya tray to replace our current one, which is not in good condition. Donations can be made towards this fund either by designation on your offering or made online.  Your donation toward an item does not have to be the full amount.

Please Don't Lean Against the Iconography - 01/08/23

Please refrain from leaning on the walls in the Nave that have iconography on them, and please encourage children to show respect for them as well. Thank you.

Men's Fellowship Group - January 8th - 01/01/23

Coming soon! Stay tuned for more details. A preliminary hike is planned on the afternoon of Sunday, January 8th at White Clay Creek Preserve Park.

Parish Council - January 4th - 01/01/23

Our January parish council meeting is scheduled for this Wednesday, January 4th at 7:00 p.m.

Annual All-Parish Meeting and Election of Trustees - February 5th - 01/01/23

Our annual all-parish meeting will be held on Sunday, February 5th, during Fellowship Hour. Additionally, we will have the election of corporate Trustees pursuant to Title 27, Section 101 of the Delaware State Code. Postings will be on the doors for the minimum 10 days required before our annual meeting. The Trustees to be voted on are:

  • Brian Burns (Fr. Silouan)
  • Richard Peck (Sbdn. Basil)
  • Susan Skomorucha

Please download and review the meeting packet before Sunday.  This will help speed up the meeting and save paper.  There will be a limited number of paper copies of the packet at the meeting.

Nominations for Parish Council - 12/25/22

Our current slate of nominees is listed below.  Please let Fr. Dn. James or Mark Bunitsky know if you have additional nominations.

  • President (3-year term): Laura Najemy
  • Vice President (1-year term): John Hill
  • Treasurer (2-year term): Sbdn. Basil Peck (re-election)
  • Secretary (3-year term): Rdr. Andrew Ashton
  • Financial Secretary (1-year term): Susan Skomorucha (re-election)
  • Council Member 1 (1-year term): Alice Morjana
  • Council Member 2 (2-year term): Sue D’Orazio (re-election)
  • Council Member 3 (3-year term): Luke Wales
  • (Non-Council) Auditors: (3-year term): Jon Whalen & Sergey Baldytchev (both re-election)

Tuesday Vespers - January 3rd - 12/25/22

Tuesday Vespers and fellowship with mini-potluck resumes this week on Tuesday, January 3rd at 6:00 p.m.

No Church Open Time This Week and During the Month of January - 12/25/22

No Church Open hours are scheduled for this week.  Also, no Church Open hours will be scheduled during January due to house blessings. Father will be available during our normal service times (before or after Vespers services) or by appointment during the week.

Theophany Festivities - January 4th - 6th - 12/25/22

We have a busy week this week that culminates with the Great Feast of Theophany on Friday morning. Join us for Keenan’s baptism as well as the Blessing of the Waters and a celebratory potluck.

  • Royal Hours at 9:30 a.m. on Wednesday, January 4th
  • Festal Matins with anointing at 6:00 p.m. on Thursday, January 5th
  • Great Feast of Theophany at 9:30 a.m. on Friday, January 6th

January Calendar - 12/25/22

The January calendar is now available. House blessing season will be starting up after Theophany, which is Friday, January 6th. Scheduling for house blessings will begin next weekend.

Church Open - December 22nd - 12/18/22

The Church will be open this Thursday, December 22nd from 2:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.. Father will be available by appointment for confession and/or to chat.

Nativity Day Fellowship Hour - December 25th - 12/18/22

We will have a “light” Fellowship Hour next Sunday since many families have plans right after the service. If you plan to stay, please register online. A link was sent with the weekly email.

Nativity Daily Vespers - December 20th - 12/18/22

Join us on Tuesday, December 20th for a Nativity Daily Vespers and fellowship. A small potluck will follow the half-hour service.

Fellowship Hour 2023 - 12/04/22

The teams have been formed! If you still need to be plugged into a team, please let Juliana (Carolyn) Peck know. For 2023, the teams have been expanded and a Potluck day has been assigned for every month. Helpers have also been assigned for set-up and clean-up on the potluck days, but please remember to wash and take your serving dishes.

Church Open - December 8th - 12/04/22

The Church will be open this Thursday, December 8th from 10:00 a.m. until 3:00 p.m. Father will be available by appointment for confession or to chat.

St. Nicholas the Wonderworker - December 5th and 6th - 12/04/22

We will celebrate Great Vespers with Litya & Anointing at 6:00 p.m. on Monday, December 5th. Divine Liturgy will be on Tuesday, December 6th at 9:30 a.m. followed by fellowship and a visit by St. Nicholas!

Offering Envelopes - 12/04/22

If you like to use offering envelopes, please pick up a box at the candle room. Please be sure to record your name next to the number on the box that you take

Open Parish Council Positions - 12/04/22

In accordance with our new bylaws, a nomination committee has been formed. Fr. Dn. James and Mark Bunitsky comprise the committee. Please let them know if you are willing to serve or would like to nominate someone to serve on the council in addition to the names below. They will verify if the nominee and add them to the list. Keep in mind that one must be in good standing in order to serve on the parish council. Good standing requires that the member:

  1. Is a baptized and chrismated Orthodox Christian;
  2. Is at least eighteen (18) years of age;
  3. Partakes of the Sacraments of Confession and Holy Communion in this Parish regularly;
  4. Submits a signed statement of intent to be a voting member of the Parish;
  5. Has been a parishioner of this Parish for a prior consecutive 3-month period; and
  6. “Good standing” is determined solely by the Rector.

This initial election also sets up rolling, 3-year terms so that in subsequent years only a few are up for election. For example, in 2024 only Vice President, Financial Secretary, and a general Council Member will be elected. Currently those willing to be elected are:

  • President (3-year term): Laura Najemy
  • Vice President (1-year term): John Hill
  • Treasurer (2-year term): Sbdn. Basil Peck (re-election)
  • Secretary (3-year term): Rdr. Andrew Ashton
  • Financial Secretary (1-year term): Susan Skomorucha (re-election)
  • Council Member 1 (1-year term): Alice Morjana
  • Council Member 2 (2-year term): Sue D’Orazio (re-election)
  • Council Member 3 (3-year term): This could be you!!!
  • (Non-Council) Auditors: (3-year term): Jon Whalen & Sergey Baldytchev (both re-election)

Holy Supper - December 24th - 12/04/22

We are at 63 attendees. If you have not signed-up yet, please see the link in the weekly email or let Father or Madre know you are going to attend. Based on the sign-ups we should have plenty of food, but we could use some more loaves of fresh baked bread. Some sparkling drinks for the children to participate in the toast with would be appreciated as well.

Church Open - December 1st - 11/27/22

The Church will be open this Thursday, December 1st from 11:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.  Father will be available by appointment for confession or chat.

Choir Rehearsals - December 3rd and 17th - 11/27/22

Please note that choir rehearsals to review hymns for Nativity and Theophany are scheduled for 3:30 p.m. next Saturday, December 3rd and for 3:30 p.m. on Saturday, December 17th.

Vespers and Liturgy - November 29th and 30th - 11/27/22

In addition to Tuesday Vespers this week, we will celebrate Liturgy on Wednesday morning at 9:30 a.m. (Hours at 9:10 a.m.) with a potluck to follow.

Charity Season - 11/20/22

As we progress through the Nativity Fast, please consider a donation to:

  • Good Samaritan Fund - Our Good Samaritan fund is depleted, which is a good thing! Help us build it back up for this holiday season.
  • Seminarian Appeal - Archbishop MARK has sent out a letter asking us to help our seminarians. We currently have four of them, 3 with families. We will take up a special offering on Sunday, December 11.  If you would like to contribute now, please designate “Seminarians.”  The final day of this appeal will be Sunday, December 11th.
  • Veterans - Please help support the purchase of grocery gift cards for local veterans. Donate online or designate “Veterans” on your check or an envelope.  The final day of this appeal will be Sunday, December 18th.

Moleben of Thanksgiving - November 24th - 11/20/22

Fr. Timothy Hojnicki will be leading a service of prayer on Thanksgiving morning at 10:00 a.m.

Family Promise - Thank You! - 11/20/22

Thank you to all the Saint Michael’s volunteers who contributed their time, talent, and treasure towards the Family Promise meals program for homeless families in transition.

Parish Council - November 10th - 11/06/22

Our monthly parish council meeting is this Thursday at 7:00 p.m.

Church Open - November 10th - 11/06/22

Church open time is 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. this Thursday, November 10th. If you would like to see Father for confession or just to chat, please make an appointment.

Pumpkin Fund Raiser - Thank You! - 11/06/22

Thank you to all who decorated pumpkins as well as to all who donated. We raised just over $2,100 for the Brasowski family! Glory to God!

No Church Open Time This Week - 10/30/22

We will not be having Church Open hours this week.  Please contact Father if you need to make an appointment the first half of this week.

Patronal Feast Day - November 8th - 10/30/22

Our celebration of our guardian and defender, our heavenly intercessor Archangel Michael is this Tuesday, November 8th. We will dedicate our renovated Church School space and have activities geared towards our children. Let us all worship and celebrate together!

No Church Open Time This Week - 10/23/22

There will be no church open time this week.  Please contact Father Silouan if you need to make an appointment.

Daily Vespers - October 25th - 10/23/22

Join us at 6:00 p.m. on Tuesday, October 25th for Daily Vespers and fellowship. A small potluck will follow the half hour service.

Pumpkin Fundraiser - October 29th & 30th - 10/23/22

Please remember to bring your decorated pumpkin next weekend. Preferably set it up before or after Great Vespers on Saturday, October 29th. The Fundraising event for the Brasowski’s will occur during fellowship hour on Sunday, October 30th.

Bridal Shower for Photine (Celeste) Bond - November 11th - 10/23/22

Photine’s (Celeste Bond’s) Bridal Shower is this Friday at 4:30 p.m. in our Fellowship Hall - all women are invited

Volunteer Time! - 10/23/22

It’s time to volunteer for 2023!  Sign-up sheets are now available for cleaning, service duty (candle desk), fellowship hour, and prosphora baking.

All-Parish Meeting - November 6th - 10/16/22

We will be having an All-Parish meeting on Sunday, November 6th during Fellowship Hour to adopt new bylaws. See the weekly email for the link to the PDF or ask for a printed copy at the candle
desk. Please contact Father with any questions.

Archbishop's Visit - October 22nd & 23rd - 10/16/22

Next weekend (October 22nd & 23rd) Archbishop MARK will be with us for Vespers and Liturgy (with potluck following.)

Church Open - October 20th - 10/16/22

The church will be open on Thursday, October 20th from 2:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. (note the time change). If you would like to see Father for confession or just to chat, please make an appointment.

Daily Vespers and Liturgy - October 17th and 18th - 10/16/22

This week Daily Vespers and Fellowship will be on Monday, October 17th at 6:00 p.m. We will have a Daily Liturgy service on Tuesday morning, October 18th, at 9:00 a.m. followed by a potluck.

Urban Promise - 10/16/22

Olga (Kendreia) Rhine works with a downtown ministry aiding inner city youth in Wilmington, and they need help. Want to help out? Talk to Olga and learn more about it.

Veterans' Fundraiser - Now through December 18th - 10/09/22

Please help support the purchase of grocery gift cards for local veterans. Donations will be collected now through December 18th.  There are three ways to donate to the effort:

  1. Online.  A giving category "Veteran's Fund" has been set up in ChurchTrac.
  2. By check.  Please designate "Veterans" on your check.
  3. With cash.  Place cash in a labeled envelope.

Church Beautification Day - Thank You! - 10/09/22

Thank you to all who helped paint and clean during our Church Beautification Day on Saturday, October 8th.

Church Open - October 13th - 10/09/22

Church will be open on Thursday, October 13th from 11:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. (note the time change). If you would like to see Father for confession or just to chat, please make an appointment.

Church School Update - 10/09/22

The “Cloud of Witnesses” will be a wall of icons for our children to venerate composed of icons currently in our Church. Due to the iconography project, most of the small icons will be removed.  Please place a sticker on any icons you wish to either take home or have placed elsewhere, such as the candle room.

Family Promise - November 7th, 8th & 10th - 10/09/22

Volunteers are still needed to cook or provide take-out for approximately two homeless families. You will deliver meals (no contact) to 2501 Milltown Road (across from St. Michaels) on Monday, November 7th,, Tuesday, November 8th, and Thursday, November 10th at 6:00pm. Please sign up on the poster board in the Fellowship Hall at the beverage table. Contact Maria (Sue) D’Orazio at 512-781-5435 or suemariedorazio@gmail.com with any questions.

Daily Vespers and Liturgy - October 5th and 6th - 10/02/22

Note that we are having Daily Vespers on Wednesday this week (October 5th at 6:00 p.m.) and a Liturgy on Thursday morning (October 6th at 9:30 a.m.). Daily services will vary this month. They can be found on the October calendar.  Printouts are available in the narthex.  

Church School Update - 10/02/22

As a reminder, Church School will be held outside or where possible while renovations continue downstairs. The flooring will be installed this week. Over the next month the partitions and furniture will follow.

• HELP! - More items (whiteboards, bulletin boards, etc.) need to be removed. Please take a moment to lend a hand in sorting out the items, or take an item.
• Icons - As a reminder, the plan for all the icons currently on our walls entails many of them becoming the “Cloud of Witnesses” downstairs. Some icons will be kept here in our temple, but most will be used for our children. A sticker system will be used to determine the use of the icons.

Veterans' Fundraiser - Now through December - 10/02/22

For the past several years we have taken a collection for our veterans towards gift-cards that will be purchased and dispersed by one of our own veterans, Sam Sylvest. Over the next couple of months,
please consider a donation towards this temporary fund.

Parish Council - October 6th - 10/02/22

The October parish council meeting is scheduled for this Thursday, October 6th, at 7:00 p.m.

Email Scam - 09/25/22

Someone is trying to impersonate Father using a fake email address with “rev” in it. The emails he uses for ministry are frsilouan@stmichaelsdelaware.org and frsilouanburns@gmail.com. Any request for money or funds will always be through the Church.

October Calendar Is Available - 09/25/22

The October calendar is now available.  Take note of the change-up in “Tuesday” Vespers services.  Two liturgies have been added for October. There are two significant saints celebrated, so the "Tuesday" Vespers has been moved to match with the eve of those days.

Thank You Letter from Archbishop MARK - 09/25/22

Archbishop MARK has sent us a thank you letter for the donations we have made to the diocese. The letter will be available in the Narthex.

Church Open - September 22nd - 09/18/22

The Church will be open this Thursday from 11:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.  If you would like to see Father for confession or just to chat, please make an appointment.

Tuesday Vespers - September 20th - 09/18/22

Join us on Tuesday for Daily Vespers and fellowship. A small potluck will follow the half-hour service.

Church School and Foundations Class - September 25th - 09/18/22

Church school is tentatively scheduled to begin next week if the weather is good (Outdoor class). Foundations class will resume next week rain or shine.

Don't Go Downstairs!!! - 09/18/22

The flooring has been removed in the basement / Church-school area. Please stay out so that glue or other debris does not end up tracked upon the new carpet.

Reminder: Online Tithe and Offerings - 09/18/22

Don’t forget you can give tithes and offerings online, including gifts designated funds. Use this link to go to the online giving page.

No Daily Vespers, Great Vespers Instead - September 13th - 09/13/22

No Daily Vespers on Tuesday September 13th, but we will have Great Vespers! Join us.

Great Feast This Week - Exaltation of the Precious Cross - September 13th and 14th - 09/11/22

This week we celebrate the Exaltation of the Life-giving and Precious Cross of our Lord. We will have Great Vespers with Litya and Annointing on Tuesday, September 13th at 6:00 p.m., and Divine Liturgy on Wednesday, September 14th at 9:30 a.m.  A vegan potluck will follow the Divine Liturgy.

Fellowship Hour Fund - 09/11/22

Want to prepare something for a potluck or Fellowship Hour? We have funds available to help! Check with Father or Sbdn. Basil Peck.

Parking Lot Maintenance - September 26th - 30th - 09/11/22

The parking lot will be closed until Friday this week for resealing and striping. If access to the Church is needed, please contact Father to make arrangements.

No Tuesday Vespers or Church Open Time This Week - 09/06/22

There will be no Tuesday Vespers or Church Open Time this week due to the Great Feast.  Father is available for confession our counsel befor or after Vespers and also by appointment.

Family Promise - Thank You! - 09/06/22

Thank you to all who volunteered and contributed to this past week’s Family Promise meals program for homeless families in transition. Your efforts have brought comfort, sustenance and hope to needy families in our community.

Parish Council Meeting - September 8th - 09/06/22

Our September council meeting is Thursday (September 8th) at 7:00 p.m. Our nominees for next year’s council are encouraged to attend.

Monthly Panikhida - September 10th - 09/06/22

We will pray for our September departed on Saturday the 10th at 4:15 p.m. Watch for the usual email with the list of names Father already has and to submit any requests

Great Feasts - September 8th and 14th - 09/06/22

Please make plans to celebrate and worship with us this week and next. The Great Feast of the Nativity of the Theotokos will be on Thursday, September 8th.  The Great Feast of the Exaltation of the Precious Cross will be on Wednesday, September 14th.  Great Vespers with Litya and Annointing will be held at 6:00 p.m. on the evening before each feast day.  Divine Liturgies will be held at 9:30 a.m. on the day of each feast.  Potlucks will follow both Divine Liturgies.

Tuesday Vespers - August 30th - 08/28/22

Join us for Vespers & fellowship on Tuesday at 6:00 p.m. Please bring a snack or a light meal to share.

No Church Open Time This Week - 08/28/22

The Church will NOT be open this coming Thursday (September 1st). Father is available by appointment on Tuesday, August 30th (AM or PM).

Foundations Class Begins - September 11th - 08/28/22

Foundations class begins on September 11th. Come deepen your understanding of Orthodox Christian theology and the sacraments.

September Calendar - 08/28/22

The finalized September calendar is now available online and a stack of printed ones is located in the Narthex. Please note our Great Feast days this month and let us worship  together.

Beheading of the Forerunner - August 29th - 08/28/22

Note that Monday, August 29th commemorates the beheading of St. John the Baptist and is a strict fast day.

REMINDER: Food Pantry - 08/21/22

Our food pantry (shelf in the Fellowship Hall by the beverage tables) is well stocked. Please be sure and help yourself or help someone else.

Tuesday Vespers - August 23rd - 08/21/22

Join us for Vespers & fellowship on Tuesday at 6:00 p.m. Please bring a snack or light meal to share.

No Church Open Time This Week - 08/21/22

The Church will NOT be open this coming Thursday. Father is available by appointment during the afternoon of Tuesday the 23rd .

Parish Council Vacancies - 08/21/22

Our 2022 Annual Parish Meeting is around the corner (October). Offices that need to filled are: President, Vice President, Recording Secretary, Corresponding Secretary, and Trustee (Buildings & Grounds).

Back to School Blessing - August 28th - 08/21/22

Please note that we will conclude Liturgy on Sunday, August 28th, with special prayers for all students and teachers. Don’t miss out! Bring a backpack or bookbag to be blessed too!

Smartphone Calendar Subscription - 08/21/22

Did you know you can subscribe to our parish calendar on your smartphone? Find our calendar page under “The Latest” tab on our webpage and click on the iPhone or Google Calendar buttons to subscribe.

Great Feasts - 08/21/22

We had a good turnout for a Monday morning last week (Great Feast of Dormition) - let’s build on that! Please note the upcoming significant liturgical days we’ll be celebrating and let us worship together!

Welcome Newly Illumined! - 08/07/22

On Saturday, August 6th we welcomed two new members to St. Michael's.  Photine (Celeste) Bond was welcomed into the Church by the sacrament of Chrismation.  Theophan (Mahcia) Davis was welcomed into the Church by the sacraments of Baptism and Chrismation.  May God grant health, happiness, and many blessed years to Photine and Theophan!

August Panikhida - August 13th - 08/07/22

Due to Ned's funeral, instead of a full Panikhida to commemorate the August departed, we will pray a Lity for the Departed at the end of Great Vespers on the 13th. As usual, all of  the departed each month are commemorated at each Divine Liturgy.

Funeral for Ned Minnich - 08/07/22

Ned’s funeral will be held on Saturday, August 13th. The viewing will be at 9:00 a.m. and the funeral will begin at 10:00 a.m. Burial will be at All-Saints Cemetery and a mercy meal will follow in our fellowship hall.

Church Open - August 11th - 08/07/22

The Church will be open on Thursday, August 11th from 1:00 p.m. until 5:00 p.m. Father will be available by appointment for confession or to chat.

Tuesday Vespers - August 9th - 08/07/22

Join us for Vespers & fellowship on Tuesday, August 9th. Please bring a snack or light meal to share (Fish day!).

Parish Council Meeting - August 11th - 08/07/22

The August parish council meeting is on Thursday, August 11th at 7:00 p.m.

Tuesday Vespers - August 2nd - 07/31/22

Join us for Daily Vespers & fellowship on Tuesday, August 2nd at 6:00 p.m. Please bring a snack or light meal to share.

Church Open - August 4th - 07/31/22

The Church will be open on Thursday, August 4th from 1:00 p.m. until 5:00 p.m. Father will be available by appointment for confession or to chat.

REMINDER: Opt-In Email - 07/31/22

Just a reminder that Father Silouan's email announcements to the parish are sent from an opt-in email service.  If you don't sign up for the service, you will not receive the emails.  To sign up, click on "THE LATEST" in the menu at the top of this page.  Then click on "Email Signup" which is the first item in the drop-down menu.

Heavenly Vision Update: First Iconography Installation - August 9th-12th - 07/31/22

Our iconographer has scheduled August 9th - August 12th to install the icons for the upper walls.

Family Promise - August 29th, August 30th and September 1st - 07/31/22

Volunteers are needed to cook or provide take-out for approximately two homeless families. You will deliver meals (no contact) to 2501 Milltown Rd (across from St. Michael’s) on Monday, August 29th, Tuesday, August 30th, or Thursday, September 1st, at 6:00pm. Please sign up on the poster board in the Narthex. Details will follow. See or call Maria (Sue) D’Orazio with any questions. Cell: (512)781‑5435 Email: suemariedorazio@gmail.com

Great Feast of the Transfiguration - August 5th and 6th - 07/31/22

We will celebrate Great Vespers next Friday, August 5th at 6:00 p.m. and the Feast of the Transfiguration at 9:30 a.m. on Saturday the 6th. It will be a more festive liturgy than normal as we bring some of our catechumens fully into the Church.

Tuesday Vespers - Resumes July 26th - 07/17/22

Tuesday Vespers and fellowship will resume Tuesday, July 26th at 6:00 p.m. Note that this will be a Great Vespers and also include healing prayers and an anointing with oil blessed over the relic of St. Panteleimon.

Fellowship Hour - Thank You! - 07/17/22

A number of our young adults have volunteered to host Fellowship Hour on July 24th. Thank you! The rest of the year is covered now.

Church Open - Resumes July 28th - 07/17/22

The Church will be open  on Thursday, July 28th from 1:00 p.m. until 5:00 p.m. Father will be available by appointment for confession or to chat.

Choir Rehearsal - July 23rd - 07/17/22

On Saturday, July 23rd, there will be a choir rehearsal at 3:30 p.m.

Prayer List - 07/03/22

It has been a few months since the prayer list was refreshed. Many of the names have been removed that were over a month old. Please let Father know if you would like someone put back; and of course, any new requests are welcome.

No Tuesday Vespers This Week - Resumes July 12th - 07/03/22

No Tuesday Vespers this week. We will resume on Tuesday, July 12th.

No Church Open Time This Week - Resumes July 14th - 07/03/22

The Church will be open on Thursday, July 14th from 1:00 p.m. until 5:00 p.m. Father will be available by appointment for confession or to chat.

Fellowship Hour for July 24th - Volunteers Needed - 06/19/22

Volunteers are needed for the Fellowship Hour on July 24th.  Please let Father and Juliana (Carolyn) Peck know if you are willing to volunteer.

All-Parish Meeting - July 24th - 06/19/22

An All-Parish Meeting is scheduled for Sunday, July 24th during the fellowship hour. We will primarily discuss expanding the parking lot.

Apostle's Fast - June 20th - 29th - 06/19/22

Take note that the Apostle’s Fast begins Monday, June 20th and lasts through Wednesday, June 29th.

Bookstore - 06/19/22

Some old and new selections have been added.

Also, the "IOU" box has a collection of slips now.  Please remember to "make it good" when you are able.

Tuesday Daily Vespers - June 28th - 06/19/22

Note that the next Tuesday Vespers will not be until June 28th - it will be a Reader’s Vespers celebrating the Apostle’s Peter & Paul followed by a Reader’s Panikhida for Arsenius Peck.

Church Open - June 30th - 06/19/22

The Church will be not be open again until Thursday, June 30th from 1:00 p.m. until 5:00 p.m.  Father will be available by appointment for confession or to chat.

Church Open - June 16th - 06/14/22

The Church will be open this Thursday, June 16th from 1:00 p.m. until 5:00 p.m. Father will be available by appointment for confession or to chat.

St. Tikhon's Summer Camp Reminder - 06/14/22

Please mail the rest of your applications (health portions) ASAP.

Heavenly Vision Update - 06/14/22

The new chandeliers are up and operational!  There are a few bugs to work out with the big chandelier (dimming currently not working.)

Family Promise - Thank You! - 06/14/22

From Sue Marie D’Orazio: Thank you to all the Saint Michael’s volunteers who contributed to this past week’s Family Promise meals program for homeless families in transition. Your efforts have made such a difference to needy families in our community.

Extra Sunday School Curriculum - 06/14/22

Please help yourselves to the extra Sunday School lessons in the Narthex. They are good for all ages and a nice way to review the Gospel.

Father's Day Potluck - 06/14/22

Next week is the Father’s Day Potluck. The women are hosting in hopes of teaching the men a lesson on how to properly host Mother’s Day. Please see the sign-up sheet in the Narthex.

Fast Free Week - 06/14/22

Take note that this week is fast-free in celebration of Pentecost!

Basement Cleanup - June 11th - 05/22/22

The current plan is to rent a U-Haul to remove the remaining items from the church basement on the morning of Saturday June 11th. We will need probably four strong men to help with lifting & carrying. If there is something you would like, but couldn't figure out how to get it to your house, we could possibly (depending on mileage) deliver it when we take unwanted things to Goodwill. There will be sign-up forms in the Narthex on Sunday. If you can help with this phase, please contact Elizabeth Clause (elizabeth.clause@gmail.com).

Summer Angels: Play Dates / Meetups - 05/22/22

If there is enough interest, we will attempt to have some summertime play-dates/meet-ups for the children of the parish.  Families who participate will be responsible for "hosting" two gatherings in the course of the summer, which can be as simple as: "We are meeting at the Lums Pond Playground this Tuesday from 9:30-12:30, bring a sack lunch." If we can make it happen, perhaps we can get a group for a Blue Rocks Game or a museum visit. Here's a link to the Google Form: https://forms.gle/UBaCjYok8UQrgS7D8 This info will be valuable for planning events that are convenient & interesting.

Ascension Talent Show / Performance - June 2nd - 05/22/22

As we are finishing up the school year, we would like to invite the youth of St. Michael's to share their gifts with us in a cultural evening - music, oration (poetry or prose), dance, etc, on the evening of the Feast of the Ascension, June 2nd, 6:30pm, at St. Michael's. Adults, please bring a heavenly potluck dish to share. Please email me (elizabeth.clause@gmail.com) if your student would like to participate and the details of what they will
perform, to be listed in the program.

Archbishop's Visit - July 30th - 31st - 05/22/22

His Eminence, Archbishop MARK will be with us for Great Vespers and Liturgy this coming weekend. (July 30th and 31st.)  In addition to the normal Fellowship Hour volunteers, all are encouraged to bring a favorite dish to share.

2022 Graduates - Congratulations! - 05/22/22

Congratulations to Sylvia Bachinsky (University of Delaware), Cole (Eustace) McElmurray (University of Delaware) and high-school graduates Emma Long and Christian Afeworki.

Heavenly Vision Update - 05/22/22

The flooring is now finalized - note the wood floors upstairs and the new carpet in the stairwell. A few other spot fixes were performed as well.

Next up: Update of our emergency lighting and install of the chandeliers.

Church Open - Thursday, May 26th - 05/22/22

This week the Church will be open on Thursday, May 26th from 9:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.  If you would like to see Father for confession or just to chat, please make an appointment.

Memorial Day Weekend at St Tikhon's Monastery - 05/15/22

St. Tikhon’s Memorial Day Pilgrimage is back! While there are events throughout the weekend, the main day is Memorial Day itself - Monday, May 30th. The miraculous Iveron icon will be present.

2022 Graduates - May 22nd - 05/15/22

Next Sunday (May 22nd) we will celebrate our graduates! Sylvia Bachinsky graduated from UD back in January, Cole (Eustace) McElmurray has just graduated from UD, and that will be his final Sunday with us.  Emma Long graduates from high-school. Any others? Let Father know!

Babies! - 05/15/22

Two of our expecting mothers are no longer expecting - we have two new baby girls: Rachel Shatley gave birth to Emery Cedella (Thais) and Christina Tice gave birth to Emilia Barbara. Meal-trains have been set-up (see Listserv and Father’s weekly email) - please help!

Family Promise - June 6th, 7th, and 9th - 05/08/22

Volunteers are needed to cook or provide take-out for two homeless families. Meals will be delivered to to 2501 Milltown Rd (across from St. Michaels)
on Monday, June 6th, Tuesday, June 7th, or Thursday, June 9th, at 6:00 p.m. Please sign up on the poster board in the Narthex.

Contact Maria (Sue) D’Orazio 512-781-5435, suemariedorazio@gmail.com with any questions.

Post Communion Prayers - 05/08/22

Please be mindful that the post communion prayers are being read while we are venerating the cross at the end of service. It is proper for us to not only hear them but listen - making them our own.

Parish Council - May 11th - 05/08/22

The parish council meeting for May is this Wednesday, May 11th at 7:00 p.m.

Electrical Work - Starts May 9th - 05/08/22

On Monday, May 9th we will begin the new chandelier installation. The current one will be removed so the support structure can be analyzed and a plan put in place to install the new one.

Flooring Project - Starts May 9th - 05/08/22

Our flooring project continues tomorrow (Monday, May 9th). The choir loft will have the same wooden floors installed and the stair well will be refreshed with new carpet.

Church Open - 05/02/22

There will not be a set time for St. Michael’s to be open this week, but Father is available by appointment. Father will be out of town Wednesday afternoon and most of Thursday due to required continuing education by the diocese.

May Panikhida - May 7th - 05/02/22

We will pray for our departed next Saturday, May 7th. Watch for the usual email requesting names in addition to those already in our metrical book.

St. Tikhon's Summer Camp - 05/02/22

The diocesan summer camp is July 3 - 9 this year for children ages 7 - 17.  To sign-up, please find the forms on the website: www.sttikhonscamp.org.

Note: Counselor application forms must be postmarked by May 20, 2022.  Camper registration forms must be postmarked by June 23,2022.

Holy Week Notes and Themes - 04/18/22

Bridegroom Matins - served Sunday through Tuesday evening as a reminder to be prepared; to be watchful for the Bridegroom’s (Our Lord’s)  coming, for none of us know our day and hour of repose.
Pre-Sanctified Liturgy of Holy Tuesday - A reminder of the Final Judgment and the return of our Lord at the end of time.
Holy Unction - The sacramental prayer of healing as well as the uniting of the sufferings of our body and soul with that of Christ.
Vesperal Liturgy of St. Basil - celebrated on Holy Thursday morning - the Last Supper and institution of the Eucharist as well as our Lord’s betrayal and arrest.
Passion Gospel Matins - celebrated on Thursday evening - the crucifixion of our Lord as accounted for in all four Gospel accounts. After the 5th Gospel reading, the cross is processed out and placed in the middle of the Church and then the body of our Lord is placed upon it.
Royal Hours - Recounting the Passion of our Lord through Old Testament prophetic readings, the Epistles, and the Gospel.
Holy Friday Vespers - The burial of our Lord: the removal of the body of Christ from the cross and wrapped in a winding sheet by our children. The
placing of the burial shroud in the tomb.
Holy Friday Matins - the Lamentations - A service of lament over our Lord’s death but also of wonder as “a tomb holds Him who holds creation in the hollow of His hand.” During this service the Myrrh Bearing Women (any of our nicely dressed women and girls) sprinkle rose water upon the tomb and toss rose petals around it. Towards the end of the service we will process with the shroud around the exterior of the Church. After the conclusion of the service, the “Tomb Watch” begins - the Psalter being read before our Lord’s tomb throughout the night.
Holy Saturday Vesperal Liturgy of St. Basil - The vesper’s portion emphasizes the “harrowing of Hades” - our Lord’s defeat of sin and death, and includes 15 Old-Testament readings prophesying our Lord’s resurrection. This service transitions us into the celebration of our Lord’s resurrection. After the Epistle Reading, while “Arise, O God, and judge the earth” is sung, the clergy and servers switch to white vestments and all the cloths in the Church are changed over to white.
Great and Holy Pascha - the evening begins with readings from the Acts of the Apostles and formally begins at 11:30 p.m. with Nocturns.

No Potluck After Agape Vespers - April 24th - 04/18/22

Please note that the potluck has been removed from the 3:00 p.m. Agape Vespers on Sunday, April 24th. We will have a celebratory St. Thomas Sunday (May 1st) potluck and egg hunt.

Dolores Karawulan Funeral - April 20th - 04/18/22

The funeral for Dolores will be on Holy Wednesday, April 20th. The viewing will be open to the public at 10:30 a.m. and the funeral will be at 12:00 noon.

Pascha Baskets - 04/10/22

Two weeks from today we’ll have already celebrated Pascha! It is tradition to prepare a food basket that will be blessed after the Paschal Liturgy. Please
see the guides printed in the Narthex.

This Week's Lenten Schedule - April 11 through April 16 - 04/10/22

We will have services on Wednesday, Friday, and Saturday. Wednesday, April 13th, will be our last evening Pre-Sanctified service this year, at 6:30 p.m. (the final one will be Holy Tuesday at 9:30 a.m.) There will be a Lenten potluck following the service.

Friday, April 15th is Great Vespers for Lazarus Saturday, and Saturday, April 16th is Lazarus Saturday, when we will have a baptismal Divine Liturgy and receive five of our catechumens as full members of the Body of Christ. A Lenten potluck will follow this service as well.

April Calendars and Holy Week Schedules - 04/10/22

More April calendars and Holy Week schedules have been printed and are available in the Narthex.  The calendar and schedule are also available on the Church Calendar page of this web site.

Church Open - April 14th - 04/10/22

St. Michael’s will be open on Thursday, April 14th from 1:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m.  If you would like to see Father for confession or just to chat, please make an appointment.

Church Open - April 7th - 04/03/22

St. Michael’s will be open on Thursday, April 7th, from 1:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. If you would like to see Father for confession or just to chat, please make an appointment.

Choir Practice - April 9th - 04/03/22

Please note that choir practice for Holy Week and Pascha is scheduled for next Saturday (April 9th) at 3:30 p.m.

Sign-Ups for Holy Week Readings - More Volunteers Needed - 04/03/22

Sign-up sheets are in the Narthex on the table. We still need volunteers for the reading the Book of Acts and the reading of the Gospel in different languages for Agape Vespers.

Church Open - March 31st - 03/27/22

St. Michael’s will be open on Thursday, March 31st from 1:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m. If you would like to see Father for confession or just to chat, please make an appointment.

Good Samaritan Fund Collection - April 3rd - 03/27/22

Next Sunday (April 3rd) is the first Sunday of the month, when we take up an extra offering for the Good Samaritan Fund. The struggles of the Fast have led a number of individuals to use it. Please help keep it well funded.

Visitations - 03/27/22

Please remember Jim Hicks and Anna Herko love to have visitors. Both facilities are completely open with only a mask mandate. Both of them also can leave their facilities but need someone to drive them.

All-Parish Panikhida - April 2nd - 03/27/22

Next Saturday, April 2nd, is “Memorial Saturday.” At 4:00 p.m. we will commemorate all of the departed of the parish that we have a record for (everyone in our Metrical book) and any requests. Watch for a separate email for this commemoration.

This Week's Lenten Schedule - 03/27/22

This week we have two Presanctified Liturgies - Wednesday and Friday, both at 6:30 p.m.

April Memorial Litya - April 1st - 03/27/22

At the end of our Presanctified Liturgy on Friday (April 1st) we will pray for all those departed in April.  Watch for an email requesting names on Monday.

Church Open - March 24th - 03/20/22

St. Michael’s will be open on Thursday, March 24th, from 1:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m. If you would like to see Father for confession or just to chat, please make an appointment.

Pan-Orthodox Mission Vespers - 03/20/22

Fr. Victor just shared with us that these are happening again. Next weekend’s is at the cathedral, St. Stephen’s, in Philadelphia.

Church Open - March 15th - 03/13/22

Due to Father’s Clergy Peer Group next Thursday, St. Michael’s will be open on Tuesday instead from 1:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m.  If you would like to see Father for confession or just to chat, please make an appointment.

Lenten Retreat - March 19th - 03/13/22

Please notify Alice Morjana ASAP if you plan to attend any portion of the Saturday retreat. It is this Saturday (March 19th). namorjana@aol.com

• Arrival time: 10:00 Coffee/snack and fellowship
• Session 1: 10:30 - noon
• Lunch : 12:00- 1:15
• Session 2: 1:30-3:00
• Molieben to St. Anna: 3:15
• Vespers: 4:00pm.

Take note that Great Vespers will be at 4:00 p.m. due to the retreat.

Church Open - March 10th - 03/06/22

St. Michael’s will be open from 1 p.m. - 4:00 p.m. on Thursday, March 10th.  If you would like to see Father for confession or just to chat, please make an appointment.

RSVP for the Lenten Retreat - ASAP - 03/06/22

We are trying to get a good idea of how many will attend the talks by Abbot Sergius on Saturday, March 19th. If you have not yet, please email Alice
Morjana if you plan to attend. namorjana@aol.com

Sunday of Orthodoxy - March 13th - 03/06/22

Next Sunday (March 13th) is the Sunday of Orthodoxy - be sure and bring a favorite icon. We’ll be having a procession at the end of Liturgy.

Clean Week Services - March 7th - 11th - 03/06/22

This week we have a service every evening Monday - Friday at 6:30 p.m. See the front page or calendar.  If you plan to commune at the Pre-Sanctified Liturgies on Wednesday and/or Friday, please remember to fast from around Noon.

Note: We will have a Lenten potluck following each Pre-Sanctified Liturgy.

Relief for Ukranian Refugees - 03/06/22

A number of options to aid those in Ukraine are now available. Archbishop Mark has asked that we send relief via the partnership that has been made between our Church (OCA) and the Polish Orthodox Church. The link has been provided via our email newsletter and can be found on the OCA website as well.

Litya for the March Departed - March 11th - 03/06/22

We will commemorate the March departed at the end of the Pre-Sanctified liturgy on Friday (March 11th).  It will be a Memorial Litya. Watch for an email this week.

Daily Vespers & Fellowship - March 1st - 02/27/22

Join us for our final Daily Vespers until after Pascha. This is a special one! Cheesfare Week is “semi-Lenten.” Tuesday at 6:00 p.m.  Fellowship with a “snack-luck” will follow in the hall.

Church Open - March 3rd - 02/27/22

St. Michael’s will be open from 2:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m. on Thursday, March 3rd.  If you would like to see Father for confession or just to chat, please make an appointment.

Good Samaritan Sunday - March 6th - 02/27/22

Next Sunday we will take up an offering for the Good Samaritan Fund. This is done on the first Sunday of every month, but offerings are welcome to this fund at anytime (works online as well.)

Lenten Reading - 02/27/22

We have a section of Lenten reading in our library, and we now have a cart prepared at the bookstore.

Acquiring the Mind of Christ by Abbot Sergius is available in the bookstore and the library. This will be the theme for his talks on March 19th.

Cheesefare Potluck - March 6th - 02/27/22

Just like last week, in cleaning out all our meats, lets clean out all our dairy based foods - bring them to share.

Forgiveness Vespers - March 6th - 02/27/22

Next Sunday, March 6th,  after everyone has had a chance to eat, we’ll have Forgiveness Vespers. Please make it a point to stay and attend this very important service and entrance into the Great Fast

Funeral for Amanuel Kiflemariam - February 26th - 02/21/22

It grieves me to share that Amanuel Kiflemariam unexpectedly reposed in the Lord late Saturday evening or early Sunday morning.  He was 49 years of age and leaves behind his wife and children. The funeral is being planned for this Saturday, the 26th. The viewing will be at 8:30 a.m. with the funeral beginning at 10:0 a.m.   

May his soul dwell with the righteous.

Daily Vespers & Fellowship - February 22nd - 02/20/22

Join us for a prayerful service on Tuesday, February 22nd at 6:00 p.m.  Fellowship with a “snack-luck” will follow in the Fellowship Hall.

Church Open - February 24th - 02/20/22

St. Michael’s will be open from 2:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m. on Thursday, February 24th. If you would like to see Father for confession or just to chat, please make an appointment.

Pussy Willows - 02/20/22

It’s that season! The pussy willows are beginning to bud.  Now is the time to cut them and store them (moist refrigeration) if you plan to do so for Palm Sunday.

Lenten Reading - 02/20/22

Don’t forget we have a library downstairs! Take advantage of it and check out a book to read for Great Lent.

Meatfare Potluck - February 27th - 02/20/22

Next Sunday (February 27th) is our final day to have meat until Pascha. Let’s make it count - bring a yummy, meaty dish to share.

Daily Vespers & Fellowship - February 15th - 02/13/22

Join us for a prayerful service on Tuesday at 6 PM. Fellowship with a “snack-luck” to follow in the Fellowship Hall.

Church Open - February 17th - 02/13/22

St. Michael’s will be open from 9:00 a.m. to Noon on Thursday February 17th.  If you would like to see Father for confession or just to chat, please make an appointment.

Fast Free Week This Week - February 13th - 19th - 02/13/22

Note that this week is a fast free week! After this, we start to ease into our Lenten fasting routine.

Man of God Movie - March 21st - 02/13/22

A movie on the life of St. Nektarios will have a one day, one time showing on March 21st at 7 p.m. 

Family Promise - Thank You! - 02/13/22

Thank you to all the Saint Michael’s volunteers who contributed to this past week’s Family Promise meals program for homeless families in transition. Your efforts have brought comfort, sustenance and hope to needy families in our community.

Thank You, Christine! - 02/06/22

A word of thanks to Christine Roberts who helped us procure 100 COVID rapid test kits, which were given out during Fellowship Hour today.

Daily Vespers & Fellowship - February 8th - 02/06/22

Back to normal this week - join us for a prayerful service on Tuesday, February 8th at 6:00 p.m. Fellowship with a “snack-luck” will follow in the Fellowship Hall.

Church Open - February 10th - 02/06/22

St. Michael’s will be open from Noon to 4:00 p.m. on Thursday, February 10th. If you would like to see Father for confession or just to chat, please make an appointment.

Our Journey to Pascha - 02/06/22

Every year Fr. Jonathan Bannon prepares a nice graphic chart with a breakdown of “Our Journey to Pascha.” The Journey begins next week! Copies are available in the narthex.

Great Feast: Meeting of the Lord - February 2nd - 01/30/22

We will be celebrating this great feast of our Lord on Tuesday evening & Wednesday morning. Join us for Great Vespers at 7:00 p.m. Tuesday and Divine Liturgy at 9:30 a.m. Wednesday.  A potluck will follow the Divine Liturgy - note that is a “Fish” day.

NOTE: At the end of Liturgy on Wednesday we will have a candle blessing. A table will be setup at the front - bring your candles to be blessed. 

Church Open Cancelled This Week - 01/30/22

St. Michael’s will not be open this week due to the feast and a Clergy Peer Group meeting that Father will be attending. (Father is available for appointments at the Church on Thursday morning.)

Daily Vespers & Fellowship Resume February 8th - 01/30/22

Daily Vespers & Fellowship will resume next week (Tuesday, February 8th) as we have Great Vespers on Tuesday of this week.

House Blessings - 01/23/22

Please see Madrecita Emilia to schedule a house blessing. Our evening schedule is full, but we do have spots during the day, and we can do them after Pascha too!

St Valentine's Concert - February 5th - 01/23/22

Daniel Peck sent this email out on the Listserv this last week, in case anyone missed it:

You are invited to attend the first ever Saint Valentine's Concert. The event will take place after Vespers on Saturday the 5th of February. If you are curious, I will be wearing a suit jacket and trying to look snazzy, and my wife won't try that hard and will easily outdo me. Vespers is being moved to 4:00 p.m., and the event will begin shortly after: refreshments will be at 5:30 with the performances from 6:00 -7:00 p.m. You must be 10 years old or older in order to attend/perform. We hope you will consider performing, but either way, please fill out this form as your RSVP:


We are planning on providing childcare for ages 3-9, let me know if you are able to volunteer. We are leaving our infant home with a babysitter. I am sure any young adult who helps would appreciate a donation! Up to you, but perhaps $20 an hour? Please reach out to me if you have any questions!


Dan Peck

Archimandrite Sergius Coming in March! - 01/23/22

Archimandrite Sergius, the abbot of St. Tikhon’s Monastery, will be joining us on the weekend of March 19th and 20th to lead a Lenten retreat.

Daily Vespers and Fellowship Cancelled This Week - 01/23/22

There will be no Daily Vespers this week due to the flooring installation.

Church Open Cancelled This Week - 01/23/22

St Michael's will not be open this week due to the flooring installation.

Moving Help Needed - January 28th and 29th - 01/23/22

The wood flooring is going in this week!  Everything needs to be moved back at the end of the week before Vespers next Saturday.  Altar setup (men please) will be held on Friday evening at 7:00 p.m.  The rest of the Church (everyone who is able) please come and help on Friday at 7:00 p.m. or Saturday morning at 10:00 a.m.

Daily Vespers - January 18th - 01/16/22

Join us on Tuesday for a prayerful Vespers service. I will be available to hear confessions as well. Fellowship time with a light/snack potluck will be held afterwards.

Family Promise - Volunteers Needed - 01/16/22

Family Promise Volunteers are needed to cook or provide take-out for approximately two homeless families. Please sign up on the poster board in the Narthex or contact Maria (Sue) D’Orazio.

Church Open - January 20th - 01/16/22

St. Michael’s will be open on Thursday the 20th from 9:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Reserve a slot by emailing or texting Father or let him know in person.

Moving - January 23rd, 28th, and 29th - 01/16/22

The new wood flooring is being installed in the church during the week of January 24th. Everything in the Church (from the Candle Room all the way through to the Altar) has to be moved out to the hall on Sunday afternoon the 23rd.

Additionally, (almost) everything needs to go back at the end of the week before Vespers on the 29th. We’ll likely have two sets of times for the move back - Friday evening the 28th and Saturday morning / early afternoon the 29th-more details later on the move back.

Ministry Groups - 01/16/22

It is time to formalize some of the groups mentioned at the All Parish meeting in November. In addition to our current service groups, please let Father know if you are interested in being part of one or more of the following:
• Community Outreach (the local poor & needy)
• Homebound / Nursing Home Outreach (for our own)
• Maintenance / Inspection
• Gardening
• Hospitality (providing meals, hosting showers, etc)
• First Responder (hospital or crisis)

Liturgical Wish List - 01/16/22

A binder is now on the glass cabinet in the narthex (entrance). This is a wish list of items we could use - altar server vestments in the colors we lack, gold chalices, censer stand, etc. If you are willing to sponsor an item please let Sb.Dn. Basil Peck or Father Silouan know.

Check Under the Baby's Seat! - 01/16/22

Please remember to check under the baby's seat when you are about to leave Fellowship Hour. Some of the little ones leave quite the mess!

All-Parish Meeting - February 6th - 01/16/22

We will have an All-Parish Meeting on February 6th during Fellowship Hour to discuss the Heavenly Vision progress and Ivan, the iconographer from St. Tikhon’s, will be here to lay out Phase 2.

Church Open Times Resume January 4th - 12/26/21

The next St Michael's Church Open day will be Tuesday, January 4th from 9:00 a.m. to noon. Father will be available for counsel, confession, to pray for you or any requests you have.  You may also feel free to pray silently on your own. Reserve a slot by emailing or texting Father or let him know in person.

Daily Vespers Resumes January 4th - 12/26/21

Daily Vespers  will resume on Tuesday, January 4th at 6:00 p.m. - join us for a prayerful Vespers service. I will be available to hear confessions (before & after.) Fellowship time with a light/snack potluck will be held afterwards.

2022 Liturgical Calendars - 12/26/21

Our 2022 calendars have arrived! Please feel free to take one from the stack in the Narthex.

No Fasting Until January 5th - 12/26/21

There is no fasting until the Eve of Theophany (Wednesday, January 5th) which is a strict fast.

Winter Clothing Drive - 12/19/21

Coats, scarves, and caps that are in good condition are now being accepted (box in the entrance to the Fellowship Hall.)  They will be donated to those in need.

Potluck - December 26th - 12/19/21

Note that next Sunday (December 26th) we will have a Potluck after Divine Liturgy - share those leftover Christmas dinners!

Church Open - December 23rd - 12/19/21

St. Michael’s will be open from 9:00 a.m. - Noon this coming Thursday the 23rd. Father will be available for counsel, confession, to pray for you or any requests you have. You may also feel free to pray silently on your own. Reserve a slot by emailing or texting Father or let him know in person.

Akathist to the Nativity of Our Lord - December 21st - 12/19/21

Instead of Daily Vespers this Tuesday at 6:00 p.m., the Akathist for the Nativity will be served. All are welcome to come and sing along

Church Open - December 15th - 12/12/21

St. Michael’s will be open from 2:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m. this coming Wednesday the 15th. Father will be available for counsel, confession, to pray for you or any requests you have, or feel free to pray silently on your own. Reserve a slot by emailing frsilouan@stmichaelsdelaware.org or let me know in person or by text.

Good Samaritan Fund - 12/12/21

As a reminder, we have a fund to help those who are in a tight spot as well as some other resources. If you are struggling, please speak with Father - we are family, and we bear one another’s burdens.

Coat Drive - 12/12/21

Coats that are in good condition are now being accepted (box in the hall to the Fellowship Hall.) They will be donated to those in need.

Blessing Bags - 12/12/21

The donation bags are now available! Two dozen were put together - thank you to everyone who made it happen.  Please take one only if you see a homeless person on a regular basis and can pass it on.

Opt-in Email - 12/12/21

If you still need to to sign up for our new email communication platform, click on this link.

ChurchTrac - 12/05/21

Beginning in 2022 we will begin using a new software system that has a suite of features - Accounting, membership management, giving management as well as online giving support, event management, etc. One of the neat features is everyone can have a personal login which allows you to access your information as well as update it and even add a photo.

Daily Vespers - December 7th - 12/05/21

Tuesday at 6:00 p.m. join us for a prayerful Vespers service. I will be available to hear confessions (before & after). Fellowship time with a light/snack potluck will be held afterwards.

Parish Council Meeting - December 9th - 12/05/21

Our December Parish Council meeting is this Thursday, December 9th at 7:00 p.m.

St Barbara's Day - December 5th - 11/28/21

We will have our traditional celebration during coffee hour on December 5th. The children of the parish should bring their costumes to change into after liturgy. Adults, please bring a bag of treats to hand out. Additionally, a volunteer to tell the story of St. Barbara to the children is needed and an older man willing to play the role of St. Nicholas (Feastday on 12/6) is needed as well. Please contact Elizabeth Clause ASAP.

Directory Update - 11/28/21

Olga Maloney is managing our Google Docs directory and is looking to make sure it is as accurate as possible for 2022. Please let her know if you have had any change of address, phone number, or a new addition (with name & birthday). Email Olga at: olgamaloney1@gmail.com and please be sure to copy me at frsilouanburns@gmail.com.

Akathist Hymn - Moved to December 2nd - 11/21/21

The Akathist Hymn originally scheduled for Friday, December 3rd has been moved Thursday, December 2nd.  The time is still 6:00 p.m.  I will be available for confession as well.

Charity Bag Collection - Now Through December 5th - 11/21/21

This week through next Sunday we will finish up collecting goods for the Blessing Bags to give to the homeless and/or needy. Items can go in the box at the Fellowship Hall entrance and monetary donations to help purchase items for the bags can go in the collection plate (memo: Blessing Bags.)

The finished blessing bags will be available to parishioners (i.e. kept in cars) to give to a person in need.

No Daily Vespers or Church Open Hours This Week - 11/21/21

Due to the Thanksgiving Holiday, there will be no Daily Vespers or Church Open hours this week.

Annual All-Parish Meeting Resumes - December 12th - 11/21/21

The Annual All-Parish Meeting will resume on December 12th during Fellowship Hour so we can discuss the renovations and finalize our plan. 

Great Feast - November 20th / 21st - 11/14/21

The Great Feast celebrating the Entrance of the Theotokos into the Holy Temple falls on a Sunday this year - next Sunday! We will have a Litya Service next Saturday, November 20th as part of Great Vespers.

Nativity Fast Begins - November 15th - 11/14/21

The Nativity Fast begins Monday, November 15th. The Church calls all of us to greater ascetic living for our salvation and in preparation to celebrate the birth of our Lord.

Church Open - November 18th - 11/14/21

St. Michael’s will be open from 9:00 a.m. to Noon this coming Thursday, November 18th. Father will be available for counsel, confession, to pray for you or any requests you have, or feel free to pray silently on your own.

Daily Vespers & Fellowship - November 16th - 11/14/21

Join us for a prayerful Vespers service this Tuesday, November 16th at 6:00 p.m. . I will be available to hear confessions (before & after). Fellowship time with a light/snack potluck will be held afterwards.

Daily Vespers & Fellowship - November 9th - 11/07/21

Tuesday at 6:00 p.m. join us for a prayerful Vespers service. I will be available to hear confessions (before & after). Fellowship time with a light/snack potluck will be held afterwards.

Sign-Up Sheets for 2022 - 11/07/21

How are you serving? Sign-up sheets to host fellowship-hour, clean the facilities, service-duty, and to help bake prosphora are now available. Email Father if you want to be part of the Gardening / Outdoor Beautification group or the Nursling Home / Homebound Outreach.

Singles Fellowship - November 13th - 10/31/21

Basil and Emmila Peck are hosting a potluck get-together at their house on the 13th. All singles are welcome! Please see either one of them for more details.

Church Open - November 3rd - 10/31/21

St. Michael’s will be open from 1:00 p.m. - 4:30 p.m. this coming Wednesday the 3rd. Father will be available for counsel, confession, to pray for you or any  requests you have, or feel free to pray silently on your own

Daily Vespers - November 2nd - 10/31/21

On Tuesday, November 2nd at 6:00 p.m. join us for a prayerful service. I will be available to hear confessions and for fellowship afterwards.

Patronal Feast Day - November 8th - 10/24/21

The feast of the Holy Archangel Michael is quickly approaching. Monday, November 8th, we will celebrate with Divine Liturgy at 9:30 a.m. (Hours at 9:10 a.m.). A fellowship and potluck will follow.

Bookstore News - 10/24/21

Several new books are available. Father is requiring all the catechumens to read “Arise, O God” by Fr. Andrew Damick - it’s a short read, explaining the  Gospel from the original Christian (Orthodox) perspective. The new service books (Liturgy / Vespers) are also available from St. Tikhon’s.

Foundations Class - Sundays - 10/17/21

We are holding a class on the foundations of the Orthodox faith.  It is being held Sunday mornings in the sanctuary during church school time (at the ringing of the bell). 

There will be no Foundations Class on Sunday, December 12th due to the All-Parish Meeting.  We will resume on Sunday, December 19th when Father Silouan will be teaching on The Church: Its Structure and How the Theotokos Is an Integral Part.

Church Open - October 20th - 10/17/21

St. Michael’s will be open from 1:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m. this coming Wednesday (October 20th). Father will be available for counsel, confession, to pray for you or any requests you have, or feel free to pray silently on your own.

Meet and Greet with Madre Emilia - October 23rd - 10/17/21

Attention to all the ladies of our parish! A meet and greet will be held for Madre Emilia in the Fellowship Hall after Vespers on Saturday the 23rd. Please bring an appetizer or dessert to share. Please confirm with me that you will attend - email alusakm@gmail.com. I look forward to seeing you all there.

- Alice Morjana

Memorial Saturday - October 23rd - 10/17/21

Next Saturday is Memorial Saturday of St. Demetrius. We will have our October Panikhida service at 4:15 p.m. Please joins us to pray for all those departed  this life before us. I’ll send an email out on Tuesday morning with a list from our Metrical book and also welcoming requests.

Church Open - October 14th - 10/10/21

Note the different day and time! St. Michael’s will be open from 9:00 a.m. - Noon this coming Thursday, October 14th. Father will be available for counsel, confession, to pray for you or any requests you have, or feel free to pray silently on your own.

Family Promise Ministry - Thank You! - 10/10/21

Thank you to all the Saint Michael's volunteers who contributed their treasure, time, and talents to this past week's Family Promise meals program. Your work is a blessing to many.

-Maria (Sue) D’Orazio

Annual All Parish Meeting - November 14th - 10/10/21

The Annual All-Parish Meeting will be held Sunday, November 14th. Please mark your calendars and plan to be present at Fellowship Hour. There will be no Church School or Foundations Class on that Sunday.

Parish Council - October 7th - 10/03/21

This next Thursday (October 7th) is our parish council meeting. It will be at 7:00 p.m. in the fellowship hall.

Church Open - October 6th - 10/03/21

Note the different day and time! St. Michael’s will be open from 1:00 p.m. until 4:00 p.m. this coming Wednesday (October 6th). Father will be available for counsel, confession, to pray for you or any requests you have, or feel free to pray silently on your own. If you need to meet with me at a different time, please let me know. I’ll do my best to accommodate you.

Singles Meet-up - October 9th - 10/03/21

The next singles meet-up is at Basil & Emmelia Peck’s home after Vespers next Saturday (October 9th). Please let Emmelia know if you plan to attend.

Daily Vespers - Starting October 12th - 10/03/21

On Tuesday, October 12th at 6:00 p.m. we will begin having Daily Vespers. Join us for a prayerful service. I will be available to hear
confessions afterwards.

Foundations Class - Starting October 10th - 10/03/21

Next Sunday, October 10th, during Church School time, Father Silouan will begin a a class on the basics of our faith - “Foundations.” It will cover subjects such as God, Humankind, the Trinity, each of the Sacraments, etc. Come and deepen your understanding of our Faith. This class is required for catechumens. First class: The True God.

Veteran's Charity Collection - 10/03/21

Veteran’s Day is approaching! It’s time again for us to begin collecting funds for our needy veterans. Please place your offering in the Sunday offering plate. If it is cash please use an envelope with “VETS“ written on it and your name, if you would like it to be recorded. If it is a check, please make it payable to St. Michael’s (memo: "VETS"). We will buy $25 Acme gift cards and donate them to the Veterans Hospital where they'll be distributed before Veterans Day on November 11th. Thank you for your compassion for those who served our country.

Church Open - September 29th - 09/26/21

St. Michael’s will be open from 9:30 a.m. until Noon this coming Wednesday (29th). Father will be available for counsel, confession, to pray for you or any requests you have, or feel free pray silently on your own. If you need to meet with me at a different time, contact me.

Rectory Renovations - Thank You From Father Silouan - 09/26/21

Thank you to all who have so willingly supported the renovations at the rectory and even contributed towards it. We are thrilled with the results; it is starting to feel like home.

Google Reviews - 09/26/21

Several submitted reviews this last week, thank you! We could use a few more - this is a great opportunity to evangelize by sharing your journey to Orthodoxy or how your life was changed here at St. Michael’s.

Archpastoral Visit - October 2nd & 3rd - 09/26/21

Next week His Eminence, Archbishop Mark will be with us. We will have a potluck - please bring some good fixin’s - Juliana Peck will help coordinate; let’s aim for a good balance of greens, meats, sides, and sweets. If you can prepare an ethnic speciality, please consider doing so.

Funeral - September 25th - Cancelled - 09/19/21

There will be a funeral here on Saturday, September 25th at noon (viewing will tentatively begin at 11 a.m.).  Lily Bandak is originally from San Diego, CA, but was under the care of family here and will be buried in Newark. I will serve the funeral and we’ll need some help with the choir and for hospitality.

Update from Father Silouan (9/20/21):

Please disregard my announcement in the bulletin and yesterday at the end of Liturgy. The funeral director called just a moment ago and shared that the family has decided to have the funeral elsewhere. That being said, no choir or hospitality help will be needed. Thank you to all who were planning on being there.

Sunday School Reminder - 09/19/21

Sunday School (K - 12) launched last week. It begins around 11:30 AM - listen for the bell at that time.

Church Open - September 23rd - 09/19/21

St. Michael’s will be open from 9:30 a.m. until Noon this coming Thursday, September 23rd. Father will be available for counsel, confession, to pray for you or any requests you have, or feel free pray silently on your own.

Choir / Vocal Workshop - October 16th - 09/19/21

Juliana Peck will conduct a workshop on Saturday, October 16 from 3:30 p.m. - 4:30 p.m. All choir members are expected to attend, and anyone else interested is also welcome.

Food Pantry Ministry - 09/19/21

There is still plenty of space - check your pantries or add an extra item or two to your basket next time you shop.

Here are a few suggestions, but certainly donations are not limited to this list:
• Clif Bars/ Energy or Protein Bars
• Canned soups with easy open tops (eg Amy's Organic)
• Soups in boxes with plastic lids (eg Pacific)
• Various soups in paper cups with easy tear-off tops
• Salmon, tuna, or chicken in cans*
• Brown rice
• Dried peas or lentils
• Canned tomatoes, beans, jars of pasta sauce
• Whole grain and gluten free pasta
• Other healthy options

Church Open - September 16th - 09/13/21

St. Michael’s will be open from 9:30 a.m. until Noon this coming Thursday (16th). Father will be available for counsel, confession, to pray for you or any requests you have, or feel free pray silently on your own.

Family Promise - October 4th, 5th, and 7th - 09/13/21

Those who volunteered, please have your meals prepared for delivery for the three families being sponsored.

Father Silouan's Phone Number and Email Address - 09/12/21

I can be reached at frsilouanburns@gmail.com or through the website.  If you want to give out my number to someone outside the parish, please use the number on the back of this bulletin or what I have on the website, which is (302) 283-9335. This number reaches my cell and can be texted, but it is screened.

Prayer List Update Reminder - 09/12/21

We had two prayer lists being maintained (the bulletin and what was used at services were separate lists) and are now down to one - the one on the back of the bulletin. If your name or the name of a loved one was inadvertently dropped, please let me know.

Daily Vespers Postponed Until October - Reading / Chanting Volunteers Needed - 09/12/21

Things are still in progress at the rectory and my office is literally boxed & piled up at the moment. I have a tentative Daily Vespers on the calendar for next week - that will not happen. I’m going to aim for October. Having said that, it would be nice to have a few people willing and able to chant the service. The plan is to do them at 6:00 p.m. on Tuesdays. If you are interested, even if you have no experience, let me know. I’ll work with you to help prepare you for when we do start.

Exaltation of the Cross - September 13th and 14th - 09/12/21

We will have Great Vespers with a Litya Monday evening (13th) at 7:00 PM. Divine Liturgy will be served at 9:30 AM on Tuesday (14th) morning. A potluck lunch & fellowship time will follow - please bring something lenten as this Great Feast is always a fasting day

Church Open Times - 09/04/21

I will have the Church open on various days of the week from 9:30 AM until Noon. (See the calendar for tentative dates.)  I will be available for counsel, confession, to pray for you or any requests you have including prayer for others; or feel free to light a candle and pray silently on your own or any combination of the above.

Appointments - 09/04/21

I would be happy to schedule an appointment to meet anyone who would like to do so at your home, the coffee shop, or at the Church (if the normal times I have it open don’t work for you) for confession, communion, counseling, a social visit, etc. Just ask! 

Seminarian Appeal - September 12th - 09/04/21

The diocese has asked all of the parishes to take up an offering to help our two seminarians - Dn. John Black and Bill Rusk. They are both at St. Vladimir’s. Please consider donating next weekend - we’ll take up a separate offering and split the donations between the two gentlemen. Checks should be made payable to St. Michael’s but noted for the “Seminarian Appeal.”

Panikhidas - September 5th and 11th - 09/04/21

This Saturday (9/4) marks the 40th day of repose for Pearl Minnich. We'll have a panikhida for her on Sunday (9/5) after Divine Liturgy.

Additionally, we’ll have a service for the departed on the 11th for any reposed in the month of September (of years past), for 9/11, and any requests. I’ll send out an email to the parish later this week requesting names for the list.

Sunday School Starts - September 12th - 09/04/21

The elementary ages will begin Sunday School next Sunday (September 12th) at 11:30 a.m. during Fellowship Hour. We need a volunteer for the Junior High / High School ages - a curriculum is available. Stay tuned for an Adult Education class (Book or Bible Study) beginning in October.

NOTE: I need to meet any catechumens and inquirers.  Please reach out to me during Fellowship Hour.

Special All Parish Meeting - September 19th - 09/04/21

A special All-Parish Meeting will be held next Sunday (19th) during Fellowship Hour due to the extra expenses of fixing up the rectory.

Website and Social Media - 09/04/21

The website had a minor facelift and we now have public Facebook and Instagram (stmichaelsdelaware) pages. A “Daily Readings” tab has been added as the final option on the website home page - read the Scripture readings of the day along with the lives of the saints of the day.

September Calendar Still Being Finalized - 09/04/21

Please be patient with me… Several tentative items are on there marked with (TBD) for “to be determined” that I plan to give a trial run. Volunteers needed to make some of these ideas successful, no experience is necessary, just a desire to learn. Let me know!

Nativity of the Theotokos and Exaltation of the Cross - September 8th and 14th - 09/04/21

Note that the Nativity will be celebrated as a Vesperal Liturgy (Vespers combined with Liturgy) on Tuesday evening at 6:30 p.m. Please fast from lunchtime onward (assuming a normal noonish lunch.) Let’s have a potluck too! Bring something to share for after the service. The Exaltation is still TBD - it might be Vesperal or might be served normally.

Nativity of the Theotokos - September 8th - 08/22/21

We will celebrate the first major feast of the new church year with the Nativity of the Theotokos (September 8th). The feast honors the birth of the Mother of God and the salvation that comes through her Son.  The second major feast of the new church year is the Elevation or Exaltation of the Holy Cross. The Nativity of the Theotokos is seen as the beginning of our salvation, and the Cross is seen as the culmination of our salvation. By Christ's death on It, our salvation was accomplished.  Mary is also strongly associated with the Cross, for she was the mystical paradise in whom the Tree of Life sprouted; this Tree of Life, Christ our Savior, then planted on earth the life-creating Tree of the Cross (from the Feast). And as He suffered and died on the Life-giving Tree of the Cross, so too we are called upon to take up our own crosses on our shoulders and to die daily for the sake of Him Who died for us.

New Priest to Arrive - August 30th - 08/22/21

Fr. Barnabas and family will be taking a leave from St. Michael's and retreat from full time ministry. Their last Sunday will be August 29th. To make sure St. Michael's continues to have a full uninterrupted cycle of services a new priest has been assigned. Our new priest Fr. Silouan Burns, "Madre" Emilia, and family will be moving in to the rectory during the week of August 23rd.  Please be sure to give them the help and support they need as they begin their new ministry in Wilmington. We want to thank everyone for their prayers, support and help during this rapid transition.

Welcome to the Newly Illumined! - 08/15/21

Welcome to the newly Chrismated John Hill, Chrismated this morning (August 15th). May our Lord bless and keep John for many blessed years!

Welcome to the Newly Illumined! - 08/08/21

Welcome to the newly illumined Ephraim Makarios Peck Baptized and Chrismated this morning (Sunday, August 8th). May our Lord bless and keep the newly illumined Ephraim, his sponsor, and family many blessed years!

Family Promise - Thank You! - 08/08/21

Thank you to all of our St. Michael’s volunteers who prepared and delivered meals to our families in need. The Family Promise ministry continues to be one of the most successful in DE. Your caring and generosity are very much appreciated by the families! There will be more upcoming opportunities to serve in the future if you missed serving this time. Thanks everyone for your continued good works!

Feast of the Dormition of the Theotokos - August 15th - 08/08/21

The feast commemorates her glorification and salvation in Jesus Christ. Fr. Thomas Hopko says that "the feast of the Dormition is the sign, the guarantee, and the celebration that Mary's fate is, the destiny of all those of "low estate" whose souls magnify the Lord, whose spirits rejoice in God the Saviour, whose lives are totally dedicated to hearing and keeping the Word of God which is given to men in Mary's child, the Saviour and Redeemer of the world". According to tradition, while in prayer, an angel appeared to the Theotokos telling her that she would leave this world. As a token and promise that her Son awaited, the angel gave her a branch with flowers from Eden. So on this day in honor of the greatest flower of womanhood, and the first to receive the promise of the awaiting kingdom, flowers are brought for blessing. We will celebrate this feast with Vespers and Lytia next Saturday evening (August 14th at 5:00 p.m.) and Divine Liturgy on Sunday (August 15th at 9:00 a.m.) as usual followed by the blessing of flowers and seed.

Dormition Fast and August Feast Days - August 1st - 15th - 07/19/21

The liturgical calendar once again comes to its close in August with the fourth and final fasting season of the Church year as well as two major feasts. Every year the Orthodox Church sets aside the first fourteen days of August in honor of the Virgin Mary. This fast period begins on August 1st and peaks on August 15th, when the Church gathers to celebrate the great feast of the Dormition (Falling Asleep) of the Theotokos.

On Friday, August 6th, the Church celebrates the feast of the Transfiguration of our Lord. This feast commemorates our Lord's transfiguration before his disciples on Mt. Tabor. In His Transfiguration He reveals His glory to the disciples. In Him they (and we) now see for themselves the glory of God present in the person of Christ. Please plan to join us for these major feasts as we make our way to the end of yet another liturgical year.

Parish Office Closed - July 19th - 27th - 07/19/21

The parish office will be closed Monday, July 19th through Tuesday, July 27th. Fr. Barnabas and family will be on vacation. For any parish emergencies or problems during the week please call Fr. Dn. James Carpenter (609) 202-4255 or Jeff Kendall (302) 420-6600. Thank you!

Parish Library is Open for Summer Reading! - 07/18/21

Now that the nice weather is upon us, recharge your spiritual life by checking out one of the books at the library table in the Church hall. There's something to inspire everyone: Saint's lives, books on the spiritual life, books on prayer, and books for the kiddos. Check it out today!

Typika Service - July 25th - 07/18/21

Next Sunday, July 25th, Fr. Dn. James Carpenter will offer the Hours and Typica services. With the blessing of Archbishop MARK, a presanctified Lamb will be consecrated this week for offering to the faithful next Sunday. So everyone should prepare to receive Holy Communion as usual.

Prosphora Baking Class - July 15th - 06/28/21

Fr. Barnabas will be offering a prosphora baking class on Thursday, July 15th at 9:30 a.m. The class will bake bread, share recipes, techniques, and tips for making the prosphora breads for our Liturgical services. Anyone is welcome to join us for this class. And if you are interested in joining our prosphora baking team please see Susan Skomorucha.

Parish Council Members and Church School Teachers - 06/28/21

We are looking at our ministry needs for the Fall. And are planning on a robust return to our normal Fall activities. These activities include Church School for our youth and election of officers at our All Parish Meeting. St. Michael’s needs volunteers to serve as teachers for our Church School and Council members to serve in parish administration. One particular need that will be coming available is our parish treasurer’s position. Please prayerfully consider serving in either or both of these parish ministries. If interested in teaching or helping with Church School, please see Fr. Barnabas. If you would like to serve on parish council, please see Mark Bunitsky or Jeff Kendall. Thanks to all who continue to serve Christ’s Holy Church.Our parish council is looking at our ministry needs for this Fall. We are planning on a robust return to our normal Fall activities which include Church School for our youth and our All Parish Meeting. St. Michael’s needs volunteers to serve as teachers for our Church School and Council members to serve in parish administration. One particular need that will be coming available is our parish treasurer’s position. Please prayerfully consider serving in either or both of these parish ministries. If interested in teaching or helping with Church School, please see Fr. Barnabas. If you would like to serve on parish council, please see Mark Bunitsky or Jeff Kendall. Thanks to all who continue to serve Christ’s Holy Church.

Family Promise - August 2nd, 3rd & 5th - 06/28/21

Volunteers are needed to cook for 2 homeless families and deliver meals (no contact) to 2501 Milltown Rd (across from St Michaels) on Monday, August 2nd, Tuesday,  August 3rd and Thursday, August 5th at 6:00 p.m. Please sign up in the Narthex. See Ellen Gundersen or Susan D'Orazio with questions.

Memorial Saturday - June 19th - 06/13/21

Next Saturday, June 19th at 4:00 p.m., prior to Vespers,  we will serve a memorial service for all the departed. Please add the names of any newly departed to our prayer list.

All Parish Meeting - June 27th - 06/13/21

We will have an all parish meeting on Sunday, June 27th following the Divine Liturgy. Please be sure to stay to participate as we all do our part to care for Christ’s Holy Church.

Ss. Peter and Paul Fast and Feast - June 28th and 29th - 06/13/21

The spirit of Holy Pentecost leads us to another feast and fast of the church. The feast of the Holy Apostles Peter and Paul is celebrated on June 29th. From the 4th Century on, the Church has celebrated this feast which is spiritually linked with Holy Pentecost. It stands as the witness of the Apostles immediate fruit at the descent of the Holy Spirit when it came upon them. The Feast is preceded by a fasting period called Saints Peter and Paul Fast.” The fast is different from year to year since it always begins on the Monday following the first Sunday after Pentecost (All Saints' Sunday). The fast lasts just one day this year, Monday, June 28th, the Eve of the Feast of Ss. Peter and Paul. To commemorate the great Peter and Paul, we will offer Great Vespers with Litiya for the feast on Monday, June 28th at 7:00 p.m. and Divine Liturgy on Tuesday, June 29th at 9:30 a.m. 

Study Group Summer Break - 06/13/21

Our Study group will be taking a break for the Summer months of June /July/August. Thanks to all who participate in this parish education opportunity.

Pentecost Sunday - June 20th - 05/30/21

On Sunday, June 20th in the life of the Church we celebrate the Great Feast of Pentecost. Liturgically this is the greatest of the 12 Great Feasts. (Pascha is in a category all by itself!) Pentecost is the “Birthday of the Church”, the celebration of the coming of the Holy Spirit. Just a reminder that next week immediately following the Divine Liturgy, the traditional Vespers of Pentecost with the Special Kneeling prayers is served. In Orthodoxy, we go from glory to glory - come let us welcome the coming of the Holy Spirit!

Our Library Is Open! - 05/30/21

Church Library Summer Reading: Now that the nice weather is upon us, recharge your spiritual life by checking out one of the books at the library table, in the Church hall. There's something to inspire everyone: Saint's lives, books on the spiritual life, books on prayer, and books for the kiddos. Check it out today.

Parish Council - June 3rd - 05/30/21

Our parish council will meet this Thursday, June 3rd at 7:00 p.m. at the church. Thank you, council member, for your continued work!

Study Group - June 3rd - 05/30/21

Our study group will meet this Thursday morning, June 3rd, at 10:00 a.m. on Zoom We will continue our reading and discussion the gospel of St. Matthew chapter 23. Join us!

The Ascension of Our Lord - June 10th - 05/30/21

On the fortieth day after the resurrection Jesus ascended into heaven to be glorified on the right hand of God (Acts 1.9–11; Mk 16.19; Lk24.51). The ascension of Christ is His final physical departure from this world after the resurrection. It is the formal completion of His mission in this world as the Messianic Savior. The ascension itself is not to be understood as though it were simply the supernatural event of a man floating up and away into the skies. The holy scripture stresses Christ’s physical departure and His glorification with God the Father, together with the great joy which His disciples had as they received the promise of the Holy Spirit Who was to come to assure the Lord’s presence with them, enabling them to be His witnesses to the ends of earth. The celebration of the feast of Ascension will be Wednesday June 9th at 7:00 p.m. with Great Vespers and Thursday June 10th at 9:30 a.m. with Divine Liturgy. Join us!

Study Group - May 27th - 05/23/21

Our study group will meet this Thursday morning at 10:00 a.m. on Zoom We will continue our reading and discussion the gospel of St. Matthew chapter 22. Join us!

Friday Night Family Fun - June 11th - 05/23/21

Join us for an outdoor family fun night on Friday, June 11th from 6:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. Join for some games and refreshments. Please see Fr. Barnabas or Mat. Daria if you are interested in helping.

Coffee Hour - 05/23/21

We will continue moving forward with our coffee hour for any who wish to participate. We are now at the point that we would like to create a volunteer rotation schedule once again for this duty. Please email Juliana Peck to help with coffee hour. We are hoping to put a schedule together in the next couple weeks. Thank you in advance for your help and hospitality!

Study Group - May 20th - 05/16/21

Our study group continued this past week with six of us reading and discussing the gospel of St. Matthew chapter 22. We will continue our study this Thursday morning, May 20th, at 10:00  a.m. on Zoom. Join us!

Memory Eternal! - 05/09/21

Memory Eternal to Vera Chalfant on the ten year anniversary of her falling asleep in the Lord (May 10, 2011). We will remember her along with all of our departed Mothers following Liturgy. Memory Eternal!

Pascha Flowers - Thank You! - 05/09/21

Thanks to Jim and Anne Riley for arranging the Pascha flowers as well as everyone who helped decorate the church for Pascha! Anyone who would like may choose a plant to take home.

Study Group to Resume - May 13th - 05/09/21

Our Study group will resume this Thursday, May 13th at 10:00 a.m. We will continue with the Gospel of St. Matthew chapter 21.We will continue to meet on Zoom. All are welcome to join us.

Paschal Celebration - Thank You! - 05/09/21

A special thank you to Paula Daubert, our parish choir, our altar servers, and all who helped make our Lenten and Paschal experience so fruitful! May our Lord continue to bless the parish of St. Michael’s with health, happiness, and many blessed years!

Newly Chrismated - 04/25/21

Yesterday (April 24th) and today (April 25th) we welcomed into the Church Cole (Eustace) McElmurray and Andrew (Andrew) Ashton, through the sacrament of Holy Chrismation. May God grant them many blessed years!

Coffee Hour - 04/25/21

We are having a modified coffee hour for any who wish to participate. Participation is entirely voluntary; and participants should understand that it is impossible to eliminate all risks with respect to COVID-19. Therefore, each coffee hour participant assumes their own risk in deciding to participate. However, with that said, we are taking common sense steps to make fellowship safer, and would ask that participants please observe the following:

1) maintain social distancing at all times when in the fellowship hall, whether standing or seated;

2) continue to wear masks when not actively eating or drinking;

3) sanitize hands before using the coffee pot;

4) wash or sanitize hands before eating;

5) initially food will not be provided but you may bring your own;

6) please use the Clorox wipes on the table to sanitize your spot at table, and your chair before leaving.

We would also ask that all participants be gracious when reminded of these rules.

Blessing of Baskets - May 1st - 04/25/21

The ancient Christian practice of blessing food before it is eaten took on a new dimension in Slavic Orthodox lands at the celebration of the great Feast of Pascha. Customarily, foods from which one was fasting would be brought to the Church for blessing by the priest after Paschal Liturgy. We continue this tradition and encourage everyone to prepare a basket of Paschal foods for blessing. Traditionally, this includes bread with a candle, eggs, butter, cheese, kielbasa and other meats. Cultural variations (such as chocolates or other foods and breads) are also most suitable for Pascha baskets. Food baskets should be
brought to the parish hall before services begin on Pascha night to be blessed immediately following Paschal Liturgy.

Lenten Confessions - Now Through Holy Friday - 04/25/21

It isn’t too late to offer your Lenten confessions. Fr. Barnabas will try and hear confessions as time and availability permits. Confessions will be available Palm Sunday, Holy Monday and Holy Tuesday from 5:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. also Holy Wednesday and Holy Friday by appointment.

Holy Week Is Here!!! - 04/25/21

Tonight, we begin the Holy Week schedule with Bridegroom Matins at 6:30 p.m. During Holy Week the Church commemorates our Lord's Entrance into  Jerusalem, His Betrayal, Trial, Crucifixion, and Resurrection. Holy Week is when all Orthodox Christians should make extra effort to give their full attention to the services of the Holy Week and Pascha.

Family Promise - May 24th, 25th and 27th - 04/18/21

St. Michael’s parish family members have another opportunity to serve by providing simple meals for families who are in need and who are being helped by Family Promise.  We have committed to prepare and deliver a meal on the following days:


1. Monday, May 24
2. Tuesday, May 25
3. Thursday, May 27


If you would like to sign up as an individual or in a group and prepare a simple dinner meal on any of the above days, please respond back with your date selection to either Ellen Gundersen at ellengundersen5@gmail.com or Susan Skomorucha at skomorucha@aol.com. Please RSVP your interest by 05/09/21. More information for those who sign up to make and deliver meals will follow.


Thank you for your consideration and for your help with this ministry.

Study Group - April 22nd - 04/18/21

Our study group will continue this Thursday, April 22nd with Matthew chapter 21. Consider joining us during the Lenten season for our Thursday study group. We will continue to meet on Zoom at 10:00 a.m. All are welcome to join us.

Cleanup Thanks! - 04/18/21

Thank you to all who came to the church cleanup on Saturday, April 17th. Many years!

Lazarus Saturday and Palm Sunday Chrismations - April 24th and 25th - 04/18/21

Next Saturday (Lazarus Saturday) morning we will welcome into the Church Cole McElmurray and on Palm Sunday morning, Andrew Ashton, through the sacrament of Holy Chrismation. Join us!

Holy Week is Nearly Upon Us! - 04/18/21

One week from today is Palm Sunday and the beginning of the Holy Week schedule. During Holy Week the Church commemorates our Lord's Entrance into Jerusalem, His Betrayal, Trial, Crucifixion, and Resurrection. Holy Week is when all Orthodox Christians should make extra effort to give their full attention to the services of the Holy Week and Pascha. This coming Saturday April 24th we will celebrate Lazarus Saturday with vespers Friday evening at 7:00 p.m. and Divine Liturgy at 9:00 a.m. on Saturday.

Study Group - April 15th - 04/11/21

Our study group will resume this Thursday with Matthew chapter 21. Consider joining us during the Lenten season for our Thursday study group. We will continue to meet on Zoom at 10:00 a.m. All are welcome to join us.

Coffee Hour to Begin - April 18th - 04/11/21

Next week we will begin a modified coffee hour for any who wish to participate. Participation is entirely voluntary; and participants should understand that it is impossible to eliminate all risks with respect to COVID-19. Therefore, each coffee hour participant assumes their own risk in deciding to participate. However, with that said, we are taking common sense steps to make fellowship safer, and would ask that participants please observe the following:

1) maintain social distancing at all times when in the fellowship hall, whether standing or seated;

2) continue to wear masks when not actively eating or drinking;

3) sanitize hands before using the coffee pot;

4) wash or sanitize hands before eating;

5) initially food will not be provided but you may bring your own;

6) please use the Clorox wipes on the table to sanitize your spot at table, and your chair before leaving.

We would also ask that all participants be gracious when reminded of these rules.

The Canon of St Andrew with the Life of St Mary of Egypt - April 15th - 04/04/21

During the fifth week of Great Lent the Church calls us once again to the Canon of Repentance by St. Andrew of Crete. We will repeat the canon as in the first week of lent however, this time the reading of the life of St. Mary of Egypt is prescribed along with the canon. We will offer this service this Thursday April 15th at 6:30 p.m. Join us!

No Study Group This Week - 04/04/21

There will be no study group this week because Fr. Barnabas has to be in Pennsylvania on April 8th. We will resume next week with Matthew 21. Consider joining us during the Lenten season for our Thursday study group. We will continue to meet on Zoom at 10:00 a.m. All are welcome to join us.

All Parish Clean-Up - April 17th - 04/04/21

In Preparation for Holy week and Pascha we will have a church & parish hall cleanup on Saturday April 17th at 9:00 a.m. Please consider coming to help. The more help we have the sooner we will finish. So bring your mask and cleaning supplies for this necessary annual cleanup.

Study Group - April 1st - 03/28/21

This past week eight of us continued with our study of St. Matthew chapter 20. In the next few weeks, our study will bring us to our Lord’s triumphant entrance into Jerusalem, His passion, death, and resurrection. It will be great study since these particular gospel lessons are also given in Holy Week. Consider joining us during the Lenten season for our Thursday study group. We will continue to meet on Zoom at 10:00 a.m. All are welcome to join us.

Study Group - March 25th - 03/21/21

This Thursday we will continue our study of St. Matthew chapter 20. In the coming weeks, our study will bring us to our Lord’s passion, death, and resurrection. It will be great timing with the study of these particular gospel lessons given the Lenten season. Consider joining us during the Lenten season for our Thursday study group. We will continue to meet on Zoom at 10:00 a.m. All are welcome to join us.

The Great Canon of St. Andrew of Crete - March 15th, 16th, and 18th - 03/14/21

The Great Canon of St. Andrew of Crete (also known as the Canon of Repentance) is a lengthy penitential canon composed in the seventh century, which is sung during this first week and fifth week of Great Lent. The Great Canon consists of four parts, each divided into nine odes like a regular canon. However, there are slight differences between the odes of the two compositions. In the Great Canon, there is a greater number of troparia. At the refrain "Have mercy on me, O God, have mercy on me," a prostration is performed. Also, some of the odes have additional refrains and troparia to the author of the canon, St. Andrew of Crete, or St. Mary of Egypt, one of the greatest models of repentance in Christian history. A basic distinguishing feature of the Great Canon is its extremely broad use of images and subjects taken both from the Old and New Testaments. As the Canon progresses, the congregation encounters many biblical examples of sin and repentance. The Bible (and therefore, the Canon) speaks of some individuals in a positive light, and about others in a negative one—the penitents are expected to emulate the positive examples of sanctity and repentance, and to learn from and avoid the negative examples of sin, fallen nature and pride. However, one of the most notable aspects of the Canon is that it attempts to portray the Biblical images in a very personal way to every penitent: the Canon is written in such form that the faithful identify themselves with many people and events found in the Bible. Be sure to be attentive to these “once a year” worship opportunities.

Bookstore Sale During Great Lent - 03/14/21

St. Michael's Bookstore is having a sale for Lenten readings. If you are interested in buying any books, please email Ellen Gundersen at ellengundersen5@gmail.com to place your order. There are many books under $10 and a list will be emailed to all of you. She will notify you when your books are ready to be picked up. Books will only be delivered at church and left on the table outside the social hall (across from bathrooms). Nothing will be mailed to you. Package will have your name on it and an envelope for your cash or check. Please put envelope in collection basket on candle desk. Any checks should be made payable to St. Michael's Bookstore. We have many other orthodox books, prayer ropes, icons, and gifts. Please contact Ellen if interested.

The Feast of the Annunciation - March 25th - 03/14/21

Thursday, March 25th is the Feast of the Annunciation to the Mother of God. We will celebrate with Vespers and Divine Liturgy on the 25th at 6:30 p.m. Join us!

Confession Opportunities During Great Lent - 03/14/21

Confession will be available prior to Presanctified Liturgy on Wednesdays from 5:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. and also on Saturdays following Vespers. Confessions are also available by appointment. Please see Fr. Barnabas.

Liturgy of St. Basil the Great - Sundays During Great Lent - 03/14/21

On Sundays during the Lenten season we may notice that the Divine Liturgy is a little different. This is because we celebrate the longer Liturgy of St Basil the Great. In the 4th century Church the liturgy of St. Basil was celebrated every Sunday and feast day of the whole year. It was the official Eucharistic Liturgy to be celebrated on a regular basis throughout the year. Towards the end of the first quarter of the second millennium the Liturgy of Saint Basil was replaced by the liturgy attributed to Saint John Chrysostom another 4th century father of the Church. Some say that the celebrating of Saint Basil's liturgy still being done during Lent is because of the conservative liturgical character of Lent. And since it is the intention of the Church to dedicate more time to prayer during Lent, that it is a good opportunity to teach the faithful dogma by offering for their hearing and singing the profound and all-embracing theological elucidations of the Basilian Liturgy. It is also said that it served during lent because of its expressively doctrinal and educational character. Listen and you will hear the wisdom and beauty of this liturgy on the Sundays of Great Lent.

Presanctified Liturgy - Wednesdays and Fridays During Lent - 03/14/21

During the month of April we will be offering the Presanctified Liturgy on both Wednesday evenings at 6:30 p.m. and Friday mornings at 9:30 a.m. we will be celebrating the Presanctified Liturgy. The Divine Liturgy is not celebrated in the Orthodox Church on Lenten weekdays however, in order for the faithful to sustain their Lenten effort by participation in Holy Communion, the Liturgy of the Presanctified Gifts is served. This Liturgy is called Presanctified, since the Holy Gifts are presanctified (or consecrated) on the previous Sunday. Please join us on both Wednesday evenings and Friday mornings for the Presanctified Liturgy.

Welcome to the Newly Illumined! - 03/07/21

Saturday we welcomed into the Church through the Sacrament of Holy Baptism, Micah Brasowski. Micah is the son of Stephen and Beth Brasowski. Many blessed years to the newly illumined Micah and his family!

Memory Eternal! - 02/28/21

This past Tuesday Fr. Deacon James’ mother, Alma, fell asleep in the Lord. May her memory be eternal! Please keep Fr. Deacon James and his family in your prayers.

Family Promise - Thank You! - 02/28/21

Thank you to all six of our St. Michael’s volunteers (and a special shout out to young Nadia) who prepared and delivered meals to our families in need in the Family Promise ministry last week. Your caring and generosity are very much appreciated by the families! There will be three more upcoming opportunities to serve in 2021 so no worries if you missed serving this time. Thank you all!

Study Group - March 4th - 02/28/21

This past Thursday eight of us continued with Matthew chapter 19. In the coming weeks, our study of St. Matthew will bring us to our Lord’s passion, death, and resurrection. It will be great timing with the study of these particular gospel lessons given the Lenten season. Consider joining us during the Lenten season for our Thursday study group. We will continue to meet on Zoom at 10:00 a.m. All are welcome to join us.

Study Group - February 25th - 02/21/21

Seven of us met on Zoom this past Thursday to finish chapter 18 of St. Matthew and start chapter 19. In the coming weeks, our study of St. Matthew will bring us to our Lord’s passion, death, and resurrection. It will be great timing with the study of these particular gospel lessons given the Lenten season. Consider joining us during the Lenten season for our Thursday study group. We will continue to meet on Zoom at 10:00 a.m. All are welcome to join us.

Parish Council Meeting - February 25th - 02/21/21

We will be having our February parish council meeting this Thursday , February 25th at 8:30 p.m. on Zoom. Please email Jeff Kendall if you cannot attend.

Great Lent to Begin - March 15th - 02/14/21

Our Lenten journey will begin with Forgiveness Vespers on Sunday, March 14th following Liturgy. All should make a sincere effort to begin the Lenten season with this service and the “Mutual Rite of Forgiveness”. On forgiveness Sunday, we sing of Adam’s exile from paradise. We identify ourselves with Adam, lamenting our loss of the beauty, dignity, and delight of our original creation, mourning our corruption in sin. We also hear on this day the Lord’s teaching about fasting and forgiveness, and we enter the season of the fast forgiving one another so that God will forgive us. “If you forgive men their trespasses, your heavenly Father will forgive you; but if you do not forgive men their trespasses, neither will your heavenly Father forgive you your trespasses (Mt 6.14–18).”

Study Group - February 18th - 02/14/21

This coming week we will begin chapter 19 of St. Matthew. Our study group will meet on Zoom. All are welcome to join us.

Study Group - February 11th - 02/07/21

This coming week we will finish chapter 18 and begin chapter 19 of St. Matthew. Our study group will meet on Zoom. All are welcome to join us.

Diocesan Assembly - 01/31/21

This past week Fr. Barnabas & Sue (Maria) D'Orazio represented St. Michael’s at the 57th annual Eastern PA Diocesan Assembly. A special thanks to Sue for offering her time for this important work in our diocese. Fr. Barnabas will offer a brief report on the assembly after services.

Family Promise - February 23rd & 25th - 01/31/21

St. Michael’s parishioners have another opportunity to serve by making a meal for families who need our help. Volunteers will prepare a simple dinner meal for individual families on any of the following days:
1. Tuesday, Feb. 23
2. Thursday, Feb. 25
If you would like to sign up as an individual or in a group for any of the above days, please respond back with your selection to either Ellen Gundersen at ellengundersen5@gmail.com or Susan Skomorucha at skomorucha@aol.com.  More detailed information to those volunteering will follow. Your participation in this cause is much appreciated. Thank you!

Study Group - February 4th - 01/31/21

Our study group continued this past Thursday with chapter 18 of St. Matthew's gospel. This coming week we will finish chapter 18 and begin chapter 19. Our study group will meet on Zoom. All are welcome to join us.

Cleaning Help Needed - 01/31/21

We still need volunteers to help wipe down surfaces following Liturgy on Sundays. Please see Susan Skomorucha or Sue D'Orazio to find out how you can help. This cleaning is additional, we will still need our weekly “church cleaners” to take care of the rest of the cleaning.

All Parish Meeting - February 14th - 01/31/21

We will hold an All Parish Meeting on Sunday, February 14, 2021 following the Divine Liturgy. The purpose of the meeting is to address the need to replace one of our heat pumps. The Parish Council will present the need and costs for your approval at the meeting. We thank you in advance for your participation.

Diocesan Assembly This Week - 01/24/21

This Friday, January 29th,  Fr. Barnabas, Fr. Dn. James, & Sue (Maria) Dorazio will represent St. Michael’s at the 57th annual Eastern PA Diocesan Assembly. This year the assembly will be held virtually. A special thanks to our Deacon and parish representative for offering their time for this important work in our diocese.

Study Group - January 28th - 01/24/21

Our study group resumed this past Thursday with chapters 17 & 18 of St. Matthew. This coming week we will continue with the 18th chapter of St. Matthew. Our study group will meet on Zoom. All are welcome to join us.

Parish Council Meeting - January 28th - 01/24/21

Our parish council will meet this Thursday evening (January 28th) at 8:30 p.m. We will meet on Zoom and a meeting invitation will be email prior to the meeting.

Veterans Collection Thank You! - 01/24/21

We would like to thank everyone that donated to our VETERANS Acme gift card collection. By God’s grace and your charitable alms, we raised $800 to give to needy veterans who served and sacrificed for our country. Thanks to Sam Sylvest and Ellen Gundersen for suggesting and organizing.

Meeting of the Lord in the Temple - February 2nd - 01/17/21

The feast of the Presentation or Meeting of the Lord in the Temple takes place forty days following the Nativity of Jesus (February 2nd). The feast celebrates Christ’s fulfillment of the Law of Moses calling for all the first born; whatever is the first to open the womb among the people of Israel, be consecrated to God. At this time, we also see His mother Mary undergo the ritual purification offering the sacrifices prescribed in the Law. In the feast Christ’s encounters, the Elder Simeon who had long awaited His coming, and inspired by the Holy Spirit, leads the Messiah into the Temple. We will celebrate with Great Vespers on Monday, February 1st and Divine Liturgy on Tuesday, February 2nd. The blessing of candles is traditionally offered at this feast so bring your candles.

Note: Great Vespers on Monday, February 1st and Divine Liturgy on Tuesday, February 2nd have both been cancelled due to inclement weather.

Theophany Holy Water - 01/17/21

Holy water will be available in the Nave this week and available throughout the year upon request. Home blessings will be on hold until later date. Thank you for your patience and understanding.

Father Barnabas Quarrantined - 01/03/21

Fr. Barnabas has had close contact with a Covid-19 case and needs to observe another quarantine. As per the diocesan policy and procedures, Fr. Barnabas will quarantine for the next week to prevent any possible unknown spread. We will not be able to serve the Theophany services this week but plan to be back to services next weekend and will bless Holy Water next Sunday (January 10th). We will still have in person services at St. Michael's January 4th with Fr. Deacon James Carpenter leading the Sunday Typika at 9:00 a.m.

Holy Synod of Bishops Issues Encyclical of Hope - 01/03/21

On Thursday, December 31, 2020, the Holy Synod of Bishops of the Orthodox Church in America has issued an encyclical entitled, “We Rejoice Even in Tribulation”: An Encyclical of Hope. The Holy Synod offers this work out of love and gratitude to its faithful at the end of this year. The Synod also intends for the encyclical to be seen as an encouragement for the year to come. In the encyclical, the Synod seeks to find meaning in the year that has past, which has been marked by a pandemic, political polarization, economic anxiety, and civil unrest, and calls the faithful to a renewed faith and hope in Jesus Christ, and service to one another.

Presently the encyclical is available as a PDF for download here. In January 2021, printed copies will be mailed to all parishes, monasteries, and institutions of the Orthodox Church in America. Please take the extra time and read this important document!

Theophany (Baptism) of our Lord - January 6th - 12/27/20

The feast of Theophany, means the shining forth and manifestation of God, the emphasis in the present-day celebration is on the appearance of Jesus as the human Messiah of Israel and the divine Son of God, One of the Holy Trinity with the Father and the Holy Spirit. Thus, in the baptism by John in the Jordan, Jesus identifies himself with sinners as the “Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world” (Jn 1:29), the “Beloved” of the Father whose messianic task it is to redeem men from their sins (Lk 3:21, Mk 1:35). We will celebrate this blessed feast with Vigil on the eve of Theophany, January 5th at 6:30 p.m. then on January 6th with Theophany Divine liturgy of St. Basil the Great at 9:30 a.m. followed by the Great Blessing of Waters.

Poinsettias Thank You - 12/27/20

Thanks to Jim and Anne Riley for their time, work, and donation of the Poinsettias for Christmas. Anyone who is interested may take a poinsettia plant home today following the liturgy.

Study Group Returns - January 14th - 12/20/20

Our study group will return from its Nativity and Theophany break. We will resume this Thurs. Jan 14 with chapter 17 of St. Matthew. We will continue to meet on Zoom and all are welcome to join us.

Service Schedule for Nativity - December 24th and 25th - 12/20/20

The feast of the Nativity of our Lord and God and Savior Jesus Christ will begin Thursday, December 24th with the Vigil for the Nativity of our Lord at 5:00 p.m. Then on Christmas morning Friday, December 25th at 9:30 a.m. Divine Liturgy for the Nativity. Please be sure to make plans now to be with us for this blessed feast of our Lord or join us via live stream online.

Welcome to the Newly Chrismated - 12/13/20

This morning (December 13th) we welcomed into the Church, Shawn (Alexis) and Jenn (Genevieve) Vojacsek, through the sacrament of chrismation. May our Lord bless and keep them as they begin their life in the Church. May God grant you many blessed years!

Study Group - December 10th - 12/06/20

Our Study group will continue this Thursday, December 10 at 10:00 a.m. with chapter 16 of St. Matthew. Our group will still meet online. All are welcome to join us!

Gift Cards for Veterans - through January 10th - 12/06/20

We are now collecting money for Acme gift cards for the needy and homeless veterans. Please give or send your checks (marked VETS) to St. Michaels. We will buy gift cards to deliver to Veterans Hospital. Contact Ellen Gundersen (ellengundersen5@ gmail.com). The last day to donate to Veterans gift card will be January 10th.

Family Promise - Thank You! - 12/06/20

Thank you to everyone who helped serve for Family Promise. We are grateful to God that we are able to serve our brothers and sister even during a pandemic. Thank you to all the volunteers and we look forward to being able to aid Wilmington’s homeless in the future.

Study Group - December 3rd - 11/29/20

Our Study group will resume on Thursday December 3rd at 10:00 a.m. with chapter 15 of St. Matthew. Our group will still meet online. All are welcome to join us!

Parish Council Meeting - 11/29/20

Our parish council will meet this Monday evening November 30th at 8:30 p.m. on Zoom. Please let Jeff Kendall know if you are unable to attend.

Parish Update - 11/29/20

We want to thank all for their continued prayers and supplications. We pray for a safe and healthy return for everyone next Sunday, December 13th. We are encouraging everyone to monitor themselves for any symptoms of COVID-19. If any parishioner is sick with any of the following symptoms, stay home: fever, cough, shortness of breath, sore throat, muscle aches, fatigue, chills, shaking with chills, loss of smell or taste, nausea or vomiting, diarrhea, or headache or congestion or runny nose without a known cause such as allergies.

No Study Group - November 26th - 11/22/20

Our Study group will take a break this week for Thanksgiving. We will resume on Thursday December 3rd at 10:00 a.m. with chapter 15 of St. Matthew. Our group will still meet online. All are welcome to join us!

Welcome to the Newly Chrismated! - 11/22/20

Welcome to our newest member Edward (John) Jones. Edward (John) was welcomed into the Church prior to Liturgy this morning (Sunday, November 22nd) by the sacrament of Chrismation. May our Lord grant the newly Chrismated John Many Blessed Years!

Book Study on "The Life of Moses” by St. Gregory of Nyssa - December 9th - 11/22/20

Our book study on The Life of Moses, by St. Gregory of Nyssa will have its last meeting on Wednesday, December 9th at 7:30 p.m.  We will meet on Zoom, and all are welcome to participate.

Online Streaming Help - 11/15/20

We continue look for help with our live streaming services. Please see Thaddeus (Scott) Lewis if you are willing to help.

Study Group - November 19th - 11/15/20

Our Study group will continue this Thursday, November 19th at 10:00 a.m. with chapter 15 of St. Matthew. Our group will still meet online. All are welcome to join us!

The Nativity Fast - November 15th through December 24th - 11/15/20

This is just a reminder that the Nativity Fast is now upon us (November 15th). The fast continues until the Nativity of our Lord (December 25th). The celebration of the feast of the Nativity of Christ in the Orthodox Church is patterned after the celebration of the feast of the Lord’s Resurrection.  Please try and make an effort!

Feast of the Entrance of the Theotokos into the Temple - November 20th and 21st - 11/15/20

Several feasts are dedicated to the Mother of God commemorating and celebrating her life. This week we will celebrate Her entrance into the Temple. In this feast we encounter the holiness of Mary as a small child separated from the world, brought to live in the Temple a life set apart, consecrated, and in a state of intimacy with God. “A deep mystery covers the earthly life of the Most-Holy Theotokos from her childhood to her repose. Her life in the Jerusalem Temple was concealed. ‘If you were to ask me,’ said the Blessed Jerome,’ how the Most-Holy Virgin passed the time of her youth, I would answer that this is known only to God Himself and the Archangel Gabriel detailed to protect her.’”(TTWH) We will celebrate this feast with Vespers on Friday, November 20th at 7:00p.m. and Divine Liturgy on Saturday, November 21st at 9:30 a.m.

Welcome to the Newly Illumined! - 11/15/20

Welcome to the newly illumined Emilia Riley, daughter of Jeremy and Stephanie Riley. Emilia was Baptized and Chrismated Saturday morning (November 14th). May our Lord grant Emilia and her family Many Blessed Years!

In Person Worship Update - November 15th - 11/08/20

Beginning November 15, 2020, ALL parishioners will be allowed to attend ALL Divine services. We will no longer split into groups alphabetically. Services will be open to everyone once again. The choir will also be moved back to the choir loft and safely spaced. The chairs will be moved back into the Nave of the church. Masks continue to be required and we will practice social distancing as much as possible. The choir and readers will not be required to wear the mask when singing or reading. Please continue to be cautious and mindful of our neighbor.

Annual All Parish Meeting - December 13th - 11/08/20

Our annual parish meeting will be postponed until next Sunday, December 13th at 11:30 a.m. We will still have options for both in person and streaming participation. We ask continued patience going forward. Please pray for our Parish Council as we navigate the pandemic safely.

In Person Worship - November 8th - 11/01/20

Next week we will invite parishioners alphabetically “A”- “M”. We continue to ask everyone to wash hands, wear masks, and social distancing when masks are not possible. We will continue to stream our services for those who are at home and we hope to have some streaming upgrades for better sound and video quality soon.

For now the measures concerning the easing of restrictions; Parishioners may resume lighting their own candles. Parishioners may visit and chat outside following Divine Liturgy w/masks or social distance. We will
offer ongoing updates as we make the plans to return. We ask continued patience going forward. Please pray for our Parish Council as we navigate the pandemic safely.

Family Promise - November 30th, December 1st, and December 3rd - 10/25/20

St. Michael’s parish family has an opportunity to serve again by making meals for families who are in need and being helped by Family Promise.

We have committed to prepare a meal on the following days:
1. Monday, November 30th
2. Tuesday, December 1st
3. Thursday, December 3rd

If you would like to sign up as an individual or in a group and prepare a simple dinner meal on any of the above days, please respond back with your date selection to either Ellen Gundersen at ellengundersen5@gmail.com or Susan Skomorucha at skomorucha@aol.com.

Please RSVP your interest by November 9th. More information to those who sign up to make a meal will follow.
Thank you for your consideration and for your help.

Parish Council Meeting - November 5th - 10/25/20

Our Parish Council will try to meet Thursday November 5th at 7:00 p.m. Please email Jeff Kendall if you are able to attend.

Study Group - October 29th - 10/25/20

Our Study group will continue this Thursday at 10:00 a.m. with chapter 13 of St. Matthew. Our group will still meet online. All are welcome to join us!

Outdoor Social Time - 10/25/20

After discussing with our Parish Council we will wait a few more weeks before we offer any Coffee Hour. Parishioners will be allowed to gather outside the church after the Divine Liturgy to talk and visit. We continue to ask everyone to wear masks and to practice social distancing when masks are not possible.

In Person Worship - November 1st - 10/25/20

Next week we will invite parishioners alphabetically “N”- “Z”. We continue to ask everyone to wash hands, wear masks, and maintain social distancing when masks are not possible. We will continue to stream our services for those who are at home and we hope to have some streaming upgrades for better sound and video quality soon.

For now the measures concerning the easing of restrictions; Parishioners may resume lighting their own candles. Parishioners may visit and chat outside following Divine Liturgy w/masks or social distance.

We will offer ongoing updates as we make the plans to return. We ask continued patience going forward. Please pray for our Parish Council as we navigate the pandemic safely.

In-Person Worship - October 25th - 10/18/20

We are continuing with limited in person worship. We are also streaming our services for those who are still at home. Next week we will invite parishioners alphabetically “A”- “M”. All are asked, for now, to continue to follow procedures.

Parish Council - October 22nd - 10/18/20

Our Parish Council will meet this Thursday, October 22nd at 7:00 p.m. Please see Jeff Kendall if you are unable to attend.

Study Group - October 22nd - 10/18/20

Our Study group will continue this Thursday, October 22nd at 10:00 a.m. Our group will still meet online. All are welcome to join us!

Newest Catechumen - 10/18/20

This morning (Sunday, October 18th) we welcomed our newest Catechumen, Andrew Ashton. We are happy to welcome him as an “official” learner and look forward to his future reception into the Church.  May our Lord grant him a prosperous Catechumenate and Many Blessed Years!

Sacraments for Those Staying Home - 10/18/20

Recognizing the need for many to quarantine due to the deadliness of the pandemic, Fr. Barnabas is available to meet individually on Wednesdays and Fridays to offer Confession and Communion for those still at home. Fr. Barnabas is also willing to meet in other creative ways, like on your porch, to assure everyone remains connected. Please email or call the office to set up a time for the Sacraments.

Update on In Person Worship - 10/18/20

In light of our Archbishop MARK’s recent urging, our Parish Council, along with Father Barnabas, met this past week to discuss easing restrictions on our in person worship. Our Parish Council will also meet again this week for our regular monthly meeting and to continue the discussion of easing restriction in a safe manner. For the time being we will be continuing with limited in person worship. Next week we will invite parishioners alphabetically “A”- “M”. We continue to ask everyone to wash hands, wear masks, and social distancing when masks are not possible. We will continue to stream our services for those who are at home and we hope to have some streaming upgrades for better sound and video quality soon.

For now the measures concerning the easing of restrictions;

- Parishioners may resume lighting their own candles.
- Parishioners may visit and chat outside following Divine Liturgy w/masks or social distance.
- We also hope, next week, to resume the individual offering of small prosphora.

We will offer ongoing updates as we make the plans to return. We ask continued patience going forward. Please pray for our Parish Council as we navigate the pandemic safely.

Outdoor Social Time - 10/18/20

After discussing with our Parish Council this past week, we will wait a few more weeks before we offer any Coffee Hour. Parishioners will be allowed to gather outside the church after the Divine Liturgy to talk and visit. We continue to ask everyone to wear masks and to practice social distancing when masks are not possible.

Study Group - October 15th - 10/11/20

Our Study group will resume this Thursday, October 15th at 10:00 a.m. Our group will still meet online. All are welcome to join us!

Outdoor Coffee Hour - Coming Soon - 10/11/20

Archbishop MARK is encouraging parishes to have simplified outdoor coffee hour with social distancing. Fr. Barnabas hopes to arrange outdoor coffee hour in the next couple of weeks. Participation and preparation for coffee hour will be voluntary. We hope to have more details for everyone soon.

In Person Worship - October 18th - 10/11/20

We are continuing with limited in person worship. We are also streaming our services for those who are still at home. Next week we will invite parishioners alphabetically “N”- “Z”. All are asked, for now, to continue to follow procedures.

Newly Illumined - 10/11/20

This morning (Sunday, October 11th) we welcomed into the Church through the sacrament of Holy Baptism, Stephen Elliot, son of Joseph and Colleen Elliot. May our Lord grant the newly illumined and his family Many Years!

Confessions following Vespers - 10/04/20

Fr. Barnabas is hearing individual confessions on Saturday evenings following Vespers. We will still be offering confession with social distancing.

Outdoor Coffee Hour - 10/04/20

Archbishop MARK is encouraging parishes to have simplified outdoor coffee hour with social distancing. Fr. Barnabas hopes to arrange outdoor coffee hour in the next couple weeks. Please see the enclosed attachment of the October monthly calendar. Participation and preparation for coffee hour will be voluntary. We hope to have more details for everyone soon.

In Person Worship - October 11th - 10/04/20

We are continuing with limited in person worship. We are also streaming our services for those who are still at home. Next week we will invite parishioners alphabetically “A”- “M”. All are asked, for now, to continue to follow procedures.

Diocesan News and Update - 10/04/20

This past Friday the clergy from the Diocese of Eastern PA met via Zoom with His Eminence Archbishop MARK. During this meeting His Eminence encouraged clergy and parishes to ease some restrictions and move towards our more traditional activities, practices, and schedule. His Eminence reported that,

“By the grace of God, we have had no issues within any of our parishes. That being said, the negative effects of mitigation measures, fear, anxiety, isolation, depression and lack of social interaction need our attention… If we have learned nothing else during the last several months, hopefully, we have learned that we need each other. We need to be in one another’s presence, and we need healthy interaction.”

Therefore, heeding this call from our Archpastor, we will, in the coming weeks, be taking steps to safely go back to more familiar Liturgical and Social activities. Fr Barnabas will try to meet briefly with the parish council this week to formulate a plan to safely resume some of our normal activities and practices. We will provide more information to everyone as it comes available. Again, please continue to pray for and support our parish and diocese as we face these challenging times.

Study Group - October 1st - 09/27/20

Our Study group continued Thursday with seven of us reading and discussing Matthew chapter 12. We will meet again this coming Thursday (October 1st) with chapter 13 of St. Matthew. All our groups will still meet online, and all are welcome to join us!

In Person Worship - October 4th - 09/27/20

We are continuing with limited in person worship. We are also streaming our services for those who are still at home. Next week we will invite parishioners alphabetically “N”- “Z”. All are asked to follow all procedures. Please continue to pray for and support our parish as we face these challenging times.

Study Group - September 24th - 09/20/20

This past Thursday our Study group resumed with six of us continuing our study of the gospel of St. Matthew. We will meet again this coming Thursday (September 24th) with chapter 12 of St. Matthew. All our groups will still meet online and all are welcome to join us!

In-Person Worship - September 27th - 09/20/20

We are continuing with limited in person worship. The past few weeks we have been averaging about 30-40 people at Divine Liturgy. We are also streaming our services for those who are still at home. Next week (September 20th) we will invite parishioners alphabetically “A”- “M”. All are asked to follow all procedures. Please continue to pray for and support our parish as we face these challenging times.

Family Promise - Thank You! - 09/13/20

to all the wonderful cooks who prepared meals and delivered them to Family Promise this week and to Susan Skomorucha for coordinating all the details. We are grateful the gift of compassion for our homeless continues to be a light for us!

Elevation of the Holy Cross - September 14th - 09/06/20

The second major feast of the new church year is the Elevation or Exaltation of the Holy Cross. The Nativity of the Theotokos is seen as the beginning of our salvation, and the Cross is seen as the culmination of our salvation. By Christ's death on It, our salvation was accomplished. Mary is also strongly associated with the Cross, for she was the mystical paradise in whom the Tree of Life sprouted; this Tree of Life, Christ our Savior, then planted on earth the life-creating Tree of the Cross (from the Feast). And as He suffered and died on the Life-giving Tree of the Cross, so too we are called upon to take up our own crosses on our shoulders and to die daily for the sake of Him Who died for us. We will celebrate the feast with Great Vespers this evening (September 13th) at 7:00 p.m. Then tomorrow (Monday September 14th) Divine Liturgy for the Elevation at 10:00 a.m. Join us!

Parish Council Meeting - September 17th - 09/06/20

Our parish council meeting is rescheduled for Thursday September 17th at 7:00 p.m. at the church. Please see Jeff Kendall if you are unable to attend.

Church New Year Commemorated - September 1st - 08/23/20

According to Holy Tradition, Christ entered the synagogue on September1st to announce His mission to mankind (Luke 4:16-22). Quoting Isaiah (61:1-2), the Savior proclaimed, “The spirit of the Lord is upon me; because He has anointed me to preach the gospel to the poor; He has sent me to proclaim release to captives, and recovering of sight to the blind, to set at liberty those who are oppressed, to proclaim the acceptable year of the Lord...” Tradition also says that the Hebrews entered the Promised Land in September.

Study Group to Begin - September 17th - 08/23/20

Please mark your calendars for the start of our Thursday Study Group. Our Study group will resume on Thursday, September 17th at 10:00 a.m. All our groups will still meet online. We will once again study the Gospel of St. Matthew. All are welcome to join us!

Nativity of the Theotokos - September 8th - 08/23/20

We will celebrate the first major feast of the new church year with the Nativity of the Theotokos (Tuesday, September 8th). The feast honors the birth of the Mother of God and the salvation that comes through her Son. We will celebrate with both Vespers on the eve of the feast on Monday, September 7th at 7:00 p.m. and Divine Liturgy on Tuesday, September 8th at 10:00 a.m.

The Beheading of St. John the Baptist - August 29th - 08/16/20

In addition to the twelve major feast days, the Orthodox Church celebrates a number of other days with special liturgical and spiritual solemnity. First among the feasts universally celebrated by the Orthodox are those of Saint John the Baptist of whom Christ has said that “among those born of women there has arisen none greater” (Mt 11.11; Lk 7.28). St. John the Baptist met a tragic end. In commemoration of this event, we will offer Great Vespers August 28th at 7:00 p.m. and then on the Day of his Beheading, August 29th, Divine Liturgy at 10:00 a.m. Just a reminder the Holy Church has decreed the Feast of the Beheading a day of strict fasting.

Feast of the Dormition of the Theotokos - August 15th - 08/02/20

The feast commemorates her glorification and salvation in Jesus Christ. Fr. John Hopko says that, "the feast of the Dormition is the sign, the guarantee, and the celebration that Mary's fate is, the destiny of all those of "low estate" whose souls magnify the Lord, whose spirits rejoice in God the Saviour, whose lives are totally dedicated to hearing and keeping the Word of God which is given to men in Mary's child, the Saviour and Redeemer of the world." According to tradition, while in prayer, an angel appeared to the Theotokos telling her that she would leave this world. As a token and promise that her Son awaited, the angel gave her a branch with flowers from Eden. So on this day in honor of the greatest flower of womanhood, and the first to receive the promise of the awaiting kingdom, flowers are brought for blessing. We will celebrate this feast with Vespers on Friday, August 14th at 7:00 p.m. and Divine Liturgy on Saturday, August 15th at 9:30 a.m. followed by the blessing of flowers and seed.

Parish Office Closed - July31st to August 14th - 07/26/20

The parish office will be closed Friday, July 31st - Friday, August 14th. Father Barnabas and family will be taking some time away. For any parish emergencies or problems during this time please call Fr. Dn. James Carpenter (609) 202-4255 or Jeff Kendall (302) 420-6600. Thank you!

Dormition Fast and August Feast Days - 07/26/20

The liturgical calendar once again, comes to its close in August with the fourth and final fasting season of the Church year along with two major feasts. Every year the Orthodox Church sets aside the first fourteen days of August in honor of the Virgin Mary. This fast period begins on August 1st and peaks on August 15th, when the Church gathers to celebrate the great feast of the Dormition (Falling Asleep) of the Theotokos. On August 6th, the Church celebrates the feast of the Transfiguration of our Lord. This feast commemorates our Lord's transfiguration before his disciples on Mt. Tabor. In His Transfiguration He reveals His glory to the disciples. In Him they (and we) now see for themselves the glory of God present in the person of Christ. Please plan to join us for these feasts as we make our way to the end of yet another liturgical year.

Church Cleaning and Service Duty Help - 07/26/20

Calling all cleaning and service duty personnel. We are hoping to get back to our rotating schedule for church cleaning and Sunday service duty. Once again, no one is required to serve due to the pandemic. However, if you feel comfortable, take the necessary precautions and would like to serve in these capacities, then we could use the help. For cleaners we have put together a detailed list for cleaning, however cleaning will be done immediately following Sunday Liturgy. We will assist and train everyone since these duties have changed. Those individuals cleaning and on service duty are invited to attend the liturgy on their assigned weeks.

Little Angels - 07/26/20

Our Little Angels Group will also meet online during this time. Please check your emails for Meeting times.

In-Person Confessions - 07/26/20

Fr. Barnabas will be hearing individual confessions with social distancing. Confessions will be available on Saturday afternoon from 4:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. prior to Vespers. Please email Fr. Barnabas for an appointment. We will also be temporarily offering the Prayers in Preparation for Confession (General Confession prayers) prior to every Divine Liturgy until the restrictions are eased.

In-Person Worship - July 19th - 07/12/20

We are continuing with Phase One of our plan for re-opening. The past few weeks we have been averaging about 30-40 people at Divine Liturgy. This week the parish council will discuss our movement to Phase Two. We are also continuing to stream our services for those who are still at home. Next week we will invite parishioners alphabetically “A”- “K”. Those parishioners will receive an email inviting them to the Liturgy. If you are interested in attending, you will be asked to follow all procedures. If there are special needs or if anyone feels uncomfortable attending, we will be happy to try and accommodate. Please continue to pray for and support our parish as we face these challenging times.

Parish Council - July 1st - 06/28/20

Our parish council will meet on Zoom this Wednesday, July ist at 8:30 p.m. Please email Jeff Kendall of you are unable to attend.

Feast of Ss. Peter and Paul Divine Liturgy - June 29th - 06/28/20

The spirit of Holy Pentecost leads us to another feast of the church. The feast of the Holy Apostles Peter and Paul is celebrated on June 29th. We will celebrate with Divine Liturgy on Monday morning at 9:30 a.m. The Liturgy may be attended by any member provided they continue to follow the guidelines for in person worship.

Update on St. Michael’s Liturgical Life - 05/31/20

The Holy Synod of Bishops has offered guidelines and requirements for the re-opening of our parishes. The parish council has from a sub-committee that will organize and implement St. Michael’s re-opening. There is a lot to do in preparation for re-opening, we ask your patience and understanding. Please look to your email or our parish web site for ongoing updates.

Re-opening Committee Update - 05/31/20

We were unable to finalize our plans for re-opening this week. We hope to have our final, blessed Phase One plan for you this week. Please be patient as things seem to change daily. Our plan will include a details for all. It will include the scenario with about 30 people at a time attending Divine Liturgy. We are looking to Sunday, June 14th as opening date for Liturgy. In the meantime, we will still be serving the Divine Liturgy on Sundays with our skeleton crew. Even though we are still streaming only, we pray that we will continue to bring our liturgical life back to a more normal rhythm. The committee will continue to discuss our plans this week. Please continue to pray for and support our committee as they face these challenging decisions.

Parish Council Meeting - 05/17/20

The parish council will meet again this Wednesday evening May 20th at 8:30 p.m. via video conference. Please check your emails for any changes.

Email Apologies - 05/17/20

During the last 10 weeks Fr. Barnabas’ has received an incredible increase in emails. The emails range from the national church, the diocese, parish council, parishioners, as well as many searchers who are looking for help. Please forgive emails that have gone unanswered. It is near impossible to keep up with all the correspondence. Thank you for your understanding and patience.

Peter Melnik - Memory Eternal! - 05/10/20

On Sunday, May 10th, following the Typika and Molieben we offerd a memorial for Peter Melnik on the 1 year anniversary of his falling asleep in the Lord.

Memory Eternal!

Parish Council Meeting - May 13th - 05/10/20

The parish council will meet again this Wednesday evening May 13th at 8:30 p.m. via video conference. Please check your emails for any changes.

Re-opening Committee - May 11th - 05/10/20

Our re-opening committee will meet again this Monday (May 11th) at 8:30 p.m. on Zoom. Last week our committee discussed the synodal requirements for opening and how St. Michael’s will approach it. We discussed starting slowly by opening the church for individual visitation with access to the priest. The committee will discuss this further on Monday evening as well as the long-term plan for Divine Liturgy access. Please continue to pray for and support our committee as they face these challenging decisions.

Diocesan Surveys - 05/10/20

Thanks to all who participated in the Diocesan survey. The results of the survey will help us in the steps for reopening. Our own parish results reflect both those who desire to come back immediately and many who hesitate to come back until more time has passed. Our committee is taking all of these into consideration as we try and discern God’ will for our parish. One issue that the survey did not mention is the ongoing risk for the clergy. The clergy are of the most vulnerable due to the intimate nature of their ministry. This is something else to consider and pray about as we look at the movement towards re-opening.

Study Group on Summer Break - 05/03/20

Our Study Group will be taking its summer break in order to focus on the re-opening plans. Thank you for your understanding.

Parish Council Meeting - May 6th - 05/03/20

The parish council will meet again this Wednesday evening May 6th at 8:30 p.m. via video conference. Please check your emails for any changes.

The All OCA Church School - April 28th through May 1st - 04/26/20

The All OCA Church School will begin its sixth week of classes next week. With the initial class being held on March 25, the school has brought together hundreds of Orthodox kids from throughout North America, and abroad, to share in their faith, to prepare for our Lord’s Pascha, and now to celebrate with each other in the joy of the Resurrection.

As we continue with our program we are hoping to develop more classes, with smaller class sizes. To assist us in creating for our youth the best program possible, we ask you to complete this brief registration form. Registration is not required to participate in the Church School.

All OCA Church School Schedule April 28 - May 1
Tuesday, April 28
9-12 Grade - 3:30 EDT (2:30 CDT; 1:30 MT; 12:30 PT; 11:30 AM AT)
Wednesday, April 29
3-5 Grade - 3:30 EDT (2:30 CDT; 1:30 MT; 12:30 PT; 11:30 AM AT)
Thursday, April 30
6-8 Grade - 3:30 EDT (2:30 CDT; 1:30 MT; 12:30 PT; 11:30 AM AT)
Friday, May 1
3-5 Grade - 2:00 EDT (1:00 CDT; 12:00MT; 11:00 PT; 10:00 AM AT)

To register for the All OCA Church School please go to: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScDPsVsW0gQ3omK3yUe3UlSl-UTDRzY5K9vIiRdKBMMFFlBag/viewform 

(registration is not required to participate)

To attend classes via Zoom, go to: http://bit.ly/oca_churchschool


Study Group - April 30th - 04/26/20

Our Study Group will meet this Thursday (April 30th) at 10:00 a.m. on Zoom. We will continue our study of the Genesis account of creation. Handouts will be emailed for any to follow.

Parish Council Meeting - April 29th - 04/26/20

The parish council will meet again this Wednesday evening April 29th at 8:30 p.m. via video conference. Please check your emails for any changes.

Congratulations and Many Years! - 04/12/20

Congratulations to Kristin and Michael Mackenzie on the birth of their son Jack. Many Years to all!

Church Cleaning - 04/05/20

As per the government restrictions and the direction of the synod of bishops, no one should be coming to St. Michael’s without a blessing from Fr. Barnabas. Until further notice due to the pandemic we will not need our regular church cleaners. Please stay home and stay healthy.

Study Group to Meet *Wednesday* - April 8th - 04/05/20

Due to a schedule conflict our Study Group will meet this Wednesday April 8th at 10:00 a.m. on Zoom. We will continue our study of the Genesis account of creation. Handouts will be emailed for any to follow.

Phone Confessions - 04/05/20

Phone confession will be offered for those who feel they need it. Confessions will be by appointment. Regular confession will be available as soon as the liturgical suspension is lifted. During the pandemic, the faithful are not bound to confess but may wait until a time when in-person Confessions will be possible again.

Parish Council Meeting - April 8th - 04/05/20

The parish council will meet again this Wednesday evening April 8th at 8:30 p.m. via video conference. Please check your emails for any changes.

Lazarus Saturday Vespers - April 10th - 04/05/20

We are one week away from Palm Sunday and the beginning of the Holy Week schedule. During Holy Week the Church commemorates our Lord's Entrance into Jerusalem, His Betrayal, Trial, Crucifixion, and Resurrection. This coming Friday, April 10th we will begin this movement with the celebration of the raising of Lazarus (Lazarus Saturday). We will offer online vespers this Friday evening at 7:00 p.m. Join us!

Online Worship Schedule - 04/05/20

We will be serving an online only schedule at St. Michael’s. This will include Saturday Vespers at 5:00 p.m. and Sunday the Typika service & Molieben at 9:00 a.m. These services can be found on our Facebook page and through the Zoom app. Please give the online services a try!

Congratulation and Many Years! - 04/05/20

Congratulations to Nicholas & Susanne DiDonato on the birth of their daughter Mary.

We want to also congratulate Stephanie Paczienza & family on the birth of her son Daniel.

Many Years to all!

Little Angels & Church School - 03/29/20

Our Little Angels & Church School Groups will also meet online during this week. Please check your emails for meeting times.

Study Group - April 2nd - 03/29/20

Our Study Group will meet this Thursday, April 2nd on a Zoom Meeting at 10:00 a.m. We will continue our study of the Genesis account of creation. Handouts will be emailed for any to follow.

Parish Council Meeting - April 1st - 03/29/20

The parish council will meet again this Wednesday evening April 1st at 8:30 p.m. via video conference. Please check your emails for any changes.

Stewardship at St. Michael’s - 03/29/20

The Parish Council requests that everyone please continue their financial stewardship to the Church if you are able.  Be mindful that our facilities’ bills and mortgage continue to be required. For the time being your weekly contribution can be sent directly to the church through the US mail. The Church mailing address is 2231 East Huntington Dr. Wilmington, 19808.Thank you!

The Canon of St. Andrew with the Life of St. Mary of Egypt - April 1st - 03/29/20

During the 5th week of Great Lent the Church calls us once again to the Canon of Repentance by St. Andrew of Crete. We will repeat the canon as in the first week of lent however, this time the reading of the life of St. Mary of Egypt is prescribed along with the canon. Join us online for the Canon on this Wednesday evening April 1st at 6:30 p.m.

Little Angels & Church School Are Online This Week - 03/22/20

Our Little Angels & Church School Groups will also meet online during this time. Please check your emails for Meeting times.

All Church Services and Activities are Cancelled - Now through April 1st - 03/15/20

All church services and activities will be put on hold until at least April 1st.  Please see the directive from Archbishop +MARK above.

COVID-19 Update - 03/15/20

All services and activities are cancelled until April 1st.

See the COVID-19 Resources Page for Father Barnabas' pastoral letter on the parish's responses to the COVID-19 epidemic as well as Archbishop +MARK's revised archpastoral directive.

See the revised Church Calendar for the current schedule of events.

Cancelled Services Restored - 03/12/20

The services previously marked as cancelled will be held at their previously scheduled times.  (See below.)

Liturgy of St. Basil the Great - 03/08/20

On Sundays during the Lenten season we may notice that the Divine Liturgy is a little different. This is because we celebrate the longer Liturgy of St Basil the Great. In the 4th century Church the liturgy of St. Basil was celebrated every Sunday and feast day of the whole year. It was the official Eucharistic Liturgy to be celebrated on a regular basis throughout the year. Towards the end of the first quarter of the second millennium the Liturgy of Saint Basil was replaced by the liturgy attributed to Saint John Chrysostom another 4th century father of the Church. Some say that the celebrating of Saint Basil's liturgy still being done during Lent is because of the conservative liturgical character of Lent. And since it is the intention of the Church to dedicate more time to prayer during Lent, that it is a good opportunity to teach the faithful dogma by offering for their hearing and singing the profound and all-embracing theological elucidations of the Basilian Liturgy. It is also said that it served during lent because of its expressively doctrinal and educational character. Listen and you will hear the wisdom and beauty of this liturgy on the Sunday's of Great Lent. Handouts will be available.

Study Group to Study Genesis - March 12th - 03/08/20

Our Thursday study group will be taking a break from the Gospel of St. Matthew in order to study the Old Testament readings from the first three chapters of Genesis. These Old Testament reading accompany the daily readings prescribed for the Lenten season. We will continue this Thursday reading and discussing the 1st Chapter of Genesis with commentaries by the holy fathers. Join us!

Memorial Saturday Service - March 14th - 03/08/20

Next Saturday March 14th, we will offer a Panakhida (Memorial Service) for all the departed of our parish at 4:00 p.m. The lists of names for commemoration are available for viewing or update at the candle desk.

Sunday of Orthodoxy - March 8th - 03/08/20

The first Sunday of Great Lent is called the Triumph of Orthodoxy. It is a historical feast commemorating the return of the icons to the churches in the year 843 after the heresy of iconoclasm was overcome. The spiritual theme of the day is above all the victory of the True Faith. “This is the victory that overcomes the world, our faith” (1 Jn 5.4). Secondly, the icons of the saints bear witness that man, “created in the image and likeness of God” (Gen 1.26), becomes holy and godlike through the purification of himself as God’s living image. It is a beautiful culmination of the first week of Lent, the victory of our Faith.

Parish Council Meeting - 03/08/20

Sunday, March 15th

  During Coffee Hour

Forty Day Club - 03/01/20

The “Forty Day Club” provides meals for families who have a newborn. This Spring Glory to God, we are experiencing a flood of new babies. For the first time, we will be providing meals for more than one family at a time! We really could use all the help we can get. The process is simple: sign up to bring a meal to church on Sunday and put it in the refrigerator. (Someone else delivers it.) The meal does not have to be fancy or gourmet; simple meals will do. This is a marvelous way for St. Michaels to nurture and care for each other. Please help us! See Juliana Bunitsky to be added to the list.

Basics of Orthodoxy Class - Thursday Evenings during Lent - 03/01/20

Our basics of Orthodoxy began this week with the Orthodox view of the Trinity. The class will continue this week as we look at history and doctrine. The class will be an excellent opportunity for those interested in becoming Catechumens or anyone interested in brushing up on their faith. The class will meet this Thursday at 8:00 p.m. All are welcome to attend!

Confession Opportunities during Lent - 03/01/20

There will be lots of added opportunities for confessions during the Lenten season. In addition to Saturday evenings after Great Vespers, confession will be available prior to Presanctified Liturgy on Wednesday’s from 5:30 p.m. until 6:30 p.m.

Presanctified Liturgy - Wednesday Evenings during Lent - 03/01/20

On Wednesday evenings we will be celebrating the Presanctified Liturgy. The Divine Liturgy is not celebrated in the Orthodox Church on Lenten weekdays. However, in order for the faithful to sustain their Lenten effort by participation in Holy Communion, the Liturgy of the Presanctified Gifts is served. This Liturgy is called Presanctified, since the Holy Gifts are presanctified (or consecrated) on the previous Sunday. This is an evening Liturgy consisting of Vespers, followed by a portion of the full Liturgy. The Liturgy of the Presanctified Gifts comes after a day of spiritual preparation and total abstinence. All who plan on participating in Holy Communion for the Presanctified Liturgy who are unable to make the effort of total fasting because of weaknesses or illness, should eat a light Lenten meal in the morning or mid-morning and begin fasting for communion by noon.

The Great Canon of St. Andrew of Crete - March 2nd, 3rd, 5th, April 2nd - 03/01/20

The Great Canon of St Andrew of Crete (also known as the Canon of Repentance) is a lengthy penitential canon composed in the seventh century, which is sung during this first week and fifth week of Great Lent. The Great Canon consists of four parts, each divided into nine odes like a regular canon. However, there are slight differences between the odes of the two compositions. In the Great Canon, there is a greater number of troparia. At the refrain "Have mercy on me, O God, have mercy on me," a prostration is performed. Also, some of the odes have additional refrains and troparia to the author of the canon, St. Andrew of Crete, or St. Mary of Egypt, one of the greatest models of repentance in Christian history. A basic distinguishing feature of the Great Canon is its extremely broad use of images and subjects taken both from the Old and New Testaments. As the Canon progresses, the congregation encounters many biblical examples of sin and repentance. The Bible (and therefore, the Canon) speaks of some individuals in a positive light, and about others in a negative one—the penitents are expected to emulate the positive examples of sanctity and repentance, and to learn from and avoid the negative examples of sin, fallen nature and pride. However, one of the most notable aspects of the Canon is that it attempts to portray the Biblical images in a very personal way to every penitent: the Canon is written in such form that the faithful identify themselves with many people and events found in the Bible. Be sure to be attentive to these “once a year” worship opportunities.  

Forty Day Club - 02/23/20

The “Forty Day Club” provides meals for families who have a newborn. This Spring Glory to God, we are experiencing a flood of new babies. For the first time, we will be providing meals for more than one family at a time! We really could use all the help we can get.  The process is simple: sign up to bring a meal to church on Sunday, and put it in the refrigerator. (Someone else delivers it.) The meal does not have to be fancy or gourmet; simple meals will do. This is a marvelous way for St. Michaels to nurture and care for each other. Please help us! See Juliana Bunitsky to be added to the list.

Basics of Orthodoxy Class - March 5th - April 9th - 02/23/20

We will be offering the basics of Orthodoxy class during the Lenten season on Thursday evenings during the Lenten season. The class will run for six weeks beginning March 5th at 8:00 p.m.  The class will be an excellent opportunity for those interested in becoming Catechumens or anyone interested in brushing up on their faith. Please See Fr. Barnabas or Thaddeus (Scott) Lewis is you have any questions.

Great Lent to Begin - 02/23/20

Just a reminder that our Lenten journey will begin with Forgiveness Vespers next Sunday, March 1st, at 7:00 p.m. All should make a sincere effort to begin the Lenten season with this service and the “Mutual rite of forgiveness”. On Forgiveness Sunday, we sing of Adam’s exile from paradise. We identify ourselves with Adam, lamenting our loss of the beauty, dignity and delight of our original creation, mourning our corruption in sin. We also hear on this day the Lord’s teaching about fasting and forgiveness, and we enter the season of the fast forgiving one another so that God will forgive us. "If you forgive men their trespasses, your heavenly Father will forgive you; but if you do not forgive men their trespasses, neither will your heavenly Father forgive you your trespasses (Mt 6.14– 18).”

Basics of Orthodoxy Class - During Lent - 02/16/20

We will be offering the basics of Orthodoxy class during the Lenten season. Please stay tuned from more details concerning times and dates. This class will be an excellent opportunity for those interested in becoming Catechumens. All are welcome to attend.

Mission Vespers - March 8th through April 5th - 02/16/20





- Sunday of Orthodoxy 1st Sunday (March 08) Ss Peter and Paul, Wilmington 1406 Philadelphia Pike, 19809
- Sunday of St. Gregory Palamas 2nd Sunday (March 15) St Mark Church, Wrightstown 452 Durham Rd, 18940
- Sunday of the Precious Cross 3rd Sunday (March 22) Holy Trinity Church, Pottstown 1236 Juniper St, 19464
- Sunday of St. John of the Ladder 4th Sunday (March 29) St George Church, Upper Darby 8210 W. Chester Pike, 19082
- Sunday of St. Mary of Egypt 5th Sunday (April 05) St John Chrysostom, Philadelphia 237 N 17th Street, 19103

Great Lent Begins - 02/16/20

Our Lenten journey will begin with Forgiveness Vespers on Sunday, March 1st at 7:00 p.m. All should make a sincere effort to begin the Lenten season with this service and the “Mutual Rite of Forgiveness”. “On Forgiveness Sunday, we sing of Adam’s exile from paradise. We identify ourselves with Adam, lamenting our loss of the beauty, dignity and delight of our original creation, mourning our corruption in sin. We also hear on this day the Lord’s teaching about fasting and forgiveness. Join us for this Lenten beginning.

Great Lent Begins - March 2nd - 02/09/20

Our Lenten journey will begin with Forgiveness Vespers on Sunday, March 1st at 7:00 p.m.. All should make a sincere effort to begin the Lenten season with this service and the “Mutual Rite of Forgiveness”. On Forgiveness Sunday, we sing of Adam’s exile from paradise. We identify ourselves with Adam, lamenting our loss of the beauty, dignity and delight of our original creation, mourning our corruption in sin. We also hear on this day the Lord’s teaching about fasting and forgiveness, and we enter the season of the fast forgiving one another so that God will forgive us. "If you forgive men their trespasses, your heavenly Father will forgive you; but if you do not forgive men their trespasses, neither will your heavenly Father forgive you your trespasses." (Mt 6.14–18).

Study Group - February 13th - 02/09/20

Our Study Group will continue this week reading and discussing chapter 10 of the Gospel of St. Matthew. We will continue this Thursday February 13th at 10 :00 a.m. All are welcome!

Fast Free Week - February 9th through 15th - 02/09/20

The week of the Publican and the Pharisee is fast free. Please use this week to finish up most of the non-Lenten foods in the freezer or pantry in preparation for Great Lent. Enjoy!

Parish Council Meeting - September 9th - 02/02/20

Our next Parish Council meeting will be held on Sunday, February 9th during the coffee hour.  Council members who will not be able to attend should notify Jeff Kendall.

Study Group - February 6th - 02/02/20

Our study group will continue this week reading and discussing the Gospel of St Matthew.  We will continue this Thursday, February 6th at 10:00 a.m.  All are welcome!

House Blessings - 02/02/20

House blessings are available.  Please see Matuskha Daria or Father Barnabas at coffee hour for scheduling. 

Also, a reminder if anyone needs Holy Water, it is available upon request at any time throughout the year.

Diocesan Assembly - 01/26/20

This past week Father Barnabas, Fatherr Deacon James, and Sue (Maria) Dorazio represented St. Michael’s at the 56th annual Eastern Pennsylvania Diocesan Assembly at Christ the Savior Orthodox Church in Harrisburg, PA. Along with the usual business of the diocese we were able to hear a talk by Father John Soroka on parish growth. A special thanks to our Deacon and parish representative for offering their time for this important work in our diocese.

Welcome to the Newly Illumined! - 01/19/20

This morning (Sunday, January 19th) we welcome into the Church Mila Christopher Estifanos Waters.by the sacraments of Baptism and Chrismation. Mila is the daughter of Estela Estifanos Asfeha and Christopher Waters. May our Lord may grant the newly illumined and her family, health, long life and Many Blessed Years!

Fund raiser for Father John Zabinko - 01/19/20

St. Michael’s parish son, Archpriest John Zabinko, suffered a devastating stroke nearly 2 years ago. He continues to be wheelchair bound and transportation is a challenge. As a result, he has not been able to get out very often or get to church. A GoFundMe has been established asking for donations to help cover the cost of a “new” used handicap vehicle that has a ramp. A new Handicap vehicle is over $50,000 and a used is half that. Donations can be made online at https://www.gofundme.com/f/fund-raiser-for-father-john-zabinko

The Elliotts have a Son! - 01/19/20

Stephen Thomas Elliott was born on Theophany to John (Joe) and Colleen Elliott. (6lb, 12oz) Glory to God!  If you would like send a card and/or gift their address is: PO Box 472, Detroit, Oregon 97342.  Or… you can just pass cards and gift cards for either Target or Amazon to Chris & Nona Carey. They’ll put everything into a ‘care package’ from St. Michael’s at the end of January.

Meeting of the Lord in the Temple - February 2nd - 01/19/20

The feast of the Presentation or Meeting of the Lord in the Temple takes place forty days following the Nativity of Jesus (Sunday, February 2nd). The feast celebrates Christ’s fulfillment of the Law of Moses calling for all the first born; whatever is the first to open the womb among the people of Israel, be consecrated to God. At this time, we also see His mother Mary undergo the ritual purification offering the sacrifices prescribed in the Law. In the feast Christ’s encounters, the Elder Simeon who had long awaited His coming, and inspired by the Holy Spirit, leads the Messiah into the Temple. This year the feast also falls on Zacchaeus Sunday. We will celebrate with vespers and lytia on Saturday, February 1st and liturgy on Sunday, February 2nd. The blessing of candles is traditionally offered at this feast.

NO Study Group - January 23rd - 01/19/20

Since Father Barnabas will be attending the Diocesan Assembly, there will be no Study Group on Thursday, January 23rd.

Study Group - January 16th - 01/12/20

Our Study group continued this week reading and discussing the “healing of the paralytic” and the “calling of Matthew the tax collector” in chapter 9 of the gospel of St. Matthew. We will continue this Thursday, January 16th at 10 :00 a.m. All are welcome!

Parish Giving - 01/12/20

This year, our Parish has achieved a level 5 giving to the Diocese and National Churches. As a result, the assessment for each adult will be $200 per year or $50 per quarter. Envelopes are available in the Narthex for your use and to be used as reminders for you throughout the year. Thank you for your continued support.

Holy Water and Home Blessings - 01/12/20

Holy water will be available in the Nave for the next two weeks and always available throughout the year upon request. Father Barnabas will also be available for home blessings.  Please see Father Barnabas or Matushka Daria for scheduling.

Parish Council Meeting Rescheduled to January 16th - 01/05/20

The Parish Council meeting has been rescheduled from Thursday, January 9th to Thursday, January 16th.  The meeting time is still 7:00 p.m.  Please see Jeff Kendall if you are able to attend.

Study Group - January 9th - 01/05/20

Our Study Group will resume Thursday, January 9th at 10:00 a.m.  We will read and discuss chapter 9 in the Gospel of St. Matthew.

Theophany (Baptism) of our Lord - January 6th - 12/29/19

The feast of Theophany, means the shining forth and manifestation of God, the emphasis in the present-day celebration is on the appearance of Jesus as the human Messiah of Israel and the divine Son of God, One of the Holy Trinity with the Father and the Holy Spirit. Thus, in the baptism by John in the Jordan, Jesus identifies himself with sinners as the “Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world” (Jn 1:29), the “Beloved” of the Father whose messianic task it is to redeem men from their sins (Lk 3:21, Mk 1:35). We will celebrate this blessed feast with Vigil on the eve of Theophany, Sunday, January 5th at 7:00 p.m. then on Monday January 6th Theophany Divine liturgy of St. Basil the Great at 9:30 a.m. followed by the Great Blessing of Waters.

Nativity Services - 12/15/19

Tuesday December 24th

Royal Hours for the Nativity

at 9:00 a.m.

Parish Holy Supper

at 5:30 p.m.

followed by

Vigil for the Nativity of our Lord

at 7:00 p.m.


Wednesday December 25th

Divine Liturgy for the Nativity

at 9:30 am

followed by

Coffee Hour

Family Promise - Thank You! - 12/15/19

Many thanks to all who cooked and served our local homeless families through Family Promise last week. You were all so patient and kind with the new arrivals, especially the children. Your compassion for parents with 3 day old infant was instant. Family Promise’s program helps us all become more aware of greater need in this Nativity season.

Poinsettias for Nativity - 12/15/19

Anyone wishing to donate poinsettias in memory of a loved one for the Nativity decorations this year can do so by completing an order form which are located in the Narthex. This year we are asking for donations of $10 for each flower. Flowers can be picked up after Divine Liturgy on Sunday December 29. A list of the dedications will be included in the bulletin on December 29. If you have any questions, please see Anne Riley.

Bookstore Nativity Gifts - 12/15/19

Our Parish Bookstore has a wide selection of gifts for this Nativity season. Stop by and pick something up today!

Parish Directory Update - 12/15/19

We are currently updating the church directory in preparation for 2020. We are asking parishioners to review the directory in the Vestibule and to make any necessary changes. For new members, or members not currently listed and would like to be included, please add your information--name(s), address, telephone number(s), email address and also birth date(s) for the Birthday List.

Service Schedule for Nativity - December 24th and 25th - 12/15/19

The feast of the Nativity of our Lord and God and Savior Jesus Christ will be Tuesday December 24th.  Royal Hours for the Nativity at 9:00 a.m., Parish Holy Supper at 5:00 p.m. followed by the Vigil for the Nativity of our Lord at 7:00 p.m. Then on Christmas morning Wednesday December 25th at 9:30 am Divine Liturgy for the Nativity followed by coffee for those who wish to stay. Please be sure to make plans now to be with us for this blessed feast of our Lord.

Nativity Parish Holy Supper - December 24th - 12/15/19

Holy Supper on Nativity Eve is a pious tradition from the Christian faithful of various Eastern European regions. The supper is observed on the eves of our Lord’s Nativity in the flesh and His baptism by Saint John in the Jordan River. The meal is a fasting meal with 12 courses representing Christ’s twelve apostles. We will once again have a Parish Holy Supper on the Eve of Nativity. We will begin at 5:30 p.m. followed by Nativity Vigil at 7:00 p.m. All are welcome to join us. Please see Juliana Peck or Matushka Daria to help.

Study Group - December 19th - 12/15/19

Our study group continued this past week with five of us reading and discussing chapter 8 and Christ’s “Calming of the storm”. We will meet again this coming Thursday (December 19th) at 10:00 a.m.  All are welcome to join us!

Thanksgiving Molieben - November 28th - 11/17/19

Thanksgiving morning (November 28th) we will offer a Molieben of Thanksgiving at 9:00 a.m. To be thankful (from the Greek eucharistia or thanksgiving) is a profound reality and a central practice of Orthodox Christians: “O give thanks unto the Lord for He is good….” Join us!

Father Barnabas to Be Away - November 22nd - 29th - 11/17/19

The parish office will be closed November 22nd - November 29th. Next Saturday evening (November 23rd) Father Deacon James will offer the Reader’s Vespers and Sunday (November 24th) Father Gregory Dudash will offer the Divine Liturgy.

For any parish emergencies or problems please call Father Deacon James Carpenter (609) 202-4255 or Jeff Kendall (302) 420-6600. Thank you!

Veterans Collection - Thank You! - 11/10/19

Thanks to all who donated to our Veterans collection. A total of $725 was donated. We’ll deliver gift cards to the local VA Hospital. Your generosity helps those who serve our country!

Church Library - 11/10/19

Be sure to check out a book or DVD during the Nativity fast! Remember that continued education in our faith is necessary for effective and enduring discipleship and stewardship.

Feast of the Entrance of the Theotokos into the Temple - November 20th and 21st - 11/10/19

Several feasts are dedicated to the Mother of God commemorating and celebrating her life. Next Wednesday evening we will celebrate Her entrance in to the Temple. In this feast we encounter the holiness of Mary as a small child separated from the world, brought to live in the Temple a life set apart, consecrated, and in a state of intimacy with God. “A deep mystery covers the earthly life of the Most-Holy Theotokos from her childhood to her repose. Her life in the Jerusalem Temple was concealed. ‘If you were to ask me,’ said the Blessed Jerome,’ how the Most-Holy Virgin passed the time of her youth, I would answer that this is known only to God Himself and the Archangel Gabriel detailed to protect her.’”(TTWH) We will celebrate this feast with Vespers on Wednesday, November 20th at 7:00 p.m. and Divine Liturgy on Thursday, November 21st at 9:30 a.m.

Nativity Fast Begins - November 15th - 11/10/19

This is just a reminder that the Nativity Fast begins this week (November15th). The fast continues until the Nativity of our Lord (December 25th). The celebration of the feast of the Nativity of Christ in the Orthodox Church is patterned after the celebration of the feast of the Lord’s Resurrection. A fast of forty days precedes the feast, with special preparatory days announcing the approaching birth of the Savior. Thus, on Saint Andrew’s Day (November 30) and Saint Nicholas Day (December 6) songs are sung to announce the coming birthday of the Lord: ‘Adorn yourself, O Cavern. Make ready, O Manger. O Shepherds and wisemen, bring your gifts and bear witness. For the Virgin is coming bearing Christ in her womb’ (Vesperal Hymn of Saint Nicholas Day). Please try and make an effort!

Family Promise - December 2nd, 3rd, and 5th - 11/03/19

On December 2nd, 3rd and 5th we will cook/serve dinner to local homeless families at St. Philips Lutheran Church 5320 Limestone Rd, Wilmington DE 19808. Please sign up on Family Promise board in the narthex to share our bounty, compassion and love to our less fortunate neighbors. See Ellen Gundersen for details.

All Parish Meeting - 11/03/19

Thanks to all you participated in our All Parish meeting last Sunday. May our Lord continue to bless His faithful people of St. Michael’s. Many Years! Keep up all the good works!

Women's Retreat - November 16th - 10/27/19

A Women’s Retreat, sponsored by the Department Curriculum and Education of the Diocese of Philadelphia and Eastern PA, will be held on Saturday, November 16, 2019 at St. Tikhon’s Monastery. The topic for this year’s retreat is: “We Are Pilgrims On This Earth.” The speaker will be Fr Theodore Petrides. The cost for the retreat is $10 which includes lunch. It is open to all women. Registration must be received by November 9, 2019. For more information, please contact Matushka Emilia Shepherd at (910) 988-3462 or officermillie79@gmail.com.

Study Group - October 31st - 10/27/19

Once again this past Thursday, six of us continued with the gospel of St. Matthew. We resumed reading and discussing “The Sermon on the Mount” in chapter seven. We will finish with the Sermon on the Mount this Thursday at 10:00 a.m. and begin chapter eight. All are welcome to join us!

Coffee Hour / Service Duty / Church Cleaning Volunteers - 10/20/19

We are beginning to compile our 2020 stewardship lists for coffee hour, candle duty, and church cleaning. As Julianne Peck mentioned in her email, we are looking for new volunteers to sign up for coffee hour and also candle duty and church cleaning. There will be a signup sheet in the Narthex for any new volunteers. If you wish to work as a team, please identify it on the sheet. Also, let us know if there are any other changes to last year’s list as this will be used as our starting point. Thank you in advance for your service.

Study Group - October 24th - 10/20/19

Our study group continued this past Thursday with the gospel of St. Matthew. Nine of us continued reading and discussing “The Sermon on the Mount” in chapter seven of St. Matthew. We will continue with chapter seven this Thursday at 10:00 a.m. All are welcome to join us!

The St. Michael’s Day Dinner - November 10th - 10/20/19

On Sunday, November 10th after Divine Liturgy we will have our St. Michael’s day dinner. There will be a sign-up sheet in the narthex for food contributions. If you have any questions, please see Anne Riley or Karen Hojnicki.

St Michaels Day Celebrations - November 7th and 8th - 10/20/19

The feast day of the Archangel Michael and all the Bodiless powers will be celebrated Thursday, November 7th with Vespers & Litiya at 7:00 p.m. and then on Friday, November 8th at 9:30 a.m. with Divine Liturgy. Joyous feast to all!

Amazon Smile - 10/20/19

At this time of year, as Nativity approaches, we begin buying gifts for our friends and family. This is just a reminder that if you purchase items from Amazon.com, St. Michael’s could benefit from your purchases. Amazon Smile will give St. Michael’s a small rebate for every purchase you make if you use the web address below. This address is specific to St. Michael’s, so it is easy to use. We have already been receiving benefits from this program. Just type the address into your web browser. http://smile.amazon.com/ch/05-0545881

Welcome to Our New Catechumen! - 10/13/19

Welcome also to our newest catechumen Kristin Mackenzie. We look forward to being part of her continued journey towards baptism in the Orthodox Church.

Welcome to the Newly Illumined! - 10/13/19

Welcome to the newly illumined Eleanor Kendall, received into the church through the sacrament of Holy Baptism and Chrismation on Sunday, October 13th. May God grant her and the entire Kendall family Many blessed years!

Study Group - October 10th - 10/06/19

Our study group continued this past Thursday with the gospel of St. Matthew. seven of us continued reading and discussing “The Sermon on the Mount” in chapter six of St. Matthew. We will continue with chapter seven this Thursday at 10 a.m. All are welcome to join us!

All Parish Meeting - October 27th - 10/06/19

On Sunday October 27th, 2019, during the coffee hour, we will have our Annual All Parish Meeting. Please make plans to stay following Divine Liturgy for this important work in the life of the church.

Thanksgiving Veterans Collection - Now Through November 3rd - 09/29/19

Once again the St. Michaels family will be donating to help local Veterans and their families! For Thanksgiving, they are requesting $25 gift cards from local grocery stores to supplement their dinner tables! OR you can donate any amount, and we will purchase the gift cards for them! Fill out the slip in the Narthex, place the gift card or money in the envelope and place in the collections basket or drop off in candle room. Deadline: November 3rd. See Sam Sylvest or Ellen Gundersen .

Study Group - October 3rd - 09/29/19

Our study group continued this past Thursday with the gospel of St. Matthew. Nine of us continued reading and discussing “The Sermon on the Mount” in chapter six of St. Matthew. We will continue with chapter six and seven this Thursday, October 3rd at 10:00 a.m. All are welcome to join us!

Church School - October 6th - 09/29/19

Church school will begin on Sunday October 6th during the coffee hour. The class will be for school children ages 5-12 yrs. We will also offer the molieben for church school on October 6th following the liturgy. Thanks to all for the continued support of the youth education ministry.

Annual All Parish Meeting Reports Needed - 09/29/19

Our annual parish meeting is coming up in October. Just a reminder that reports in preparation for our ll Parish meeting should be submitted to Jeff Kendall. Thank you all for your continued work for St. Michael’s!

Prosphora Bakers Requested - 09/29/19

St. Michael’s could use your help in baking the holy bread and small Prosphora that is used every Sunday and on Holy Days. If you are interested in participating in this ministry, please see Susan Skomorucha. Baking instruction is available.

Parish Council - 09/29/19

Thursday, October 17th

at 7:00 p.m.

Lecture by Fr Barnabas Powell - 09/29/19

Tuesday, October 8th

at 7:00 p.m.

at St Stephen Orthodox Cathedral

Philadelphia, PA

Inquirer’s / Basics of Orthodoxy Class - Thank You! - 09/29/19

Thanks to everyone who participated in our Basics/ Inquirer Class the last couple months. We hope and pray that our Lord may continue to lead all to the fullness of Christ.

Fr. Barnabas Powell to Speak at St. Stephen’s - October 8th - 09/29/19

On Tuesday, October 8th at St. Stephen Orthodox Cathedral in Philadelphia, Fr. Barnabas Powell will be offering a talk entitled “Why Do I Do the Things I Do?....and What Can I Do About It?”  (The Christian understanding of the passions and their remedy). Fr. Barnabas is a well-known speaker and host of “Faith Encouraged” on Ancient Faith Radio. The talk will begin at 7:00 p.m.  More details can be found at ststephenscathedral.org.

Confessions Back to Normal Time - October 5th - 09/29/19

Just a reminder that beginning next Saturday (10/5) regular confession will once again be heard following Vespers. Thanks to everyone for their patience in making confession adjustments for the Basics of Orthodoxy class.

Family Promise Thank You! - 09/08/19

Many thanks to everyone who cooked and served local homeless families at St. Philips this week. Your encouragement to them is really appreciated. Special thanks to Terry Telep who drove the Family Promise van three evenings for us, for those who played with children and cleaned up after. You're all wonderful.

Parish Picnic Thank You! - 09/08/19

Thanks to all who participated in our parish picnic last Sunday. It was a wonderful time of fun and fellowship. A special thanks to Julianna Peck and Catalina Finck for organizing food and activities.

Elevation of the Holy Cross - September 13th and 14th - 09/01/19

The second major feast of the church year is the Elevation or Exaltation of the Holy Cross. Truly, the Nativity of the Theotokos is seen as the beginning of our salvation, and the Cross is seen as the culmination of our salvation. By Christ's death on It, our salvation was accomplished. Mary is also closely associated with the Cross, for she was the mystical paradise in whom the Tree of Life sprouted; this Tree of Life, Christ our Savior, then planted on earth the life-creating Tree of the Cross (from the Feast). And as He suffered and died on the Life-giving Tree of the Cross, so too we are called upon to take up our own crosses on our shoulders and to die daily for the sake of Him Who died for us. We will celebrate with Great Vespers at 7:00 p.m. on Friday, September 13th and Divine Liturgy on Saturday, September 14th at 10:00 a.m. Join us!

Inquirer’s / Basics of Orthodoxy Class - 09/01/19

Father Barnabas will be offering an Inquirer’s / Basics of Orthodoxy Class on Saturday evenings. The class will meet Saturday evenings following Vespers at 6:00 p.m. Any who are interested in finding out more or who are interested in becoming Orthodox should try to attend.

Nativity of the Theotokos - September 7th and 8th - 08/25/19

We will celebrate the first major feast of the new church year with the Nativity of the Theotokos (September 8th). The feast honors the birth of the Mother of God and the salvation that comes through her Son. We will celebrate with both Vespers on the eve of the feast on Saturday and Sunday September 7th and 8th.

Study Group to Resume - September 12th - 08/18/19

Please mark your calendars for the start of our Thursday Study Group. Our Study group will resume on Thursday, September 12th at 10:00 a.m. We will continue with our study of the Gospel of St. Matthew. All are welcome to join us!

Parish Picnic - September 1st - 08/18/19

We are planning to have our annual parish picnic on Sunday, September 1st.  There will be food, drinks, adn fun!  Please see Julianna Peck for ways to help.  We hope to see you all there!

Family Promise - September 2nd, 3rd, and 5th - 08/18/19

Saint Michael's volunteers will again serve meals to homeless families on:

 - Monday, September 2nd (Labor Day)

 - Tuesday, September 3rd

 - Thursday, September 5th


at St. Philip's Lutheran Church.  Please volunteer to share our Lord's compassion and love with them and sign up on the poster board in the narthex.  If you have any questions, please talk with Ellen Gundersen or email her at ellengundersen5@gmail.com.

Next Week's Vespers at 6:00 p.m. - 08/18/19

Just a reminder our Vespers service will begin at 6:00 p.m. this Saturday (August 24th).  Confessions will be available at 5:00 p.m. and our Basics of Orthodoxy class will shift to 7:00 p.m.  Thanks for your cooperation.

Parish Council Meeting - August 8th - 07/28/19

Just a reminder that our August parish council meeting will be held Thursday, August  8th at 7:00 p.m.

Feast of the Dormition of the Theotokos - August 15th - 07/28/19

The feast commemorates her glorification and salvation in Jesus Christ. Fr. John Hopko says that, "the feast of the Dormition is the sign, the guarantee, and the celebration that Mary's fate is, the destiny of all those of "low estate" whose souls magnify the Lord, whose spirits rejoice in God the Saviour, whose lives are totally dedicated to hearing and keeping the Word of God which is given to men in Mary's child, the Saviour and Redeemer of the world". According to tradition, while in prayer, an angel appeared to the Theotokos telling her that she would leave this world. As a token and promise that her Son awaited, the angel gave her a branch with flowers from Eden. So on this day in honor of the greatest flower of womanhood, and the first to receive the promise of the awaiting kingdom, flowers are brought for blessing. We will celebrate this feast with Vespers on Wednesday, August 14th at 7:00 p.m. and Divine Liturgy on Thursday, August 15th at 9:00 a.m. followed by the blessing of flowers and seed.

Feast of Transfiguration - August 6th - 07/28/19

On August 6th, the Church celebrates the feast of the Transfiguration of our Lord. This feast commemorates our Lord's transfiguration before his disciples on Mt. Tabor. In His Transfiguration He reveals His glory to the disciples. In Him they (and we) now see for themselves the glory of God present in the person of Christ. We will celebrate with Vespers on Monday August 5th at 7:00 p.m. Divine Liturgy for the feast will be Tuesday morning August 6th at 9:00 a.m. followed by the blessing of the first fruits.

Inquirer's Class - 07/21/19

August 10, 17, 24, & 31

at 6:00 p.m.

(after Vespers)

Inquirer’s / Basics of Orthodoxy Class - August 10th, 17th, 24th, and 31st - 07/21/19

Fr. Barnabas will be offering an Inquirer’s/Basics of Orthodoxy Class on Saturday evenings in August. The first class will meet Saturday August 10th following Vespers at 6:00 p.m. Any an all who are interested in finding out more or who are interested in becoming Orthodox should try to attend.

Parish Office Closed this Week - July 22nd through July 26th - 07/21/19

The parish office will be closed Monday July 22nd through Friday July 26th. Fr. Barnabas and family will once again be away. For any parish emergencies or problems during the week please call Fr. Dn. James Carpenter (609) 202-4255 or Jeff Kendall (302) 420-6600. Thank you!

Vacation Church School - August 1st - 3rd - 07/21/19

Our vacation church school will be held this Thursday, August 1st through Saturday, August 3rd, 2019. Our focus will be on the vocations of the Divine Liturgy. Our VCS will conclude with the Divine Liturgy on August 3rd. We encourage all the faithful of St. Michael’s to join us even though the focus will be on letting our little ones use their gifts. Please see Laura Whalen or Fr. Barnabas for more information.

Parish Office Closed - 07/21/19

Monday, July 22nd


Friday, July 26th

Dormition Fast and August Feast Days - 07/14/19

The liturgical calendar once again comes to its close in August with the fourth and final fasting season of the Church year along with two major feasts. Every year the Orthodox Church sets aside the first fourteen days of August in honor of the Virgin Mary. This fast period begins on August 1st and peaks on August 15th, when the Church gathers to celebrate the great feast of the Dormition (Falling Asleep) of the Theotokos. Please plan to join us for these feasts as we make our way to the end of yet another liturgical year.

Blessing of Vehicles - Rescheduled to July 28th - 07/14/19

Due to the hot weather this weekend, we will postpone our Blessing of the Vehicles until next week (July 28th).

In commemoration of the holy prophet Elijah (July 20) who was taken into heaven on a fiery chariot, we will be offering the blessing of vehicles next Sunday (July 28th) following Liturgy. The glorious prophet Elijah is therefore known as the patron saint of vehicles, reminding us that we must struggle to manifest holiness in our lives, especially when we travel. The honoring of this great prophet of the Old Testament in our Holy Church dates back to Apostolic times. The blessing is for cars and any kind of vehicle (kids can bring bikes).

Fr. Barnabas to be Away - 06/30/19

The parish office will be closed June 30- July 13. Next Saturday evening (July 6th) Fr. Dn. James will offer the Reader’s Vespers, and on Sunday (July 7th) Fr. Gregory Dudash will offer the Divine Liturgy. For any parish emergencies or problems please call Fr. Dn. James Carpenter (609) 202-4255 or Jeff Kendall (302) 420-6600. Thank you!

Thank You! - 06/23/19

Special thanks and gratitude to Luke & Anna Wales for donating hundreds of books and three large bookcases for our library expansion as well as giving away another hundred books for Good Samaritan and prison libraries.

Service to the Holy Altar - 06/16/19

Father Deacon James is pleased to announce that we will be receiving new altar servers. Service to the Holy Altar is a serious responsibility open to males ages 7years old and older. Those who are interested will be offered some instructional sessions prior to service and must be committed to serve. Serious candidates should see Father Deacon James or Thaddeus (Scott) Lewis for more information.

All Saints Sunday Blessing - June 23rd - 06/16/19

The Sunday after Pentecost is the feast of All Saints. This is the logical liturgical sequence since the coming of the Holy Spirit is fulfilled in the human race by their becoming saints, and this is the very purpose of the creation and salvation of the world. Following Liturgy next week, we will process outside to bless the completed dome and siding project. Bring your favorite saints’ icon for the procession and join us as we celebrate the feast of All Saints and the continued good work at St. Michael’s.

Welcome to the Newly Chrismated! - 06/16/19

On Pentecost Sunday we welcomed into the Church Susan “Maria” Dorazio by the Sacrament of Holy Chrismation. Please welcome this newly enlisted warrior for Christ. May God bless and keep her for many years!

Traveling this Summer? Try to Go to Church! - 06/09/19

Visit the “Orthodoxy in America” website to find an Orthodox Church wherever you are heading. All the canonical Orthodox jurisdictions (OCA, Greek, Antiochian, Serbian, etc.) are listed together on this one helpful site: www.orthodoxyinamerica.org - Check it out! Also, contact the priest ahead of time to inform him that you would like to come for Holy Communion at the Liturgy. May God bless your travels and come back safe and sound!

If you do travel, please do not take a vacation from your financial support of our parish! The Church is here working even when you are not. Thank you for your mindfulness and continued support!

Ss Peter and Paul Fast - June 24th - 28th - 06/09/19

The spirit of Holy Pentecost leads us to another feast and fast of the church. The feast of the Holy Apostles Peter and Paul is celebrated on June 29th . From the 4th Century on, the Church has celebrated this feast which is spiritually linked with Holy Pentecost. It stands as the witness of the Apostles immediate fruit at the descent of the Holy Spirit when it came upon them. The Feast is preceded by a fasting period called "Saints Peter and Paul Fast.” The fast is different from year to year since it always begins on the Monday following All Saints' Sunday (1st Sun. after Pentecost). The fast in preparation for the feast begins this year on June 24th and continues to the feast on June 29th

Chrismation - June 16th - 06/09/19

On Sunday, June 16th at 8 a.m. we will welcome into the Church Susan D'Orazio by the Sacrament of Holy Chrismation. Please join us to welcome this newly enlisted warrior for Christ.

Church Library Summer Reading - 06/02/19

Now that the nice weather is upon us, recharge your spiritual life by checking out one of the books at the library table, outside the Coffee Hour room. Our library team has set out a new selection of books, and there's something to inspire everyone: Saint's lives, books on the spiritual life, books on prayer, and books for the kiddos. Check it out today.

Pentecost Sunday - June 16th - 06/02/19

Following the Ascension the next feast in the life of the Church is the Great Feast of Pentecost. Liturgically this is the greatest of the 12 Great Feasts. (Pascha is in a category all by itself!) Pentecost is the “Birthday of the Church”, the celebration of the coming of the Holy Spirit. Just a reminder that next week immediately following the Divine Liturgy, the traditional Vespers of Pentecost with the Special Kneeling prayers is served. In Orthodoxy, we go from glory to glory - come let us welcome the coming of the Holy Spirit!

Thank You Church School Teachers and Helpers! - 05/26/19

We would like to thank our church school teachers and helpers for the 2018/2019 church school year! Thanks to Stephen Peck, Maria Peck, & Matthew Fravel for teaching of classes. We would also like to thank Paula Dauber for offering her time and talents to help teach our children to sing and offer responses for divine services. Many years to you for your service in the building up of our Lord’s holy church through the education and instruction of our little ones!

The Ascension of Our Lord - June 6th - 05/26/19

The Ascension of Christ is His final physical departure from this world after the resurrection. It is the formal completion of His mission in this world as the Messianic Savior. The ascension itself is not to be understood as though it were simply the supernatural event of a man floating up and away into the skies. The holy scripture stresses Christ’s physical departure and His glorification with God the Father, together with the great joy which His disciples had as they received the promise of the Holy Spirit Who was to come to assure the Lord’s presence with them, enabling them to be His witnesses to the ends of earth. The celebration of the feast of Ascension will be this Wednesday evening, June 5th at 7:00 p.m. with Vespers and Litiya and then on Thursday, June 6th at 9:00 a.m. with Divine Liturgy. Join us!

Study Group Summer Break - June, July, August - 05/26/19

Our Study group will be taking a break for the Summer months of June, July, and August. We will resume once again in September. Thanks to all who continue to attend and participate in this parish education opportunity.

Memorial Service - 05/26/19

Saturday, June 1st at 4:00 p.m. we will offer a Panakhida service for Michael Sinovich in honor of the fortieth day of his falling asleep. May his memory be eternal!

Welcome to the Newly Illumined - 05/26/19

Welcome to the newly illumined Rae Dawit Gabriel, daughter of Bisrat Gabriel, baptized this morning. May God grant her and her family long life, health, salvation, and many blessed years!

Important Dates: - 05/19/19

The Ascension of our Lord

Thursday, June 6th


Holy Pentecost

Sunday, June 16th


Ss. Peter and Paul Fast

Monday, June 24th


Friday, June 28th

Sacrament of Holy Baptism - 05/19/19

Please join us on Sunday, May 26th at 8:00 a.m. for the baptism of baby Rae Dawit Gabriel, daughter of Bisrat Gabriel. May God bless and keep her and her family as we welcome her into the Church!

Grave Blessings - 05/19/19

Father Barnabas is available for the traditional grave blessings during the Paschal season. Anyone who would like to have the graves of their loved ones blessed please see Father Barnabas.

Study Group - 05/19/19

Our Study group will continue this Thursday May 23rd at 10:00 a.m. We will continue with the Gospel of St. Matthew chapter 6.  All are welcome to join us. Please note our study group will not meet May 30th.  This will be the last Study Group session before summer break.

Parish Council - 05/19/19

Thursday, June 6th

at 7:00 p.m.

Parish Council Meeting - 05/19/19

Our parish council will meet on Thursday, June 6th at 7:00 p.m. Please see Jeff Kendall if you are unable to attend.

Blessed Moving to the Souders! - 05/19/19

We want to offer Cathy and Kevin Souder our love and prayers as they make their move to Florida this week. We will certainly miss them! We want to wish them health and happiness in their new home and we hope to see them soon. May God grant them many blessed Years!

Peter Melnick - Memory Eternal! - 05/19/19

Last Sunday (May 12th) our brother in Christ, Peter Melnik, fell asleep in the Lord. Funeral services were held at St. Michael’s on Saturday, May 18th. Burial services will be Monday, May 19th at St. Mary Orthodox Church in Chambersburg, PA at 11:00 a.m. May the servant of God Peter find blessed repose with all the saints. Memory Eternal!

Funeral for Peter Melnick - May 18th - 05/14/19

The Funeral for Peter Melnick will be this Saturday May18th. The visitation will be held at St. Michael's from 8:30 a.m. to 9:30 a.m. The visitation will be followed by Hours at 9:40 a.m. and Divine Liturgy for the 4th Saturday of Pascha. Following the Divine Liturgy the Funeral Service (Rite of Burial) will be offered. The family will be having the Repass dinner in St. Michael's Hall.

Please continue to remember the newly departed Peter and his family in your prayers.

Cupola Project Completed! - 04/28/19

During the Lenten season Lindsay Construction has been working on several projects around the church building. The project included dome reconstruction and new cross, new siding for the church (which matches the hall), new spouting and gutters, new windows in the Nave, and our electric moved underground. We would like to thank Jeff Kendall, Tom Sulpizi, our parish council, our donors, and all who continued to offer themselves to the building up Christ’s Holy Church. “…for the founders, benefactors, and beautifiers of this holy house, may our Lord remember in His Kingdom always now and ever…” (from the Great Entrance)

Study Group Pascha Break - 04/28/19

Our study group will break for Holy week and Bright week. We will return to meet on Thursday, May 9th at 10:00 a.m.

Paschal Flowers - 04/28/19

We are still accepting Paschal flower donations with or without memorials for Holy Pascha. The slips are in the narthex (or see Jim Riley). Those who give donations may choose a plant to take home after Pascha. Plants will also be delivered to shut-ins and any left will be available for planting in the church flower beds.

Newly Illumined - 04/28/19

Welcome to the newly illumined Rob Jaquette baptized Holy Saturday morning. May God grant him long life, health, salvation, and many blessed years!

Baptism - 04/21/19

Holy Saturday morning (April 27th) at 8:00 a.m. we will welcome into the church Rob Jaquette through the sacraments of Holy Baptism and Chrismation. Please come to welcome the newly illumined.

Holy Week is Here!!! - 04/21/19

Tonight, we begin the Holy Week schedule with Bridegroom Matins at 6:30 p.m. During Holy Week the Church commemorates our Lord's Entrance into Jerusalem, His Betrayal, Trial, Crucifixion, and Resurrection. Holy Week is when all Orthodox Christians should make extra effort to give their full attention to the services of the Holy Week and Pascha.

Archbishop MARK to Visit - Tuesday, April 23rd - 04/14/19

His Eminence Archbishop MARK will be joining us for Presanctified Liturgy on Holy Tuesday, April 23rd at 9:00 a.m.  We hope you can be with us for the Archbishop's annual Holy Week visit.

Cleanup Thanks - 04/14/19

Thank you to all who came to the church cleanup yesterday (Saturday, April 13th).  Many years!

Mike Sinovich: Panikhida - April 15th, Funeral - April 16th - 04/14/19

This past Wednesday (April 10th) our dear brother in Christ, Mike Sinovich, fell asleep in the Lord.  Services will be a Panakhida on Monday evening at 7:00 p.m. at McCrery and Harra Funeral Home and a funeral on Tuesday at 11:00 a.m. at St Michael's.  May the servant of God Michael find blessed repose with all the saints.  Memory Eternal!

Pussy Willows for Palm Sunday - 03/17/19

If anyone has pussy willow trees and would like to cut pussy willow branches for Palm Sunday we will be happy to distribute them along with palms. Please see Ellen Gundersen or Father Deacon James Carpenter.

Lenten Confessions - 03/17/19

There will be a few extra opportunities for confessions during the Lenten season. Confession will be available as usual, following Saturday Vespers and prior to Presanctified Liturgy on Wednesday’s from 5:30 p.m. until 6:30 p.m. Confessions will also be available on Thursday’s following study group or see Father Barnabas for appointments or if you have any questions.

The Feast of the Annunciation - March 25th - 03/17/19

Monday March 25th is the Feast of the Annunciation to the Mother of God. We will offer Vespers for the feast next Sunday March 24th following coffee hour. Then Monday morning March 25th Vesperal Liturgy of St. John Chrysostom at 9:00 a.m.

Liturgy of St. Basil the Great - 03/10/19

On Sundays during the lenten season we may notice that the Divine Liturgy is a little different. This is because we celebrate the longer Liturgy of St Basil the Great. In the 4th century Church the liturgy of St. Basil was celebrated every Sunday and feast day of the whole year. It was the official Eucharistic Liturgy to be celebrated on a regular basis throughout the year. Towards the end of the first quarter of the second millennium the Liturgy of Saint Basil was replaced by the liturgy attributed to Saint John Chrysostom another 4th century father of the Church. Some say that the celebrating of Saint Basil's liturgy still being done during Lent is because of the conservative liturgical character of Lent. And since it is the intention of the Church to dedicate more time to prayer during Lent, that it is a good opportunity to teach the faithful dogma by offering for their hearing and singing the profound and all-embracing theological elucidations of the Basilian Liturgy. It is also said that it served during lent because of its expressively doctrinal and educational character. Listen and you will hear the wisdom and beauty of this liturgy on the Sunday's of Great Lent. Handouts will be available.

Presanctified Liturgy - 03/10/19

On Wednesday evenings we will be celebrating the Presanctified Liturgy. The Divine Liturgy is not celebrated in the Orthodox Church on lenten weekdays however, in order for the faithful to sustain their lenten effort by participation in Holy Communion, the Liturgy of the Presanctified Gifts is served. This Liturgy is called Presanctified, since the Holy Gifts are presanctified (or consecrated) on the previous Sunday. This is an evening Liturgy consisting of Vespers, followed by a portion of the full Liturgy. The Liturgy of the Presanctified Gifts comes after a day of spiritual preparation and total abstinence. All who plan on participating in Holy Communion for the Presanctified Liturgy who are unable to make the effort of total fasting because of weaknesses or illness, should eat a light lenten meal in the morning or mid morning and begin fasting for communion by noon. Reminder that our Presanctified Liturgy will be followed by a lenten pot luck dinner. All are welcome to come and bring a lenten dish and share in the extra fellowship as we make our journeys together to Pascha.

Welcome to Our Newest Catechumen - 03/10/19

Welcome to our newest catechumen Sue D’orazio. May our Lord bless her in her continued journey in the Orthodox Church. Many years!

Funeral of Marie Karawulan - 02/25/19

Monday, March 4th


Visitation: 10:00 a.m.

Funeral: 11:00 a.m.

- 02/24/19



Women's Book Study

Tuesday, February 26th

at 7:00 p.m.


Little Angels

Wednesday, February 27th

at 9:30 a.m.


Study Group

Thursday, February 28th

at 10:00 a.m.


Great Vespers

Saturday, March 2nd

at 5:00 p.m.


Divine Liturgy

Meatfare Sunday

Sunday, March 3rd

at 9:00 a.m.

followed by Coffee Hour

Lenten Retreat - 02/24/19

Lenten Retreat is this week!

All are welcome!

See Parish News for

details and sign-up link.

Study Group - February 28th - 02/24/19

Our study group will resume this Thursday, February 28th at 10:00 a.m. with the 5th chapter of St. Matthew. Join us!

Books for Prisoners - Collecting Now through April 29th - 02/24/19

During Lent please donate new or gently used paperback books in the bin in narthex - especially paperback dictionaries. See the list of books requested by prison libraries in our narthex. For a donation to the "books for prisoners" collection, please take free orthodox books in social hall entrance. Your donation will be used to buy books for the incarcerated. Thanks for your generosity. See Ellen Gundersen or email ellengundersen5@gmail.com.

Newly Illumined - 02/24/19

On Saturday, February 23rd we welcomed into the Church by the sacraments of Baptism and Chrismation, Nathaniel Smith, son of DeAnte Smith and Rachel Shatley (Grandson of Colleen Shatley Sylvest). May God grant health, happiness, and all good things to the newly illumined Nathaniel and his family. Many Years!

Forgiveness Sunday - March 10th - 02/17/19

Our Lenten journey will begin with Forgiveness Vespers on Sunday, March 10th following coffee hour. All should make a sincere effort to begin the Lenten season with this service and the “Mutual Rite of Forgiveness”. “On Forgiveness Sunday, we sing of Adam’s exile from paradise. We identify ourselves with Adam, lamenting our loss of the beauty, dignity and delight of our original creation, mourning our corruption in sin. We also hear on this day the Lord’s teaching about fasting and forgiveness.  Join us for this Lenten beginning.

House Blessings - 02/17/19

House blessings are still available. Please see Matushka Daria or Father Barnabas at coffee hour for scheduling.

Please Return All Library Books by March 1st - 02/17/19

We asking everyone to try and return parish library books by March 1st. Our librarians will be performing an inventory of our books. The books can be checked out once again after the inventory is complete. Thanks for your cooperation.

Study Group - February 14th - 02/10/19

This past week, nine of us continued our reading and discussion of the Beatitudes.  Our study group will continue this Thursday at 10:00 a.m.  We will continue with the 5th chapter of Matthew.

Dome Renovation - 02/10/19

Our dome renovation project got underway this past week.  Lindsay Construction removed the old siding and began to put up the new, along with the replacement of both windows on the north side of the church.  We look forward to their continued work.  Please be patient with us during the construction.

Memorial Service for Mark Gundersen - February 16th - 02/10/19

On Saturday, February 16th at 4:00 p.m., we will offer a memorial for Mark Gundersen on the anniversary of his falling asleep.  All are wlcome to join us.

Parish Giving - 02/03/19

We continue to progress to the diocesan proportional giving of 10% of our operating budget to the National and Diocesan Church. The yearly National and Diocesan Assessments are determined based on the parish approved budgets. As a result of the approved 2019 parish budget for St. Michael’s and moving to a level 4 Tithing, the annual assessment for each adult over 18 will be $189 per year. This can be paid at one time or easier quarterly payments of $47.25. Envelopes are available in the Narthex if you wish to use them as a reminder. Thank you for your continued support.

Women's Book Study - Tuesdays through March 5th - 02/03/19

Our Women’s Book Study will continue this coming Tuesday evening (March 5th). We will continue reading Touch and the Healing of the World, by Daniel B. Hinshaw. We hope you can join us this comingTuesday at 7:00 p.m.

Special Choir Rehearsal - 02/03/19

Thanks for all who came to the special rehearsal on Saturday February 2nd. A special thanks to Paula Daubert and Juliana Peck for their efforts and sharing their gifts and talents for the building up of our liturgical life. Thanks to all our singers, “…for those who labor, and those who sing, let us pray…”.

Parish Giving - 01/27/19

We continue to progress to the diocesan proportional giving of 10% of our operating budget to the National and Diocesan Church. The yearly National and Diocesan Assessments are determined based on the parish approved budgets. As a result of the approved 2019 parish budget for St. Michael’s and moving to a level 4 Tithing, the annual assessment for each adult over 18 will be $189 per year. This can be paid at one time or easier quarterly payments of $47.25. Envelopes are available in the Narthex if you wish to use them as a reminder. Thank you for your continued support.

Study Group - January 31st - 01/27/19

Our study group will resume this Thursday, January 31st at 10:00 a.m. We will continue with the 5th chapter of St. Matthew.

Meeting of the Lord in the Temple - February 2nd - 01/27/19

The feast of the Presentation or Meeting of the Lord in the Temple takes place forty days following the Nativity of Jesus (February 2nd). The feast celebrates Christ’s fulfillment of the
Law of Moses calling for all the first born; whatever is the first to open the womb among the people of Israel, be consecrated to God. At this time, we also see His mother Mary undergo the ritual purification offering the sacrifices prescribed in the Law. In the feast Christ’s encounters, the Elder Simeon who had long awaited His coming, and inspired by the Holy Spirit, leads the Messiah into the Temple. We will celebrate the feast this Friday evening February 1st at 7:00 p.m. with Vespers and Saturday February 2nd Divine Liturgy at 9:00 a.m. Join us!

Welcome to the Newly Illumined - 01/27/19

On Sunday morning, January 27th, we welcomed into the Church Jonathan David Finck by the sacraments of Baptism and Chrismation. Jonathan is the son of Catalina and Jeremy Finck. May our Lord may grant the newly illumined Jonathan and his family, health, long life and Many Blessed Years!

Special Choir Rehearsal - Saturday, February 2nd - 01/16/19

On Saturday, February 2nd following the liturgy for the feast we will be offering a special choir rehearsal. The rehearsal is for both current and non-choir persons, so all are invited. We will have a small coffee hour for all participants. Please consider offering yourself to our choir ministry.

Jonathan Finck Baptism - 01/13/19

Sunday, January 27th at 8:00 a.m.

Orthodoxy Sunday / Mission Service - March 17th - 01/13/19

St. Michaels will be hosting a Lenten Mission Service (Orthodoxy Sunday) on Sunday, March 17th at 4:00 p.m. We are asking for volunteers to help organize and put the meal together. We will need everyone’s help as we will be hosting The Philadelphia Clergy Brotherhood as well as the faithful from our surrounding area. Please email Alice Morjana at namorjana@aol.com or see Alice to let her know you can help.

Holy Water and Home Blessings - 01/13/19

Holy water will be available for the next few weeks in the church. Holy water is also available throughout the year upon request. Fr. Barnabas is available for home blessings, please see Father Barnabas or Matushka Daria for scheduling.

Cupola Work Begins - 01/06/19

Our cupola renovation project is underway. Two weeks ago, the main cross was removed for duplication and in the coming weeks the main cupola will be removed, evaluated, and restored. We will also have some widows and siding replaced. Please see Jeff Kendall or Ed Hojnicki for any questions or updates on the progress.

Holy Water and Home Blessings - 01/06/19

Holy water will be available following next week’s liturgy. Fr. Barnabas will also be available for home blessings, please see Fr. Barnabas or Mat. Daria for scheduling.

- 01/01/19

For details plus other news

see the Parish News page.

Family Promise - January 14th, 15th, and 17th - 12/22/18

We’ll be co-hosting Family Promise January 14, 15 and 17 at St Philips Lutheran Church, 5320 Limestone Rd, Wilmington 19808. Please sign up on the Family Promise board in narthex. We will serve home cooked meals and share fellowship with four homeless families in our community. Please see Ellen Gundersen or email her at puffins1000@gmail.com with questions.

Study Group Nativity Break - December 27th and January 3rd - 12/22/18

This past Thursday five of us continued reading and discussing the Sermon on the Mount in the 4th chapter of St. Matthew. Our Study group will be taking a break for Nativity and Theophany. We will meet again on Thursday January 10 at 10 a.m. All are welcome to join us.

Service Schedule for the Nativity - 12/22/18

The schedule for the feast of the Nativity of our Lord and God and Savior Jesus Christ will be as follows: Monday December 24th Royal Hours at 9:00 a.m. with Vigil for the Nativity of our Lord at 7:00 pm. Then on Christmas morning Tuesday December 25th at 9:00 am we will offer the Divine Liturgy for the Nativity. Please be sure to make plans now to be with us for this blessed feast of our Lord.

Poinsettias for Nativity - 12/02/18

It’s time to order Poinsettias to beautify the church for our Lord's Nativity! Order forms are available in the narthex

2019 Church Directory - 12/02/18

We are currently updating the church directory in preparation for 2019. We are asking parishioners to review the 2018 directory in the Vestibule and to make any necessary changes. For new members, or members not currently listed and would like to be included, please add your information--name(s), address, telephone number(s), email address and also birth date(s) for the Birthday List.

Bookstore Nativity Gifts - 12/02/18

Our Parish Bookstore has a wide selection of gifts for this Nativity season. Stop by and pick something up today!

General Cleaning - Saturday, December 15th - 12/02/18

On Saturday, December 15th starting at 9:00 a.m. we will have a general church cleaning in preparation for the feast of Nativity. All help is welcome!

Parish Holy Supper - December 24th - 12/02/18

Holy Supper on Nativity eve is a pious tradition from the Christian faithful of various Eastern European regions. The supper is observed on the eves of our Lord’s Nativity in the flesh and His baptism by Saint John in the Jordan River. The meal is a fasting meal with 12 courses representing Christ’s twelve apostles. We will once again have a Parish Holy Supper on the Eve of Nativity. We will begin at 5:00 p.m. followed by Nativity Vigil at 7:00 p.m. All are welcome to join us. Please see the sign up in the Narthex.

Book Store Nativity Gifts - 11/25/18

Our Parish Bookstore has a wide selection of gifts for this Nativity season.  Stop by and pick something up today!

Nativity Fast - November 15th - December 24th - 11/25/18

This is just a reminder that the Nativity fast continues until December 25th. The celebration of the feast of the Nativity of Christ in the Orthodox Church is patterned after the celebration of the feast of the Lord’s Resurrection. A fast of forty days precedes the feast, with special preparatory days announcing the approaching birth of the Savior. Thus, on Saint Andrew’s Day (November 30) and Saint Nicholas Day (December 6) songs are sung to announce the coming birthday of the Lord: ‘Adorn yourself, O Cavern. Make ready, O Manger. O Shepherds and wisemen, bring your gifts and bear witness. For the Virgin is coming bearing Christ in her womb’ (Vesperal Hymn of Saint Nicholas Day).

Many Years, Father Deacon James! - 11/25/18

Many years to our Reverend Deacon James Carpenter celebrating the 4th anniversary of his ordination to the Holy Deaconate (November 21st).  We want to thank him for his service to St. Michael's and to Christ's Holy Church.  May our Lord grant him long life, health, happiness, and many years of service.

Study Group - November 29th - 11/25/18

Our study group will resume this Thursday, November 29th with Chapter 4 of the Gospel According to St Matthew.  All are welcome to join us!

Nativity - 11/25/18

Tuesday, December 25th

Nativity Divine Liturgy

at 9:00 a.m.

Eve of the Nativity - 11/25/18

Monday, December 24th

Royal Hours

at 9:00 a.m.

Parish Holy Supper

at 5:00 p.m.

Eve of the Nativity Vigil

at 7:00 p.m.

St Nicholas Day - 11/25/18

Eve of St Nicholas Vespers

Wednesday, December 5th

at 7:00 p.m.

St Nicholas Day Divine Liturgy

Thursday, December 6th

at 9:00 a.m.

Christmas / Epiphany Choir Rehearsals - 11/04/18

Sat, Nov 17th at 3:30 p.m.
Sat, Dec 1st at 3:30 p.m.
Sat, Dec 15th at 3:30 p.m.

Anastasia Riley Baptism - November 10th - 11/04/18

On Saturday November 10th we will welcome into the Church Anastasia Grace Riley, daughter of Jeremy & Stephanie Riley, through the sacraments of holy baptism and chrismation. All are welcome to join us. Services will begin at 10;00 a.m.

Coffee Hour / Service Duty Volunteers - 11/04/18

It is that time of the year where we look to put our stewardship into action. We have been blessed with many gifts and talents at St. Michael’s, it is now your turn to offer your talents in Coffee Hour, Cleaning, Service Duty, Parish Council, etc. Please consider the offering of self as part of your regular stewardship. Sign up sheets will be posted in the coming weeks. If you have any questions, please see Father Deacon James Carpenter or Jeff Kendall for more details. Guidelines for Coffee Hour are available in the back of the church.

Winter Coat Collection - Thank You! - 11/04/18

Thanks to all who helped and donated winter coats for our winter coat collection. We collected 42 coats for donation to the Sunday Breakfast Mission. Thank you to Ellen Gundersen for leading us in this ministry.

Patronal Feast of St Michael - November 7th and 8th - 11/04/18

The feast day of the Archangel Michael and all the Bodiless Powers will be celebrated Wednesday, November 7th with Vespers & Litiya at 7:00 p.m. and then on Thursday, November 8th at 9:00 a.m. with Divine Liturgy. Joyous feast to all!

Patronal Feast of St. Michael - 11/04/18

Vespers and Litya

Wed, Nov 7th at 7:00 p.m.

Divine Liturgy

Thu, Nov 8th at 9:00 a.m.

Choir Rehearsals - November 17th, December 1st, and December 15th - 11/04/18

Choir rehearsals for Christmas and Epiphany will be held on the following dates:

- Saturday, November 17th
- Saturday, December 1st
- Saturday, December 15th

All rehearsals will begin at 3:30 p.m.

Volunteer to Serve! - 10/21/18

It is that time of the year were we look to put our stewardship into action. We have been blessed with many gifts and talents at St. Michael’s.  It is now your turn to offer your talents in Coffee Hour, Cleaning, Service Duty, Parish Council, etc. Please consider the offering of self as part of your regular stewardship. Sign up sheets will be posted in the coming weeks. If you have any questions, please see Father Deacon James Carpenter or Jeff Kendall for more details. Guidelines for Coffee Hour will be available next week.

Study Group - October 25th - 10/21/18

This past Thursday ten of us the continued our study of the Gospel According to St. Matthew. Our study group will continue this week with chapter 4. All are welcome to join us!

Memorial Service for Marie Holowatch - 10/14/18

Saturday, October 20th at 4:00 p.m.

Welcome, New Catechumen! - 10/14/18

Welcome to our newest catechumen Rob Jaquette. Rob is a master’s student at the University of Delaware. Please remember him in your prayers as he continues his preparation for entrance into the Orthodox Church.

Book Store Sale - through the end of October - 10/14/18

Our Parish Bookstore is having a sale during the month of October. Please stop by for that book that you wanted at a discounted price.

Memorial Service For Marie Holowatch - October 20th - 10/14/18

Next Saturday, October 20th, at 4:00 p.m. we will offer a memorial service for Marie Holowatch on the 40th day of her falling asleep.

Study Group - October 18th - 10/14/18

This past Thursday nine of us finished the Gospel of St. Matthew chapter 3. We will continue this week with chapters 3 of St. Matthew. All are welcome to join us!

Parish Council Meeting - 10/07/18

Thursday, October 11th at 7:00 p.m.

Study Group - October 11th - 10/07/18

This past Thursday nine of us finished the Gospel of St. Matthew chapter 2 and began chapter 3. We will continue this week with chapters 3 of St. Matthew. All are welcome to join us!

Parish Council Meeting - October 11th - 10/07/18

Just a reminder that there will be a parish council meeting this Thursday October 11th at 7:00 p.m.

Welcome to our Newest Member! - 10/07/18

On Sunday, October 7th, we welcomed into the Church Nicholas Thomas DiDonato, son of Nicholas & Susanne DiDonato, through the sacraments of holy baptism and chrismation. May God grant the newly illumined and his family many years!

All Parish Meeting - November 4th - 09/30/18

On Sunday November 4th, 2018, during the coffee hour, we will have our Annual All Parish Meeting. Please make plans to stay following Divine Liturgy for this important work in the life of the church.

Reports for All Parish Meeting - 09/30/18

Just a reminder that all reports for the annual all parish meeting should be sent to Jeff Kendall as soon as possible.

Winter Coat Collection - Now through October 28th - 09/30/18

We are collecting clean winter coats for the Sunday Breakfast Mission in Wilmington. They feed, clothe and shelter men, women and families. Please drop CLEAN winter coats for all ages in the bin in the narthex. Used coats should be in good condition. LAST DAY IS OCTOBER 28TH. See Ellen Gundersen with questions.

Baptism - October 7th - 09/30/18

On Sunday October 7th we will welcome into the Church Nicholas Thomas DiDonato by the sacraments of holy baptism and chrismation. Services will begin at 8:00 a.m. All are welcome to join us!

Church School - 09/30/18

We are offering church school classes for preschool ages 3yrs - 5yrs and for primary ages 6yrs - 9yrs. We are still looking for volunteers, teachers, and substitutes for the 2018-19 church school year. All those interested in helping with church school please see Father Barnabas.

Sacrament of Holy Baptism - 09/30/18

Sunday, October 7th at 8:00 a.m.

All Parish Meeting - 09/30/18

Sunday, November 4th

during Coffee Hour

Memory Eternal! - Marie Holowatch - 09/16/18

Sunday, September 16th

Visitation: 5:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m.

Funeral: 7:00 p.m.

at the church

Memory Eternal! - 09/16/18

Marie Holowatch (Karen Hojnicki's mother) fell asleep in the Lord this past week. The services will be this evening (September 16th) at St. Michael's with visitation from 5:00-7:00 p.m. The funeral service will follow at 7:00 p.m. and then Monday burial at St. Tikhon's Monastery. Please remember the newly departed Marie, as well as the Hojnicki family in your prayers. May her memory be eternal!

Study Group - September 20th - 09/16/18

Our Study group resumed this past Thursday. Eleven of us began reading and discussing the Gospel of St. Matthew chapter one. We will meet again this coming Thursday at 10:00 a.m. All are welcome to join us!

Family Promise - Thank You! - 09/09/18

We are very grateful and thank all you for your continued ministry to Family Promise. It was another job well done. Thank also you to Ellen Gundersen for taking the lead in this ministry!

Elevation of the Holy Cross - 09/09/18

The second major feast of the church year is the Elevation or Exaltation of the Holy Cross. Truly, the Nativity of the Theotokos is seen as the beginning of our salvation, and the Cross is seen as the culmination of our salvation. By Christ's death on It, our salvation was accomplished. Mary is also closely associated with the Cross, for she was the mystical paradise in whom the Tree of Life sprouted; this Tree of Life, Christ our Savior, then planted on earth the life-creating Tree of the Cross (from the Feast). And as He suffered and died on the Life-giving Tree of the Cross, so too we are called upon to take up our own crosses on our shoulders and to die daily for the sake of Him Who died for us. We will celebrate with Great Vespers on Thursday, September 13th at 7:00 p.m. and Divine Liturgy on Friday, September 14th at 9:00 a.m. Join us!

Parish Council Meeting - September 6th - 09/02/18

Our September parish council meeting will be held this Thursday September 6th at 7:00 p.m. We will be meeting with the contractor to discuss the upcoming dome project. Please see Jeff Kendall if you are unable to attend.

Nativity of the Theotokos - September 7th & 8th - 09/02/18

We will celebrate the first major feast of the new church year (Sept.1) with the Nativity of the Theotokos. The feast honors the birth of the Mother of God and the salvation that comes through her Son. We will celebrate with both Vespers on the eve of the feast Friday September 7th at 7:00 p.m. and Divine Liturgy Saturday, September 8th at 9:00 a.m.

Elevation of the Cross - 09/01/18


Thursday, September 13th at 7:00 p.m.

Divine Liturgy

Friday, September 14th at 9:00 a.m.

Nativity of the Theotokos - 09/01/18


Friday, September 7th at 7:00 p.m.

Divine Liturgy

Saturday, September 8th at 9:00 a.m.

Calling all Church School Teachers! - 08/26/18

We are still looking for volunteers, teachers, and substitutes for the upcoming 2018-19 church school year. All those interested in helping with church school please see Fr. Barnabas. The Moliben for the beginning of church school will be offered today as others prepare and set up for the picnic.

Royal Saints & Tea - 08/26/18

Saturday, September 15th at 10:00 a.m.

Royal Saints & Tea - September 15th - 08/26/18

On Saturday, September 15th we will host a Royal Saints & Tea at 10:00 am. Everyone is welcome. We will learn about several Royal Saints & Families & our Royal Priesthood prior to Tea.
You may come dressed as princes & princesses. Parents are especially encouraged to participate as a special princess guest joins us after tea. Please see Catalina Finck for more details.

Potluck - September 2nd - 08/26/18

Just a reminder that we will have a parish pot luck next week (September 2nd) as the first Sunday of the month.

Upcoming Parish Picnic - September 16th - 08/19/18

We are planning to have our annual parish picnic on Sunday, September 16th.  Once again, this year we hope that by having the picnic after Labor Day the weather (Good willing) will be a bit cooler and that more will be able to attend.  Hope to see you there!

Study Group to Begin - September 13th - 08/19/18

Please mark your calendars for the start of our Thursday Study Group. Our Study group will resume on Thursday, September 13th at 10 a.m. We will be reading and discussing the Gospel of St. Matthew with commentary from the holy fathers. All are welcome to join us!

Church Picnic - 08/19/18

Sunday, September 16th

after Divine Liturgy

Study Group Resumes - 08/19/18

Thursday, September 13th

at 10:00 a.m.

Family Promise School Supplies Collection - Through August 26th - 08/19/18

Family Promise is collecting money for homeless children's "back to school" supplies. Will you please donate cash or check (to St. Michaels for family promise) in the basket after liturgy or during coffee hour? We'll use this to buy Walmart / Target gift cards to give to Family Promise children. Thank you for your kindness. see Ellen Gundersen with questions.

Family Promise - 08/12/18

Monday, September 3rd

Tuesday, September 4th

Thursday, September 6th

At St. Philips Lutheran Church

Welcome Newly Chrismated! - 08/12/18

On Saturday, August 11th we welcomed into the Church Rebecca (Ruby) Mackenzie.by the Sacrament of Holy Chrismation. May God grant the newly chrismated Rebecca, her sponsors, and family many blessed years!

Upcoming Family Promise - September 3rd, 4th, and 6th - 08/05/18

St. Michaels will co-host Family Promise the week of September 2nd. Will you please sign up on the board to cook, serve & provide hospitality at St. Philips Lutheran Church, 5320 Limestone Road, Wilmington on these days: Monday, September 3rd, Tuesday, September 4th & Thursday, September 6th. Contact Ellen Gundersen at 610.388.0695 or email at ellengundersen5@gmail.com. These families need and appreciate your compassion and understanding.

VCS Thanks You! - 08/05/18

Thanks to all parents, participants, and helpers for our 2018 VCS. We had a fruitful week focusing on the Cross and celebrating the feast of the Procession of the Holy Cross (August 1st). A special thanks to Laura (Julia) Whalen and Maria Peck for organizing this year’s VCS. Many years to all who help in the ministry to our youth!

Chrismation Next Saturday - August 11th - 08/05/18

Next Saturday August 11th at 4:00 p.m. we will welcome into the Church Ruby Mackenzie.by the Sacrament of Holy Chrismation. Please join us to “officially” welcome this little one into the Body of Christ at St. Michael’s Orthodox Church!

Small Paraklesis - August 8th and August 10th - 08/05/18

This Wednesday and Friday evening (August 8th and 10th) we will offer the Small Paraklesis, at 6:30 p.m., in preparation for the feast Dormition of the Mother of God. Come be a part of the mid-week service of supplication.

Dormition Fast and Feast - August 1st - 15th - 08/05/18

Every year the Orthodox Church sets aside the first fourteen days of August in honor of the Virgin Mary. This fast period begins on August 1st and peaks on August 15th, when the Church gathers to celebrate the great feast of the Dormition (Falling Asleep) of the Theotokos. We will celebrate the feast Tues. Aug 14th with Great Vespers 7:00 p.m. and Wed. Aug. 15th Divine Liturgy at 9:00 a.m. On this feast we traditionally bless fragrant herbage, flowers, and seed. Please be attentive to this final major feast of the liturgical year!

The Feast of the Transfiguration - August 6th - 08/05/18

Today and tomorrow we will celebrate the feast of the Transfiguration of our Lord. This feast commemorates our Lord's transfiguration before his disciples on Mt. Tabor. In His Transfiguration He reveals His glory to the disciples. In Him they (and we) now see for themselves the glory of God present in the person of Christ. Be sure to make plans for the coming fast and feasts. Great Vespers for the feast will today, Aug. 5th, following the coffee hour and then tomorrow, Monday, Aug. 6th , Divine Liturgy at 9:00 a.m. followed by the blessing of first fruits.

Eve of Transfiguration Vespers - 07/29/18

Sunday, August 5th after coffee hour

Transfiguration Divine Liturgy - 07/29/18

Monday, August 6th at 9:00 a.m.

Small Paraklesis - 07/29/18

Wednesday, August 8th at 6:30 p.m.


Friday, August 10th at 6:30 p.m.

Eve of Dormition Great Vespers - 07/29/18

Tuesday, August 14th at 7:00 p.m.

Dormition Divine Liturgy - 07/29/18

Wednesday, August 15th at 9:00 a.m.

All American Council, St. Louis MO - 07/29/18

Catalina Finck and Father Barnabas represented St. Michael’s at the 19th All-American Council, with the theme "For the Life of the World" from Protopresbyter Alexander Schmemann's book by the same name. It was indeed a fruitful AAC! Everyone is encouraged to visit the Orthodox Church in America’s web site, Ancient Faith Radio, or the Orthodox Church in America’s Facebook page to listen and to see the ongoing work of our Orthodox Church.

Catalina and Fr. Barnabas gave a report to the parish during coffee hour on Sunday, August 19th.  (Anyone with additional questions should feel free to contact them.)  There are also printed materials from the AAC on a table in the entranceway to the fellowship hall.

Below are links to videos of the AAC. You do not need to set up a FaceBook account to view them.  (When the window pops up asking you to log in or sign up, just click on the link that says "Not Now".)

A Welcome to the 19th All-American Council from His Grace, Bishop Paul Bishop of Chicago and the Midwest.


19th AAC Introduction Movie


The opening Address of the 19th All American Council by His Beatitude, Metropolitan Tikhon. 



Videos of 19th AAC, YOU DO NOT NEED a Facebook account.  
Visit: https://www.facebook.com/19aac/
Great videos from plenary sessions, each OCA diocese video, and more. 

The Feast of the Transfiguration - August 6th - 07/29/18

On August 6th we will celebrate the feast of the Transfiguration of our Lord. This feast commemorates our Lord's transfiguration before his disciples on Mt. Tabor. In His Transfiguration He reveals His glory to the disciples. In Him they (and we) now see for themselves the glory of God present in the person of Christ. Be sure to make plans for the coming fast and feasts. Great Vespers for the feast will be next Sunday August 5th following the coffee hour and then Monday, August 6th Divnie Liturgy at 9:00 a.m. followed by the blessing of first fruits.

Dormition Fast - August 1st - 15th - 07/29/18

The liturgical calendar comes to its close in August with the fourth and final fasting season of the Church year along with two major feasts. Every year the Orthodox Church sets aside the first fourteen days of August in honor of the Virgin Mary. This fast period begins on August 1st and peaks on August 15th, when the Church gathers to celebrate the great feast of the Dormition (Falling Asleep) of the Theotokos.

Parish Office Closed This Week - 07/22/18

July 22nd through July 28th

Parish Office Closed this Week - July 22nd - July 28th - 07/22/18

The parish office will be closed this week (July 22-28) for Fr. Barnabas to attend the AAC in St. Louis. Please call Fr. Dn. James Carpenter (609) 202-4255 or Jeff Kendall (302) 420-6600 if there are any parish emergencies or problems. Thank you!

Dormition Fast and August Feast Days - 07/22/18

The liturgical calendar comes to its close in August with the fourth and final fasting season of the Church year along with two major feasts. Every year the Orthodox Church sets aside the first fourteen days of August in honor of the Virgin Mary. This fast period begins on August 1st and peaks on August 15th, when the Church gathers to celebrate the great feast of the Dormition (Falling Asleep) of the Theotokos. On Aug 6th, the Church celebrates the feast of the Transfiguration of our Lord. This feast commemorates our Lord's transfiguration before his disciples on Mt. Tabor. In His Transfiguration He reveals His glory to the disciples. In Him they (and we) now see for themselves the glory of God present in the person of Christ. Be sure to make plans for the coming fast and feasts.

Vacation Church School - 07/15/18

Monday, July 30th - Wednesday, August 1st

5:00 p.m. - 7:30 p.m.

Welcome Newly Illumined! - 07/15/18

Yesterday we welcomed into the Church, through the sacrament of holy baptism and chrismation, Jameson Edward Reed, the son of Leah (Hojnicki) & Christopher Reed. We pray that our Lord will grant Jameson Edward and his family many blessed years!

All American Council in St. Louis, MO - July 23rd-27th - 07/15/18

According to the Statute of The Orthodox Church in America, "the highest legislative and administrative authority within the Church is the All-American Council" (Article III, Section 1). All parishes are required to send delegates to the All-American Council. Every three years, the bishops, clergy and lay delegates of the Orthodox Church in America gather together in Council. The Church assembles for various reasons: to pray together, to discuss the state of the Church, to share experiences and thoughts, and then to deliberate and to make decisions affecting her life. The 19th All-American Council is to be held on July 23 to 27, 2018 with the theme "For the Life of the World" from Protopresbyter Alexander Schmemann's book of the same name. This Council builds on the work of the 18th All-American Council and integrates a discussion on the future work of the Church in North America. Catalina Finck and Fr. Barnabas will be representing St. Michael’s. Please pray for safe travels and a fruitful AAC.

Parish Council Meeting - 07/08/18

Thursday, July 12th at 7:00 p.m.

Welcome to the Newly Illumined! - 06/24/18

Welcome to the newly illumined Glykeria Anassa Peck, received into the church through the sacrament of Holy Baptism and Chrismation this morning. May God grant her and the entire Peck family Many blessed years!

VCS July 30th - August 1st - 06/24/18

We will be offering Vacation Church School July 30th through August 1st. All of our Orthodox youth are invited to participate. We will begin each evening with a potluck dinner followed by activities, crafts, and more. At the end of each day we will offer the Evening Prayers together. All parents are encouraged to help with meal & snack coordination, etc. and certainly encouraged to participate in the prayers. For more information or details please see Laura Whalen or Maria Peck. We hope all can join us!

Feast of Ss. Peter and Paul - 06/24/18

Just a reminder that this week is the celebration of the feast of Saints Peter and Paul. Vespers for the feast will be Thursday June 28th at 7:00 p.m. and Divine Liturgy on June 29th at 9:00 a.m. Join us for this feast celebrating the fruit of the Holy Spirit!

Parish Office Closed - 06/16/18

Monday, June 18th


Friday, June 22nd

Special All Parish Meeting - 06/16/18

Sunday, July 8th during coffee hour.

Many Years Graduates! - 06/16/18

Congratulation and Many Years to graduates from St. Michael’s Kate Bunitsky and Nicholas Carey. We want to offer our best wishes and prayers for continued health, success, and length of days. Many Years!

Father Barnabas to be Away - June 18th - 22nd - 06/16/18

The parish office will be closed this week (June 18-22). Please call Father Deacon James Carpenter (609) 202-4255 or Jeffrey Kendall (302) 420-6600 if there are any parish emergencies or problems. Thank you!

Happy Father’s Day! - 06/16/18

Today (June 17th) is our annual Father’s Day Luncheon. Any and all are invited to join us. We want to offer to all a Happy Father’s day, Many years!

Thanks to all who helped at today’s luncheon honoring our fathers.

Special All Parish Meeting - 06/16/18

We will be holding a special all parish meeting on Sunday, July 8th, 2018 during coffee hour. We ask for as many as possible to stay as the council will present cupola maintenance and repair work.

Prayer List - 06/09/18

Father Barnabas and Deacon James continue to try and keep up with our ongoing prayer list for the divine services. Going forward, for good order’s sake, they will keep names on the prayer list for about three months, unless told otherwise, or unless there is a long-term need. Please let them know if there are names that have been removed that need to be placed back because of a long-term need. We will try to remind everyone of this policy on a regular basis.

Summer Giving / Summer Vacationing - 06/09/18

If you are heading out on vacation please do not take a vacation from your financial support of St. Michaels. St Michaels is here even when Her parishioners are away, and She continues to count on Her people for support. If you do travel, also visit the “Orthodoxy in America” website to find an Orthodox Church wherever you are heading. All the canonical Orthodox jurisdictions (OCA, Greek, Antiochian, Serbian, etc.) are listed together on this one helpful site: www.orthodoxyinamerica.org - Check it out! Also, whichever parish you visit on vacation please remember to contact the priest ahead of time to inform him that you would like to come for Holy Communion at the Liturgy. Thank you, God bless your travels and come back safe and sound!

Graduates to be Honored - June 17th - 06/09/18

Next Sunday we will be honoring the 2018 graduates from St. Michael’s. Congratulations and Many Years to our graduates Kate Bunitsky and Nicholas Carey!

Father’s Day Brunch - 06/02/18

Sunday, June 17th after Divine Liturgy

Feast of Saints Peter and Paul - 05/27/18

Saints Peter and Paul Fast

Monday, June 4th


Friday, June 29th.


Thursday, June 28th at 7:00 p.m.

Divine Liturgy

Friday, June 29th at 9:00 a.m.

Parish Council Meeting - 05/27/18

Thursday, June 7th at 7:00 p.m.

Study Group Summer Break - June, July, and August - 05/27/18

Our Study group will be taking a break for the Summer months of June /July/August. We will meet once again in September.

Father’s Day Brunch - June 17th - 05/27/18

There is a signup sheet in the Narthex for all who is are willing to help with our annual Father’s Day Luncheon on June 17th. Please sign up today. Father has graciously given a dispensation for dairy items (please indicate foods with dairy). If you have any questions, please see Juliana Bunitsky or Silvana Oberto.

Ss. Peter and Paul Fast - June 4th - 29th - 05/27/18

The spirit of Holy Pentecost leads us to another feast and fast of the church. The feast of the Holy Apostles Peter and Paul is celebrated on June 29th. From the 4th Century on, the Church has celebrated this feast which is spiritually linked with Holy Pentecost. It stands as the witness of the Apostles immediate fruit at the descent of the Holy Spirit when it came upon them. The Feast is preceded by a fasting period called Saints Peter and Paul Fast.” The fast is different from year to year since it always begins on the Monday following the first Sunday after Pentecost (All Saints' Sunday). Vespers for the feast will be Thursday, June 28th at 7:00 p.m. and Divine Liturgy on Friday, June 29th at 9:00 a.m.

Parish Council Meeting - 05/27/18

Just a reminder that the parish council will meet on Thursday, June 7th at 7:00 p.m. Please see Jeff Kendall if you are unable to attend.

Memorial Service - 05/20/18

Saturday, May 26th at 4:00 p.m.

Study Group - 05/20/18

Thursday, May 24th, 10:00 a.m. to noon.

Thank You Church School Teachers! - 05/20/18

We would like to thank all our church school teachers and helpers for the 2017/2018 church school year! Thanks to:

 - Stephen & Maria Peck

 - Debby Hines

 - Cindy Peck

 - Juliana Bunitsky

 - Nicholas DiDonato

Many years to you for your service in the building up of our Lord’s holy church!

Mother’s Day Brunch Thank You! - 05/20/18

Thanks to Tom Sulpizi, Rashid Elia and all who helped with our Mother’s Day luncheon!

Parish Pot Luck - June 3rd - 05/20/18

Just a reminder that the first Sunday of the month, we will have a parish pot luck. We hope that during the Summer months we can extend our pot lucks to include some extended fellowship outdoors. We invite all to participate in our parish potluck and some extended fellowship outside.

Memorial Saturday - May 26th - 05/20/18

Next Saturday at 4:00 p.m., we will serve a memorial service for all the departed. Please see Father Barnabas or Father Deacon James Carpenter if you have any newly departed to add to our prayer list.

Last Study Group Prior to Summer Break - May 24th - 05/20/18

Our Study group will be taking a break for the Summer months of June, July and August. We will meet one more time this coming Thursday May 24th at 10:00 a.m. We will try to finish our reading of “Courage to Pray” by Met. Anthony. All are welcome to join us.

Pentecost - 05/12/18

Divine Liturgy

Sunday, May 27th at 9:00 a.m.

Followed by

Vespers of Pentecost

Kneeling Prayers

Mother's Day Brunch - 05/12/18

Sunday, May 13th after Divine Liturgy

All are invited!

Thank You Church School Teachers! - 05/12/18

We would like to thank all our church school teachers and helpers for the 2017/2018 church school year! Thanks to:

- Stephen & Maria Peck

- Debby Hines

- Cindy Peck

- Juliana Bunitsky

- Nicholas DiDonato

Many years to you for your service in the building up of our Lord’s holy church!

Pentecost Sunday - May 27th - 05/12/18

In two weeks we will celebrate Pentecost Sunday (May 27th). Liturgically, aside from Pascha, Pentecost is the greatest of the 12 Great Feasts. (Pascha is in a category all by itself!) Pentecost is the “Birthday of the Church”, the celebration of the coming of the Holy Spirit, a celebration of the very Life that we all embrace as the people of
God, members of Christ’s holy church. The traditional Vespers of Pentecost with the special “Kneeling” prayers and petitions is served following the Divine Liturgy on Pentecost Sunday. In Orthodoxy, we go from glory to glory - come let us welcome the coming of the Holy Spirit, the Comforter, the Spirit of Truth!

Mother's Day Brunch - May 13th - 05/12/18

Everyone is invited to our Mother’s Day luncheon today. Many years to all of our mothers! Happy Mother’s Day!

Feast of the Ascension - 05/05/18

Divine Liturgy

Thursday, May 17th at 9:00 a.m.

Eve of the Ascension - 05/05/18

Vespers and Litiya

Wednesday, May 16th at 7:00 p.m.

Study Group - 05/05/18

Thursday, May 10th at 10:00 a.m.

Greeters Ministry - 05/05/18

In response to the Paschal season and after discussions with the parish council we would like to, once again, start a greeter’s ministry. St. Michael’s has been blessed with several guests and visitors and what a better way to respond to those who are sent to us than offering a formal welcome. We are looking for at least two people willing to volunteer to lead and organize this ministry. Please consider your calling to be a greeter and see Fr. Barnabas or Jeff Kendall for more details.

Study Group - 05/05/18

Our Study group will continue this Thursday May 10th at 10:00 a.m. with “Courage to Pray” by Metropolitan Anthony Bloom. All are welcome to join us.

Vacation Church School Meeting - 05/05/18

We will have a Vacation Church School Meeting today (Sunday, May 6th) during the coffee hour. We are asking all parents who are interested in VCS to attend and share in this work.

The Ascension of Our Lord - 05/05/18

The ascension of Christ is His final physical departure from this world after the resurrection. It is the formal completion of His mission in this world as the Messianic Savior. The Ascension itself is not to be understood as though it were simply the supernatural event of a man floating up and away into the skies. The holy scripture stresses Christ’s physical departure and His glorification with God the Father, together with the great joy which His disciples had as they received the promise of the Holy Spirit Who was to come to assure the Lord’s presence with them, enabling them to be His witnesses to the ends of earth. The celebration of the feast of Ascension begins with Vespers and Litiya on Wednesday evening May 16th at 7:00 p.m. and concludes with Divine Liturgy on Thursday May 17th at 9:00 a.m. Join us!

Mothers' Day Brunch - 04/29/18

There is a signup sheet in the Narthex for all who is are willing to help with our annual Mother’s Day Luncheon on May 13th . Please sign up today. If you have any questions, please see Tom Sulpizi or Rasheed Elia.

Worship During Bright Week - 04/08/18

Pascha, April 8th

  1:00 p.m.

    - Paschal Vespers

Bright Monday, April 9th

  9:00 a.m.

    - Paschal Divine Liturgy

Bright Saturday, April 14th

  5:00 p.m.

    - Great Vespers

St Thomas Sunday, April 15th

  9:00 a.m.

    - Divine Liturgy

      followed by

    - St. Thomas Sunday Egg Hunt


Family Promise Ministry - Thank You! - 04/08/18

Thanks to Ellen Gundersen and all who helped with Family Promise last week. We pray that this ministry will continue to be fruitful.

Pascha Flowers - 04/08/18

Donors of Pascha flowers may choose a plant to take home after Pascha. Plants will also be delivered to shut-ins, and any left will be available for planting in the church beds. Thank you for your donations!

Paschal Divine Liturgy - April 9th - 04/08/18

Our Paschal celebration on Monday morning April 9th at 9:00 a.m. with Paschal Divine Liturgy. Join us!

Newly Chrismated - 04/01/18

On April 1st, Stephanie Riley was received into the Orthodox Church through the sacrament of Holy Chrismation. We want to welcome her “officially” into our St. Michael’s family and wish her and her family Many Blessed Years!

Greeters Ministry - 04/01/18

In response to the Paschal season and after discussions with the parish council we would like to, once again, start a greeter’s ministry. St. Michael’s has been blessed with several guests and visitors and what a better way to respond to those who are sent to us than offering a formal welcome. We are looking for at least two people willing to volunteer to lead and organize this ministry. Please consider your calling to be a greeter and see Fr. Barnabas or Jeff Kendall for more details.

Confessions During Holy Week - 04/01/18

It isn’t too late to offer your Lenten confessions. Fr. Barnabas will try and hear confessions during Holy Week as time and availability permits.

Study Group Paschal Break - April 5th and April 12th - 04/01/18

Our Study group will take a break for Holy Week and Bright Week.

Holy Week and Pascha - 04/01/18

Just a reminder that our Holy Week schedule begins today following coffee hour with Bridegroom Matins. During Holy Week the Church commemorates our Lord's Entrance into Jerusalem, His Betrayal, Trial, Crucifixion, and Resurrection. Holy Week is when all Orthodox Christians should make extra effort to give their full attention to the services of Holy Week and Pascha. Please join us as we journey to the Blessed Pascha of our Lord. April calendars are available in the Narthex.

Worship During Holy Week - 03/30/18

Palm Sunday, April 1st

  8:15 a.m.

    - Sacrament of Chrismation

  9:00 a.m.

    - Divine Liturgy

  6:30 p.m.

    - Bridegroom Matins

Holy Monday, April 2nd

  6:30 p.m.

    - Bridegroom Matins

Holy Tuesday, April 3rd

  6:30 p.m.

    - Bridegroom Matins

Holy Wednesday, April 4th

  6:30 p.m.

    - Holy Unction

Holy Thursday, April 5th

  9:00 a.m.

    - Vesperal Liturgy Commemorating

      the Last Supper

  6:30 p.m.

    - Matins with the Reading

      of the 12 Passion Gospels

Holy Friday, April 6th

  9:00 a.m.

    - Royal Hours

  3:00 p.m.

    - Holy Friday Vespers

  6:30 p.m.

    - Holy Friday Matins with

      Readings at the Tomb

Holy Saturday, April 7th

  9:00 a.m.

    - Vesperal Liturgy of St Basil

  11:30 p.m.

    - Holy Pascha

       -- Nocturnes

       -- Matins

       -- Divine Liturgy

    followed by

    - Blessing of Baskets

    - Agape Meal

Worship During the Final Week of Lent - 03/25/18

Wednesday, March 28th

  6:30 p.m.

    - Presanctified Liturgy

Friday, March 30th

  6:30 p.m.

    - Lazarus Saturday Vespers

Lazarus Saturday, March 31st

  9:00 a.m.

    - Divine Liturgy

  5:00 p.m.

    - Vespers and Confessions

Pascha Basket for Archbishop MARK - 03/25/18

We are planning on putting a small Pascha basket together for Archbishop Mark to share in our Paschal agape meal. Anyone interested in helping put something together please see Fr. Barnabas or Jeff Kendall.

Palm Sunday Chrismation - April 1st - 03/25/18

Next Sunday morning at 8:15 a.m. we will welcome into the Church Stephanie Riley through the sacrament of Holy Chrismation. May God grant her many years! All are welcome to attend.

Holy Week Is Almost Here! - 03/25/18

This coming Saturday (March 31st) we will celebrate Lazarus Saturday with liturgy at 9:00 a.m. One week from today (April 1st) is Palm Sunday, our Lord’s entrance in to Jerusalem, and the beginning of the Holy Week schedule. During Holy Week the Church commemorates our Lord's Entrance into Jerusalem, His Betrayal, Trial, Crucifixion, and Resurrection. Holy Week is when all Orthodox Christians should make extra effort to give their full attention to the services of the Holy Week and Pascha. April calendars are available in the Narthex.

Worship During the Fifth Week of Lent - 03/18/18




Wednesday, March 21st

  Services Cancelled

Thursday, March 22nd

  Canon of Repentance and the

  Life of St Mary of Egypt

    - 6:30 p.m.

Friday, March 23rd

   Presanctified Liturgy

    - 6:30 p.m.

Saturday, March 24th

  Memorial Service

    - 4:00 p.m.

   Vespers and Confessions

    - 5:00 p.m.

Sunday, March 25th

  Divine Liturgy

    - 9:00 a.m.

Lenten Retreat 2018 - Thank You! - 03/18/18

Thanks to all who participated in our parish Lenten retreat. Thanks to Jeff Kendall and all of the faithful of St. Michael’s for a successful Lenten Parish retreat. It was a blessed opportunity for all.

The Canon of St. Andrew with the Life of St. Mary of Egypt - March 22nd - 03/18/18

During the 5th week of Great Lent the Church calls us once again to the Canon of Repentance by St. Andrew of Crete. We will repeat the canon as in the first week of Lent.  However, this time the reading of the life of St. Mary of Egypt is prescribed along with the canon. We will offer this service this Thursday March 22nd at 6:30 p.m.

Lenten Retreat - 03/12/18

Frederica Mathewes-Green will present

"Mary As the Early Christians Knew Her"

Free and open to the public.

See Parish News for details and to RSVP.

Special Olympics Collection Thank You! - 03/11/18

This past Friday evening during our potluck we were able to raise about $2,000 for the Special Olympics. We would like to thank Elizabeth Melnick for offering the Lenten potluck dinner and all of you for your generous donations and alms during this season.

Parking at the Church - 03/11/18

We continue to ask individuals to please park in the designated areas. The parish council realizes that parking close to the church is limited, however for safety sake please do not park in the fire/ambulance lanes. We need to keep these areas open in case of any emergency. We ask that if the parking lot is full please park on the street and be sure not to block anyone in. Thank you!

Book Discussion Group During Lent - 03/11/18

Elizabeth Clause is hosting a Lenten book study on Mondays from 7:30-9 p.m. The group is reading and discussing “The Lenten Spring” by Father Thomas Hopko. All are welcome.

Lenten Retreat - March 17th - 03/11/18

This Saturday, March 17, guest speaker Frederica Mathewes-Green will offer the talk “Mary, as the Early Christians Knew Her”. Retreat Schedule 9:00 am Prayer, 10:00 am Session 1 followed by lunch, and at 1:00 pm Session 2 followed by Vespers.

Worship During the Third Week of Lent - 03/04/18




Friday, March 9th

  Presanctified Liturgy

    - 6:30 p.m.

Saturday, March 10th

   Vespers and Confessions

    - 5:00 p.m.

Sunday, March 11th

  Divine Liturgy

    - 9:00 a.m.

Parish Council - 03/04/18

Thursday, March 8th at 7:00 p.m.

Choir Rehearsal - 03/04/18

Saturday, March 10th at 3:30 p.m.

New Ministry Opportunity - 03/04/18

Attention Ladies: a group of us are meeting during the first part of coffee hour on March 11, to discuss forming a “40 day club” to help moms who have had a new baby, during the 40 days after birth. We’re looking for people to fix meals to be dropped off at the home; and for others to go to the home in teams of two and help out for an evening or two, doing whatever is helpful, playing with siblings, helping with light housework, dishes, laundry, holding the baby while mom rests, etc. This ministry would provide a marvelous time of fellowship and provide wonderful support for the families of our parish. Please come to the coffee hour meeting if you can help in any of the ways listed above, or with organization and coordination. Any questions please see Juliana Bunitsky.

Family Promise Ministry - March 26th, 27th, and 29th - 03/04/18

We'll be providing dinners and fellowship for Family Promise Monday, March 26th and Tuesday, March 27th at St. Philips Lutheran Church (5320 Limestone Rd. 19808). However, on Thursday, March 29th, we will serve dinner here in St. Michael's social hall due to evening services at St. Philips. Please sign up to help on the board in the narthex and contact Ellen Gundersen with questions 610.388.0695.

Lenten Retreat - Help Needed! - 03/04/18

We are in need of a few volunteers to help with food preparations, set up and clean up. Please see Alice Morjana to volunteer. We are also looking for some volunteers to take care of finding and heading up child care in the basement during the retreat.  Please see Jeff Kendall if you can help.

Worship During the Second Week of Lent - 02/25/18

Wednesday, February 28th

  Presanctified Liturgy

    - 6:30 p.m.

Friday, March 2nd


    - 6:30 p.m.

Saturday, March 3rd

   Vespers and Confessions

    - 5:00 p.m.

Sunday, March 4th

  Divine Liturgy

    - 9:00 a.m.

Study Group - 02/25/18

Thursday, March 1st at 10:00 a.m.

Now Serving the Liturgy of St. Basil the Great - 02/25/18

During the Lenten season we may notice that the Divine Liturgy is a little different. This is because we are celebrating the Liturgy of St Basil the Great. In the 4th century Church the liturgy of St. Basil was celebrated every Sunday and feast day of the whole year. It was the official Eucharistic Liturgy to be celebrated on a regular basis throughout the year. Towards the end of the first quarter of the second millennium the Liturgy of Saint Basil was replaced by the liturgy attributed to Saint John Chrysostom another 4th century father of the Church. Some say that the reason for the celebration of Saint Basil's liturgy during Lent is because of the conservative liturgical character of Lent. And since it is the intention of the Church to dedicate more time to prayer during Lent, that it is a good opportunity to teach the faithful dogma by offering for their hearing and singing the profound and all-embracing theological elucidations of the Basilian Liturgy. It is also said that it served during Lent because of its expressively doctrinal and educational character. Listen and you will hear the wisdom and beauty of this liturgy on the Sunday's of Great Lent. Handouts will be available.

Presanctified Liturgy - 02/25/18

On Wednesday evenings we will be celebrating the Presanctified Liturgy. This evening Liturgy consisting of Vespers, followed by a portion of the full Liturgy. The Liturgy of the Presanctified
Gifts comes after a day of spiritual preparation and abstinence. All who plan on participating in Holy Communion for the Presanctified Liturgy, should eat a light Lenten meal in the morning or mid-morning and begin fasting for communion by mid-day. Reminder that our Presanctified Liturgy will be followed by a Lenten pot luck dinner. All are welcome to come and share in the extra fellowship as we make our journeys together to Pascha.

Read a book during Lent! - 02/25/18

Check out the library table at coffee hour; new books have been put out for this season of Lent. More titles are available downstairs in the library. If there is an additional book that you would like the bookstore to order, please see Juliana Bunitsky or Mary Anne Farrell.

Study Group - March 1st - 02/25/18

Our study group will meet this Thursday March 1st. We will continue with the second half of Courage to Pray by Metropolitan Anthony Bloom. Our Thursday study is an excellent opportunity for continuing Orthodox education. Please join us!

Archbishop MARK to Visit for Pascha - 02/25/18

We are happy to announce that His Eminence Archbishop MARK will join us this year for Holy Pascha. Archbishop MARK will spend Holy Week visiting different parishes and will be with us for Pascha night (Nocturnes, Matins, Paschal Divine Liturgy). His Eminence will also be with us for our Pascha night agape & sharing of the baskets.

Worship During the First Week of Lent - 02/18/18

Monday, February 19th

  Great Compline

  with Canon of Repentance

    - 7:00 p.m.

Tuesday, February 20th

  Great Compline

  with Canon of Repentance

    - 7:00 p.m.

Wednesday, February 21st 

  Presanctified Liturgy

    - 6:30 p.m.

Thursday, February 22nd

  Great Compline

  with Canon of Repentance

    - 7:00 p.m.

Friday, February 23rd

   Presanctified Liturgy

    - 6:30 p.m.

Saturday, February 24th

   Vespers and Confessions

    - 5:00 p.m.

Sunday of Orthodoxy Icon Procession - 02/18/18

Sunday, February 25th during Liturgy.  Bring your icons!

Memory Eternal! - 02/18/18

This past Friday Mark Gundersen, husband of Ellen Gundersen, fell asleep in the Lord after a brief illness. Memorial services will be held next Saturday, February 24th at St. Phillips Lutheran Church 5320 Limestone Road, Wilmington, DE. A groupwide email will be sent to all early this week with further details. We would like to offer Ellen our love, support, sympathy and prayers during this time. May Mark’s memory be eternal!

Pot Luck & the Life of a Saint after Presanctified Liturgy on Wednesdays - 02/18/18

On Wednesday evenings during Great Lent we will be having Lenten pot luck dinners along with a presentation on the life of a saint. All are welcome to join us. Please see Fr. Dn. James if you are interested in presenting or reading the life of a saint.

Read a book over Lent! - 02/18/18

Check out the library table today at coffee hour; new books have been put out for this season of Lent. More titles are available downstairs in the library. If there is an additional book that you would like the bookstore to order, please see Juliana Bunitsky or Mary Anne Farrell.

Lenten Confessions - 02/18/18

During the Lenten season, confessions will be available on Wednesday evenings at 5:30 p.m. prior to Presanctified Liturgy. 

Time for confessions is also available on Saturday evenings following Great Vespers.

Sunday of Orthodoxy Icon Procession - February 25th - 02/18/18

Next Sunday, February 25th, the first Sunday of Great Lent is called the Triumph of Orthodoxy.  It is a historical feast commemorating the return of the icons to the churches in the year 843 after the heresy of iconoclasm was overcome.  The spiritual theme of the day is first of all the victory of the True Faith.  "This is the victory that overcomes the world, our faith" (1 John 5:4).  Secondly, the icons of the saints bear witness that man, "created in the image and lineness of God" (Gen 1:26) becomes holy and godlike through the purification of himself as God's living image.

We will have our usual icon procession with the parish youth.  Don't forget to bring your favorite icon!

Lenten Choir Rehearsal - March 24th - 02/18/18

There will be a Lenten choir rehearsal on Saturday, March 24th at 3:30 p.m.

Lenten Retreat - March 17th - 02/18/18

On March 17th we are planning on having a Lenten retreat. The guest speaker will once again be Frederica Mathewes-Green. She will be speaking on "Mary as the Early Christians Knew Her". There will be more details to come in future bulletins.

Small Paraklesis - 02/11/18

Wednesday, February 14th at 6:30 p.m.

Study Group - 02/11/18

Thursday, February 15th at 10:00 a.m.

Welcome to the Newly Illumined! - 02/11/18

We would like to welcome to St. Michael’s the newly illumined Gideon Brasowski, baptized on Saturday, February 10th and also Emily Vechorkina baptized on Sunday, February 11th. May God grant them many blessed years!

2018 Assessments - 02/11/18

As we progress to our fair share giving of 10% of our operating budget to the National and Diocesan Church, our individual assessments for 2018 are changing. With the approval of our 2018 budget in October, we committed to a level 3 giving as a parish which equates to $177 per adult for this year or $44.25 per quarter. Envelopes are available in the Narthex if you wish to use them as a reminder. Thank you for your continued support.

House Blessings - 02/11/18

House blessings are available. Please see Matushka Daria or Father Barnabas at coffee hour for scheduling.

Small Paraklesis - February 14th - 02/11/18

The Small Paraklesis will continue this Wednesday at 6:30 p.m.. Come be a part of the mid-week service of supplication.

Note: The Small Paraklesis will continue on Wednesday evenings until the start of Great Lent.

Study Group - February 15th - 02/11/18

Our weekly study group will continue Thursday with Courage to Pray by Metropolitan Anthony. Please feel free to join us on Thursday mornings at 10:00 a.m. All are encouraged to come for continued Adult Education.

Forgiveness Vespers - Feburary 18th - 02/11/18

Our Lenten journey will begin with Forgiveness Vespers Sunday, February18th following coffee hour. All should make a sincere effort to begin the Lenten season with this service and the “Mutual rite of forgiveness”. “On Forgiveness Sunday, we sing of Adam’s exile from paradise. We identify ourselves with Adam, lamenting our loss of the beauty, dignity and delight of our original creation, mourning our corruption in sin. We also hear on this day the Lord’s teaching about fasting and forgiveness, and we enter the season of the fast forgiving one another so that God will forgive us. If you forgive men their trespasses, your heavenly Father will forgive you; but if you do not forgive men their trespasses, neither will your heavenly Father forgive you your trespasses" (Mt 6.14–18).

Lenten Retreat - March 17th - 02/11/18

On March 17th we are planning on having a Lenten retreat. The guest speaker will once again be Frederica Mathewes-Green. She will be speaking on "Mary as the Early Christians Knew Her". There will be more details to come in future bulletins.

Special Parish Meeting - 02/04/18

To elect our AAC Delegate.

Sunday, February 11th during coffee hour

Forgiveness Vespers - Feburary 18th - 02/04/18

Our Lenten journey will begin with Forgiveness Vespers Sunday, February18th following coffee hour. All should make a sincere effort to begin the Lenten season with this service and the “Mutual rite of forgiveness”. “On Forgiveness Sunday, we sing of Adam’s exile from paradise. We identify ourselves with Adam, lamenting our loss of the beauty, dignity and delight of our original creation, mourning our corruption in sin. We also hear on this day the Lord’s teaching about fasting and forgiveness, and we enter the season of the fast forgiving one another so that God will forgive us. If you forgive men their trespasses, your heavenly Father will forgive you; but if you do not forgive men their trespasses, neither will your heavenly Father forgive you your trespasses" (Mt 6.14–18).

Lenten Retreat - March 17th - 02/04/18

On March 17th we are planning on having a Lenten retreat. The guest speaker will once again be Frederica Mathewes-Green. She will be speaking on "Mary as the Early Christians Knew Her". There will be more details to come in future bulletins.

Small Paraklesis - 01/28/18

Wednesday, February 7th at 6:30 p.m.

Study Group - 01/28/18

Thursday, February 8th at 10:00 a.m.

Parish Council - 01/28/18

Thursday, February 8th at 7:00 p.m.

Gideon Brasowski Baptism - 01/28/18

Saturday, February 10th at 11:00 a.m.

(See Parish News for RSVP instructions)

2018 Diocesan Assembly - Thank You! - 01/28/18

Thank you to Jeff Kendall, Alice Morjana, and all of the faithful of St. Michael’s for your time, effort and hospitality offered to our diocesan brothers and sisters. Our parish is blessed to have so many incredible gifts and talents among Her people. May God grant all of the faithful continued prosperity, health, and all good thing for many, many years!

2018 Assessments - 01/28/18

As we progress to our fair share giving of 10% of our operating budget to the National and Diocesan Church, our individual assessments for 2018 are changing. With the approval of our 2018 budget in October, we committed to a level 3 giving as a parish which equates to $177 per adult for this year or $44.25 per quarter. Envelopes are available in the Narthex if you wish to use them as a reminder. Thank you for your continued support.

House Blessings - 01/28/18

House blessings are available. Please see Matushka Daria or Father Barnabas at coffee hour for scheduling.

Fast Free Week - January 28th - February 3rd - 01/28/18

The season of Great Lent is quickly approaching (February 19th). This coming week (January 28th – February 3rd) the Church offers a fast-free week. Please take the opportunity to make good use of those non-fasting foods to make room for the Lenten fasting foods.

Gideon Brasowski's Baptism - February 10th - 01/28/18

Congratulation to Stephen and Beth Brasowski on the welcoming their first child Gideon. The Brasowski’s would like to invite everyone from St. Michael’s to share in his baptism on Saturday Feb. 10th at 11:00 a.m. The family requests that all RSVP to Beth Brasowski’s email, bbrasowski@gmail.com, if you plan on attending.

AAC Special Parish Meeting - February 11th - 01/28/18

On Sunday, February11th, during the coffee hour, we will have an all parish meeting to elect a delegate for the OCA All American council which meets July 23 - July 27, 2018. If you are interested in serving as a delegate or an observer, please see Father Barnabas or one of our newly elected parish council members.

Parish Hall Clean-Up - 01/21/18

Tuesday, January 23rd at 4:30 p.m.

Small Paraklesis - 01/21/18

Wednesday, January 24th at 6:30 p.m.

2018 Diocesan Assembly - 01/21/18

January 25th and 26th.

Vespers and Guest Speaker - 01/21/18

Thursday, January 25th at 6:00 p.m.

Hours and Divine Liturgy - 01/21/18

Friday, January 26th

 - Hours at 8:10 a.m.

 - Divine Liturgy at 8:30 a.m.

Small Paraklesis - January 24th - 01/21/18

The Small Paraklesis will continue this Wednesday, January 24th at 6:30 p.m. Please consider making a commitment to be a reader or to learn and help offer the responses. Come be a part of the mid-week service of supplication. Note: The Small Paraklesis will continue Wednesday evenings until the start of Great Lent.

2018 Diocesan Assembly - January 25th and 26th - 01/21/18

The 2018 Diocesan Assembly will be held this week, January 25-26. We will need help with the preparations, the food, hospitality, and cleanup. We will also need help with the singing of the responses for the divine services. Please see Jeff Kendall if you can help.

We will have Vespers for the Assembly on Thursday, January 25th at 6:00 p.m. followed by a guest speaker. All are welcome to attend. 

Then on Friday, January 26th we will have Divine Liturgy with Archbishop MARK at 8:30 a.m. (reading of the 3rd & 6th hour will be at 8:10 a.m.)

For additional information on the assembly, refer to: http://doepa.org/diocesanassembly2018.html

Teen Retreat - February 9th-11th - Registration Closes January 26th - 01/21/18

The diocesan teen retreat will be held on February 9-11, 2018 at Spruce Lake Retreat Center in Canadensis, PA. The retreat is an excellent opportunity for Orthodox teen fellowship. The retreat is open to all youths ages 12-17. There will be snow tubing, winter hiking, and more. Download your registration form at www.ocayouth.org. Regular registration is open through January 16th. Late registration is open from January 17th through January 26th.

AAC Special Parish Meeting - February 11th - 01/21/18

On Sunday, February11th, during the coffee hour, we will have an all parish meeting to elect a delegate for the OCA All American council which meets July 23 - July 27, 2018. If you are interested in serving as a delegate or an observer, please see Fr. Barnabas or one of our newly elected parish council members.

Small Paraklesis - 01/14/18

Wednesday, January 17th at 6:30 p.m.

Family Promise - Thank You! - 01/14/18

We are very grateful and thank all you for your continued ministry to Family Promise. The weather was tricky this past week so thank you all for another job well done!

2018 Parish Council Members - 01/14/18

With the blessing of His Eminence Archbishop MARK the 2018 parish council consists of:

President Jeff Kendall
V.P. Mark Bunitsky
Treasurer Jon Whalen
Recording Secretary Scott (Thaddeus) Lewis
Trustee Ed Hojnicki
Financial Secretary Sergey Baldytchev
Corresponding Secretary Deacon James Carpenter
Purchasing Agent Mary Anne Farrell.

All will be sworn in on Sunday, January 14th following Liturgy.

House Blessings - 01/14/18

House blessings are available. Please see Matushka Daria or Father Barnabas at coffee hour for scheduling.

Small Paraklesis - January 17th - 01/14/18

Small Paraklesis will continue this Wednesday at 6:30 p.m. Please consider making a commitment to be a reader or to learn and help offer the responses. Come be a part of the mid-week service of supplication. Note: Small Paraklesis will continue Wednesday evenings until the start of Great Lent.

Study Group - January 18th - 01/14/18

Our weekly study group continued this past Thursday where seven of us continued with Courage to Pray by Metropolitan Anthony. Please feel free to join us on Thursday mornings at 10 a.m. All are encouraged to come for continued Adult Education.

2018 Diocesan Assembly - January 25th and 26th - 01/14/18

The 2018 Diocesan Assembly will be held January 25-26, 2018 sponsored by St. Michael the Archangel Church. We will need help with the preparations, the food, hospitality, and cleanup. We will also need help with the singing of the responses for the divine services. Please see Jeff Kendall if you can help.

For additional information on the assembly, refer to: http://doepa.org/diocesanassembly2018.html

Teen Retreat - February 9th-11th - 01/14/18

The diocesan teen retreat will be held on February 9-11, 2018 at Spruce Lake Retreat Center in Canadensis, PA. The retreat is an excellent opportunity for Orthodox teen fellowship. The retreat is open to all youths ages 12-17. There will be snow tubing, winter hiking, and more. Download your registration form at www.ocayouth.org.  Regular registration is open through January 16th.  Late registration is open from January 17th through January 26th.

AAC Special Parish Meeting - February 11th - 01/14/18

On Sunday, February11th, during the coffee hour, we will have an all parish meeting to elect a delegate for the OCA All American council July 23-July 27, 2018. If you are interested in serving as a delegate or an observer, please see Fr. Barnabas or one of our newly elected parish council members.

Theophany - 12/30/17

Theophany Vigil

 - Friday, January 5th at 7:00 p.m.

Divine Liturgy & Great Blessing of Waters

 - Saturday, January 6th at 9:00 a.m.

Small Paraklesis Resumes - 12/30/17

Wednesday, January 10th at 6:30 p.m.

Study Group Resumes - 12/30/17

Thursday, January 11th at 10:00 a.m.

Nativity Parish Holy Supper - Thank You! - 12/30/17

Thank you to Silvana Oberto and to all of you for your efforts with this year’s Nativity Holy Supper. The dinner was well attended and a blessing to all. We hope and pray that you will all join us for the dinner again next year.

Parish Library - Thank You! - 12/30/17

Thank you to Juliana and Kate Bunitsky who continue to do an excellent job bringing library books from the basement library to the more convenient place in the social hall. Thank you very much for giving us interesting Orthodox reading material all year. Everyone is invited to visit our library downstairs. We have more than 500 books available. Check a book out today!

Seminary Appeal - December 31st - 12/30/17

The Diocese of Eastern PA is taking a collection for the three seminary families from our diocese (including the Conover family from St. Michael’s). The collection will be taken for the seminarians on Sunday, December 31st. Individuals may also send donation to the Diocese of Eastern Pennsylvania or send to the individual families themselves.

Theophany (Baptism) of our Lord - January 5th and 6th - 12/30/17

The feast of Theophany, means the shining forth and manifestation of God, the emphasis in the present-day celebration is on the appearance of Jesus as the human Messiah of Israel and the divine Son of God, One of the Holy Trinity with the Father and the Holy Spirit. Thus, in the baptism by John in the Jordan, Jesus identifies himself with sinners as the “Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world” (Jn 1:29), the “Beloved” of the Father whose messianic task it is to redeem men from their sins (Lk 3:21, Mk 1:35). We will celebrate this blessed feast with Vigil on the eve of Theophany, Friday, Jan 5th at 7:00 p.m. then on Saturday January 6th Theophany Divine liturgy at 9:00 a.m. followed by the Great Blessing of Waters.

Family Promise - January 8th, 9th, and 11th - 12/30/17

Please help cook, serve a meal and eat with homeless families Monday, January.8, Tuesday January 9, and Thursday January 11, at St. Philips Lutheran church 5320 Limestone Road, Wilmington, DE 19808. Family Promise helps homeless families find jobs, training and homes and has a 83% success rate of keeping them in homes after more than one year.  We need to share our hope, compassion, smiles and encouragement with them and especially their children. Please sign up on the board in the narthex. Also, see Ellen Gundersen 610.388.0695 or puffins1000@gmail.com.

Small Paraklesis - January 10th - 12/30/17

The Small Paraklesis will pause for the Nativity and Theophany season. We will resume on Wednesday, January 10th at 6:30 p.m. Please consider making a commitment to be a reader or to learn and help offer the responses. Come be a part of the mid-week service of supplication.

Study Group - January 11th - 12/30/17

Our weekly study group will take its annual Christmas / Theophany break (December 28th and January 4th) so that we can all spend some time with family and friends. Study group will resume on Thursday, January 11th at 10:00 a.m. All are encouraged to come for continued Adult Education.

2018 Diocesan Assembly - January 25th and 26th - 12/30/17

The 2018 Diocesan Assembly will be held January 25-26, 2018 sponsored by St. Michael the Archangel Church. We will need help with the preparations, the food, hospitality, and cleanup. We will also need help with the singing of the responses for the divine services. Please see Jeff Kendall if you can help.

Teen Retreat - February 9th-11th - 12/30/17

The diocesan teen retreat will be held on February 9-11, 2018 at Spruce Lake Retreat Center in Canadensis, PA. The retreat is an excellent opportunity for Orthodox teen fellowship. The retreat is open to all youths ages 12-17. There will be snow tubing, winter hiking, and more. Download your registration form at www.ocayouth.org.  Regular registration is open through January 16th.  Late registration is open from January 17th through January 26th.

Small Paraklesis - 12/17/17

Wednesday, December 20th at 6:30 p.m.

Study Group - 12/17/17

Thursday, December 21st at 10:00 a.m.

Nativity Services - 12/17/17

Friday, December 22nd

 - Royal Hours at 9:00 a.m.

Saturday, December 23rd

 - Vespers & Confessions at 5:00 p.m.

Sunday, December 24th

 - Divine Liturgy at 9:00 a.m.

 - Parish Holy Supper at 5:00 p.m.

 - Nativity Vigil at 6:30 p.m.

Monday, December 25th

 - Divine Liturgy at 9:00 a.m.


Winter Coat Collection - 12/17/17

Please consider offering any new or used coats, gloves, hats, or hand warmers to those in need this winter.  Please see Rashid Elia if you would like to donate.

Bookstore Nativity Gifts - 12/17/17

Our Parish Bookstore will be having a sale over the next few weeks. Stop by to purchase gifts for those on your Christmas list.

Small Paraklesis This Week - December 20th - 12/17/17

The Small Paraklesis will continue this Wednesday at 6:30 p.m.  Please consider making a commitment to be a reader or to learn and help offer the responses.  Come be a part of the mid-week service of supplication.

Study Group this Week - December 21st - 12/17/17

Our study group continued this past Thursday with the book “Courage to Pray,” by Metropolitan Anthony of Sourozh.  The study group will meet this Thursday morning Dec. 21st from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. Our weekly study group will take its annual Christmas / Theophany break (December 28th and January 4th )so that we can all spend some time with family and friends. All are encouraged to come for continued Adult Education.

Nativity Parish Holy Supper - December 24th - 12/17/17

Holy Supper is a pious tradition from the Christian faithful of various Eastern European regions. The supper is observed on the eves of our Lord’s Nativity in the flesh and His baptism by Saint John in the Jordan River. The meal is a fasting meal with 12 courses representing Christ’s twelve apostles. We will once again have a Parish Holy Supper on the Eve of Nativity. We will begin at 5:00 p.m. followed by Nativity Vigil at 6:30 p.m. All are welcome to join us.

Family Promise - January 8th, 9th, and 11th - 12/17/17

Please help cook, serve a meal and eat with homeless families Monday, January.8, Tuesday January 9, and Thursday January 11, at St. Philips Lutheran church 5320 Limestone Road, Wilmington, DE 19808. Family Promise helps homeless families find jobs, training and homes and has a 83% success rate of keeping them in homes after more than one year.  We need to share our hope, compassion, smiles and encouragement with them and especially their children. Please sign up on the board in the narthex. Also, see Ellen Gundersen 610.388.0695 or puffins1000@gmail.com.

81st Novogodny Ball - January 14th - 12/17/17

The Novogodny (New Year) Ball will take place on Sunday, January 14th, 2018.  The Ball is a benefit for Orthodox Christian and other deserving charities.  For information and reservations email novogodnyball@gmail.com or call Andre Cox at 1-215-290-4542.

2018 Diocesan Assembly - January 25th and 26th - 12/17/17

The 2018 Diocesan Assembly will be held January 25-26, 2018 sponsored by St. Michael the Archangel Church. We will need help with the preparations, the food, hospitality, and cleanup. We will also need help with the singing of the responses for the divine services. Please Jeff Kendall if you are able to help.

Nativity Fast - November 15th through December 24th - 12/17/17

This is just a reminder that the Nativity Fast began November 15th and continues until the Nativity of our Lord (December 25th). The celebration of the feast of the Nativity of Christ in the Orthodox Church is patterned after the celebration of the feast of the Lord’s Resurrection.  A fast of forty days precedes the feast, with special preparatory days announcing the approaching birth of the Savior. Thus, on Saint Andrew’s Day (November 30th) and Saint Nicholas Day (December 6th) songs are sung to announce the coming birthday of the Lord:

Adorn yourself, O Cavern.

Make ready, O Manger.

O Shepherds and wise men, bring your gifts and bear witness.

For the Virgin is coming bearing Christ in her womb

(Vesperal Hymn of Saint Nicholas Day)

Small Paraklesis Resumes - 12/10/17

Wednesday, December 13th at 6:30 p.m.

Church Cleanup - 12/10/17

Saturday, December 16th at 9:00 a.m.

Winter Coat Collection - 12/10/17

Please consider offering any new or used coats, gloves, hats, or hand warmers to those in need this winter.  Please see Rashid Elia if you would like to donate.

Small Paraklesis this Week - December 13th - 12/10/17

The Small Paraklesis will continue this Wednesday at 6:30 p.m.  Please consider making a commitment to be a reader or to learn and help offer the responses.  Come be a part of the mid-week service of supplication.

Study Group this Week - December 14th - 12/10/17

Our study group continued this past Thursday with the book Courage to Pray by Metropolitan Anthony of Sourozh.  The study group meets Thursday mornings from 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.  All are welcome to join us!

Church Cleanup - December 16th - 12/10/17

We will have a general church cleanup in preparation for the Nativity on Saturday morning, December 16th at 9:00 a.m.  All help would be appreciated.

Choir Rehearsal - December 16th - 12/10/17

We will have a choir rehearsal on Saturdays December 16th.  The rehearsals begin at 3:30 PM. We meet in the choir loft at church. The rehearsals go on until the beginning of Vespers.

Stewardship Calling Presentation - December 16th - 12/10/17

In case you missed part one of the diocesan presentation "Stewardship Calling" last week, we will be offering it once again following Vespers on December 16th.  The presentation will speak to our current and future Church needs.  We hope it will assist and enhance our parish vision and stewardship by addressing our continued and future parish work and ministries.  The presentation can also be viewed online at http://stewardshipcalling.com/effective-church-model/.  Please feel free to view it on your own.

Nativity Parish Holy Supper - December 24th - 12/10/17

Holy Supper is a pious tradition from the Christian faithful of various Eastern European regions. The supper is observed on the eves of our Lord’s Nativity in the flesh and His baptism by Saint John in the Jordan River. The meal is a fasting meal with 12 courses representing Christ’s twelve apostles. Our Parish Holy Supper will be Sunday evening December 24th (Eve of the Nativity) at 5:00 p.m. on. All are welcome to join us.

81st Novogodny Ball - 12/10/17

The Novogodny (New Year) Ball will take place on Sunday, January 14th, 2018.  The Ball is a benefit for Orthodox Christian and other deserving charities.  For information and reservations email novogodnyball@gmail.com or call Andre Cox at 1-215-290-4542.

Nativity Fast - November 15th through December 24th - 12/10/17

This is just a reminder that the Nativity Fast began November 15th and continues until the Nativity of our Lord (December 25th). The celebration of the feast of the Nativity of Christ in the Orthodox Church is patterned after the celebration of the feast of the Lord’s Resurrection.  A fast of forty days precedes the feast, with special preparatory days announcing the approaching birth of the Savior. Thus, on Saint Andrew’s Day (November 30th) and Saint Nicholas Day (December 6th) songs are sung to announce the coming birthday of the Lord:

Adorn yourself, O Cavern.

Make ready, O Manger.

O Shepherds and wise men, bring your gifts and bear witness.

For the Virgin is coming bearing Christ in her womb

(Vesperal Hymn of Saint Nicholas Day)

Choir Rehearsal - December 16th - 12/10/17

We will have a choir rehearsal on Saturdays December 16th.  The rehearsals begin at 3:30 PM. We meet in the choir loft at church. The rehearsals go on until the beginning of Vespers.

Poinsettias for Nativity - 12/03/17

It’s time to order Poinsettias to beautify the church for our Lord's Nativity! Order forms are available in the narthex.

2019 Church Directory - 12/03/17

We are currently updating the church directory in preparation for 2019. We are asking parishioners to review the 2018 directory in the Vestibule and to make any necessary changes. For new members, or members not currently listed and would like to be included, please add your information--name(s), address, telephone number(s), email address and also birth date(s) for the Birthday List.

Coffee Hour Ministry Reminder - 12/03/17

We would like to thank all who continue to offer themselves in the ministry of the coffee hour. We want to remind everyone that the church will purchase all juice, coffee, nonperishable items such as creamers, butter, cream cheese, jelly, nut butter, plates, etc. Also remember that bagels and breads are available from Acme and Panera for a discount or for free.

Please remember the purpose and spirit of coffee hour. It is an exercise in community building and fellowship. Coffee hour is an offering of hospitality and so with these things in mind please only bring what you can. No one is (or should be) judging the offerings at coffee hour.

We also want to remind All that part of the coffee hour responsibility is cleaning. Please be courteous to those cleaning by clearing up your own table before leaving.  This will ease the burden of those cleaning up. We also ask that everyone take suitable amounts of food.

We want to avoid food waste and we also, ask parents to please supervise your children in the food line so that they take appropriate amounts. We continue to also have a need for volunteers to set up and cleanup for our monthly pot luck. It is our hope that with a little engagement, awareness, understanding, and effort, the coffee hour should continue to be a strength within our community.

St. Nicholas Day Vesperal Liturgy - December 5th - 12/03/17

We will celebrate the Feast of St. Nicholas on Tuesday evening December 5th with Vespers and Divine Liturgy at 6:30 p.m. Join us for this blessed feast!

Study Group this Week - December 7th - 12/03/17

Our study group continued this past Thursday with the book Courage to Pray, by Metropolitan Anthony of Sourozh.  The study group meets Thursday mornings from 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. All are welcome to join us!

Parish Council Meeting - December 7th - 12/03/17

Just a reminder that this Thurs. December 7th we will have our monthly parish council meeting. Please see Catalina Finck if you are unable to attend.

Stewardship Calling Presentation December 16th - 12/03/17

In case you missed part one of the diocesan presentation “Stewardship Calling” last week, we will be offering it once again following Vespers on December 16th. The presentation will speak to our current and future Church needs. We hope it will assist and enhance our parish vision and stewardship by addressing our continued and future parish work and ministries.

Nativity Parish Holy Supper - December 24th - 12/03/17

Holy Supper is a pious tradition from the Christian faithful of various Eastern European regions. The supper is observed on the eves of our Lord’s Nativity in the flesh and His baptism by Saint John in the Jordan River. The meal is a fasting meal with 12 courses representing Christ’s twelve apostles. Our Parish Holy Supper will be Sunday evening December 24th (Eve of the Nativity) at 5:00 p.m. on. All are welcome to join us.

The Nativity Fast - November 15th through December 24th - 12/03/17

This is just a reminder that the Nativity Fast began November 15th and continues until the Nativity of our Lord (December 25th). The celebration of the feast of the Nativity of Christ in the Orthodox Church is patterned after the celebration of the feast of the Lord’s Resurrection.  A fast of forty days precedes the feast, with special preparatory days announcing the approaching birth of the Savior. Thus, on Saint Andrew’s Day (November 30th) and Saint Nicholas Day (December 6th) songs are sung to announce the coming birthday of the Lord:

Adorn yourself, O Cavern.

Make ready, O Manger.

O Shepherds and wise men, bring your gifts and bear witness.

For the Virgin is coming bearing Christ in her womb

(Vesperal Hymn of Saint Nicholas Day)

Stewardship Calling Presentation - 11/26/17

Saturday, December 16th immediately after Vespers

Nativity Parish Holy Supper - 11/26/17

Sunday, December 24th at 5:00 p.m.

Small Paraklesis Resumes - 11/26/17

Wednesday, November 29th @ 6:30 p.m.

Study Group Resumes - 11/26/17

Thursday, November 30th from 10:00 am to noon

Eve of St Nicholas Day - 11/26/17

Vespers and Divine Liturgy

 - Tuesday, December 5th at 6:30 p.m

Parish Council Meeting - 11/26/17

Thursday, December 7th at 7:00 p.m.

Bookstore Nativity Gifts - 11/26/17

Our Parish Bookstore will be having a sale over the next few weeks. Stop by to purchase gifts for those on your Christmas list.

Paraklesis this Week - November 29th - 11/26/17

The Small Paraklesis will resume this Wednesday November 29th at 6: 30 p.m. Please consider making a commitment to be a reader or to learn and help offer the responses. Come be a part of the mid-week service of supplication.

Study Group this Week - November 30th - 11/26/17

Our study group will resume this Thursday November 30th, with the book Courage to Pray, by Metropolitan Anthony of Sourozh. The study group meets Thursday mornings from 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. All are welcome to join us!

Upcoming Choir Rehearsals - December 2nd and December 16th - 11/26/17

We will have choir rehearsals on the following Saturdays:
    December 2nd
    December 16th
The rehearsals begin at 3:30 PM. We meet in the choir loft at church. The rehearsals go on until the beginning of Vespers.

Small Paraklesis - 11/12/17

Wednesday, November 15th at 6:30 p.m.

Choir Rehearsal - 11/12/17

Saturday, November 18th at 3:30 p.m.

St. Michael’s and Amazon Smile - 11/12/17

At this time of year, we begin buying gifts for our friends and family. This is just a reminder that if you purchase items from Amazon.com, St. Michael’s could benefit from your purchases. Amazon Smile will give St. Michael’s a small rebate for every purchase you make if you use the address below. This address is specific to St. Michael’s so it is easy to use. So far this year, we have received over $130. Just type the address into your web browser:


Paraklesis This Week - 11/12/17

We will resume Small Paraklesis this Wednesday November 15th at 6:30 p.m. Please consider making a commitment to be a reader or to learn and help offer the responses. Come be a part of the mid-week service of supplication.

Study Group this Week - 11/12/17

We will resume study group this coming Thursday November 16th. We will continue reading Courage to Pray, by Metropolitan Anthony of Sourozh. We read and talked about relationships and encounters, not only with God, but with each other. Please check with the bookstore for available copies. The study group meets Thursday mornings from 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. All are welcome to join us!

Stewardship Calling Presentations - November 18th & 19th - 11/12/17

Saint Michael’s parish needs your time and talents! We will be offering the Diocesan presentation “Stewardship Calling” following Vespers on Saturday, November 18th and following Divine Liturgy on Sunday, November 19th. The presentation will speak to our current and future Church needs. We hope it will assist and enhance our parish vision and stewardship by addressing our continued and future parish work and ministries.

Feast of the Entrance of the Theotokos into the Temple - November 20th and 21st - 11/12/17

“A deep mystery covers the earthly life of the Most-Holy Theotokos from her childhood to her repose. Her life in the Jerusalem Temple was concealed. ‘If you were to ask me,’ said the Blessed Jerome,’ how the Most-Holy Virgin passed the time of her youth, I would answer that this is known only to God Himself and the Archangel Gabriel detailed to protect her.’” (TTWH)  Several feasts are dedicated to the Mother of God commemorating and celebrating her life. On November 21st we will celebrate Her entrance in to the Temple where we encounter the holiness of Mary as a small child separated from the world, brought to live in the Temple a life set apart, consecrated, and in a state of intimacy with God. We will celebrate Great Vespers Monday, November 20th at 7:00 p.m. and Divine Liturgy Tuesday, November 21st at 9:00 a.m.

Feast of the Entrance of the Theotokos into the Temple - 11/05/17

Vespers with Litya

 - Monday, November 20th at 7:00 p.m.

Divine Liturgy

 - Tuesday, November 21st at 9:00 a.m.

New In the Bookstore - 11/05/17

The book store now has the CD of the Paraklesis to the Most Holy Theotokos, beautifully sung in Byzantine chant by three sisters, ages 11, 13, and 15 from Holy Cross Orthodox Church in Yakima, Washington. We have been singing this version on Wednesday nights. $12.00

Church School/Harvest Party - 11/05/17

Thank you to our parents and families for your continued efforts to build community among our youth. We hope and pray that our efforts to build up our youth will continue to bear fruit.

Newly Illumined Theodore Clause - 10/29/17

Many years to the newly illumined Theodore and the Clause family on the occasion of Theodore’s baptism yesterday (October 28th) at Saint Michael’s. May our Lord bless and keep them for many years!

Paraklesis Wednesday Evenings - 10/29/17

We continue to offer the Small Paraklesis on Wednesday evenings at 6: 30 p.m. Please consider making a commitment to be a reader or to learn and help offer the responses. Come be a part of the mid-week service of supplication.

Study Group - November 2nd - 10/29/17

This week five of us continued to discuss the diocesan presentation on the “Effective Church Model”. Starting November 2nd our study group will begin reading “Courage to Pray,” by Metropolitan Anthony of Sourozh. Please check with the bookstore for available copies. The study group meets Thursday mornings from 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. All are welcome to join us!

"Wedding Welcome" for John (Joseph) Elliott and Colleen McDonald- November 5th - 10/29/17

To show our love & support for their upcoming marriage, we’ve planned an informal “wedding welcome” in conjunction with the coffee-hour pot luck luncheon on Sunday, November 5th. For those who have expressed interest in a gift, ‘Orthodox’ gift items would work well or perhaps gift cards for Macy’s or Amazon. See Nona Carey if you have any questions.

Feast of Saint Michael - November 8th - 10/29/17

Reminder that our Patronal Feast of the Archangel Michael is coming up. Vespers with lytia will be held on November 7th at 7:00 p.m.

Divine Liturgy on November 8th at 9:00 a.m. Joyous feast day!

Wedding - November 11th - 10/29/17

John (Joseph) Elliott & Colleen McDonald are getting married on November 11th at 2:00 p.m. They would like to warmly invite all the faithful of St. Michael’s to attend. They ask for your prayers and singing the responses in the Rite of Holy Matrimony.

Small Paraklesis - 10/22/17

Wednesday, October 25th at 6:30 p.m.

Harvest Party - 10/22/17

Sunday, October 29th after Church School

Feast of Saint Michael - 10/22/17

Vespers with Litya

 - Tuesday, November 7th at 7:00 p.m.

Divine Liturgy

 - Wednesday, November 8th at 9:00 a.m.

Annual Parish Meeting Thank You! - 10/22/17

We were blessed at this year’s annual meeting to have such great attendance. Thank you to all who came and participated. A special thank you to our parents for their endurance with our little ones. They too share in the business of our parish! The blessings of our Lord are at work in many areas of our parish life. Please consider the brief presentation on our vision and the need for help in our parish ministries. St. Michael’s parish needs your talents!

Paraklesis this Wednesday Evening - October 25th - 10/22/17

This Wednesday evening, we will once again offer Small Paraklesis at 6: 30 p.m. Please consider making a commitment to be a reader or be willing to offer the responses. Come be a part of the mid-week service of supplication.

Church School/Harvest Party - October 29th - 10/22/17

Church school will once again resume today during the coffee hour. Classes are available for 3-5 yrs. old, 6-10yrs. old, and 11-17yrs old. Just a reminder that there will be a Harvest party on October 29th.

Note: we will also have church school on October 29th & November 12th (Bylaws meeting postponed).

Paraklesis on Wednesday Evenings - Starting October 18th - 10/15/17

This Wed. evening October 18th we will offer Small Paraklesis at 6: 30 p.m.  Please consider making a commitment to be a reader or be willing to offer the responses. Come be a part of the mid-week service of supplication.

Church School Resumes - October 22nd - 10/15/17

Church School will resume on Sunday October 22nd.

Also, we could use some parents/ volunteers to help organize the Harvest party on October 29th.

Upcoming Choir Rehearsals - November 4th through December 16th - 10/15/17

We will have choir rehearsals on the following Saturdays:
    November 4th
    November 18th
    December 2nd
    December 16th
The rehearsals begin at 3:30 PM. We meet in the choir loft at church. The rehearsals go on until the beginning of Vespers.

"Wedding Welcome" for John (Joe) Elliott and Colleen McDonald- November 5th - 10/15/17

To show our love & support for their upcoming marriage, we’ve planned an informal “wedding welcome” in conjunction with the coffee-hour pot luck luncheon on Sunday, November 5th. For those who have expressed interest in a gift, ‘Orthodox’ gift items would work well or perhaps gift cards for Macy’s or Amazon. See Nona Carey if you have any questions.

Wedding - November 11th - 10/15/17

John (Joe) Elliott & Colleen McDonald are getting married on Saturday, November 11th at 2:00 p.m. They would like to warmly invite all the faithful of St. Michael’s to attend. They ask for your prayers in the Rite of Holy Matrimony.

Family Promise Thank You - 10/08/17

Thanks to everyone for making this week’s Family Promise one of the best! Your cooking was excellent as always and you always clean up perfectly and without complaint!! Your fellowship with parents and play time with children were visible and awesome. And you did this with the highest noise level and most energetic group of children we've had. THANK YOU!

Yours in Christ,
Ellen Gundersen

Study Group - 10/08/17

This past Thursday (October 5th), seven of us continued to look at and discuss the diocesan presentation on the “Effective Church Model”. The study group is from 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. All are welcome to join us!

Parish Council Meeting - October 12th - 10/08/17

This is just a reminder that our parish council will meet one more time before the annual parish meeting. If anyone is interested in joining the 2018 parish council please see Jeff Kendall.

Annual Parish Meeting - October 15 th - 10/08/17

St. Michael ‘s Annual Parish Meeting or General Assembly will be held on Sunday, October 15th during the coffee hour. St. Michael’s parish continues, by God’s grace, to prosper.  The annual meeting is a good opportunity to see the blessing of our Lord at work and an opportunity to see our stewardship in action. Please be sure to attend. St. Michael’s parish needs your talents!

No Church School - October 15th - 10/08/17

Just a reminder that there will be no church school next Sunday October 15th due to our annual parish meeting. We will resume on Sunday October 22nd.

Also, we could use some parents/ volunteers to help organize the Harvest party on October 29th.

Parish Council Meeting - 10/01/17

Thursday, October 12th at 7:00 p.m.

Annual Parish Meeting - 10/01/17

Sunday, October 15th during coffee hour.

(No Church School.)

Parking Reminder - 09/17/17

A gentle reminder to everyone to please park in the designated areas. If the parking lot is full please park on Huntington Drive. We realize that the parking lot can be full and hope to address this issue in the future. Please do not park in Emergency/ Fire Lanes directly in front of the church. Thank you all for your attendance and patience.

Church School Begins - October 1st - 09/17/17

Church school will begin on Sunday October 1st during the coffee hour. We will offer three classes: Small children ages 3-5yrs old, Primary ages 6-10yrs old, and Middle/High school ages 11-17yrs old. Thanks to all who completed the survey and for the continued support for the youth education ministry.

Study Group Presentation - 09/17/17

Our study group kicked off this past Thursday with five of us reading and discussing a homily on the “Holy Cross” by St. John Chrysostom. Over the next few weeks we will be looking at the diocesan presentation on the “Effective Church Model” and hearing an online presentation. The study group meets on Thursdays from 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. All are welcome to join us!

Family Promise - October 2nd, 3rd, and 5th - 09/17/17

Please help cook, serve a meal and eat with homeless families Monday, October 2nd, Tuesday, October 3rd, and Thursday, October 5th at St. Philips Lutheran church 5320 Limestone Road, Wilmington, DE 19808. Family Promise helps homeless families find jobs, training and homes and has a 83% success rate of keeping them in homes after more than one year. We need to share our hope, compassion, smiles and encouragement with them and especially their children. Please sign up on board in narthex. see Ellen Gundersen (610.388.0695 or puffins1000@gmail.com).

Parish Council Meeting - 09/10/17

Tuesday, September 12th

Elevation of the Cross - 09/10/17

Vespers and Divine Liturgy:

Wednesday, September 13th at 6:30 p.m.

Annual Meeting Reports - 09/10/17

Our annual parish meeting is coming up in October. Just a reminder that reports in preparation for our all parish meeting should be submitted to Catalina Finck by October 9th. Thank you all for your continued work for St. Michael’s!

Parish Council Meeting - September 12th - 09/10/17

Our September parish council meeting is scheduled for this Tuesday September 12th. Please let Jeff Kendall know if you are unable to attend.

Church School Survey - 09/03/17

We are asking all parents to participate in our Church School Survey. All parents should have received an email with a link to the survey. Any parent who did not receive the link please see Catalina Finck. The survey will help us in our efforts to effectively educate our youth in the Orthodox faith. Please remember that the Church serves as a support on the road to eternal life and teaches that it is the primary responsibility of the parents for the spiritual formation of their children. If anyone is interested in serving as teacher please see Fr. Barnabas or Catalina Finck.  Church School will officially begin Oct. 1st 2017.

Matthew 25:35 Project - 09/03/17

Jesus said: "For I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in...I tell you the truth, just as you did it for one of the least of these brothers or sisters of mine, you did it for me."  (Matt 25:35, 38-40)

John (Travis) and Mary (Misty) Robinson have began a project to help alleviate hunger in our community. This project is currently weekend based since Saturday and Sunday are the hardest days for the homeless to obtain food.

This will be an ongoing project, so if anyone wishes to make a financial donation, John has set up a GoFundMe site at:


If anyone would like to donate food and other items, here is a list of items that could be used:

Food Items:

  • Applesauce cups
  • Jello cups
  • Pudding cups
  • Bread
  • Peanut butter & jelly
  • Cases of water
  • Vienna sausages
  • Mini chef boyardee
  • Chips
  • Cookies
  • Bags of beans (winter)
  • Chili
  • Vegetable soup
  • Coffee
  • Hot chocolate


  • Gloves (for food preparation)
  • Hairnets
  • Sandwich bags
  • Brown paper bags
  • Spoons
  • Forks
  • Empty boxes for transport


  • Gloves
  • Hats
  • Socks
  • Scarves

Thanks everyone for your support!

Elevation of the Holy Cross - September 13th - 09/03/17

The second major feast of the church year is the Elevation or Exaltation of the Holy Cross. Truly, the Nativity of the Theotokos is seen as the beginning of our salvation, and the Cross is seen as the culmination of our salvation. By Christ's death on It, our salvation was accomplished. Mary is also closely associated with the Cross, for she was the mystical paradise in whom the Tree of Life sprouted; this Tree of Life, Christ our Savior, then planted on earth the life-creating Tree of the Cross (from the Feast). And as He suffered and died on the Life-giving Tree of the Cross, so too we are called upon to take up our own crosses on our shoulders and to die daily for the sake of Him Who died for us. We will celebrate with both Vespers and Divine Liturgy on the eve of the feast Wednesday evening September 13th at 6:30 p.m. Join us!

Study Group - September 14th - 09/03/17

Just a reminder to mark your calendars for the start of our Thursday Study Group. The study group is from 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. All are welcome to join us!

Parish Picnic - September 17th - 09/03/17

Please mark your calendars, we are planning on having our parish picnic on Sunday September 17th. We hope that having the picnic after Labor Day the weather (God willing) will be a bit cooler and that more will be able to attend. Hope to see you there!

Nativity of the Theotokos - 08/27/17

Vespers: September 7th @ 7:00 p.m.

Divine Liturgy: September 8th @ 9:00 a.m.

Family Promise School Supplies Collection - Through September 3rd - 08/27/17

Family Promise is collecting money for homeless children's "back to school" supplies. Will you please donate cash or check (to St. Michaels for Family Promise) in the specially marked collection basket after liturgy or during coffee hour? We will use the funds collected to buy Walmart / Target gift cards to give to Family Promise children. Thank you for your kindness.

We will be collecting now through Sunday, September 3rd.  Please see Ellen Gundersen with any questions.

Nativity of the Theotokos - 08/27/17

We will celebrate the first major feast of the new church year with the Nativity of the Theotokos September 8th, 2017. The feast honors the birth of the Mother of God and the salvation that comes through her Son. We will celebrate with both Vespers on the eve of the feast Thursday, September 7th at 7:00 p.m. and Divine Liturgy Friday, September 8th at 9:00 a.m.

Diocesan Women’s Retreat - September 9th - 08/27/17

A Women’s Retreat, sponsored by the Department of Religious Education of the Diocese of Philadelphia and Eastern PA, will be held on Saturday, September 9, in the St. Tikhon’s Monastery Dining Hall.

The topic for this year’s retreat is: “Sisters on a Journey: Saints’ Lives and Our Lives,” presented by Mat. Valerie Zahirsky, chairman Orthodox Department of Christian Education, OCEC Representative, author of: “Encountering Women of Faith.” The cost for the retreat is $10 which includes lunch. It is open to all women 13 years and older.

Parish Picnic - 08/19/17

Sunday, September 17th

Vespers on Saturday - 08/17/17

Reader's Vespers on Saturday, August 19th at 5:00 p.m.

Vespers on Saturday - August 19th - 08/17/17

A Reader’s Vespers will be celebrated at St. Michael’s this coming Saturday, August 19th, at five o’clock pm, led by Stephen Peck.  As neither Father Barnabas nor Father Deacon James will be at church this Saturday, it would be appreciated if a parish council member, or someone else with a key, could open the church between four o’clock and four-thirty to let people in, and then lock up afterwards. Thank you.

Eve of Dormition - 08/13/17

Great Vespers- Monday, August 14th at 7:00 p.m.

Dormition - 08/13/17

Divine Liturgy followed by Blessing of Flowers, Herbs, and Seeds.  Tuesday, August 15th at 9:00 a.m.

VCS Thank You - 08/13/17

2017 Vacation Church School was very fruitful. Thank you to our parents (and grand/godparents) for offering their time and talents the building up of the Church through VCS. We pray that God will continue to bless our parish with youth. All are welcome to look out back by the shed to see the new reflection garden.

Transfiguration - 08/06/17

Today (Sunday, August 6th) the Church celebrates the feast of the Transfiguration of our Lord. This feast commemorates our Lord's transfiguration before his disciples on Mt. Tabor. In His Transfiguration He reveals His glory to the disciples. In Him they (and we) now see for themselves the glory of God present in the person of Christ. On Mt. Tabor the cloud signified the Divine Presence and both Moses and Elijah had beheld the presence of God, as the Readings at the Vespers of the Feast point out, and thus were appropriate witnesses on Mt. Tabor to Christ's divinity. In addition, as Jesus is the fulfillment of the Law and the Prophets, how appropriate it was for those who par excellence represented the Law (Moses) and the Prophets (Elijah) to be present.  The Lord took His three closest disciples (Peter, James and John) with Him on the mountain for, although God sometimes reveals Himself to sinners in quite unexpected ways, it is usually those who have followed Him long and faithfully who are privileged to enter into the joy of the Transfiguration of the Master.

Parish Council Meeting - 07/30/17

Thursday, August 3rd at 7:00 p.m.

Vacation Church School - 07/30/17

Monday, August 7th through Wednesday, August 9th.

Book Review - 07/30/17

Attention Parents/Grandparents/Godparents: I wanted to recommend a book in our bookstore called "Parenting Toward the Kingdom" by Dr. Phillip Mamalakis. I put off reading it, (probably because parenting books make me feel guilty, since two of my kids are practically grown...) but I have to admit it really has excellent advice in how to nurture the virtues in your children, and in ourselves. The best part about the book is that it frames children's daily struggles as spiritual struggles, and suggests how parents should respond now, to give their kids the tools to fight spiritual battles long term, in life. Even if your kids are grown, you might want to read it for the grandkids and godchildren .

--Juliana Bunitsky

Vacation Church School (VCS) - August 7th - August 9th - 07/30/17

2017 Vacation Church School will be held Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, August 7th, 8th and 9th from 5:30 p.m. - 8:00 p.m.  All of our Orthodox youth are invited to participate.

5:30 p.m. - 6:00 p.m.    We will begin each evening with a Family Potluck Dinner

6:00 p.m. - 7:40 p.m.    Activities, Crafts, Skits and more

7:40 p.m. - 8:00 p.m.    We will conclude with Evening Prayers

All parents are encouraged to help with meal & snack coordination, skits, songs, crafts, etc.

Please sign up in the narthex with child’s name (first & last), age, and shirt size.

Dormition Fast - 07/23/17

Tuesday, August 1st through Monday, August 14th.

Blessing of Vehicles - 07/16/17

Sunday, July 23rd. 

Parish Pot Luck - 07/16/17

Sunday, August 6th. 

Dormition Fast and August Feast Days - 07/16/17

The liturgical calendar comes to its close in August with the fourth and final fasting season of the Church year along with two major feasts. Every year the Orthodox Church sets aside the first fourteen days of August in honor of the Virgin Mary. This fast period begins on August 1st and peaks on August 15th, when the Church gathers to celebrate the great feast of the Dormition (Falling-Asleep) of the Theotokos. Join us on Monday, August 14th at 7:00 p.m. for Vespers and then Tuesday, August 15th for Divine Liturgy and blessing of flowers, herbage, and seeds.

Missionaries from Albania to Speak - July 22nd - 07/16/17

Holy Ascension Antiochian Orthodox Church in West Chester will host the Hoppe family who are missionaries to Albania. The Hoppe family will offer presentations on their mission work in Albania. The presentations will be from 11:30 a.m. to 1p.m. today and next Saturday July 22 from 2p.m. until 5 p.m. See more details at http://holyascension.net/.

Blessing of Vehicles - July 23rd - 07/16/17

In commemoration of the holy prophet Elijah (July 20) who was taken into heaven on a fiery chariot, we will be offering the blessing of vehicles. The glorious prophet Elijah is therefore known as the patron saint of vehicles, reminding us that we must struggle to manifest holiness in our lives, especially when we travel. The honoring of this great prophet of the Old Testament in our Holy Church dates back to Apostolic times. In the fourth century, the feast was already generally known. Our holy fathers John Chrysostom, St. Ambrose and St. Augustine have testified to his greatness, a fact which alone would prove the antiquity of this feast. The Blessing of Cars and any kind of Vehicle (Kids bring your bikes) will take place following the Divine Liturgy on Sunday July 23rd.

Parish Pot Luck / Fellowship - August 6th - 07/16/17

We invite all to stick around for our next parish potluck and extended fellowship outside (weather permitting), Sunday August 6, 2017 (Transfiguration). This day we will
also be blessing of the “First Fruits”. We hope that during the Summer months we can extend our pot lucks to include some extended fellowship outdoors.

Parish Office Closed - 07/01/17

The parish office will be closed from July 3rd through July 10th.  See Parish News for details.

Parish Office Closed - July 3rd through July 10th - 07/01/17

The parish office will be closed through Monday (July 10th).  If any emergency would arise requiring a priest please call Fr. Dn. James Carpenter. All other parish need should be brought to Jeff Kendall.

The parish office will be opened Tuesday (July 11). Thanks to all for their patience and prayers during this time.

Midyear Reminder for Diocesan Assessments - 06/25/17

For those of you that were paying your National and Diocesan Assessments on a quarterly basis, this is just a midyear reminder for paying those assessments. The yearly assessment is $166 per adult or $41.50 per quarter. We have envelopes in the Narthex for your use or you can just make a notation on your check referencing the assessments. So far, we have received about $4,800 compared to the $14,500 that we will be assessed by the end of the year. We still have some ways to go to reach our responsibility to the diocese. Thank you for your continued support.

Parish Council Meeting - 06/17/17

Brief meeting Sunday, June 18th during coffee hour.  See Parish News for details.

Parish Office Closed This Week - 06/17/17

The Parish Office will be closed Monday, June 19th through Friday, June 23rd.  See Parish News for additional information.

Parish Council Meeting - June 18th - 06/17/17

Our Council will meet briefly at coffee hour today (Sunday, June 18th). All council members please don’t forget to return the signed “Abbreviated PSP’s of the Orthodox church in America”.

Parish Office to be Closed - June 19th - 23rd - 06/17/17

The parish office will be closed this week (June 19th-23rd). If any emergency should arise requiring a priest please call Fr. Dn. James Carpenter. All other parish needs should be brought to Jeff Kendall.

Parish Pot Luck/ Fellowship - July 2nd - 06/17/17

We hope that during the Summer months that we can extend our pot lucks to include some extended fellowship outdoors. We invite all to stick around for our next parish potluck and extended fellowship outside (weather permitting), Sunday July 2, 2017.

Ss. Peter and Paul Fast - June 12th - 28th - 06/17/17

The feast of the Holy Apostles Peter and Paul is celebrated on June 29th. From the 4th Century on, the Church has celebrated this feast which is spiritually linked with Holy Pentecost. It stands as the witness of the Apostles immediate fruit at the descent of the Holy Spirit when it came upon them. We will celebrate the feast with Vespers and Divine Liturgy on Wednesday June 28th at 6:30 p.m.

Parish Council Meeting - 06/11/17

Wednesday, June 14th at 7:00 p.m.

Baptism Welcome - 06/11/17

Yesterday (Saturday, June 10th) we welcomed into the Church Johan Asfeha-Waters by the Sacrament of Holy Baptism & Chrismation. May God bless and keep this newly enlisted warrior of Christ for many years!

Parish Pot Luck/ Fellowship - 06/11/17

We hope that during the Summer months that we can extend our pot lucks to include some extended fellowship outdoors. We invite all to stick around today for our parish potluck and some extended fellowship outside. (weather permitting)

Parish Council Meeting - June 14th - 06/11/17

We will have our June parish council meeting this Wednesday June 14th at 7:00 p.m. All council members please return the signed “Abbreviated PSP’s of the Orthodox church in America”

Study Group Summer Break - 06/11/17

Our Study Group will be tking a break for the summer months.  Please be sure to continue with the reading from The Ladder of Divine Ascent.  We will resume once again in September.

Baptism of Johan Asfeha-Waters - 06/04/17

Saturday June 10th at 2:00 p.m.

Church Library Summer Reading - 06/04/17

Now that the nice weather is upon us, recharge your spiritual life by checking out one of the books at the library table, outside the Coffee Hour room. Our library team has set out a new selection of books, and there's something to inspire everyone: Saint's lives, books on the spiritual life, books on prayer, and books for the kiddos. Check it out today!

Family Promise - 06/04/17

Thank you to all the Family Promise helpers this past week. Everyone continues to do a great job with this ministry. Once again thank you to Ellen and Mark Gundersen for being liaisons of this ministry for St. Michael’s.

Baptism Saturday - 06/04/17

This upcoming Saturday June 10th at 2:00 p.m. we will welcome into the Church Johan Asfeha-Waters by the Sacrament of Holy Baptism & Chrismation. Please join us to welcome this newly enlisted warrior for Christ.

Parish Pot Luck/ Fellowship - 05/28/17

Fellowship after June 4th Divine Liturgy will be a pot luck.  See Upcoming Events in Parish News for details.

Saints Peter and Paul Fast - 05/28/17

Sts Peter and Paul Fast will begin June 12th and run through June 28th.  See Upcoming Events in Parish News for details.

Traveling This Summer? Go to Church! - 05/28/17

Visit the “Orthodoxy in America” website to find an Orthodox Church wherever you are heading. All the canonical Orthodox jurisdictions (OCA, Greek, Antiochian, Serbian, etc.) are listed together on this one helpful site: www.orthodoxyinamerica.org - Check it out!  Also, Father Barnabas can contact a priest ahead of time for you to inform him that you would like to come for Holy Communion at the Liturgy. If you do travel, also please remember to not take a vacation from your Financial support of our parish! We are here even when you are not! Thank you, God bless your travels and come back safe and sound!

Parish Pot Luck/ Fellowship - June 4th - 05/28/17

Next Sunday, the first Sunday of the month, we will have a parish pot luck. We hope that during the Summer months that we can extend our pot luck’s to include some extended fellowship outdoors. We invite all to stick around next Sunday for our parish potluck and some extended fellowship outside.

Pentecost Sunday - June 4th - 05/28/17

Next Sunday in the life of the Church we celebrate the Great Feast of Pentecost. Liturgically this is the greatest of the 12 Great Feasts. (Pascha is in a category all by itself!) Pentecost is the “Birthday of the Church”, the celebration of the coming of the Holy Spirit. Just a reminder that next week immediately following the Divine Liturgy, the traditional Vespers of Pentecost with the Special Kneeling prayers is served. In Orthodoxy, we go from glory to glory - come let us welcome the coming of the Holy Spirit!

Ascension Services - 05/21/17

Eve of Ascension Vespers

 - Wednesdayn May 24th at 7:00 p.m.

Ascension Liturgy

 - Thursday, May 25th at 9:00 a.m.

Attention Diocesan Graduates! - 05/14/17

Add one more thing to your post-graduation to do list! The Fall issue of Alive in Christ will feature our Diocesan graduates. Alive in Christ would be honored to share your accomplishment with the Diocese. DEADLINE IS JUNE 30 2017! To make this happen:Graduates / Graduate’s Families should submit a photo and brief biography and Photo.Please send a separate JPG image and separate text document attached to email.


or mail to

Aric Gingo

160 Shadetree Road

Shavertown, PA 18708

Study Group - May 18th - 05/14/17

Our Study group continued this past Thursday with four of us reading and discussing the 18th and 19th Steps from The Ladder of Divine Ascent. We will continue this Thursday at 10:00 a.m. All are welcome to join us.

St Tikhon’s Summer Camp - 05/14/17

Now is the time to register your child for the 2017 Season of St. Tikhon's Summer Camp July 2-8, 2017.Saint Tikhon’s Summer Camp is a one-week sleep-away camp program for Orthodox Christian children between the ages of 7 and 17. Our participants enjoy a superior religious education program and daily church services, as well as plenty of outdoor recreational activities with their peers. Sign up at sttikhonscamp.org.  Registration is open through May 27th.

Family Promise - May 29th, May 30th, and June 1st - 05/14/17

St. Michaels needs volunteers to cook and serve dinners to Family Promise families on May 29th (Mon), May 30th (Tues), and June 1st (Thurs). We will do this at the new St. Philips Lutheran Church (our co-host) on 5320 Limestone Road, Wilmington. Please sign up to drive, cook, serve dinner and share your compassion and hope with homeless families in our area. Sign up on board in Narthex or contact Ellen Gundersen 610.388.0695 or puffins1@verizon.net.

Pascha Thanks - 04/23/17

A special Thanks to all who helped to make our Lenten and Paschal experience so joyful!  May our Lord continue to bless the parish of St. Michael's with health, happiness, and many blessed years!

Collection for Fr. Nightingale - Thank You - 04/23/17

This past Lenten season we have been collecting for one of our diocesan clergy who suffered a severe fall.  The funds collected will go towards renovations to his home and for a handicap vehicle for his use.  Please place marked donations in the collection basked or drop alms bags at the candle counter.

No Study Group This Week - 04/16/17

There will be no Study Group during Bright Week.  The next meeting will be Thursday, April 27th at 10:00 a.m.

Parish Council Meeting - 04/16/17

Parish Council meets on Wednesday, April 26th at 7:00 p.m.

No Presanctified Liturgy on Holy Monday - 04/08/17

The Presanctified Liturgy originally scheduled for 9:00 a.m. on Holy Monday (April 10th) has been cancelled.  We will still have Bridegroom Matins at 6:30 p.m. as originally scheduled.

Holy Week Observances - 04/08/17

Palm Sunday

 - Bridegroom Matins following coffee hour

Holy Monday

 - Bridegroom Matins at 6:30 p.m.

Holy Tuesday

 - Presanctified Liturgy at 9:00 a.m.

   * Archbishop MARK visiting *

 - Bridegroom Matins at 6:30 p.m.

Holy Wednesday

 - Office of Holy Unction at 6:30 p.m.

Holy Thursday

 - Divine Liturgy (Last Supper) at 9:00 a.m.

 - Matins & 12 Passion Gospels

   at 6:30 p.m.

Holy Friday

 - Royal Hours at 9:00 a.m.

 - Vespers at 3:00 p.m.

 - Matins at 6:30 p.m.

Holy Saturday

 - Vesperal Liturgy of St. Basil at 9:00 a.m.

Holy Pascha

 - Nocturnes, Matins, & Divine Liturgy

   at 11:30 p.m. (Saturday)

 - Blessing of Baskets and Agape

Newly Illumined and Newly Chrismated - 04/08/17

This weekend we welcomed two new members to St. Michael’s. Last evening (Saturday, April 8th), Carolyn Peck was received through the sacrament of Holy Chrismation, and this morning (Sunday, April 9th) we welcome Josephine Didonatos the daughter of Nicholas and Susanne Didonatos through the sacrament of Holy Baptism. We want to welcome them to St. Michael’s family and wish them Many Blessed Years!

Holy Week and Pascha - 04/08/17

Just a reminder that our Holy Week schedule begins today following coffee hour with Bridegroom Matins. During Holy Week the Church commemorates our Lord's Entrance into Jerusalem, His Betrayal, Trial, Crucifixion, and Resurrection. Holy Week is when all Orthodox Christians should make extra effort to give their full attention to the services of Holy Week and Pascha. Please join us as we journey to the Blessed Pascha of our Lord!

No Presanctified Liturgy on Holy Monday - 04/08/17

Sorry for any scheduling inconveniences, but we will not be having Presanctified Liturgy on Holy Monday. We will still have Bridegroom Matins in the evening (6:30 p.m.).

Archbishop MARK to Visit - April 11th - 04/08/17

Holy Tuesday His Eminence Archbishop MARK will be joining us for Presanctified Liturgy on Holy Tuesday April 11th at 9:00 a.m. We will have a light potluck following liturgy. We hope you can join us!

Study Group to Resume - April 27th - 04/08/17

Our Study group will resume this Thursday, April 27th at 10:00 a.m. with the 15th Step from The Ladder of Divine Ascent.  All are welcome to join us.

Special Lenten Observances for This Week - 04/02/17

Presanctified Liturgy

   - Wednesday, April 5th at 6:30 p.m.

Vespers for Lazarus Saturday

   - Friday, April 7th at 6:30 p.m.

Divine Liturgy for Lazarus Saturday

   - Saturday, April 8th at 9:00 a.m.

Presanctified Liturgy - 03/31/17

Friday, March 31st, 6:30 p.m.

Pussy willows for Palm Sunday - 03/26/17

If you have any pussy willow trees in your yards, will you please cut any pussy willow branches in early spring and bring them to church on Saturday, April 8th. They will be distributed along with palms.

Collection for Fr. Nightingale - 03/26/17

This Lenten season we are collecting for one of our diocesan clergy who suffered a severe fall. The funds collected will go towards renovations to his home and for a handicap vehicle for his use. Please place marked donations in the collection basket or drop alms bags at the candle counter.

All Parish Clean-up Thank You - 03/26/17

Thanks to all who helped with the all parish cleanup on Friday, March 24th and Saturday, March 25th.

Presanctified Liturgies - March 29th and March 31st - 03/26/17

Just a reminder that this week we will be offering Presanctified Liturgy on both Wednesday (Marrch 29th) and Friday (March 31st). Don’t forget that a Pot Luck dinner follows the Liturgy on Wednesday. Please consider staying for fellowship after liturgy.

Worship During Second Week of Lent - 03/05/17

Wednesday, March 8th at 6:30 p.m. 

Presanctified Liturgy


Friday, March 10th at 6:30 p.m.

Akathist followed by Basics of Orthodoxy Class

No Study Group This Week - 03/05/17

There will be no study group on Thursday, March 9th.

Parish Council Meeting - 03/05/17

Parish Council meets on Thursday, March 9th at 7:00 p.m.

Women's Study - 03/05/17

Women's Study will be held Saturday, March 11, 3:00 p.m. - 3:45 p.m.

See Upcoming Events in Parish News for details.

No Study Group March 9th - 03/05/17

No study group this week (March 9th). Study group will resume next Thursday (March 16th) at 10:00 a.m. with The Ladder of Divine Ascent. All are welcome to join us.

Basics of Orthodoxy Update - 03/05/17

We will be offering the basics of Orthodoxy class on Friday evenings during the Lenten season. All are welcome to attend.

Women's Study - March 11th - 03/05/17

Women's Study will be held Saturday, March 11, 3:00 p.m. - 3:45 p.m.

Please read chapters 2 and 3 of The Illumined Heart.

(Husbands and little ones can play in the hall or outside weather permitting, while the ladies meet.)

Grass Cutting Sign-Up - 03/05/17

We are looking for volunteers to assist with the grass cutting chores this year. There is a signup sheet in the Narthex. The intent is to set up teams of 3 people to work the cutting on a rotating basis. The more teams we can form, the less of a chore it is for everyone. Please help with this effort this year.

Lenten Choir Rehearsals - March 4th, March 18th, and April 1st - 03/05/17

March choir rehearsals will be held on the following dates:

  • Saturday, March 4th at 3:30 p.m.
  • Saturday, March 18th at 3:30 p.m.

On Saturday, April 1st, we will be having our Lenten Retreat which will end at 3:00 p.m.  Vespers will be held immediately after the Retreat and will end at 4:00 p.m.  The rehearsal will be held at 4:00 p.m., after vespers.


Church Property Cleanup - 02/26/17

Friday, March 3rd @ 9:00 a.m. and Saturday, March 4th @ 9:00 a.m.

See Upcoming Events in Parish News for details.

Worship During the First Week of Lent - 02/26/17

Monday, 7:00 p.m. Great Compline with Canon of Repentance

Tuesday, 7:00 p.m. Great Compline with Canon of Repentance

Wednesday 6:30 p.m.  Presanctified Liturgy

Thursday, 7:00 p.m. Great Compline with Canon of Repentance

Friday, 6:30 p.m. Akathist followed by Basics of Orthodoxy Class

Lenten Retreat with Frederica Mathewes-Green - 02/26/17

Saturday, April 1st.  See Parish News for details.

Newly Chrismated - 02/26/17

On Saturday, March 25th we welcomed into the Church William (Michael) Wennburg by the sacrament of Chrismation.

May God grant him Many Blessed Years!

Property Cleanup - March 3rd and 4th - 02/26/17

A reminder that we are having a general cleanup of the church property on Friday and Saturday, March 3 and 4. We will start at 9:00 a.m. In addition to cleaning up the wooded area, we will need to clean up the branches in the open space. The branch clean up would be a perfect job for some industrious teens. There is a lot of trash in the wooded area that we must take care of or we will be sited by the county for a violation. Please wear long sleeves and pants and bring your own work gloves. Your help is needed!

Diaper Drive - Feb 26th and March 5th - 02/26/17

We are conducting a Diaper Drive to benefit Catholic Charities Bayard House. Bayard House serves young mothers in need. Diapers of all sizes and baby wipes would be appreciated. To contribute, drop items off over the next two Sundays: Feb 26 and March 5.

If you have any questions, see Anne Riley.

Basics of Orthodoxy Class Now Restarting on February 24th - 02/19/17

Basics of Orthodoxy Class restart date moved from January 12th to February 24th.

See Upcoming Events in Parish News for details.

Lenten Choir Rehearsals - 02/19/17

  • Saturday, March 4th at 3:30 p.m.
  • Saturday, March 18th at 3:30 p.m.
  • Saturday, April 1st at 4:00 p.m.

See Upcoming Events in Parish News for details.

Perogie Available - 02/19/17

Thanks to all who came and helped pinch perogies this past week. Perogies are available for sale in the church hall. Please see Elizabeth Melnick. Get them now before they are gone!

Family Promise - 02/19/17

We want to thank all of you for your continued stewardship efforts in our Family Promise ministry. It is an
Incredible ministry and we are blessed to be a part of it. A special thanks to Ellen and Mark Gundersen who continue to coordinate and serve as liaisons between St. Michael’s and Family Promise.

Study Group - 02/19/17

Our Study group will continue this Thursday at 10 am with the 15th Step from “The Ladder of Divine Ascent”. All are welcome to join us.

Basics of Orthodoxy Moving to Fridays. Resumes February 24th - 02/19/17

We will be offering the basics of Orthodoxy class on Friday evenings during the Lenten season. We will begin the week of Meatfare, Friday evening Feb 24th following vespers. All are welcome to attend.

Great Lent to Begin - February 26th - 02/19/17

Just a reminder that our Lenten journey will begin with Forgiveness Vespers on Sunday, February 26th following coffee
hour. All should make a sincere effort to begin the Lenten season with this service and the “Mutual Rite of Forgiveness”. On Forgiveness Sunday, we sing of Adam’s exile from paradise. We identify ourselves with Adam, lamenting our loss of the beauty, dignity and delight of our original creation, mourning our corruption in sin. We also hear on this day the Lord’s teaching about fasting and forgiveness, and we enter the season of the fast forgiving one another so that God will forgive us.
"If you forgive men their trespasses, your heavenly Father will forgive you; but if you do not forgive men their trespasses, neither will your heavenly Father forgive you your trespasses. (Mt 6.14–18).”

Newly Illumined - 02/12/17

Last evening (Saturday, February 11th) we welcomed into the Church Cedric Peck through the Sacrament of Holy Baptism. May God grant he and his family health, happiness, a peaceful life, and many blessed years!

Baptism Saturday - 02/05/17

Cedric Peck will be baptized on Saturday, February 11th at 4:00 p.m.  See Parish News for details.

Memorial Service After Divine Liturgy - 02/05/17

A 40-day memorial service is being held after Divine Liturgy on Sunday, February 12th for Anwor Kawaja, the late brother of Alice Morjana.

Baptism - February 11th - 02/05/17

Next Saturday at 4:00 p.m. we will welcome into the Church Cedric Peck by the Sacrament of Holy Baptism. All are welcome to join us!

Memorial Service After Divine Liturgy - February 12th - 02/05/17

Next Sunday following the Divine Liturgy we will have a 40 day memorial service for Anwor Kawaja the brother of Alice Mojana. May his memory be eternal!

Family Promise - February 13, 14, and 16 - 02/05/17

Family Promise invites us to join 3 local homeless families for a meal and conversation from 6:30 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. on Feb. 13, 14 & 16 at St. Philips Lutheran Church (5320 Limestone Road, Wilmington). We can spread Christ's love for our neighbors through our conversation and support for parents and their children (reading stories, playtime, etc). It's also week of Valentine's Day! Please sign up for Social Hour on Family Promise board in our narthex. Contact Ellen Gundersen with questions at puffins1@verizon.net or call 610.388.0695.

Meeting of the Lord in the Temple - 01/29/17

Vespers with Divine Liturgy will be celebrated on Wednesday, February 1st at 6:30 p.m.

First Potluck Coffee Hour - 01/29/17

Sunday, February 5th we will be trying our first potluck coffee hour after liturgy.  If you can, please bring something to share.

Parish Council Meeting - 01/29/17

Parish Council meets on Thursday, February 2nd at 7:00 p.m.

Choir Rehearsal - 01/29/17

The next choir rehearsal will be Saturday, February 18th at 3:30 p.m.

Study Group - January 26th - 01/22/17

Our Study group continued this past week with nine of us reading and discussing the 14th Step "On the Clamorous Stomach" from The Ladder of Divine Ascent.

Study group will continue this Thursday, January 26th at 10:00 a.m. All are welcome to join us.

Parish Council Meeting - 01/08/17

Monthly Parish Council meeting will be Thursday, January 12th at 7:00 p.m.

Parish Giving - 01/08/17

As we progress to the diocesan proportional giving of 10% of our operating budget to the National and Diocesan Church, our individual assessments for 2017 are changing. With the approval of our 2017 budget in October, we committed to a level 2 giving as a parish. Although we encourage all to give proportionally, the individual assessment equates to $166 per adult for this year or $41.50 per quarter. Envelopes are available in the Narthex if you wish to use them as a reminder. Thank you for your continued support.

St Michael's Food Pantry - 01/08/17

A small food pantry bin is available to place the non-perishables for those who may come to St. Michael’s in need of food. We would like to ask our community to kindly bring food items that are frozen or non-perishable, as nutritious and as minimally processed as possible. We would like to include some items that are easy to open and require little or no preparation for those who might not have fully operational kitchens, (No junk food or highly processed foods please.) If you bring frozen items, please label them as "St Michael's Food Pantry" donation and place in freezer. Thank you!

House Blessings Schedule - 01/08/17

Father Barnabas will be offering home blessings following the feast of Theophany. Please see the signup in the Narthex.

- 01/01/17

See the Parish News page for details on all current announcements

Nativity Fast - 12/24/16

Nativity Fast is currently underway.

Nativity Service Schedule - 12/24/16

  • Nativity Vigil: Saturday, December 24th at 5:00 p.m.
  • Divine Liturgy: December 25th at 9:00 a.m.

See Upcoming Events in Parish News for details

Parish Office to be Closed - 12/24/16

December 28th - December 31st. For any emergency where a priest is needed please call Fr. Dn. James Carpenter.

Thank You! - 12/24/16

Thanks to all who have offered their time and talents this past week for the funerals of Joe Wojciechowski and Sofia Puit. Your efforts are an incredible asset to our parish and to those suffering loss. Thanks to all! Memory Eternal!

Parish Office to be Closed - December 28th through December 31st - 12/24/16

The parish office will be closed from Wednesday, December 28th through Saturday, December 31st. For any emergency where a priest is needed please call Fr. Dn. James Carpenter. Thank you!

New Years Eve - 12/24/16

Next Saturday evening (New Year’s Eve) following vespers we will have a parish get together for all who are interested in spending New Year’s Eve with our church family. All who are interested please see Catalina Finck for more details.

Study Group to Resume - January 12th - 12/24/16

We will meet again this Thursday January 12 at 10 a.m. We will continue with “The Ladder of Divine Ascent”. All are welcome to join us.

Choir Rehearsal - 12/11/16

Saturday, December 17th at 3:30 p.m.

Poinsettias for Nativity - 12/11/16

It’s time to order Poinsettias to beautify the church for our Lord's Nativity! Order forms are available in the narthex.

Coffee Hour - 12/11/16

We would like to thank all who continue to offer themselves in the ministry of the coffee hour. We want to remind everyone that the church will purchase all juice, coffee, non perishable items such as creamers, butter, cream cheese, jelly, nut butter, plates, etc. Also remember that bagels and breads are available from Acme and Panera for a discount or for free. Please remember the purpose and spirit of coffee hour. It is an exercise in community building and fellowship. Coffee hour is an offering of hospitality and so with these things in mind please only bring what you can. No one is( or should be) judging the offerings at coffee hour. We also want to remind all that part of the coffee hour responsibility is cleaning. Please be courteous to those cleaning by clearing up your own table before leaving. This will ease the burden of those cleaning up. We also ask that everyone take suitable amounts of food. We have experienced a lot of food waste with too much being left on plates. Parents please supervise your children in the food line so that they take appropriate amounts. It is truly sinful for us to be wasting so much food. With a little awareness, understanding, and effort coffee hour should continue to be a strength within our community.

Cookie Exchange - December 16th - 12/11/16

The Christmas cookie exchange will be on Friday evening December 16th. at 6:30 p.m. The sign up sheet is in the narthex, or see Matushka Daria for details.

Choir Rehearsals - December 3rd and December 17th - 12/11/16

There will be two choir rehearsals in December.

  • Saturday, December 3rd at 3:30 p.m.
  • Saturday, December 17th at 3:30 p.m.

Nativity Parish Holy Supper - 12/11/16

Holy Supper is a pious tradition from the Christian faithful of various Eastern European regions. The supper is observed on the eves of our Lord’s Nativity in the flesh and His baptism by Saint John in the Jordan River. The meal is a fasting meal with 12 courses representing Christ’s twelve apostles. We hope to once again have a Parish Holy Supper on the Eve of Nativity. Anyone interested in helping to organize this time of fellowship please see Fr. Barnabas or Catalina Finck.

Service Schedule for Nativity - 12/11/16

The schedule of services for the feast of the Nativity of our Lord and God and Savior Jesus Christ will be as follows:

  • Saturday December 24th the Vigil for the Nativity of our Lord at 5:00 p.m.
  • Christmas morning Sunday December 25th at 9:00 a.m. Divine Liturgy for the Nativity followed by coffee for those who wish to stay.

Please be sure to make plans now to be with us for this blessed feast of our Lord.

Feast of Saint Nicholas Vespers & Liturgy - 12/04/16

Monday, December 5th at 6:30 p.m.

Parish Council Meeting - 12/04/16

Thursday, December 8th at 7:00 p.m.

Teen Decorating Gathering - 12/04/16

Saturday, December 10th after Vespers.  See Parish News for details.

Feast of St. Nicholas Vespers and Liturgy - December 5th - 12/04/16

Monday evening (December 5th) we will celebrate the feast of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker of Myra and Lycia. We will celebrate with Vespers and Divine Liturgy at 6:30 p.m.

Parish Council Meeting - December 8th - 12/04/16

On Thursday December 8th at 7:00 p.m. we will have our monthly parish council meeting.

Teen Decorating Gathering - December 10th - 12/04/16

We will have a teen gathering on Saturday evening, December 10th following vespers. We are hoping to deck the halls of our parish hall. Join us!

December Choir Rehearsals - 11/27/16

Saturday, December 3rd at 3:30 p.m.

Saturday, December 17th at 3:30 p.m.

Special Welcome to Father Timothy and Matushka Anastasia - 11/27/16

Welcome to Archpriest Timothy and Matushka Anastasia Hojnicki and family. Thanks to Father Tim for leading us this morning.  This enabled his family to spend extra time visiting family here while Father Barnabas' family could spend more time visiting their family in Pennsylvania.

Many Years! - 11/27/16

Many years to our Reverend Deacon James Carpenter celebrating the 2nd anniversary of his ordination to the Holy Deaconate (November 21st). We want to thank him for his service to St. Michael’s and to Christ’s Holy Church. May our Lord grant him long life, health, happiness, and many years of service.

Family Promise - 11/27/16

Thanks to Ellen and Mark Gundersen and all of our volunteers this week. Thank you for your time and talents in this work!

Bookstore Nativity Gifts - 11/27/16

The Bookstore will have an icon sale over the next three weekends. Stop by for discounted prices.

Please Bring Adopt-a-Family Gifts by December 4th - 11/27/16

Once again we will be reaching out to “adopt” two adult individuals who need our help this Christmas season (through the Division of Social Services.) These are Seniors on fixed incomes living at home or in nursing homes with little support as well as individuals with disabilities. As we have seen in prior years, these folks are not asking for extravagances, but rather things that we sometimes take for granted.

The sign-up sheet is now in the vestibule.   Please place gifts in gift bags, rather than wrapping, and mark them #1 or #2.   Any monetary donations will be used for gift cards.

Please contact Hope LaChance if you have any questions.

Study Group Resumes December 1st - 11/27/16

Study Group will resume on December 1st at 10:00 a.m., reading and discussing The Ladder of Divine Ascent. All are welcome to join us.

St. Barbara’s Day Celebration - December 4th - 11/27/16

Next Sunday December 4th we will celebrate the feast of the Great Martyr Barbara. St. Barbara is venerated in many cultures and is highly regarded as a patron especially those bearing her name. For St. Barbara’s day, in imitation of the different disguises she used to elude her father, some culture dress in costumes as part of the celebration. Join us next week to celebrate this blessed feast.

Feast of the Entrance of the Theotokos into the Temple - 11/20/16

Great Vespers Sunday, November 20th at 7:00 p.m.

Divine Liturgy Monday, November 21st at 9:00 a.m.

Thanksgiving Molieben - 11/20/16

Thursday, November 24th at 9:00 a.m.  (See Upcoming Events in Parish News for details.)

No Study Group This Week - 11/20/16

Study Group for Thursday, November 24th is cancelled due to the Thanksgiving Holiday.

Church Library - 11/20/16

Thank you to the anonymous donor who gave our church library 25 orthodox books and 3 DVDs. We appreciate it very much. Be sure to check out a book or DVD during the Nativity fast!

Thanksgiving Molieben - November 24th - 11/20/16

Thursday morning November 24th, Deacon James and Archpriest Timothy Hojnicki will offer a Molieben of Thanksgiving at 9:00 a.m. To be thankful (from the Greek eucharistia or thanksgiving) is a profound reality and a central practice of Orthodox Christians: “O give thanks unto the Lord for He is good….”

Nativity Fast - November 15th - December 25th - 11/13/16

Please be sure to be attentive to the Nativity Fast (November 15th - December 25th). Please remember the benefits of fasting in order to learn self control (even in a small way). Through the fast (abstaining from meat and dairy products) we have an opportunity to grow spiritually in anticipation of the new life and hope that springs from Nativity of our Lord.

Basics of Orthodoxy Class - November 19th - 11/13/16

Our class will continue next Saturday, November 19th at 4:00 p.m. Our basics of Orthodoxy class will break for Thanksgiving and in December we will return and continue on a NEW night. Please see next week’s bulletin for the new time and day. All are welcome to join us.

Feast of the Entrance of the Theotokos into the Temple - November 20th and 21st - 11/13/16

“A deep mystery covers the earthly life of the Most-Holy Theotokos from her childhood to her repose. Her life in the Jerusalem Temple was concealed. ‘If you were to ask me,’ said the Blessed Jerome,’ how the Most-Holy Virgin passed the time of her youth, I would answer that this is known only to God Himself and the Archangel Gabriel detailed to protect her.’”(TTWH)

Several feasts are dedicated to the Mother of God commemorating and celebrating her life. Next Sunday evening and Monday morning we will celebrate Her entrance in to the Temple where we encounter the holiness of Mary as a small child separated from the world, brought to live in the Temple a life set apart, consecrated, and in a state of intimacy with God. We will celebrate Great Vespers Sunday, November 20th at 7:00 p.m. and Divine Liturgy Monday, November 21st at 9:00 a.m.

Family Promise - November 21st, 22nd, and 25th - 11/13/16

We will host Family Promise November 21st, 22nd and 25th (Thanksgiving Day). Please see Ellen Gundersen if you would like to help.

No Study Group This Week - 11/06/16

Study Group for Thursday, November 10th is cancelled.  See Parish News for details.

Veterans Hospital - 11/06/16

Thank you all for generously donating to the vets at the Veterans Hospital in Wilmington. They appreciate everything we give them.

Children’s Space - 11/06/16

Perhaps you have noticed over the last couple of months the changes in the “Children’s Space” of the Fellowship Hall. A new rug, book cart, reading seat, train table, dolls, and wooden developmental materials for all ages have been purchased in memory of Mary Lewis. Now we have a special place for children to play, learn, and socialize during Coffee Hour.

Unfortunately, every week toys (or their parts) have gone missing – most recently the two 12” Corolle baby dolls. We can’t afford to replace these materials, so we need your help in preserving this wonderful space. 

Three simple guidelines to help your children be good stewards of St Michael’s Children’s Space:

  1. No food or drink on the rug area.
  2. Do not take any toys away from the rug area.
  3. Before leaving the rug, return the materials to their appropriate baskets.

No Study Group - November 10th - 11/06/16

This Thursday Father Barnabas will be away for a diocesan council meeting in Harrisburg. Therefore we will not meet for study group this week. Please join us Thursday November 17th at 10:00 a.m.  We will continue reading and discussing The Ladder of Divine Ascent. All are welcome to join us.

Orthodox Women's Fellowship - 10/30/16

starts November 2nd at the Finck home.  See Parish News for details.

Men’s Breakfast - 10/30/16

Saturday, November 5th.  See Parish News for details.

Basics of Orthodoxy Resumes - 10/30/16

at its normal time (4:00 p.m.) on November 5th.

All Parish Meeting - 10/30/16

Thanks to all who stayed for our annual parish meeting last week. Hopefully we came away from the meeting thanking our Lord for His blessings over the past year in the life of the church.

No Basics of Orthodoxy Class October 29th - 10/23/16

Class will resume on November 5th.

Delayed Start for October 29th Vespers - 10/23/16

On Saturday, October 29th, the starting time for Vespers will be moved to 5:30 p.m.

Veterans Hospital in Wilmington - 10/23/16

Please help us collect items for the male and female veterans at the VA Hospital in Wilmington. They currently need: men's undershirts and pants (S,M,L), simple wooden and leather crafts, model cars/planes, women's "spa items" and art supplies (see list on donation bin in social hall). See Ellen Gundersen with questions. The last day we will collect is November 6th.

Orthodox Women's Fellowship - Nov 2, 9, 16, and Dec 14 - 10/23/16

St. Michael's Orthodox Women's Fellowship and Study at the Finck home.  With the blessing of Father Barnabas, we are going to start with 4 nights: Wednesday evenings 6:30 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. November 2, 16, 30 and December 14.

Please RSVP to Catalina Finck so we know how many to plan for the first night. 

Men’s Breakfast - Nov 5th - 10/23/16

Greetings men of St. Michael's parish!  All are invited to join us for breakfast and fellowship at Crossroads on Saturday morning, November 5th at 9:00 a.m. Crossroads Restaurant is in the Mill Creek Shopping Center at 4579 Kirkwood Hwy Wilmington, DE 19808.  (Intersection of Kirkwood Highway and Limestone Road)

Basics of Orthodoxy Resumes - Nov 5th - 10/23/16

Basics of Orthodoxy will resume at its normal time (4:00 p.m.) on Saturday, November 5th in the Fellowship Hall.

Ss. Peter and Paul Annual Fall Bazaar - Nov 5th - 10/23/16

Ss. Peter and Paul will soon be having their Annual Fall Bazaar featuring homemade pyrohy (pierogies), holubtsi (stuffed cabbage), kovbassa and other ethnic foods and desserts!

Church tours are at 11:00 a.m. and 1:00 p.m. Please come and join us Saturday, November 5 from 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.


No Basics of Orthodoxy Class October 29th - 10/23/16

Father Barnabas will be away this coming Saturday, October 29th so there will be no class. We will resume on Saturday November 5th prior to Vespers at 4:00 p.m. All are welcome to join us.

Choir Rehearsal - Was October 22nd - Now November 12th - 10/23/16

The next choir rehearsal, which was originally scheduled for Saturday, October 22nd, has been rescheduled to Saturday, November 12th at 3:30 p.m. at the church.

Family Promise - 10/16/16

Thanks to all the cooks who served meals to the homeless in our community and others who shared their hope with the families. Family Promise is very grateful for St. Michael's support. Special thanks for all the toys, games, books and stuffed animals that were donated by Olga Maloney and the Little Angels group. You really made this large group of children smile! Also, thanks those who could not serve physically but made monetary donations to help our efforts.

Children's Space - 10/16/16

Perhaps you have noticed over the last couple of months the changes in the “Children’s Space” of the fellowship hall. A new rug and wooden developmental materials for all ages have been donated in memory of Mary Lewis, who loved the youngsters of St Michael’s and them nurtured through her Bible Story program. Now we have a special place for children to play, learn, and socialize. Enjoy the toys only on the rug area. Please do not take toys away from the hall. They are not to be taken into the bathrooms, entry way, ramp, narthex, church, or home. Thank you.

All Parish Meeting - 10/09/16

Sunday, October 23rd during coffee hour. See Parish News for details.

Reports for Parish Meeting - 10/09/16

Send your reports to Catalina Finck as soon as possible.

Reports for Parish Meeting - 10/09/16

Just a reminder that all reports for the annual meeting should be sent to Catalina Finck as soon as possible in preparation for the all parish meeting.

Volunteer Ministries - 10/09/16

We are currently compiling the 2017 Volunteer Ministries work schedule and are looking for volunteers. A sign up list is in the Narthex for Fellowship Hour, candle service duty, church cleaning, and the library. Please add your name to the list and if you wish to work with a particular family please add a note to that effect.

Amazon Smile - 10/09/16

At this time of year, we begin buying gifts for our friends and family. This is just a reminder that if you purchase items from amazon.com, St. Michael’s could benefit from your purchases.  Amazon Smile will give St. Michael’s a small rebate for every purchase you make if you use the address below. This address is specific to St.Michael’s so it is easy to use. We have already been receiving benefits from this program. Just type the address into your web browser.


All Parish Meeting - October 23rd - 10/09/16

On Sunday October 23rd, 2016, during the coffee hour, we will have our Annual All Parish Meeting. Please make plans to
stay following Divine Liturgy for this important work in the life of the church.

Choir Rehearsal Rescheduled - 10/01/16

Next choir rehearsal will now be Saturday, November 12th at 3:30 p.m.

Parish Council Meeting - 09/18/16

Wednesday, September 21st at 7:00 p.m. See Parish News for details.

Parish Council Meeting - September 21st - 09/18/16

Just a reminder that we will have a parish council meeting this Wednesday, September 21st at 7:00 p.m. The main focus of the meeting will be the 2017 budget.

Study Group - 09/18/16

During our last meeting six of us finished reading and discussing Step Five of The Ladder of Divine Ascent.

PLEASE NOTE: there will be no study group on Sept. 15th or Sept. 22nd Fr. Barnabas will be away.

Choir Rehearsal - September 24th - 09/18/16

The next choir rehearsal will be Saturday, September 24th at 3:30 p.m.

Family Promise - October 10th, 11th, and 13th - 09/18/16

St. Michael's needs volunteers to cook and serve dinners to Family Promise families on:

  • Monday October 10th
  • Tuesday October 11th
  • Thursday October 13th

We will do this at the new St. Philips Lutheran Church (our co-host) on 5320 Limestone Road, Wilmington.

Please sign up to drive, cook, serve dinner and share your compassion and hope with homeless families in our area. Now that St. Philips completed construction of their new building, it's also a great way to take a look around!!! Sign up on the board in the narthex or contact Ellen Gundersen 610.388.0695 or puffins1@verizon.net.

Elevation of the Holy Cross - 09/10/16

Vesperal Liturgy will be held on Tuesday, September 13th at 6:30 p.m.  See Parish News for details.

Study Group - 09/10/16

There will be no Study Group September 15th and 22nd.  See Parish News for details.

Parish Family Picnic - 09/10/16

Parish Family Picnic will be held on September 18th.  See Parish News for details.

Choir Rehearsal - 09/10/16

Next choir rehearsal will be Saturday, September 24th at 3:30 p.m. 

Basics of Orthodoxy Class - 09/10/16

Begins Saturday, September 24th at 4:00 p.m.  See Parish News for details.

Elevation of the Holy Cross - September 13th - 09/10/16

We will celebrate with both Vespers and Divine Liturgy on the eve of the feast Tuesday evening September 13th at 6:30 p.m. Join us!

Parish Family Picnic - September 18th - 09/10/16

All are welcome to join us for a Parish Family Picnic on Sunday Sept. 18th following the Divine Liturgy. There will be food, drinks, and fun. We will also be celebrating the beginning of the church school year. Make plans to be with us!

There is a signup sheet in the Narthex. Please see Alice Morjana or Hope LaChance if you have any questions.

Nativity of the Theotokos - 09/03/16

Vesperal Liturgy will be held on Wednesday, September 7th at 6:30 PM.  See Parish News for details.

Participate in Our Parish Health Survey! - 09/03/16

We invite everyone to participate in our Parish Health Survey. Your input is important to us. Through your participation in the survey we hope to evaluate the ongoing work at St. Michael’s. We also hope to identify strengths and weaknesses in our overall parish witness and ministry. This week we will be sending out a parish wide email with a link to the survey. We plan to have preliminary survey results at our annual parish meeting. Please look for it in your email, or the survey can be found as on Google forms at http://goo.gl/forms/HsSdzYhIOoerSQPJ2.  Paper copies will be available for all who do not use the computer.

From our Church Library - 09/03/16

Now that a new church calendar year is upon us, recharge your spiritual life by checking out one of the books at the library table, outside the Coffee Hour room. Our library team has set out a new selection of books, and there's something to inspire everyone: Saint's lives, books on the spiritual life, books on prayer, and books for the kiddos. Check it out today.

Nativity of the Theotokos - September 7th - 09/03/16

We celebrate the first major feast of the new church year with the Nativity of the Theotokos. The feast honors the birth of the Mother of God and the salvation that comes through her Son. We will celebrate with both Vespers and Divine Liturgy on the eve of the feast Wednesday evening September 7th at 6:30 PM. All should prepare with a similar rule as the preparation for presanctified liturgy.

Parents Church School Meeting - 08/27/16

Meeting is August 28th.  See Parish News for details.

Parish Council Meeting - 08/27/16

Thursday, September 1st at 7:00 PM.

Parents Church School Meeting - 08/27/16

Sunday, August 28th there will be a meeting downstairs for ALL PARENTS and for members interested in teaching.

“When your children are still small, you have to help them understand what is good. That is the deepest meaning of life.”

†Elder Paisios

Parish Council Meeting - 08/27/16

Parish Council will meet Thursday, September 1st at 7:00 PM.

Study Group - 08/15/16

Study Group starts September 1st.  See Parish News for details.

Study Group Starting - September 1st - 08/14/16

Our Study Group will begin on Thursday, September 1st at 10 AM with the study of The Ladder of Divine Ascent. We will be reading together and discussing this spiritual masterpiece. All are welcome to join us!

Fortieth Day Panikhida for Arsenius Peck - August 6th - 08/05/16

There will be a 40th day Panikhida for Arsenius Peck at 4:15 PM on Saturday, August 6th at St. Michael's.

Panikhida for Arsenius Peck - 08/03/16

A 40th day panikhida for Arsenius Peck will be held on Saturday, August 6th at 4:15 PM.

Feast of the Transfiguration - 08/02/16

Vespers: Friday, August 5th at 7:00 PM. 

Divine Liturgy: Saturday, August 6th at 9:00 AM.

Dormition Fast - 08/01/16

Dormition fast begins August 1st and lasts for two weeks until the Feast of the Dormition on August 15th.

Feast of the Transfiguration - August 6th - 07/31/16

On August 6th, the Church celebrates the feast of the Transfiguration of our Lord. This feast commemorates our Lord's transfiguration before his disciples on Mt. Tabor. In His Transfiguration He reveals His glory to the disciples. In Him they (and we) now see for themselves the glory of God present in the person of Christ. We will celebrate with Vespers on Friday August 5th at 7:00 PM. Divine Liturgy for the feast will be Saturday morning August 6th at 9:00 AM followed by the blessing of the first fruits.

Dormition Fast - August 1st through August 15th - 07/31/16

The Theotokos, the Virgin Mary, was “blessed amongst women,” and she was chosen “to bear the Savior of our souls.” Orthodox Christians consider her to be the Queen of all the saints and angels. Knowing that she is eternally present at the throne of God interceding for mankind, we pray for her love, guidance, and protection. Every year the Orthodox Church sets aside the first fourteen days of August in honor of the Virgin Mary. This fast period peaks on August 15th, when the Church gathers to celebrate the great feast of the Dormition (Falling-Asleep) of the Theotokos. The fourth and final fasting season of the Church year is the Dormition Fast. This fast begins August 1st and lasts for two weeks until the Feast of the Dormition on August 15th .

Parish Council Meeting - August 11th - 07/30/16

Our August parish council meeting will be held Thursday, August 11th at 7:00 PM.

Feast of the Dormition of the Theotokos - August 15th - 07/30/16

The feast commemorates her glorification and salvation in Jesus Christ. Fr. John Hopko says that, "the feast of the Dormition is the sign, the guarantee, and the celebration that Mary's fate is, the destiny of all those of "low estate" whose souls magnify the Lord, whose spirits rejoice in God the Saviour, whose lives are totally dedicated to hearing and keeping the Word of God which is given to men in Mary's child, the Saviour and Redeemer of the world". According to tradition, while in prayer, an angel appeared to the Theotokos telling her that she would leave this world. As a token and promise that her Son awaited, the angel gave her a branch with flowers from Eden. So on this day in honor of the greatest flower of womanhood, and the first to receive the promise of the awaiting kingdom, flowers are brought for blessing. We will celebrate this feast with Vespers on Sunday, August 14th at 7:00 PM and Divine Liturgy on Monday, August 15th at 9:00 AM followed by the blessing of flowers and seed.

Parish Office to be Closed - 07/16/16

The parish office will be closed from Sunday afternoon July 17th through Saturday July 30th.  See Parish News for details.

Parish Office to be Closed - 07/16/16

The parish office will be closed from Sunday afternoon July 17th through Saturday July 30th. Any parish concerns should be directed to Fr. Dn James Carpenter or Jeff Kendall.  Also any parish emergencies requiring a priest should be directed to Fr. Dn. James at (609) 202-4255.

Lots Happening on July 17th - 07/10/16

There will be an all parish meeting and a blessing of the vehicles on July 17th after Divine Liturgy.  See the Parish News page for details.

All Parish Meeting - 07/10/16

We will have an all parish meeting on Sunday July 17 during coffee hour. The purpose of the meeting is to decide on the church air conditioner repair.   

Blessing of the Vehicles - 07/10/16

Following the Liturgy today, in honor of the feast of the Prophet Elijah (July 20th) who ascended as if into heaven in a fiery chariot, we will offer the prayers for the blessing of vehicles. All vehicles welcome.

National and Diocesan Assessments - 07/09/16

Reminder: For those of you that were paying your National and Diocesan Assessments on a quarterly basis, this is just a midyear reminder for paying those assessments. The yearly assessment is $160 per adult or $40 per quarter. We have envelopes in the Narthex for your use or you can just make a notation on your check referencing the assessments. Thank you for your continued support.

St. Tikhon’s Annual Golf Outing - August 20th - 07/08/16

This year's annual golf outing at St Tikhon's will be on Saturday, August 20 at Jack Frost National Golf Course. If you are interested in playing, we have a signup sheet in the Narthex. The cost is anticipated to again be $100 per golfer. If you have any questions, contact Jim Riley.

Ninth Day Panikhida for Arsenius Peck - 07/04/16

There will be a ninth day Panikhida for Arsenius Peck at 6:00 PM on Wednesday, July 6 at St. Michael's.

Ninth Day Panikhida for Arsenius Peck - 07/04/16

There will be a ninth day Panikhida for Arsenius Peck at 6:00 PM on Wednesday, July 6 at St. Michael's.

Parish Council Meeting This Week - 07/03/16

This month's Parish Council meeting is this Thursday evening (7/7) at 7:00 PM.

Study Group on Summer Break - 07/03/16

Study Group will be on summer break during the month of July.  See Parish News.

Parish Council Meeting - 07/03/16

Just a reminder that we will have our July Parish Council meeting this Thursday evening (7/7) at 7:00 PM.

Summer Reading Table - 07/02/16

There is a new library table put out for your summer reading.  Take a book with you on vacation or to the beach.  Wherever the summer takes you, take a book!

Study Group Summer Break - 07/02/16

Please note our study group will begin our summer break during the month of July. Thanks to all who continue to help make the study group a blessed time for everyone.. We will resume late summer with the study of The Ladder of Divine Ascent.

Arsenius Peck Funeral - 06/29/16

The funeral service for Arsenius Peck, Stephen and Maria's infant son, will take place Thursday, June 30th at 6:00 PM at Saint Michael's Church.

Arsenius Peck Funeral - 06/29/16

The funeral service for Arsenius Peck, Stephen and Maria's infant son, will take place Thursday, June 30th at 6:00 PM at Saint Michael's Church.

Vacation Church School - 06/18/16

We will be offering VCS on Monday, June 20th through Wednesday, June 22nd from 5:30 PM to 8:00 PM

  • Family Dinner: 5:30 - 6:00 PM
  • Activities, Crafts, Skits and more!  6:00 - 7:40 PM
  • Evening Prayer: 7:40 - 8:00 PM 

Join us!

Study Group - 06/17/16

This week our Study Group will meet on Thursday June 23rd from 10 AM to noon. We will be finishing our study of 2nd Corinthians.  This will be our last meeting before the start of summer break.

Please note that our study group will begin our summer break starting June 30th. Thanks to all who continue to help make the study group a blessed time for all.

Proactive Supervision - 06/12/16

Last week Fr. Barnabas participated in the diocesan continuing education program.  The program was offered by representatives of our diocesan insurance company.  Participants learned and discussed, at length, the liability issues facing our churches today.  The approach that is strongly encouraged by the diocese to address potential liabilities is to be proactive.  This includes being aware of our responsibility as a parish for good order, practice, and safety. Some things may just require common sense. Others requires us to strictly adhere to our parish bylaws and diocesan bylaws and church statutes.

A significant and growing source of liability for churches today concerns our children.  Leaving children unsupervised or unattended can lead to our children coming to harm and to our church being subject to legal action and financial damages.  So parents, please, please, supervise your children at all times. This includes all youth 17 and under. 

Remember, we can protect the church from liability by doing the infinitely more important job of protecting our children from harm.

Also, as a reminder to all, please click the "more information>" link to the right for information on proper church etiquette.  Let's take the time to review these and renew our efforts to adhere to them.  By doing so, we will enhance everyone’s experience of the divine services. 

The Ascension of Our Lord - 06/05/16

On the fortieth day after the resurrection Jesus ascended into heaven to be glorified on the right hand of God (Acts 1.9–11; Mk 16.19; Lk24.51). The ascension of Christ is His final physical departure from this world after the resurrection. It is the formal completion of His mission in this world as the Messianic Savior. The ascension itself is not to be understood as though it were simply the supernatural event of a man floating up and away into the skies. The holy scripture stresses Christ’s physical departure and His glorification with God the Father, together with the great joy which His disciples had as they received the promise of the Holy Spirit Who was to come to assure the Lord’s presence with them, enabling them to be His witnesses to the ends of earth.

The celebration of the feast of Ascension will begin this Wednesday, June 8th at 7:00 PM with Vespers, and continue on Thursday, June 9th at 9:00 AM with Divine Liturgy. Join us! (Please note that this corrects what is in the paper calendar for June that was distributed earlier.)

June 9th Study Group - 06/05/16

The June 9th Study Group meeting normally scheduled for 10:00 AM will begin immediately after Divine Liturgy.

All Parish Meeting - 06/05/16

We will have our semi-annual All Parish Meeting on Sunday, June 12th during the coffee hour. Please be sure to be there!

Vacation Church School - 06/05/16

We will be offering VCS on Monday, June 20th through Wednesday, June 22nd from 5:30 PM to 8:00 PM.

Any and all volunteers would be appreciated! Please sign up in the Narthex to help.

Study Group Continues - 05/07/16

Our study group will resume this Thursday, May12th at 10 AM. Over the next few weeks we hope to finish with 2nd Corinthians and then return to our study of The Ladder of Divine Ascent. Join us!

Vacation Church School Meeting - 05/07/16

We will have a Vacation Church School Meeting on Sunday, May 15th prior to coffee hour. We are asking all parents who are interested in having a Late June VCS to attend and share in this work.

Perogie Making for Rummage Sale - 05/07/16

On Tuesday, May 17th we will be making perogies for our Rummage Sale. Any and all help would be welcome. We will start at 9:00 AM. See you there!

Rummage Sale Update - 05/07/16

Our Rummage Sale will be held on Saturday, May 21st from 8:00 AM - 4:00 PM. Alice Morjana is coordinating a bake table and we are asking for donations of homemade baked goods. We will also be selling hot dog platters and other goodies during the sale so please stop by to browse the sale items and to have lunch.

We have lots to do to make this event a success!

  • Sunday, May 15th after coffee hour - Stack and move chairs to the sides of the hall.
  • During the week of May 16th - Prepare and set up the hall for the sale and to unbox, sort, and price donated items.
  • Saturday, May 21st after the yard sale, and during the week of May 22nd - Box up leftovers that will then go to a charitable organization.

If you can help any of these times, please coordinate with Susan Skomorucha.  Remember, many hands make light work!

Rummage sale item donations can be brought to and left in the church hall. Please place donated items in the rear right side of the hall so as not to interfere with our use of the fellowship hall and bookstore during our coffee hours. Thank you.

Holy Friday Archbishop MARK to Visit - 04/25/16

On Holy Friday, April 29th, His Eminence Archbishop MARK will join us for both Holy Friday Vespers in the afternoon and Matins in the evening. It is a great honor to share this holy day with our Arch-pastor and bishop. Please be sure to attend!

Blessing of Baskets - 04/25/16

The ancient Christian practice of blessing food before it is eaten took on a new dimension in Slavic Orthodox lands at the celebration of the great Feast of Pascha. Customarily, foods from which one was fasting would be brought to the Church for blessing by the priest after Paschal Liturgy. We continue this tradition, and encourage everyone to prepare a basket of Paschal foods for blessing. Traditionally, this includes bread with a candle, eggs, butter, cheese, kielbasa and other meats. Cultural variations (such as chocolates or other foods and breads) are also most suitable for Pascha baskets. Food baskets should be brought to the parish hall before services begin on Pascha night to be blessed immediately following Paschal Liturgy.

Pascha Flowers - 04/25/16

Due to Pascha's May 1st date this year, we will not be able to order lilies for the tomb. We will, of course, have a beautiful spring floral display. We will be accepting flower fund donations with or without memorials. The slips are in the narthex. Those who give donations may choose a plant to take home after Pascha. Plants will also be delivered to shut-ins and any left will be available for planting in the church beds. Thank you for your understanding.

No Study Groups During Holy Week and Bright Week - 04/25/16

Our Study Groups will take a break during Holy Week and Bright Week. We will resume on Thursday May12th at 10 AM.

Spring Rummage Sale May 21st - 04/25/16

We have set a date of Saturday, May 21 for our Spring rummage sale. Please begin setting aside any of your attic treasures of clothes, household items, furniture, knick knacks, etc. Also, please save the date as we can use your help anytime before, during, and after the sale. It's fun to help with the sale and it helps to build relationships in our community and among our parishioners, all while raising money for St. Michael's. Further details will be provided as we get closer to May.

Holy Week Cleanup - 04/10/16

In preparation for Holy Week and Pascha we will have a parish wide cleanup on Saturday April 16 starting at 9:00 AM.

Come help!  Many hands make light work!

Ladder of Divine Ascent Study Group - 04/10/16

During the season of Great Lent Father Barnabas will be offering a Study group Thursday mornings at 10 a.m. We will also offer on Friday evenings following the Akathist a study and discussion group on St. John Climacus’ The Ladder of Divine Ascent. Please make plans on joining us on Thursday mornings and Friday evening following services

Lenten Mission Vespers - 04/10/16

Saint Michael's will be hosting a Lenten Mission Vespers on Sunday, April 17th at 4:00 pm. We will need assistance with food preparation, table setup and cleanup. We are planning a simple, limited menu in large quantity, as this is usually a well-attended service.

Please contact Alice Morjana at 302.588.5836 or email at alusakm@aol.com to let her know how you can help!

First Parish Council Meeting of 2011 - 01/16/11

The first Parish Council Monthly Meeting of this year will be on Wednesday, January 19 at 6:30pm.

Parish Directory Updates - 01/16/11

The 2011 Parish Directory will be printed in the first week of February. Please make any corrections or changes to your contact information in the copy located in the narthex by Sunday, January 30. A sponsor is needed to help defray the cost of printing the directory (estimated cost approximately $250). If you are able to sponsor, please see Fr. James or Michael Sensor.

Retreat on Church Growth led by Fr. Alexander Atty + Jan. 22 - 01/16/11

St. Michael's will be hosting a Philadelphia Deanery Retreat on Saturday, January 22, 2011 presented by Fr. Alexander Atty with the theme “Revitalize: A Retreat on Church Growth and Administration”. Everyone is invited to attend (Parish Council especially). The retreat begins at 1:00 pm.

Youth Activity Committee - 01/16/11

Silvana Poletaev and Juliana Bunitsky are forming a committee to plan youth activity here at St. Michael's.  If you are interested in being on that comittee, could you please e-mail Juliana Bunitsky at jbunitsky@verizon.net or Silvana Poletaev at silvanaop@comcast.net.  Also, if you have a child or teen interested in youth-group type activity, please e-mail Juliana or Silvana with your child's name and age, so we can begin to get an idea of who is interested in participating.

Church Icon Project - 11/14/10

Saints galore.  Every time we enter our temple we are greeted by a cloud of witnesses: those saints written on the icons which surround us, who are waiting for our return and yet journey with us when we leave. 

If anyone would like to write up a short biography of their patron saint and/or favorite saints, please do so and leave it in the marked folder in the narthex. Thank you. - Caroline Humphrey  

Please include:

1. Name of saint, birth/death dates if possible, and country

2. A brief biography

3. A famous quote, if available

4. Any interesting items depicted on the icon

5. Location within the temple:  which wall/pillar etc. 

Church School Resumes 11/28/10 - 11/14/10

On Sunday 11/28/10, at 8:00 am, in the new fellowship hall we will begin Church School! We feel with the Nativity approaching, it is appropriate to begin by preparing for our annual play while also doing a Nativity project. A Church School sign up sheet is in the Narthex. Parent’s please take a few minutes to enroll all our young actors and actresses. Teenagers and Young Adults not wishing to act in the play may participate by assisting with the play or helping the students with their projects. Together we can make our first performance in the new hall and our Church School Ministry huge successes! 

Parish Retreat - 11/07/10

The Parish Retreat will be held on Saturday, December 11, 2010 starting at 12:30 pm. (Please note the date change) The topic will be ‘VISION’: Fr. James and Michael Sensor will be the presenters. We are asking for at least one spokesperson from each ministry, group or organization to attend with the understanding that the entire parish is requested to attend and participate. Vespers on this day will not be at a set time, but rather be held at the conclusion of the retreat.

Orthodox Christian Fellowship Annual Retreat with Metropolitan JONAH - 10/8/10 through 10/10/10 - 09/20/10

Please plan on joining the University of Delaware Orthodox Christian Fellowship for its Annual Retreat with Metropolitan JONAH from October 8 to October 10, 2010. The following is the tentative schedule of events. For more information, or to confirm your attendance, please contact Joanna Carey.

Friday, Oct 8th 7 p.m. - assemble in Ewing Room in Perkins Student Center for ice breakers and introductory remarks

Saturday, Oct. 9th 9 a.m. - assemble in Ewing Room for short morning prayers
                          10 a.m. - noon - talks with Met. Jonah and discussion
                           Lunch on Main St.

                           1 - 4 PM talks, discussions and activities

                           5 PM - vespers at St. Michael's Orthodox Church
                           Dinner at St. Michael's

Sunday, Oct. 10th 9 a.m. - Hierarchical Divine Liturgy
                           Lunch out and farewells

Celebration of the Blessing of St. Michael's New Social hall - 10/10/2010 - 08/01/10

On Sunday, October 10, 2010, St. Michael's new Social Hall will be blessed by Bishop TIKHON and Metropolitan JONAH after a Hierarchical Divine Liturgy, followed by a banquet in the Social Hall in commemoration of the 95th anniversary of St. Michael's parish. Tickets to the event are sold out!

Bishop TIKHON to visit St. Michael's on June 27, 2010 - 06/06/10

His Grace, Bishop TIKHON of Philadelphia and Eastern Pennsylvania will visit our parish on June 27, 2010 for Fr. Andrew's last Divine Liturgy and farewell luncheon. Please join us to greet His Grace and say good-bye to Fr. Andrew!

Diocese of Eastern Pennsylvania Summer Lecture Series - 06/06/10

This summer, the Diocese of Eastern Pennsylvania will be hosting a series of lectures given by His Grace, Bishop TIKHON. While the series will be given to a live audience, it will also be broadcast live on the internet which will allow individuals to watch from the comfort of their homes or for groups to gather at their local parish or coffeehouse where wireless internet is available. Viewers may interact with His Grace via the chat box feature to ask questions relevant to the topic being discussed.

For this series, His Grace will be discussing the Book of Jonah. The first lecture will provide a brief overview of the book and present some basic Orthodox Christian principles for the interpretation of Holy Scripture. Subsequent lectures will address each of the chapters of the book of Jonah.

The first two lectures will be offered on the following dates and times:

Wednesday, June 9th at 7pm (South Canaan, exact location TBA)
Saturday, June 19th at 7pm (Holy Apostles Mission, Mechanicsburg)

Fr. James Weremedic appointed as Acting Rector of St. Michael's - 06/01/10

His Grace, Bishop TIKHON has appointed Fr. James Weremedic as the Acting Rector of St. Michael the Archangel Orthodox Church, effective July 1, 2010.

Fr. James previously served as the Rector of Holy Annunciation Orthodox Church in Berwick, PA from 2001 to 2008, and then as Interim Rector of Holy Resurrection Serbian Orthodox Church in Lebanon, PA from 2008 to 2009. Fr. James will celebrate his first Divine Liturgy at St. Michael's on July 4, 2010.

Please join us in welcoming Fr. James and his family to our parish!

Lenten Retreat in Souderton, PA - 2/27/10 - 02/06/10

Bishop-Elect (of New York/New Jersey) Fr. Michael Dahulich, Ph.D., will give a Lenten Retreat at St. Philip's Antiochian Church, (1970 Clearview Road, Souderton, PA 18964), Saturday, Feb. 27th. Theme: "The Orthodox Way", addressing issues such as spiritual disciplines (monastic vs. lay); following the Fathers vs. free-thinking rationalism; evangelism in Orthodoxy. No Cost. Offering will be collected. Call ahead for a head-count for food: 215-721-4947

Meatfare Luncheon Postponed - 02/06/10

Our Meatfare Luncheon has been postponed until NEXT WEEK, due to the snow storm. So...the Meatfare food and the Cheesefare food will be combined for a BIG PRE-LENTEN Luncheon on Sunday, Feb. 14th, 2010. (Please observe the meat fast this week.)

Schedule of Upcoming Lenten Mission Vespers in the Diocese of Eastern Pennsylvania - 02/02/10

Mission Vespers Schedule:

Feb 28, St. Gregory Palamas Sunday, Holy Trinity OCA Church,  Mervine & Juniper Sts., Pottstown, PA

March 7, Holy Cross Sunday, Holy Trinity OCA Church, 1023 5th St., Catasauqua, PA

March 14, St. John Climacus Sunday, St Michael's (Russian(, 4th & Fairmont, Philadelphia

March 21, St. Mary of Egypt Sunday, St. Herman's OCA Church, 1855 Middletown Rd, Gradyville, PA

Lenten Lecture in Baltimore - 2/13/2010 - 02/01/10

His Eminence, Metropolitan Kallistos of Kokleia (Timothy Ware) will be giving a lecture on the topic of "Preparation for Our Paschal Pilgrimage" at St. Mark Orthodox Church, in Bethesda, MD, on Sat. Feb. 13th, 2010, beginning at 12:30pm. The following day, on Sunday, February 14th, Divine Liturgy will be co-celebrated with his Beatitude Metropolitan JONAH. For more details, please call (301) 229-6300.

Lenten Retreat in Baltimore - 3/20/10 - 02/01/10

16th Annual Lenten Retreat by Greek Orthodox Cathedral of the Annunciation in Baltimore, MD, will be held on Sat. March 20th, 2010, with retreat master, Fr. Theodore Dorrance and a special concert by Eikona, the nationally famous Orthodox chanting trio. For more information, go to www.goannun.org and click on "2010 Retreat" or email jeannetsakalos @hotmail.com or call at (410) 252-6021.

Middle School & High School Lenten Retreat - 2/20/10 - 02/01/10

Middle School & High School Lenten Retreat: St. Herman's OCA Church in Gradyville, PA. Feb. 20, 2010 (9am - 3pm) [snow date: Feb 27] Breakfast/discussions led by Fr. Perich and Deacon Edwards/ "Journey through Orthodoxy" activity/lunch/community service project/ and bowling at Sproul Lanes. RSVP by Monday, Feb. 15 at erin_lynch@verizon.net or call 302-354-5134.

Parishioner Survey - 02/01/10

Parish Council President Michael Sensor has a PARISHIONER SURVEY for everyone to fill out. IT is VERY SIMPLE. Please fill it out and give it back to Michael Sensor (or leave it in Fr. Andrew's mail slot on the Candle Desk). Due back Feb 14th, 2010.

St. Michael's Annual Lenten Retreat - 3/6/10 - 01/31/10

St. Michael's Annual Sisterhood-sponsored Lenten Retreat: Saturday, March 6th, 2010, 1:00pm to 5:00pm. Dr. Paul Witek will speak on the theme of "Evangelizing with Humility". $10/adult. $5/student 12 and up. $5/senior. Please sign up in Candle room.

50 IOCC Health Kits for Haiti - 01/17/10

 Bishop TIKHON, in his press release (see bulletin board) has urged us to support the Metropolitan's above special IOCC collection. In ADDITION, Bishop TIKHON has asked that our parish (especially its organizations--Sisterhood, Brotherhood, Sunday School, OCF, etc.) would set a parish GOAL of making 50 IOCC Health Kits or Buckets. See website info: http://www.iocc.org/kidspage/healthkit_frameset.aspx and/or http://www.iocc.org/kidspage/bucket_frameset.aspx.

Food Collection Drive for St. Tikhon's Seminary - 01/17/10

As Lent approaches, we are collecting non-perishable foods for our seminary students.  They must eat too.  Please see bulletin insert. Place your purchases in the Green Plastic Bin in front of the Library Bookcase. See Ellen Gundersen for more information.

Mortgage for New Building - 01/01/10

WE NOW HAVE A MORTGAGE. You are welcome to make a pledge (put the yellow card into the white box in the coatroom). Thank you!

Food Festival Cooking and Baking - 10/13/09

We will be making food the entire week of November 2-November 6, starting at 9am, in preparation for our food take-out sale on November 7. Please come by if you are able to help. 

Also, please sign up to bake your favorite desserts for the sale if you are available. A sign-up sheet is in the narthex.

Fundraising Dinner for Assumption of the Holy Virgin Orthodox Church - 10/01/09

Assumption of the Holy Virgin Orthodox Church at 28th Street and Snyder Avenue in Philadelphia 

will hold a gourmet Italian fundraising dinner, "An Afternoon in Venice", on Saturday, November 
14, 2009 from 2pm to 5pm. Donations are $25 per person in advance or $30 at the door. 
For more information, please visit the church's website or contact Jane Kelly at (610) 355-2491.

Holy Apostles Orthodox Mission Annual Dinner Dance & Silent Auction - 10/01/09

Holy Apostles Orthodox Mission in Mechanicsburg, PA will be hosting its annual dinner dance and silent auction next Sunday, November 1 with His Beatitude, Metropolitan JONAH and His Grace, Bishop TIKHON. Music will be by the tamburitza band Sviraj from Steelton, PA.

Tickets are $50 per adult or $10 per child. Please contact organizers Mary and Steve Sak at (717) 691-7261 or email marysak (at) comcast.net. Copies of the event flyer and book are on the bulletin board downstairs.

St. Athanasius Antiochian Orthodox Church Fundraising Dinner - 10/01/09

St. Athanasius Antiochian Orthodox Church in Claymont, DE will be holding a fundraising dinner on Saturday, November 7, 2009 at 7pm. Please contact Mrs. Samira Khoury at (302) 475-7578 for more information.

Weekly Construction Meetings - 09/14/09

Weekly construction meetings with our builder, ICS, will be held at 4:30 p.m. every Thursday.

Sunday School - 09/13/09

Sunday School begins September 20, 2009. Enrollment sheets are in the narthex. If you have not yet signed up your child, please do so - we need to know the number of students in order to purchase texbooks.

Junior Choir Practice - 09/10/09

The next junior choir practice will take place on Saturday, September 19, 2009 at 4:00 p.m. in the church basement. For more information, please see Junior Choir Director Paula Daubert or email her at daubert3<at>yahoo.com.

Construction has begun! - 09/05/09

It's official - construction has begun on St. Michael's building project! Bulldozers arrived at the church on Saturday, September 5, 2009, and the construction managers have begun to "stake out" our site. Keep watching!

OCF Fall Retreat and Hierarchical Visit from Bishop TIKHON - 09/01/09

The University of Delaware Orthodox Christian Fellowship will host the OCF Annual Fall Retreat from October 16-18, 2009. Bishop TIKHON of the Diocese of Philadelphia and Eastern Pennsylvania will participate in the Retreat.

His Grace will also pay an hierarchical visit to St. Michael's on October 17-18 and will participate in Vespers and a Hierarchical Divine Liturgy. 

Panera Bread - posted - 04/26/09

A great quantity of bread is available for parishioners to take out from the church, courtesy of the Panera Bread store located at 5601 Concord Pike in Wilmington. Also, St. Michael's has been booked for the rest of the year for bread pickup from this store. Volunteers to pick up bread for each Sunday's coffee hour are needed. Coffee hour hosts/hostesses should make arrangements to get their bread from Panera. Please call them at (302) 477-9880 if you need directions to their store.

Building meeting - April 27, 2009 - posted - 04/17/09

The Building Committee will meet with our architect and civil engineer to discuss our building program on Monday, April 27, 2009 at 6:30 p.m.

Blessing of Graves - April 29 - 04/02/09

Blessing of Graves will be held on Wednesday, April 29 during the day. If you have a loved one whose grave needs to be blessed, please call Father Andrew.


Annual Pilgrimage to St. Tikhon's Monastery - May 25 - 04/01/09

Our annual pilgrimage to St. Tikhon's Monastery will be held on Monday, May 25 - Memorial Day.

Basics of Orthodoxy class - April 30 - 04/01/09

Basics of Orthodoxy class will be held this Thursday, April 30 at 7pm.

Building Committee Meeting - April 27, 2009 - 04/01/09

The Building Committee will meet with our architect and civil engineer to discuss our building program on Monday, April 27, 2009 at 6:30 p.m.

Dover Outreach - April 28 - 04/01/09

Dover Outreach will be held on Tuesday, April 28 at 10:30 a.m. at Helen McNally's home in Harrington. 

Fr. Peter Gillquist at St. Stephen's Cathedral in Philadelphia - 04/01/09

Fr. Peter Gillquist will be in Philadelphia, this Thursday, April 30 at St. Stephen Orthodox Cathedral in Philadelphia, as part of a 5-stop lecture tour he is giving in our diocese. 

The lecture will start at 7:00 pm, preceded by a Vespers service at 6:30 p.m. The subject of the lecture will be "Why Evangelical Christians Are Becoming Orthodox." 

If you need a ride to the church, or if you can offer a ride, please contact Father Andrew.

Fr. Peter helped lead a nationwide group of 2,000 evangelical Protestants into the Orthodox Christian Church in 1987. He received his formal religious training at Dallas Theological Seminary and Wheaton College, and went on to become a regional director with Campus Crusade for Christ. In the late 1960s he and several colleagues dropped out of Crusade and began a search for the first century Church. Their journey eventually took them and 2,000 others to Orthodox Christianity. Fr. Peter is now in charge of Church growth and new mission development for the Antiochian Orthodox Christian Archdiocese of North America. Fr. Peter is also an author of such books as "Love is Now", "The Physical Side of Being Spiritual", "Designed For Holiness" and "Becoming Orthodox".

Parish Council Meeting - April 29 - 04/01/09

A Parish Council meeting will be held this Wednesday, April 29 at 7 pm.

Volunteers Needed for Vacation Bible School - 04/01/09

Vacation Bible School is June 22-26. This week is always memorable for our children. Please pray and consider helping out for some hours this year. Please let Father know in what areas and times you would be available. Thank you.

Volunteers Needed to Cut Grass - 04/01/09

The grass is growing and it needs to be cut! Please sign up in the narthex for the week you think you would be available to cut the grass. The church is looking forward to the new construction of the social hall, as a result of which there will be less grass to cut; however, there are still some areas of our property which need immediate attention. Your volunteerism will save the church hundreds of dollars in hiring out this work. At this stage of our building program, we need to save money wherever we can. Thank you!

Blessing of Graves - posted - 04/01/09

Blessing of Graves will be held on Wednesday, April 29 during the day. If you have a loved one whose grave needs to be blessed, please call Father Andrew.

Dover Outreach - posted - 04/01/09

Dover Outreach will be held on Tuesday, April 28 at 10:30 a.m. at Helen McNally's home in Harrington. 

Lenten Retreat - March 14, 2009 - 03/01/09

St. Michael's parish will host a Lenten Retreat on Saturday, March 14, 2009, hosted by Fr. John and Matushka Eugenia Nehrebecki. For more information, please contact Father Andrew.

St. Tikhon's Summer Camp - 03/01/09

St. Tikhon's Summer Camp will be held from Sunday, July 5 to

Saturday, July 15. To guarantee a place, you must have your
reservations in by June 1. The theme this year will be "Sacred
Vessels: What are they, and where are they to be found?" 
Copies of the counselor/staff member and camper application 
forms are available in the narthex. Please be sure to have your child's
Medical Release Form signed by their family doctor.

February Parish Council Meeting - 02/17/09

A parish council meeting will be held this Tuesday, February 19 at 7pm.

5/4/08: St. Thomas Day Luncheon - 04/20/08

St. Thomas Day Luncheon will be held on May 4, 2008. Please see the sign-up sheet in the narthex or Debby Hines. Donations will also be collected.

3/8/08: Choir Practice - 03/01/08

Choir Practice will be held on Saturday, March 8 at 3:30 pm.

3/8/08: Duquesne University Tamburitzans - 03/01/08

The Tamburitzans, the internationally-renowned Eastern European folk music and dance ensemble from Duquesne University in Pittsburgh, are coming to Wilmington this Saturday, March 8, at 3pm. They will be playing at the Archmere Academy Theater. Please call (302) 798-4455 or (302) 798-9283 for tickets, which are $25 for adults and $15 for students. This event is sponsored by Ss. Peter and Paul Ukrainian Orthodox Church.

3/24/08: Mission Vespers - 02/17/08

Mission Vespers will be held here at St. Michael’s on Sunday, March 23rd, at 4:00pm. Orthodox Christians from Philadelphia and Wilmington will visit to pray with us. Fr. Timothy Hojnicki of the Holy Apostles Orthodox Mission in Mechanicsburg, PA (and a son of St. Michael's) will be the guest homilist. His Grace, Bishop TIKHON and guest clergy will be present. We also expect Fr. Athanasy Mastalski to bring the myrrh-streaming Icon of St. Anna of Philadelphia to St. Michael's for veneration during the service.

The Sisterhood asks your help in preparing Lenten dessert plates, making the pierogies and serving the food. Sign-up sheet for prepared desserts is in the narthex. See Alice Morjana for more details.

3/7/08: Russian pre-Lent film "The Island" - 02/17/08

An inspirational Russian pre-Lent movie, The Island, will be viewed at the Fox residence on Friday, March 7 at 7pm. Please sign up if you plan to attend. It will get you into Lent!

3/9/08: Cheesefare Luncheon - 02/17/08

The Sisterhood will host a Cheesefare Luncheon on Cheesefare Sunday, March 9.

Choir Practice - 02/17/08

Choir practice for Bishop TIKHON's upcoming visit will be held on Saturday, February 23 at 3:30 pm.

Meatfare Luncheon - 02/17/08

The Brotherhood will host a Meatfare luncheon on Meatfare Sunday, March 2. Cooks are needed!

OCF Eastern Church Conference - 02/17/08

The OCF Eastern Church Conference will take place in Philadelphia this Saturday, February 23. Five different OCFs from various Eastern colleges will attend this conference.

Pierogie Baking - 02/17/08

Pierogie baking will be held this Tuesday, February 19 at 9am. The piergies made will be used for meals at the March 23 Mission Vespers and the March 29 Lenten Retreat. Please come help!

Congratulations - Posted - 02/17/08

Congratulations on the birth of the newborn baby Elizabeth, daughter of Dr. Nader and Rania Dababneh, born yesterday at Union Hospital in Elkton. Both mother and baby are doing well.

New Orthodox Study Bible - Posted - 02/17/08

The new Orthodox Study Bible from Concilar Press has arrived. Please obtain your pre-ordered copy from the bookstore.

2008 Parish Directory now available - Posted - 02/17/08

The 2008 Parish Directory is now available in the narthex. Apologies in advance for any errors or omissions. If you see a necessary correction, please notify Father Andrew or Matushka.

3/29/08: Lenten Retreat - 02/14/08

Mother Barbara and Sister Vicki— Orthodox Nuns from Holy Transfiguration Orthodox Monastery— in Elwood City, PA, will come to lead an all-day Lenten Retreat here at St. Michael’s on Saturday, March 29. The Theme of the retreat will be "The Lenten Spring has Sprung"--"Practical Steps to a Life in Christ" and “Breathing New Life into Our Souls". For moms, dads, singles, and youth (ages 10+up). Donations towards defraying the cost of the Retreat will be accepted. Please earmark your check.

Ladies Night Out - 02/10/08

Ladies Night Out will be held on Friday, Feb. 22nd at Sofrito Restaurant on Kirkwood Highway near Polly Drummond Hill Road. Location and time will be determined. Please sign-up on the sheet in the narthex so that we can have a head count. This is the fast-free Friday before Lent.

Cleaning and Prosphora Baking - Posted - 02/10/08

We need extra families for Cleaning & Phosphora baking in 2008. Please see Matushka.

2008 Parish Directory - Posted - 02/10/08

This is the final week that the draft 2008 Parish Directory will be available for your review. Please make your final corrections. It is in the narthex. Volunteers are needed next Saturday night after Vespers to compile the directory. Next Sunday, the new directory will be released, Lord willing.

Sisterhood meeting - Posted - 02/10/08

A Sisterhood Meeting will be held next Sunday, Feb. 17th.

Gertrude Hawk candy sales - Posted - 02/10/08

Deadline for Gertrude Hawk candy sales is next Sunday, Feb. 17th. Turn your orders in then. Checks should be made payable to “St. Michael’s”. Candies will be available for pickup on Sunday, March 16th, in time for Western Easter. Thank you all for your support!

Boxed Collection Envelopes - Posted - 02/03/08

If you wanted a set of boxed envelopes and were not assigned one, we have extras. Please ask the Treasurer, James Carpenter, for your set. (Or ask Jon Whalen, Financial Secretary; or ask Fr. Andrew)

Membership Assessments - Posted - 01/01/08

Membership Assessments for the Central Administration and Diocese (these monies fund the bishop's office, not St. Michael’s parish) for 2008 are a total of $142 per adult. Envelopes in the candle room are being distributed to everyone. Please pick up yours. Thank you.

Sisterhood Meeting - August 30

You are cordially invited to a very brief mini-meeting of the Sisterhood, to be held on Sunday, August 30, during coffee hour.
Topic for discussion: 
CD Renewal through RBO
Fall projects for the Sisterhood

St. Michael's Ethnic Food Take Out

St. Michael's Ethnic Food Take Out will be held on Saturday, November 7th from 9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.  (Our yearly in-house Food Festival will not take place due to construction on the church premises.)

A variety of ethnic foods such as potato, cheese, or sauerkraut perogies, peroshki, halupki, halushki, borscht soup, and chili will be available for takeout purchases only.  Please bring containers for large orders.  

For additional information, please call 302-737-4579.

A Look Ahead

This Week's Schedule

Monday, March 3rd

Great Compline with the

Canon of St. Andrew of Crete

at 6:00 p.m.



Tuesday, March 4th

Great Compline with the 

Canon of St. Andrew of Crete

at 6:00 p.m.


Wednesday, March 5th

Ninth Hour

at 8:45 a.m.

Presanctified Liturgy

at 9:00 a.m.


Great Compline with the

Canon of St. Andrew of Crete

at 6:00 p.m.


Thursday, March 6th

Great Compline with the

Canon of St. Andrew of Crete

at 6:00 p.m.


Friday, March 7th

Ninth Hour

at 5:45 p.m.

Presanctified Liturgy

at 6:00 p.m.


Saturday, March 8th

St. Theodore


at 8:40 a.m.

Divine Liturgy

at 9:00 a.m.


Great Vespers


at 5:00 p.m.

followed by



Sunday, March 9th

Sunday of Orthodoxy


at 8:00 a.m.

Divine Liturgy with Icon Procession

at 9:00 a.m.


followed by



Mission Talk

at 3:00 p.m.


Important Dates

Tuesday, March 25th

Annunciation of the Most Holy Theotokos


The Mission of The Orthodox Church in America, the local autocephalous Orthodox Christian Church, is to be faithful in fulfilling the commandment of Christ to “Go into all the world and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit…”

Learn More >

St. Michael's is part of the Diocese of Eastern Pennsylvania, which is presided over by The Most Reverend Mark (Maymon), Archbishop of Philadelphia and Eastern Pennsylvania. Our mission is bringing the joy of Christ's resurrection to those who have never heard the Good News, and to strengthen and encourage the faithful who reside within Wilmington and the local area. 

More Information >


The Holy Scripture is a collection of books written over multiple centuries by those inspired by God to do so. It is the primary witness to the Orthodox Christian faith, within Holy Tradition and often described as its highest point. It was written by the prophets and apostles in human language, inspired by the Holy Spirit, and collected, edited, and canonized by the Church.

Daily Readings >


Holiness or sainthood is a gift (charisma) given by God to man, through the Holy Spirit. Man's effort to become a participant in the life of divine holiness is indispensable, but sanctification itself is the work of the Holy Trinity, especially through the sanctifying power of Jesus Christ, who was incarnate, suffered crucifixion, and rose from the dead, in order to lead us to the life of holiness, through the communion with the Holy Spirit.

Today's Saints >


St. Michael the Archangel Orthodox Church
Wilmington, Delaware